July 25, 1955
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of
Deerfiel ;l was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers cf
the Village Hall on Monday, July 25, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called.
the roll and reported that the following were
Present: John D. Schneider, President
Martha White Clark
Carl J. daeter
Hubert N. Kelley
Maurice C. Petesch
Absent: Joseph'. V. Brown
and Chat a quorum was present and in attendance a.t the meeting.
Letters From residents of Fair Oaks, Alden and Clay Court concerning
the Sewer Use Ordinance were received. Mr. Barter and President Schneider
explained that sewer construction was undertaken to separate sanitary and.
storm se ?age only in locations where combined sewers existed, and thut now
storm se,:•ers in areas served only by sanitary sewers were not included in
the sewer separation program.
Sewer Use Ordinance Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger,
an ordinance be adopted retula_.tirg the use of
public and private supers and drains, private sewage disposal, the install -
ation and connection of building u erers and the discharte of waters and
wastes into the public sewers systems, and providing for penalties for
violation thereof. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, ietesch (5)
Nays: None (0)
An amendment to the building code providing for drain the inside
or outside the footings was tabled for study.
action Repealed
iiur. 8 Bids
sewage treatment plat
for the construction
report august 8th on
Carried unanimously.
Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Jae;c.r,
that, because of mechanical difficulties in the
preparation of plans anc specifications for the
zt, the action setting August 8, 1955 for receiving 'Dios
of said plant be repealed, and the Sanitary Engineer
setting a new date for receiving bids.
,-uthcrize Appeal Attorney Matthews and Township Supervisor :earl
Berning re=sorted that, while the County would Join
in any a —Teal taken by the Village in the National Brick Company case, no
financial assistance could le given the Village by the Ccunty. Trustee
Kelley moved, sFoonded by Trustee Petesch, that the Village Attorney be
authorized to appeal the decision of Judge Carroll in the National brick
Co-npany case, and an expenditure of not to exceed w6,000.00 for the aaper ^l
be unproved. Adopted by the following vote:
;.yes: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5)
Nays: Tone (0)
Crdinance - Stop Sims Trustee Fetesch moved, seconded by Trustce Aell_ey,
Oxford - iiargate ti:at an ordinance be adopted providing for stop
arrinpton - Margate signs on Oxford Road and '- arrington Road at
Margate Terrace intersections, and setting forth
p6niltios for violations thereof. kdorted by the follo> >,ing vote:
t_yes: C1.rk, Jaeger, Kelley, Pe'esch (4)
Nays: I-,;e,rer (1)
Ordinance - Employee Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch,
Pay Plan that an ordinance be adopted establishing a pay plan
for all Village employees. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch, Schneider (4)
Nays: Kelley (1)
Pass: Clark (1)
Ordinance - Setting Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer,
Salaries that an ordinance setting salaries for the J�
following- positions be adopted:
Village Manager $ 7500.00 per year
Treasurer - Collector (Deputy) 4500.00 per year
Superintendent of Public Works -
Engineer 6000.00 per year
said salaries to be reviewed annually.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5)
Nays: None (0)
Salary Rates - Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch,
August 1. 1955 that salaries established by ordinance become
effective August 1, 1955 for present employees.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Clare, Jae er, Meyer, Petesch (4)
Nays: Kelley ; _ (1
kpprove Landis Lane Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley,
Water Extension that the Landis Lane water main extension and
5 foot easement granted by Mr. Robert Ramsay be
accepted. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5)
Nays: None (0) --
Mr. Ramsay was requested to cooperate in securing--easements for water
mains for which the Village has no record.
Authorize Purchase
Steele &Cornell Lots
to exceed $4600, in
Lot 23, Block 2, H.
plus closing costs.
Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch,
that Mr. William Steele s property, Lot g in H.O.
Stone's Subdivision be purchased at a cost of not
- luding closing costs, and Mr. H. M. Cornell's property,
0. Stone s Subdivision, be purch ased at a cost of $3000
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (5)
Nays: None (0)
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion by Trustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee Petesch, the meeting was
Approved-: /
Village Clerk