10/10/195576 Ccluober 1C, 101515 rau Ilu I-r meeting of t,,c J=rd of Trustees of the Yill--F;c r- ,a!- c-i'led to orCcr in he Council Chambers of the on cctobc- lr 1Qt:9 e On motion be Tro tcc Jcr,.,,r Cc, y ru:.tee '--etcsch, Trii., tec i1eyer tars cint-d _-- -E'idcn- r C], .,r'7 c•,Ilcd the roll and rejorted that the fc1lowing �-!ero 7D - esont: Joseph !:. Bru.m 1,-,-,Lrtha 1.hitc �la_rk J. Jac or ymond T. cyer 12."flurice C. I'Ptescl: S, nt John D. Sclincider, Hubert N. Kelley 6, , I , 0 LI__­I_G 11 clu_�U_m ..:as rrescnt unj I_n -ttendance at t-he ­.:,AinP,. t! c -crua!- r mc :'.nr- held Sentember 12 U 0. L'_'c L ct ':ce approved. 3c-ctember 26, r approved. lie followiny bills 1.1m--re , rescntef-1). for I I I 4c. cc nk 1, 4C. CC. 7.1 . L)ro,., G.C. r1c H. !�.-.,utsch 14. rO --usen ni'.''cnlr J. 1-7.32 T -,,-nnc-- Christi.an-cn T' Helen Corn--!! 3("Crl. PC C-d-r - U_-re U, sb ow 11 n i c h 6/. 12; CO n au .1 TI. S ch J.2;. CO n 21 c ,'o'con I- -c b re J;-j CL's Anderson T.-Ae 12 1 ks; U-r-.-' ", c i c n is Co. LI i)cn-f! Plc. H-3 rui rrr c r n' 1''. /,7 S. _.):.riey � Co. 7 r7I C cl. cIcl mil _0 . 5 vcn-.r.ort Sons cta7o rqbI nf, 1(.CO� C -�Ucl y cil Cc. rC :ark L:*,rcoin I c r cur 115-35 :,l--n(" Iaricaicl Co. r' r ' � 5 I I I 77 Illinois Title Company 43.00 Illinois bell Telep' =e Co. 158.10 " - Illinois Municipal League 85.00 ^ Francis Janes 21.33 Litsinger Motors 4-06',\ Los Angeles S. & S. Co. 90.50 Frank Langenburger 50.00 MaierTLavaty Co. 232.38,E Midge s Super Service 2.25 Mayer 8& menthe 86.4o " Thomas A. Matthews 125.00, Thomas A. Matthews 1535.00,- Thomas A. Matthews 125.00 Thomas A. ",tt.hr wc; , 2.5.00' North Shore Gas Co. n.00'* Newspaper Cir^>>l ^tiny Service 1.60 Public Service Company 216.74^ Rockwell Mfg. Co. 1067.46^ Red Horse Service Station 16.30 Donald F. Rogers 86.56 Ruehl L Co. 13-15. 00 Shore Line Blue Print Co. 28.88^ Tom Stirsman's Service Station 30.62' Village Hardware 4.44 t Tropical- Paint Co: 60.00 " Vegetable Growers Supply Co. 54.80 ,1 Herman Giebell Supply Co. 617.44 " Olson Printing Co. 133.50/` September Monthly Payroll 4516.69 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the said bills be app®oved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Annrove Reports Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee`Jae&er, that the Police report showing 64 casea and fines of $570.00 be approved. The Health report submitted by i1ealth Officer Esther Giss was approved. The Buildipg report for the month of September was approved. Communications Mr. Robert Ca roll's letter of resignation as Civil Defense Lirector was received. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the resignation be accepted with regret. Trustee Meyer suggested that a member of the Fire Department be a ^pointed as Civil Defense Director. L The report from the Safety Council recommending that Park Avenue be made a one -way street for north bound traffic from Deerfield Road to Hazel A7Tenue was tabled for further study. Plan Commission Reports . The Plan Commssion recommended approval of the request of D.B.A. Products to rezone proi:erty on County Line Road from R -5 to M- Manugacturing. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the P1an'Commssion, and the Village Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance. Carried unanimously. The Plan Commission recommended denial of the _Frunk Doyle Su'cdivision. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the Bo-trd concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and the subdivision be denied. Carried unanimously. The Plan Commission recommended approval of the subdivision proposed by Mr. Diambri. Trustee Clark moved, seconded b, Trustee Jaeger, that the Board not concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and the subdivision be denied. Carried unanimously. Wei mn—n6tcd arro7irl c" the C -cooT_ - I- .. -e r c, ul - - -. __Iu j J cc rc � -C, by 1 c)h ns c '- 2 t U t"' 2 130. -. I C. conc"i.r 1° tilt: tI hc rccormerC. cn of the n ?7:.C" _V Sinn be ar-o-envoCk. _7__ c. a ctr'jic rustec B, .!n T,,ir�ved ,(:cnn,c, t;:-P, C., -;-,rvice a rcr-mj IG be _�utl-or'l-/e,0. --"cr (-Iectric servLCO2 to bc 77'r as covered. TY t,-.c ''Cr it. _I-q,ninoi.sly. i Lot TY Ace "lark moved seconded tee 3 et: ,­,4,. by True tee th.- '_�ion th e ­erardi_nt J- U- c P, bc d7l''red as reciuest,-d by t1 I -f: r -.nirr - I ,o.sly. D r: -�xtcr, Engincer :"nr, the V7, 11--[�F,, S c, jc- c_, tment :.o y on !,:er,:- j) r -p r,'o treatment I �- n co b, - hu L �.­.-.e c,)ntrr.c-IU- be aw-,r,�ec:1. 11('rcu-y cl-i-cagop Tru.-tee !Jrol..jn -cvcd, sccrnc:ed b --o. .--e contr,,,.ct be awarc-ded to Eercury in , c-o2ki" -c r, ��).t t! YICO iC. _.co-ted b-y I',-(- 'ollowinr- vole-. B--own, Ma-rk, Jr.er-r, 1',cyer, Pctesch (5) J'I'll;ACC _"0171 Moved, cocondcC-. by '�rustcc Jaeger, U­at the wl'h !-._cr,­u.ry in :'crr.,. -Zc t ca c-�s h', n_';_2 c n.5- vote: 3 -:, o, in Clark, ja_gcr, ili'yer, 1etesch (5) :`on {C) ---'I-tcrney Lat,ILII,r�.. s z'o) crted that is nc' Oecd fry- t V 0-- C had been reccivr�d and sent to 'h- r ly. - 9 U - J - _L I Co_,' co�.' _,,,:i:i•inoc of the check for the pu -chase price was authorizcO urcn reec"-�t c :'nd I'll-Gle Y:olicy. L; _-s e n6 r.ssessmcnt C, Llr VIU,ge's share _cc-:rCn ce Tlth the i—le, Trustee Cla-k moved, , aconded by Tru, too T­,:,, that ),-.��ent to :�alrh * c1= s of 25 taxes ­nd ,'21.(",5 dral,_a'cre acsessment,s bc C: • of ta;,rL-; and assessments in t',c rcnt. -',:?o- ted by the _1 _rk J,,,e,-,, 11. ever, 1 etesch (5) 0U_. 1.1. - _L' on of 11-J-1 Jol.nso.n -�rC. _rthur Uohngcn f(,-,, I,:.nnc,_,,A:1on "Lc G' 'V4, 1 o:, `eerfleld i-nas he16 over for stu6y. z�: It 7yu—ace k3rown moved -cconL'cd b-,- 'j-ri)-ztec c i a C:c that a Torco !,Iodel .6 s,,-- t i_,,nreader be _-F'ror, CriPps LO,-i,uipment Co. , Lv , the-'r 'b"-c-, r'_cc in ccordaace with their letter L7atcd Cctober 5, 11CO 'LICL' I c,,e h (5) -1a jjou5c or. -.­rt of Lot UOV' —ancicd by Tu of the of 4cn-LnE.' Ir:1. rj=usly. -.he Boi r e LI I 12, Block 1, tae Fetesch, t - ppcals, and i -C of Loning rcco-,r_erckcd ',:—A -­ n for '_ variance to -c:=At con,_`Llructlon o2 .00dland Park, be dcnic d. 'rustcc Lj. -that the Board concur in the reca.fmend:itior the variance be denied. Mrs. David Evans, 93.2 Waukegan Road, requested the Board to study ,the problem of the many small children crossing the railroad tracks at Hazel Avenue. Mrs. Frances Christy stated she had been notified she was living in her uncom;leled house in violation of Village ordinances. She was directed to furnish the Board with the completion date within thirty days. Her request to rezone her property at 150 Waukegan Road to neighborhood Business was referred to the Plan Commission for rublic hearing upon payment of the required fee. Order Police Overcoats Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that overcoats be ordered for the Police officers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Cj.rk, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0 authorize Payment The following bills were presented for $802.87- Baxter & Woodman consideration: Baxter & Woodman, engineering serivices 4x802.87 Kuch & Watson, Estimat$ #9 12,739.37 Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that payment of $802.87 to Baxter and 6joodman be approved, and that Kuch & Watson,.s bill be held over for discussion. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Resolutions - SDeci &l Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Assessment Foreclosures that resolutions be admpted authorizing fore - Lot 14, Block 10, Lots 18 closure of special assessments on Lot 14, Block 10, &.19, Block 1, Lot 15, Block Branigar Brothers' Woodland Park Subdivision, Lots 10, Branigar Bros. Woodland 18 and 19, Block 1, Branigar Brothers' Woodland Park Subdivision Park, and Lot 15, Block 10, Branigar Brothers' Woodland Park, with a guaranteed bid of 50%, subject to the approval of Trustee Kelley, Chairman of the Special kssessment Committee. Carried unanimously. Mr. Anthony Mercurio, 510 Waukegan Road, requested that sidewalk slabs torn up in the sewer construction project be replaced. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: , i Villo,ge Presiden t Attest: 73 Village Clerk 79,