07/11/19551 1 A �9 July 11, 1955 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chsinbers of the Village Hall on Monday, July 11, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: John D. Schneider, President Joseph to. Brown Martha White Clark C,,rl J1. Jaeger Hubert N. Kelley Raymond T. I °Ieyer Absent: Maurice C. petesch and that a quorumias present and in attendance at the meeting. Minutes of the regular meeting held June 13, 1955, and the meeting held June 27, 1955 were approved. Trustee Meyer moved, .seconded by Trustee Jaeger, Ratify Astign -- V.-at actions taken at the meeting held June 27, June 27 Meeting 1955, be ratified. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: Floyd Collison 168.13 Ruth Hanich 85.00 Mae. Fautsch 89.25 Dorothy Good pasture 61.50 Katherine L. Paul 73.50 Hdrry Kllsbrow 50.00 J. Frost 13.00 T. Roller 12.00 T. Felgen ,12.00 G. Harroff 37.50 G. Ford 129.00 W. Andreasen 12.00 J. Lencioni 166.40 Mae H. Fautsch 43935 Dorothy Goodpasture 24.75 W. Andreasnn 138.00 T. FQ,lgen 132.00 J. Frost 88.00 G. Harroff 138.00 T. Roller 132.00 C. Horenber,•.er 48.75 W. Behnke 141.25 John E. Keal 125.00 Katherine L. Paul 31.50 Burgess, Anderson E Tate 137.38^ Carey Brick Co. 140.00 Floyd Collison 10.16. D -Y Sunray Oil Co. 218.70. W. S. Darley and Co. 34.65- DiPibtro Plumbing 156.25, Deerfield Hardware L Paint 33.11'' Deerfield Auto Service 13.07' Deerfield Review 116.85 Deerfield f'arage & Service 6.20 Deerfield Oil Co. .73.63" Dahl's Auto Reconstruction Co. 8.00= City of. Evanston 10.00, Fairchild Aerial Survey, Inc. 46.00, Highland Park Fuel Co. 187-95,; Hanson's Auto Upholstery 53-00` 60 0 H-_c`_Iand Bark !-.-,--,,.cc2-n 1'ercury, Inc. '.?_9 o�f H f,.. -and 1', -12- -irk 'A 6? 6.00 i(le-1 Pictures I-:_-i f-rois Lpll TI-1-c-c'-one Co. vert Kinc-id tes 5 0, ('0 1%c'.!,",'I _per i rcult 1 t 1ru '2,-rvice 1.6C° !Forth Shore Gas Co. 2.00` 1--,;-Antenance Co., Inc. 77. 11 t"e s Sui:cr .'o,rvdce 3.7. '1P The Wew 5ccrctar-•- li . on, 1%ortl,hrook G-,r,?[;(" 4. r, ncbc-t 7.:rcnz1er Co. rl. (' � C% . - - - I _C,.frist-Aion Service _, C, -loint Co:::_-`Ort SinclLqir -blic Service Go. -"bert L. 'odcrick F. FUpr Ic.15' z Ya ,oserm�m Trrtctor qui-. cnt Co. 1C. I'll i?ed Horse Service _`�tation Rockwell 1,ianufreturin- Go. T om .7'U-*rsrlqn Se:_ -vice ;Ration 2`.'.65 J. 1j. Sebrell Corn. 12. M SuburbRt Duildln:-r CMcicls C;cnf. 3.2. 80 :'_:ore Line B3ue .:Irjn'.- Co. !6.;`() Tri-Coilnty Hor,c '-ssn. 2. n,0, Von LcnFerice t 11rtoin2 -n, nter orks Ens2 nrcrin-L "?, . no Hemaun 1,4 _ebel1 Q0. ?f 0�t I s 11.29, . S. LinCmann 3.25 T) IctCr 3aker and Son Co. /+q.2) Bcjxter L ?-'oodman 120/,..10 Duch �' Watson 34.315.4u Salaries - June 430L f2:­j-_tcc moved, cecondeO by Trustee 1,1eyer, t,.,-t +_i,c sutid bill s b-- 7.,-- 7*,,,1,1C7-.q ji. opted Icy thb fc13ow_!.n[_,, vote: :.lark, Jaeger, Xc13 cy, i:cyer (5) r- g �iprrmj-,� Rm. ports The _'olic2 rerort for the -iont'-. of Jms, 1c, sho':._'.nF r c - se s and fines o 7 '3','1. - CC :ras n r-rc-10 "t _­c.-o-t o.-L' the Building Commiss-IlLcner vas acprovcd ­nd cz-6cx•cd rl 1ccd ol. .1c: 1 rc-.,ort submit-'L-.cd by ..-calth Officer Esther Giss ,.,as- -,-,.-­_-ovc6 rnCt (­_-C­cCL alp ccd on file. 11,- ­ titicn firor the Ill incis Co.m_-rce Commission for !1b^nCcr-mcnt c: n;. ^f the Greyhound Bus be ti. cen Chicago rm," n -'1.-'-.r0u[-h ­-c -vcd --nd filed. b-,, 1Z LlSteo T"C-1 -1 �C,.. 71 ri),:', CC 1.0,cr moved, se.,cn(,-,. _16 C .,7,:ers the cc -'c-- connection to sto,.rm oowers be T .,n7 v,-6. C,�,i al T ccnnEcticns from c:,isV)-.-_ to t-c sewers. cd -j_nnn:*..-..,iou sly. .0c Ti ill •anagcr re- norted that the petition of Er. t red. Bre' tJ inp - T�o the peition of 11�!ro1 ynkoop for lo-'t . on i semqry '1�crrace, Fcre tract north of T)eLr`icld Road at 1 the -!7.ro-_ --cadowbrock _C. __cLl �r_11.-icn submitted by i-Ir. !"rank Doyle ha,",. 1--con referred to the I I j Resolution - Foreclosure Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee :gown, Special Assessments - Lots that a resolution be adopted authorizing fore - 16.17,18, S. 8.4' 19, Block closure of special assessments delinquent on Lots 1_5_,_D:P.L. L I. Sub. 16, 17, 18, and the South 8.4 ft. of 19, Block 15, Deerfield Park Land and Improvement Subdivision, with a guaranteed bid of 50% of paincipal. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Nays: None (0) E- solution - Foreclosure Special Assessments - Lots 61, 62, 63, Deerfield Acres guaranteed bid of 50% of pri Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Nays: None (0) Kelley, Meyer (5) Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that a resolution be adopted authorizing foreclosure of special assessment liens on Lots 61, 62, and 63, inclusive, Deerfield Acres Subdivision''Jith a ncipal. Adopted by the following vote: Kelley, Meyer (5) Resolution - Foreclosure Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee gown, Special assessments that a resolution be adopted authorizing fore - 0 Acres closure of special assessment lines on the East half of the North West quarter of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range-12 East of the 3rd P.M., and the West half of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M. in Lake Count;;, Illinois, with a guaranteed bid of 5001. Adopted by the following vote: byes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger Nays: None (0) Workmen's Compensation Insurance - New Amsterdam mended by Charles E. Piper, Kelley, Meyer (5) Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Tru4•tee Kelley, that Workmen's Compensation Insurance befplaced with the New Amsterdam dasualty Company,'•�s recom- agent. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: :gown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) The Euilding Board of Appeal's recommendation that footing drain tile be allowed inside or outside basements or crawl space was referred to the Village Attorney for preparation of the necessary ordinance. Authorize Building, Permit The Building Board of Appeals recommended that, 1. since application had been filed prior to the effective date of the architectural Design Ordinance, a Building Permit be issued Universal Construction Company, said permit having been refused on' -the basis of similarity-of homes. Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee grown, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Building Board of Appeals, and authorized the issuanee of the permit. Carried unanimously. Resolution --Depositories Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that t The First National Bank, Chicago Northern Trust-Company Deerfield State Bank, Deerfield be designated depositories for Village Finds. Carried unanimously. Ordinance - Fiscal year Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, that Sewer Revenue Bonds an ordinance be adopted changing the fiscal year from November 1 as provided in the Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance to May 1. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: gown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) 61 62 h_:'olut? cn - Seiner Changes Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Brci,!n, r that the following resolution be adopted: ::iiL= _S, the Villag o' Deerfielc-, Lake Count;, Illinois, desires to e ricnd the .` -, reemcnt entered into wita Kuch and lgatson Coirr any, 1112 .-est iI'vcC°ctt :'.o_.d, Lalcc �`orest, Illinois on Mgust 9, 1954, ?-:hich .,rrreemc;nt p rcvides for ccrtaJ n wo7.:!er construction within the Village of Decrl_eld to be done by sc.i_d Ccnpny; and 'J".: ?; ,5 said work is to be done unCer the surervis .on of Bax`er and T:ced- mrn, Civil ..nc'• Sanitary Engineers, retuned by t'_e Village for said supervi_slon; 11E;.2 `1, ;uR.f,FORL BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of T,nustees of the Village of ire ^rf i e='d, 'L,,ike County, Illinois, that the said Engineers are hereby authorised and _instruc-Lcd to issue such bulletins and other d6cuments as may be necessary to: Cii ^nge the length of the gravity mi.nhalo 7L, feet from a distance ;:pnroxi.rr.tely 207 feet in length «. o.oted b,-,,r the following vote: sewer line in ?'estgate Road east of 33 feet in length to a dist­nce of to the end of the -,resent combined serer. iiyes : Brown, Clark, Kelley, Jaeger, Yleyer (5 ) itr ys: hTcnc (0) S -_i_iIr_i_s on Crdingnce_ Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Truotee Heyer, t.iat an ordinance be adopted establishing regal,_ Lions fcr the subdivisions of land; for the dedication and accertamce of land for ,.ubli.c use; for the , reprration of plats; the installation of utilities, road- - :�:r3, an.0. ether improvements essential to service the subdivided land; and the rrocedure fcr the approval and recording of subdivision plats in an, about the Viil,, F;o of licerfield, IllinoiFq Adopted by t..e following vote: eyes: hrcl•m, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Zeyer (5) Ida.rs: i�To.ne (0) The petition for ipprovement of Comerset Avenue .f=rom forest to Oakley .;.venues special assessment procedure was referred to Trustee Lrown, to worIc out t:ith the Vill _.ge Attorney and Engineer. i-xorrirtjo_n Ordinance Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by `1',,ustee Acll.c*k, that an ordinance makin, ar^ropriaticns for corrorate rur�cscs or •the fiscal yrrat beginning I',Iay 1, 1955, and ending ;LFril 3C, 19`6, be c,6onted. opted by the following vote: trown, va ark, Jaeger, Kelley, Beyer (5 ) N None (0) LLlEvi'r ;_Cr&'rance Trustee Jaeger moved, secPi??ded by Trustee Kellc,y, t at an ordinance be adoIted establishing a trr< of of o:. 'Ic -ocrccnt on all retail sales in the Village o" Deed ielc , o '_cci by the f_c1:1.o ,.i1ng vote: A-es: Yro -;rn Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) ieTV:,rs: Iqone (0) Liebl1n,- . q /oning The Flan Commission havinf- recommended that the petition of I'sr. Arnold Li_eblinr; for rezoning; an area frrm R -1 to R -4 be den-l-ed, Trustee Clark roved, scconilcd b�- 'rustee Kelley, that t'r_e bocrd accept and concur in the reconnen, "cUon of tr_e i 1g-n Co_rami sf'i.on, and the petition be denied. Cr 1_-ried uhan- rously. _.u-`, T`i_ze _,ttcrny _ T-4r. Lieblinr' having filed suit in the Lake Cou�_rt- Defe : e L rbli_nj• Case Court for t'.ze rurpose of changing the rcni_nr; of _ - his rroi erty in t_,e Vill -ge of _eerfleld, Tru�.,t °c: Clark rioved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Vill_,-go ,,ttorrey be dirccte:i to rrorr nc tti..c cc:se in defense of the :-resent zoning, ,dopted by t,-.e follow n,- rote Ayes: i;roi.-n Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, r.oyer (5) ::' , ;`:one (�} 1 1 F__� }Briarwoods Improvements Trustee Kelley moved, seoonded by Trustee Meyer, A roved that the escrow agreement for Kenton Road improve- ments be cancelled, as requested by Mr. Valenti; that the simprovement of Wincanton and Warwick Roads to Oxford Road be approved, subjecf to the following conditions: approval of easements for utilities.. the dedication of Lot 11, Block 5. for street purposes, improve- ment of Walden Lane north of Marwick Road wgtjhpavement and water, the completion of a trust agreement in connection with'Lot 3, Block 18, and the posting of an escrow agreement or bond to cover the cost of said improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Cla -k, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Brookside Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Subdivision that the final plat of Brookside Subdivision be approved, subject to the following conditions: Approval of easements for utilities, street name changes as recommended by the Board, the posting of an escrow agreement or bond to cover the cost of improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) Approve L.W.R. Subdivision utilities, naming of the not less than $59,370.25 on Stratford Road. Adop Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the final plat of the L.W.R. Subdivision be approved, subject to approval of easements for circle, and posting an escrow agreement or bond of for improvements, including a 34 ft. street pavement ted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer (5) Nays: None (0) On motion by Trustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, the meeting was adjourned to July 25, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Hall. 1 Attest: Village GIDtk L Appr of 63