08/08/1955NI august 8, 1955 The regular meeting of the Bo-rd of Trustees of the Village of Dcc rf icld was called Lo order by the President in the Council Cha.�-�bers of the Village Hall on Monday, august 8, 1955 at 8:00 P.T. The Clerk callod the roll, and reported that the following were Present: John D. Joseph Cai•l J. Hubert Raymond Maurice Schneider, President Brown Jaeg-r �1. Kelley T. Meyer C. Petesch Absent: Martha 14'hite Clark ,,rd that a c u.orum was present and in attendance at the meeting. •_nut -s of the regular meeting held July 11, 1955, rind the a.djcurned meeting held July 25, 1955, were approved. � nr�rove Bills The following bills were presented for ccns _Oc- ,- .tJ-on: Gerald Ford N 12.00 Mae rautsch 117.30 Gerald Ford 72.00 Thomas Felgen 132.00 Thomes Roller 132.00 Gale Horroff 132.CO ?-;m. .1ndre•.sen 126. CC J. Frost 84-CC P. Peterson 2.00 G. Ford 12.00 A.J. Simonaitis 110.CO E. M. Coleman 55.60 M. Fautsch 82.45 Katherine L. Paul 45.CC Dorothy Goodptasture 15.75 Thomas Felgen 132.00 Thomas Roller 132.00 Gale Harrof_f 132.00 '.':m. i1ndreasen 1L,4. CO J. Frost 88.00 A. Price Forsyt%.e 33.60 American Scal 8 Stamp 10% 19 Burgess, Anderson e-- Tate 247.46 Baxter L ',00dman 1312.14 C,rey Brick Co. 140. no- Central Scientific Co. 24.95` Chamber of Commerce 1.00° Chicago Tribune 21.00 - ?:. S. Darley 83.15:. Deer "field Lumber L I`uel Co. 9.59: J. T. De.eese 99. C0; Deerfield .teview 183.47, Deerfield Cif Co. 2./-,5 Deerfield Garage 22.58. D'eerfi eld , -.uto Service 6.00 Dahl Auto lieconstruction 18.00 Grote Mfg. Co. 15.92 Grafco Decal. Inc. 10.00 Hokanson Jenks, Inc. 1CC.m.- Lloyd Hollister Pub. 2.25 J. D. Hooper 90.00. Helanders 259.18 Highland Park Lincoln Mercury 39.48 Illinois yell Telephone Co. 173-51, Ideal Pictures 2 .6 ^� 11 F� 1 Dr. R. K. Kinney $ 10.00 ". Kuch & Watson 46,440.26\ Litsinger Motor Co. 1,447.45 Board of Supervisors, Lake County 25.00 Lithoprint Co. 42.45" Mutual Coal Co. 5.28'^ Thomas A. Platthews 275.00 - Midge's Service 14.12" A. G. Meier & Co. .33 North Shore Gas Co. 1.96E Newspaper Circulating Service 1.60 " National Cash.Register Co. 182.40 Olson Printing Co. 39.70 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. 83.00` Prismo Safety Corp. 29.17' Public Service Co. 212.02 Red Horse Service Station 26.05 - Roseman Tractor Co. 12.00` Reflexite Corp. 38.64 - Rockwell Mfg. Co. 335.76 Reiland & Bree 2,026.33^ Remington Rand 28.60 - Harold A. Root, Jr. 80.00" Tom Stirsman Service Station 28-05- Village Hardware 1.75'` V. L..� A. 76.01 v, Wolf's .79., D. J.L. Walther 176.10^ Herman Ziehell Supply Co. 219-33^ Shore Line Blue Print Co. 51.94 Antes Sign Co. 42-50n M. F. Rupp 26.90-\ D -X Sunray Oil Co. 307.40^ Highland Park Fuel Co. 138.24 Village of Deerfield - Petty Cash 61.00 Deerfield Hardware & Paint 11.20d,, Everett Garage 6.80" Sherony Hardware & Appliances 14.95,\ P. F. Pettibone &: Co. 6.27 -� Reiland & Bree 12.98+ Monthly payroll 4,740.83 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the said bills be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Approve R9 op its The Health report submitted by Health Officer Esther Giss was approved add ordered placed on file, The report of the Building Commissioner for the month of Jilly was approved. The Police report showing 34 cases, fines of $332.00, and 9 cases continued was approved and ordered placed on file. Resignation - Chief A letter of resignation, effective august 15, 1955, of Police Fuller from Chief of Police Charles Fuller, was read. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Board of Trustees accept Chief Fuller's resignation. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) 4 6.7 raw L• ti poin_t_David Petersen Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Acll y, Chief of rolice that David J. Fetersen be appointed Chict' of Police, effective August 16, 1955. «dorted by t'ae follm -if n- vote: •yes: _? °o::n, Jaegor, Kelley, Hcyer, Petesch (5) ' ::ey_ s: none (0) Er. Barter, Baxter and ..00dman, c_cortcd th,,it, Bids ?Walsh Ccnst ^uction Comrany, ':av-i ng failed to SeTr. e _i;,c tn: ^nt Plant start r!ork on the Sevsge Treatment "l ant, h; d been notified that the of Dcorl e1d _ ould co- ir.lcte the work, as T rcvided in the contr,i.ct. tie fu: thc ^ U doclr..ezhts were comrleted, and. the bids for constmuction of the ;1cni; cculd be advertised. Trustee kcyer moved, seconded bir Tr-ustec Jaeger, thr,.t 'r i_ds for the construction of the s,.•.aFc treatment !-lint be dvcrt7 ,'cr to be c+,urnod aertember 12, 1955 at 5:00 P.I.I. .:c:octed by the `'ol1_etlinrr vote: .les: B-- ovn,Jaeger, nelley, idcyer, Petesch (5) :v_ !s: 1�one ( ._r -rove :'f Mont ® Ifus-tee Brown moved, seconcacd by Trustee `ctc; c} , _-tcr L ~~der �_ Scns that payment of ', ,)2,162.10 to Meter i,,kcr r: 2,162.7_ be authorized for the seal coat treatmont of U -c:er- wcod, 3roadmoor, Hazel :.nd n,Lrt of h1m Stroct -the 1 ^54 motor Fuel Tax program comr_ leted in 1955. -4,o tcd by t. e fcllc,rinc VOLe: Acs: r,: °o,�n, Jaeger, Kelley, 1lcycr, 'etesch (5) :'a-•s: :Tone (0) ine letter from the afe ,y Council regarding ? azt).rds result-in„' f—cm the serer construction i -ras read. The Village Lanac c,r s-Letcd the con- - aii.'on.s 'naC been corrected. .-crrove CTroener The ::'1 -an Commission resort recc_«mcnd::.nr !'_s-.on of the subdivision of let 2, hloek 2_.T1,.o�na:.11 H'crm hsta e, rcque ed by He_rz,..n. J. anti °ce_�er, �:•a.s read. Trustee &ellcy moved, seceded ��y Truzstee )sro: n, th- A, t_.e�o• ^d concur in the recommendation of the i lan Cor.:ntssion, nd the �1et of ,subd i vis _on be ap-eroved. unan:1- nously. e dill ,-g, - '''anagcr reported on sprinkling restrictions rut into -ff -ct -t the request of the City of Highland Park, a -tl. stated th, -t •-ost c�-rd.s furnished by ..ig_at nd :Par's had been mailed -�o res., ulents. n.cr . cr.in�g i'raStec ivieyer moved, seconC�cd by `1'ructee 1'ctcL;ch, s. rendr�.cnt _ that an ordinance be adc,�tcd, .s rccommen.c' Cc, . bj t� -e Ulan Gomsni scion, amending the Coning G.c.I ri::i1.cc by rlac in, the trianl;ular area between Telegraph :o d, the Ghi caro, iii.1 ^ tticec and St. 'aul right of way, !_,nd the north Village limits in the it_2 SinC;_ e I nfi7:f ,_strict. Adopted by the following vote: ,.yes: rown, Jaeger, Kelley, ivicyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) ax Lev Ordinance Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee iieyc °, that an ordinance be adopted levying taxes fo,° cor o: -ate rurposes for the current fiscal year commencing on the first (1,,,y of i':ay, 1955, and ending on the 30th clad of ..r,ril, 1956 for t_Le vi l l'igC of Decr 'ield, Illinois. Adopted by the following vote: ;yes: 3rown, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5) :da ,rs: lone (0) Street a.�nd i)ridge T-ru.�tee Jaeger moved, seconded b. Trustee !-Icycc, Lever _ that an ordinance relative to tax levies for and bridge purposes be ado-.ted. Adopted by t"ic following vote: ,I-ycs: Brown, Jaeger, Kelley, i "e -yer, Petesch (5) Kays: None (0) 1 1 1 1 69 Auditor's Report Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the auditor s report be accepted, aid the Clerk be directed to send a copy to the Department of Revenue, State of Illinois. Carried unanimously. The Village Manager recommended approval of Deerfield Park Subdivision, and the President be authorized to sign the plat of subdivision. Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the matter be held over for study. Carried unanimously. The letter from the State Sanitary Water Board, stating that no further sewer extwnsion can be- approved, was received and filed. Ordinance - Footing Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, Igo rain Tile that an ordinance beadopted amending the Building Code by requiring drain tile on the exterior or interior of basement or crawl space footings. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, nelley, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Special Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Assessment Foreclosure that a resolution be adopted authorizing foreclosure Lots 5.76,77,78,79,- of special assessments on Lots 45, 76, 77, 78, and Deerfield Acres 79, Deerfield Acres Subdivision, with a gaaranteed bid of 50 %. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyek-, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Suecial Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Assessment Foreclosure that a resolution be adopted authorizing foreclosure Lots 10- 11- Briarwoods of delinquent special assessments on Lots 10 and 11, Block 25, H. M. Cornell Company's Briarwoods Subdivision, with a guaranteed bid of 50%. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) _Resolution - Special Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Assessment Foreclosure t hat a resolution be adopted authorizing fore - Lot F,, lloockl3, closure of delinquent special assessments on Lot Woodland Park 7, Blockl3, Branigar Bros.' Woodland Park Sub- division. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (4) Nays: None (0) Not Voting: Brown (1) Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the report of the Plan Commission on the petition of Fred breitling for a parking lot be referred to the Safety Council for study upon receipt of said report. Carried unanimously. Mr. D. J. L. Walther, engineer, reported that ithprovements for the Forest Park Subdivision now include a 34 ft. street on Woodvale, curbs through - out the subdivision, and provides for the extension of Kenton to Cumnor. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Jaeger, seconded by Trustee Petesch, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: 7 President Attest: Village Clerk