10/28/1959October 28, 1959
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
was called to order in''-the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Wednesdgy,
October 28, 1959 at 8 :00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the
following were
Present: John F. Aberson
Joseph W. Koss
Harold L. Peterson
Maurice C. Petesch
Winston S.' Porter
Arno D. Wehle
Absent: None
and that a quroum was present
and in attendance at the meeting.
Mr. Thomas
Matthews, Village Attorney,
and Mr. Norris Stilphen, Village Manager,
also present.
On moiton by Trustee
Aberson, seconded by Trustee Koss,
Trustee Peterson
was appointed President pro
tem. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Trustee Koss,
seconded by Trustee Wehle, that reading
minutes of the regular Board
meeting held October 14, 1959 be dispensed
and approved as submitted.
Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Trustee Aberson, seconded
by Trustee
Kcs s,
that the Engineer for the Village
open bids for
water improvements. Motion
carried unanimously; whereupon M.r
Richard Baxter,
Engineer, opened and publicly
read bids, as follows:
Days to
Amount Cathodic Dual Riser
Com lete
Graver Tank &. Mfg. Co. $
192,821 1,985 3500
200 %;
Pittsburgh- DesMoines Steel
190,750 1,750 4,215
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.
185,570 1,800 4,010
175 %•
E. A. Meyer Co. $
Lake Bluff
Lewis Scully & Sons
Kuch & Watson
Lake Bluff
George D. Hardin
Peter Ciccone
Latrobe Engineering Co.
DesPlaines Engineering Co.
Thum Construction Co.
Trustee Aberson moved, seoonded by Trustee Koss, that bids be referred to
the Engineer for study and report. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance - Manager, An ordinance amending the Municipal Code by
Offices & Positions establishing the position and setting forth the
Mun. Code Amendment powers and duties of the Village Manager, and
10-59-60) creating certain administrative offices and
positions, was read by Trustee Aberson, and
discussed at length. Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Porter, that
Section 54 of the said ordinance be changed by creating the "office" of
Director of Finance, to be appointed by the President with the consent of
the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the motion be
tabled. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded:
Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson (3)
Nays: None (0)
The motion, failed to pass, there being no majority.
On Trustee Wehle's motion, with respect to the office of Director of
Finance, to be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board'of
Trustees, the following vote was recorded:
Ayes: Petesch, Porter, Wehle (3)
Nays: Koss, Abereon, Peterson (3)
Motion failed for lack of a majority.
Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that Section 75 of
the said ordinance be changed by stItking out the words "and he shall not be
a member of the Board of Health ". Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that Section 81 of
the said ordinance be deleted. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that Chapter 7,
Sections 83 -1 through 90 -3 be deleted from the said ordinance. Motion
carried unanimously..
Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that the ordinance
be adopted with then above changes. upon roll call, the following vote was
Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5)
Nays: Porter (1)
The ordinance was passed, Trustee Petesch. stating he would intorduce
an amendment to Section 54, Director of Finance at the next meeting.
East Lift Station Mr. STilphen Village Manager, reported on
Blietz -Nixon Sewer negotiations with Messrs. Blietz and Nixon
with respect to lowering the wet well at the
East lift station. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that
the matter be tabled until the Egnieer's report is received. Motioncarried
Ordinance - Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that
Wolfson -1137 Deerfield Rd. a variation be granted as requested by Mr.
(0-59-61) Melvin Wolfson, to permit the construction of
two multiple.family buildings on property known
as 1137:Deerfield Road. An ordinance was presented and read granting the
variation upon the condition that a parcel of rand be dedicated to the Village
for street purposes,, and the buildings be located 10 ft. farther north than
presently shown on"the application for a building permit. Objections to
the proposed street were expressed by owners of property in the immediate
vicinity. Trustee Koss moved, seconddd by Trustee Aberson, that the ordinance
be adopted. Trustee Porter then moved that the ordinance as read be changed
by deleting the phrase "upon the request of the Village of Deerfield' with
respect to the dedication of the tract for street purposes. Motion was
seconded by Trustee Koss, and carried unanimously. Upon roll call, oh the.
motion to adopt the ordinance granting the variation as stated above, the
following vote was recorded, and the ordinance adopted:
Ayes: Aberson, s Peterson, Porter (4)
Nays: Petesch, " (2)
Resolution - Not Opposed
To 6olf Course - Lake Cty.
rezoning to F- Farming and the
4)n the matter to be heard by
November 2, 1959. Adopted by
Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch,
that a resolution be adopted stating that the
Village of Deerfield is not opposed to the.
granting of a special permit for a Golf Course
the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals on
the following vote:
Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6)
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Petesch left the meeting.
Resolution Re: Trustee Koss moved,, seconded by Trustee Porter,
Forest Preserve that a resolution be adopted to be sent to the
County Board of Supervisors stating the Village's
approval of the general plans and efforts of the Lake County Forest Preserve
Committee. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Koss, Peterson, Porter (3)
Nays: Aberson, Wehle (2)
Ordinance - R -1 -A Zoning Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson,
B.A.R.E. When.Annexed that an ordinance be adopted amending the Zoning
(0--59-62) Ordinance by providing that the B.A.R.E. tract
shall become an R -1 -.A One- family District when and
if annexed to the Village. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Pouter, Wehle (5)
Nays: None (0) -
The question of immediate annexation was discussed briefly, and Trustee
Koss moved:tha3t the annexation ordinance be prepared subject to petition to
the Park District for annexation to said District. Motion failed for hack
of a second.
Ordinance - Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a
Deerfield State Bank variation be granted to the Deerfield State Bank
(0- 59 -63) to permit the construction of a Bank building
at 660 Deerfield Road with a.setback of 38 ft.
from the center line Pf Deerfield Road. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee
Aberson, that an ordinance be adopted granting said variation. ADopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Abereon, Koss, Peterson, Porter, Wehle (5)
Nays' None (0)
Underpinning Permit
Deerfield State Bank
permit to underpin the Ben
of the new Deerfield State
Motion carried unanimously
Trustee Koss moved, seconded by TRustee Aberson,
that the Board ratify the action taken by the
Building Commissioner in the issuance of a
Franklin STore in connectioar,with the construction
Bank building.
Alley Vacation A petition to vacate the East half of the alley
lying North of and parallel to Hazel Avenue
between Forest and Sheridan Avenues was discussed at length, :there being
several objectors. Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the
question of vacating said alley be tabled. Upon roll call, the following vote
was recorded:
Ayes: Porter, Wehle (2)
Nays: Abersog, Koss, Peterson (3)
The motion failed to carry, and request was made for the plat of the
alley for study by the Board.
Trustee Porter left the meeting.
Open Castlewood - Deerfield Trustee Aberson moved, seconded byTrustee Koss,
Intersection that the south end of Castelwood Drive be opened
to Deerfield Road, and the Chicago Coratruction
Company be authorized to proceed with the construction of payement to connect
with Deerfield Road pavement. ADopted by the following v ote:
Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Wehle (4)
Nays: None (0)
Alley Vacation Failed Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson,
that an ordinance be adopted vacating the East,
portion of the Alley lying north of Haxel Avenue between Forest and Sheridan
Avenues. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded:
Ayes: None (0)
Nays: Aberson, Koss, Peterson,Wehle (4)
Ordinance failed to pass.
Names of Bondholders T Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle,
that the Village Manager be authorized to sign
a letter in connection with the issuance of additional Sewer Revenue bonds,
authorizing A. C. Allyn & Co. to obtain the names of the holders-of Village
of Deerfield Sewer Revenue Bo nds.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution - Division of Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss,
Highways - Water Mains that a resolution be adopted authorizing appli-
cation to be mdde to the Divi'sion of Highways for
a.permit for the instillation of water mains on Deerfield and Waukegan Roads.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution Re: President Trustee Aberson moved;, seconded by Trustee Koss,
that the Resolution of the Chamber of Commerce
rqquesting the appointment of G. E. Holmquist as Village President be received
and filed.
Motion carried unanimously.
Policy Re: Solicitation of Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle,
Funds that a policy be established to refer all requests
for permits to solicit funds, except Poopy Day
and Doughnut Day, to the United Fund Committee.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ill. Mun, League Convention Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Koss,
that the Village Manager and any interested
Trustees be authorized to attend the Illinois Municipal League convention
in Springfield, all expenses indid�ental thereto to be paid by the Village.
Motion carried unanimously.
Central STandard Time Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by.Trustee Aberson,
that all Vtllage business be transacted on
Central Standard Time. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the meetnng, on motion
b y Trustee Koss, seconded by Trustee Wehle, the meeting was adjourned.
ATTEST: President pro tem
Village Clerk