12/12/19551 December 12, 1955 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was culled to order.by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, December 12, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: John D. Schneider, President Joseph W. Brown Carl J. Jaeger Hubert N. Kelley Maurice C. Yetesch Absent: Martha White Clark Raymond T. Meyer and that a quorum was present and in attendnace at the meeting. Minutes of the regular meeting held October 10, 1955, the special meeting held October 24, 1955, and the regular meeting held November 14, 1955 were approved. Trustees Meyer and Clark entered the meeting and were present thereafter. Approve Bills The following bills were -.resented for consideration: Mae H. Fautsch $ 63.00 Margaret Dunn 77.52 Fred Grabo 18.00 Bruno Meyer 18.00 Julius Lenuioni 3.68 Harvey Zimmer 3.59 Albert Bernardi 99.90 George Sticken 3.59 Wm. Behnke 50.00 Frank Langenburger 50.00 Harry Allsbrow 50.00 Thomas Felgen 5.83 Thomas Felgen 51.20 Thomas Felgen 66.60 Margaret =, John, Dorothy Forke 2500.00 Frank Langenburger 45.00 HarryAjjsbrow 45.00 Wm. Behnke 45.00 Huth Hanich 63.75 Glemn E. Loets 32.00 Mae Fautsch 100.00 Margaret Dunn L,.L,..84 J. T. DeWeese 60.00 Albert Bernardi 119.88 Thomas Felgen 42.46 Michael Melchiorre 29.97 Thomas Yore 29.97 Acme Service 9.36 Burgess, An::erson & Tate 116.35: Commercial Printing 39.00 Chicago Tribune 61.15' Dahl's Auto 7.70' D -X Sunray Oil Co. 283.35 Deerfield Garage 3.18, Deerfield Hardware & Paint 7.69 Deerfield Auto Service "5.00 °, Deerfield Review 22.22' Deerfield Oil Co. 79.38 Frost's 12.09 Carl A. Freiman 8.60 Charles B. Foelsch, M.D. 20.00` LO A rab m GrigEs Iquirment uo. 595.00 Grote i•:fg. Go. 66.90 Grafco liecalconu.nia 15.00 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 290.84 J. D. Hooper 38.CO H. E. Jenanesen 10.00 Hautau 8 Otto 55.91 Highland Park Fuel :.o. 80.52 Highl-nd Park Lincoln- Lercury 293.42 Iaeal Pictures 2.26 Institute for Irain_.ng on Municipal 30.74 uministration 7.50 Illinois `title Coml,,-.ny 38.50 Lake County Hoard c,° supervisors 480.00 Joseph K. Knoerle &- <:ssoci: tes 1.00 .i. X. Kinney, i:.J. 10.00 i- a.ier -'L :vaty Co. 57.59 iiiuge's Super bcrvice 18.45 NorthS-'zore Gas 1.75 Newspaper Circul,,,AinZ Service 1.6C National Institute of iunicipal Lai: Officers 2.02 Perfection Lata Blank Co. 14.43 Public 6::rvice �;o. 229.33 Red Home Service Station 38.85 I :. F. Rupp 23.75' .,c:id- Iianc.'.le T-r-- ctors 33.85: iiei land L Bree 30.74 cc'_nrell ::f Co. 133.11 :.: ltue�l L Co. 9.15 Snore Line Blue Print Co. 29.68 Singer Printing Ll ublishing 5.50 Stc:ndard :teCistcr 93.54 Tom 5t- rsmcn's Servj'.cc ;Nation 22.50 Victor <:•.dcing i- iachine Co. 472.50 'TillaC -e Harci:!c.re, Inc. '1.35 .:ard Bpotners 77.00 November i.onthly Pa,;-roll 4887.50 i2u tee Jacger moved, sc -onded bj 'Trustee i°ie;;rer, that the 1,,cid 'Dills be -.p -oveC _'or r.ayment. ._dopted b -r the following vote: cs: Lrown, Glark, Jaeger, Kelley, I -le, er, Petesch (6) done (0) LI-- ;:rlovc Repc its The 2oli ce report submitted x letcrsen, sho7.ing 94 cases icr L e Y.onth of Aoveiaber, wa- ap_ rovcc., The BU4ldin,- waz _,, -oved. by C;.iicf of . olicc .nc 'inc._ of '=6. CC: Coi: ~.issi ner' s itcnew Police Rz_cio 4, conto-ct with Lake Count/ for Polic,- Ratio , c :!.' ;-- Gont-act ment consisting of two mobile units, and one console at a cost of X480 L'. or ti,a year Dec.:? boi- 1, 1';55 t_ascugh i-cvember 30, 1956, .,as presented. trustee i-ieyer moved, a.:ocndcd i:.=uote^ Jacger, t' A said con-:.rc ct be ncwec:, Li d a letter c:" -b_n'.cs sent -�o he county for ;:roviding rao.i o service. +c..o -ccd by the f olloi T i nL; vccuc : gy res: I;ro�,m, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Beyer, Petesch (6) Z no (0) i3of :-ty Council' s recommenc Lion that the police force be incrc spd to -c--Ix cff:ccrs was held over for consider:Aticn fter the :_'irst of the c Illinois Coi�r .erce Commission order aut,.i- rizini i; T crthl_--nd Grcy::onnc L.ne.. Inc. to c.iscontinue sf rvice bet een Chicago cnd .:au:cer;an .Pas rcce:iv::c and orc.e _°cd rl, ced on file. 1 1 1 _Resolution - Special Assessment Foreclosure _Lot 12, Block 2, H.M. Cornell's Sub. vote: Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch,,that a resolution be adopted authorizing foreclosure of Special Assessments on Lot 12, Block 2, H. M. Cornell's Addition to Briarwoods, with a guaranteed bid of 50o. Adopted by the following Ayes: Brown,,-Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Fetesch (6) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Special Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by `trustee Meyer, Assessment Foreclosure that a resolution be adopted authorizing foreclosure L„t 15, Block 9, of special assessments on Lot 15, Block 9, Branigar Woodland Park Sub. Brothers' Woodland Park Subdivision, with a guaranteed bid of 50 %. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None �O) Approve $30,322.81 - The final estimate of Kuch & Watson of $30,322.81 Kuch & Watson for sewer construction was presented, waivers of lien having been filed, with the Engineer!�s recommend- ation for approval. -Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee'Brown, that the said% estimate be approved for payment, a check for $1,000 to be returned by Kuch & Watson to take care of any contingency. Adopted by the following w te: Ayes: brown, Clark :,.Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Approve $17,183.60 Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that Mercury Builders the first estimate of $17,183.60 of Mercury Builders for sewage treatment plant construction, be approved, waivers of lien having been filed, and certification by the Engineer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Approve $841.25 Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Brown Ba,,ter & bjoodman that payment of $841.25 to Baxter and b.00dman be approved, for supervision of sewer and sewage treatment plant construction and a survey. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (C) Approve Subdivision Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Inspection Fees that payment to Baxter and Woodman be approved for $469.24 & $574.70 Subdivision inspection fees of $469.24 for Deerfield Park Subdivisinn, nd $576.70 for Brookside Subdivision, these amounts to be repaid to the Village by the subdividers. A,,opted by the follwoing vote: Ayes: Erown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer,-,Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) 1.954 M.F.T. Audit On motion by Trustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee Received Jaeger, the 1954 Audit of Motor Fuel Wax funds was received and ordered placed on file. Carried unanimously. M.F.T. 1951 Supplemental Resolutions - Maintenance 2 Ornamental Lights resolutions being passed Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jae Nays: None (0) Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that resolutions be adopted for 1951 maintenance of Arterial streets -:nd installation of two ornamental street lights from Motor Fuel Tax funds; these to complete the record. Adopted by the following vote: ;er, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) �6 • O�F. Re,- ,olu-u2_an — 1956 Trustee Droi. :n Moved, seconded by Trustee Relley, .10, .�+, 1­1tcnonce thr-c the resolution for 195E raintenL.nce of ar-Lcri _l streets from i ° -otor lauel i'ax funca be C.o tc . .o..'cca bj t e _ollo.-inE vote: t�_ o'rn, Clark, Jaeger, Ke11 ey, Meyer, Petcsch (6) - s: 1:1c e (0) i,'i :.on- l,lictz :�ezonin The Pl, ^n Lc:rmission rec•oir:;iicn�.ed enial of the cnied _ retiticn cf Messrs. Ni; :on !nc. 131ietz to ''c_cno appro:�,i:.atcly 217 acres in the c:out :Iez..st �ECt9 c r. of the Villa €e from R -1 to R -2. Trustee ClL, k mov.,xI, c. ccndec. by �i'rus ccc J, c r, t' _t the Bo__rd concur in the recommendation of the .1:.n Cc. , i _ssic n ,nd. .ac zoning be denied. -c:o tcd by t: e f'olloi ink vote: :.; c rm.n, Glrrk, Jaeger, hclle,-, iieyer, Petesch (6) Zo ie (0) rtic t L.­ui ch ..on: iticn, i . fan Commission rcconjmcnc.cd. denial of the I;;-jE tir r)rovrd -_5 ;ears the Teti ticn of the Co.- L.=j.t 5aptist �,'.urcn for c. ccnc.i cicnal use fo- Chu •ch urncs,.s of the ;: o c;.cc7 arson .c c on •'I crth ..a,u'tegan Aoa.d. Trustee Glt_rk rrcve, :., . ccon:?.e. by L,7iastee Ili +�y t1, t :at the Hoard of Trustees not concur in tho recommendation of -Whe t_a.n �,c_iiT_ds ion, and the Concitioncl Use be granted for a period of five �Tca.rs. 4,c:o; teci by the following vote: b -o�an, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) LI-Ys: i� :orle (0) Itiori•;a.ard c,ub.iivision The Plan, Commission recommenc'ed a.ppreval of tLQT,rovcd Nergc_ard s Besubdivision of Let 5, replz.t of 13 i ock 10, Dccrf_cld Park Land nd I. -orovement r.ssoci_ -L=ion -_ bdiv.i,sion into Lots 1 and 2. T�-ustce Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, �.h..t the subdivision be approved, subject 'to workin` out- the ir.i-orovc- r::ent of ..i lnut Street from r1oo..�. and Avenue to ?:aync Avenue .rich ;c< vc :ncnt, ..:titer •­..d smrcrs. Adopted by t'•e following vote'. :n ' Clark , Jaeger, Kelley, I.1eye , Petech (6) Nays: None (0) :.. F. u-Cap 1=,r,-oointeE Tru tce Jaeg:.r moved, seconded by Trustee !,,eye .-, Collector that i,:. F. Rupp be appointee'. Vi11, :ge Collector, effective December 21 1955, nc.. the Ville e Clcr'c' jo continued at the s me rate effective Dec tuber 2, C. ..uo_ tcc +. by the fol.lo;ir.g vote: E r.rcwn, Clark, Jaeger, t,-eilei-, Meyer, .'etesch (6� iv�ys: iIcnc (0) C-_­( in, nce -_3 s & Truck Trustee Lrown moved, seconded by Trus`�-ee Petesch, Loa: in,; Zones th=at, in ac crc.ance with the recommendation of c.hc Safety Cr,uncil, an Ortiin- nce be enacted eat.,.bliL:hinC L bus :,nc: truck loading zones of Deerfield and l aukega.n Hoads, a :c; . etting "crth p cnaalties of violations. .ido:-ted by the following vote: :i -ics: Bro!rn, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesc': (�) iVc ;yc : !Rene (C) C ­c:inancc - Brookside Trustee Clark moved, seconded. by 'Trustee Brown, _:r_-zoning - 11 -5 to R -2 that an Ordinane :. be enacted ar.:cnuin -,he Vill. of E)eerfield zoning Ord:'n .nce by reclaseifyinr; •y T=art of i.: ook iic-.e Subdivision as a R -2 residence Ci st_°ict. ado- tcc by t__c L olio .ring vote: .►,-es: rctan, Clark, Jaeger, kelley, Neyer, Petcsch (6) N:,.ya: I;o.e (0) 1 1 1 91 Ordinance - Variation Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, 65,1 Byron Court that an ordinance be enacted granting a variation from the terms of the Coning Qrdinance to .p--rmit construction of an attached garage four feet from the side lot line at 651 Barron Ceurt. Adopted by the following vote: Resolutioh Opppsing A public hearing on December 30, 1955, at 1:30 P.I. Derrland Rezbning in the Town Hall by the Lake County Zoning Board on the petition of Derrland Associates to rezone property in the N.E. quarter of Section 30, west Deerfield Township from R -3 to R -4 was discussed. Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the following resolution opposing the rezoning be presented at said hearing by Trustee Clark: WHEREAS Derrland Associates have petitioned to rezone property in the N.E. quarter of Section 30, Giest Deerfield Township, said property being adjacent to the lNesterly limits of the Village of Deerfield, and WHEREAS the Village of Deerfield maintains standards of zoning and construction through local ordinances and codes, THEREFORE BE IT KESOLVED that the Village of Deerfield, through action by the Board of Trustees, opposed the rezoning requested by Derrland Associates as not conforming in character with the zoning and construction standards of the adjoining Deerfield area. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Approval was given for the rurchase of Uniform traffic Tickets for the Police Department, as recommended by Trustee Petesch. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Jaeger, seconded by Trustee Brown, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: Attest: yl��twL Village Clerk illage President dyes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance Segregating Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Sales Tax Funds that an ordinance be enacted segregating the proceeds of the 2 of 1% retail*..sales -tax,for pay- ment of principal and interest due on bonds issued by the Village for the construction of a Village Hall. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Resolutioh Opppsing A public hearing on December 30, 1955, at 1:30 P.I. Derrland Rezbning in the Town Hall by the Lake County Zoning Board on the petition of Derrland Associates to rezone property in the N.E. quarter of Section 30, west Deerfield Township from R -3 to R -4 was discussed. Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the following resolution opposing the rezoning be presented at said hearing by Trustee Clark: WHEREAS Derrland Associates have petitioned to rezone property in the N.E. quarter of Section 30, Giest Deerfield Township, said property being adjacent to the lNesterly limits of the Village of Deerfield, and WHEREAS the Village of Deerfield maintains standards of zoning and construction through local ordinances and codes, THEREFORE BE IT KESOLVED that the Village of Deerfield, through action by the Board of Trustees, opposed the rezoning requested by Derrland Associates as not conforming in character with the zoning and construction standards of the adjoining Deerfield area. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Approval was given for the rurchase of Uniform traffic Tickets for the Police Department, as recommended by Trustee Petesch. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Jaeger, seconded by Trustee Brown, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: Attest: yl��twL Village Clerk illage President