February 14, 1955
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday,
February 14, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. On motion by Trustee Dicus, seconded by Trustee
Kelley, Trustee King was appointed President pro tem. The Clerk ailled the roll
and reported that the following were
Present: Fred 0. Dicus'
Eugene F. Engelhard
Hubert N. Kelley
Joseph W. King
Harold W. Wynkoop
Absent: John D. Schneider, President
Raymond T. Meyer
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting.
An addition was made to the minutes of the regular meeting held January
10, 1955 as follows: - second last paragraph - "This is based on the question
of health and safety of the residents of the Village." On motion by Trustee
Dicus, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, the minutes were approved as corrected.
The following bills were presented for consideration:
Approve Bills
North Shore Gas Company
$ 2.18
Midges Super Service
Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc.
Chandler's Inc.
Chicago Planning Assn.
Hautau & Otto
Ideal Pictures
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.
Thomas A. Matthews
Newspaper Circulating Service
Public Service Co.
Charles E. Piper
Acme Service
Red Horse Service Station
Standard Manifold Co.
Shore Line Blue Print Co.
Suburban Building Officials
Vegetable Grwoers Supply Co.
54.80 MFT
Illinois Office Supply Co.
Los Angeles Stamp & Stationery
Deerfield Garage
M. F. Rupp
Frost's Electric Appliances
Tom Stirsmans Service Station
Village Hardware, Inc.
Rockwell Nfg. Co.
Reiland & Bree, Inc.
Olson Printing Co.
Motor Parts & Machine Co.
Mid- Continent,Petroleum Corp.
Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co.
Bishop Heating Supply
Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co.
Highland Park Fuel Co.
2 00.54
Dorothy Goodpasture
Milton H. Klute
Allene Huffman
Harry Allsbrow
Wm. Behnke
Ruth Hanich
Carl Hnrenberger
Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc.
Vtility Supply Co.
Highland Park News
R. J. Gilmore
J. T. DeWeese
National Safety Council
Reiland & Bree, Inc.
C�.rey Brick Co.
Appleton Electric Co.
Julius Lencioni
Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the said bills be
approved for payment, as, if and when funds are available. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Dicus, Engelhard, Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
The Police report of Justice of the Peace M. J. George
Approve Reports showing 21 cases and $175 in fines was approved. `jhe
report of the Building Commissioner was approged and
ordered placed on file, The Health report submitted by Health Officer Esther
Giss was approved and ordered placed on file,
A letter form Dr. Paul Kelley, pastor of the Presby-
Eommunications terian Church was read, requesting the establishment
of a No Parking zone on Waukegan Road in front of the
church, on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 M in order to elimina to double and triple
parking; the church agreeing to furnish, put up and take down the signs. Tru,te,:
Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, that an ordinance be prepared pro-
hibiting parking on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 M on Waukegan Road for a distance
of apxroximately 100 feet from the hydrant to the driveway adjoining the
church property.
Carried unanimously.
A letter from Mrs. Willard Loarie was read, inviting the Board to meet
with a group of property owners to discuss the Toll Road problem. Trustee
Kelley suggested that Mrs. Loarie and any other interested persons meet with
the Board on the first Monday evening in March for discussion of the Toll Road.
Mr. Rupp, Village Manager, stated no information had been received from
the Chicago Federation of Aged and Adult Charities, who had requested permission
to hold a Tag Day in Deerfield. No action was taken on this requ &st.
Receipt was acknowledged of the appeal on the Illinois Bell Telephone
Company rate increase.
The repert of the Deerfield - Highland nark Transit Co. was received.
A letter from Mr. William Jacobs, President of School District #109,
was read, asking the cooperation of the Village Board to provide assistance
in requiring subdividers to set aside funds or land to aid the school board
in furnishing facil.ties for additional children coming into the district.
Village Attorney Matthews stated the Board has no power to fmrce subdividers
to set aside land for school or park purposes, the only action that can be
taken being moral suasion. Trustee Wynkoop suggested Mr. Jacobs letter be
referred to the Plan Commission.
The approval of the State of the Juniper Street
Permit - Juniper Terrace bridge was received and ordered placed on file.
Bridge Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus,
that the Clerk be authorized to sign said permit.
Carried unanimously.
The petition to rezone the forty acre tract east of Waukegan Road and
North of County Line Road was reported referred to the Plan Commission, and
hearing set for February 17, 1955.
Three bids on a tractor, with loader and untility box,
Authorize Purchase were received as follows:
of Tractor = $2,330.00
Reed Randle, Waukegan $2,330.00
P. & W. Farm Machinery, Des Plaines 2,400.00
Roseman Tractor Equipment, Evanston 21393.99
Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that the tractor with
loader and box be purchased from the low bidder, Reed Randle tractor Co. at a
total cost of $2,330.00. Adopted by the following vote.
Ayes: Dicus, Engelhard, Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
Two bids were received on the Treasurer's qualifying
Authorize Treasurer's bond, as follows:
Bond - Ohio Casualty
$150,000 $200.000 $250,000
Charles Piper- Hartford $ 1,000 $ 1,250 $ 1,500
Richard Gilmore - Ohio Casualty 656 820 984
Trustee Wynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, that a $250,000 Treasurer's
qualifying bond be purchased from the Ohio Casualty Co. at an annual premium
of $984 beginning March 3, 1955, through Mr. Gilmoreg Adopted by the following
Ayes: Dicus, Engelhard, Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
Mrs. R. Knaak presented a statment signed by 12 property owners within
300 feet of the Deerfield Garage consenting to the relocation and increase in
storage capacity of the gas tanks on the garage property. Trustee Kelley
moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, that a permit be granted to undertake
this work.
Carried unanimously.
Resolutions - Special
Assessment Foreclosures
Lots 54 &55, Deerfield Acres
Lots 64&65, Deerfield Acres
Lots 1.2.3. Vetter's Resub.
Lot 3, Block 11, Woodland Park
Carried unanimously.
Trustee King moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop,
the adoption of resolutions authorizing
voluntary foreclosures of special assessment
liens on the following properties, with a
guaranteed bid of 50 percent:
Lots 54 and 55, Deerfield Acres Subdivision
Lots 64 and 65, Deerfield acres Subdivision
Lots 1, 2, and 3, J. L. Vetter 'Is Resub-
division of Lots 1 to 9, Block 8, Deerfield
Park Land & Improvement Association Sub-
Lot 3, Block 11, Woodland Park Subdivision
Trustee Dicus moved, seoonded by Trustee Kelley,
Davis Subdivision that signature :Gb � jthorized on Davis' Greenwood
Park Subdivision, subject to receipt of the escrow
agreement in an amount to be specified by the Village Engineer.
Carried unanimously.
The Village Manager stated funds for school crossing
School Crossing Guards guards would be expended by T "larch 8. Trustee Dicus
stated it was his opinion that no child's life should
be endapgered, amd the Village should provide guards. It was the consensus of
the Board that guards would be kept on, and that the Village Manager should
advise the School Boards of the action undertaken.
:.uthorize Negotiation Construction of roads to the sewage treatment and
"alsh Contract lift station were discussed at length, in connection
with the 'walsh Construction Company contract. Trustee
Wynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Village 1''anager be author-
ized to negotiate with Walsh Construction Company on taking road construction
out of their contract, and report back to the Board. adopted by the following
Ayes: Dicus, Engelhard, Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (OJ
Amendment - Sewer
Charge Ordinance
following vote:
Ayes: Dicus, Engelhard,
Nays: None (0)
Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop,
the adoption of an ordinance amending the ordinance
for the regulation of the municipally owned Sewer
System of the Village of Deerfield. Adopted by the
Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Trustee Wynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus,
Election Ordinance that an Election Ordinance be adopted, providing
for the election of three Truttees for a four year
term, and one Trustee to fill a vacancy for two years, and a Police 1"iagis-
trate. Adopted by the following vote:
Byes: Dicus, Engelhard, Kelley, King, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
Vacation of parks in West Deerfield Manor Subdivision was discussed.
Trustee .-ynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee °elley, that an ordinance be pre -
pared vacating the park at Hazel Avenue and Park Lane.
Carried unanimously.
Trustee Wynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that an ordinance
be prepared changing the name of 'ark Lane to Poplar Lane, and Meadow Avenue
to Crabtree Lane, both streets being in West Deerfield Manor Subdivision.
Carried unanimously.
T1,e Village Manager reported the temporary appointment of Airs. Mae
Fautch as accounting machine operator.
A letter from Mrs. Dorothy Forke was read, offering for sale to the
Village the property adjoining the Village Hall site on Waukegan Road. The
Village Ya.nager was requested to get appraisals from 1 ^cal realtors.
Trustee Engelhard reported that he was moving from Deerfield on Feb-
ruary 25, 1955. Village Attorney Matthews stated that Trustee Engelhard could
continue to serve until the expiration of his term in May, 1955.
Trustee Dicus stated that he approved in principle the establishment
of a Police Reserve as recommended by The Chief of Police, but no action should
be taken until a completeplan of activities could be studied. Trustee Vynkoop
moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Board indicate general concurrence
with the Police Reserve Plan, and a complete plan of operation be furnished
for consideration.
Carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
Appro d:
Attest: h
Village Clerk