09/13/1954September 13, 1954
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village od Deerfield
was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday,
September 13, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. On motion by Trustee Dicus, seconded by Trustee
Kelley, and carried unanimously, Trustee King was appointed President pro tem.
The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were
Present: Fred O.'Dicus
Hubert N Kelley
Joseph W. King
Raymond T. Meyer,
Harold W. Wynkoop
Absent: John D. Schneider, President
Eugene F.- Engelhard
and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting.
On motion by Trustee Dicus, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, minutes of the
special meeting held August 2, 1954 were approved. On motion by Trustee Kelley,
seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, minutes of the regular meeting held August 9, 1954
were approved.
The following bills were presented for consideration:
Approve Bills
American City Magazine
Turbine Sewer Machine Co.
Public Service Co.
Catherine B. Price, Village Collector .
Highland Park Lincoln- Mercury, Inc.
Tom Stirsman's Service Station
Deerfield Garage & Service Station
Everett Garage
Di Pietro Plumbing
James B. Clow & Sons
Illinois Municipal League
Horder's Inc.
Thomas A. Matthews
• Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp.
North Shore Gas Co.
Highland Park Newq
Roseman Tractor Equipment Co.
D.J.L. Walther
Red Horse Service Station
Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co.
Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc.
Peter Baker & Son Co.
Carey Brick Co.
Highland Park Fuel Co.
Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co.
Remington Rend, Inc.
Bernard A. Olson
J. T. DeWeese
Carolyn Gilmour
Allene Huffman
Chas. H. Johnston, Jr.
George Burnett
Harvey Zimmers
Floyd Collison
Deerfield Express
Albert L. Roderick
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.
Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co.
National Municipal League
Trustee Wynkoop moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the said Bills be
approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Neyer, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
On motion by Trustee Dicus, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop,
Approve Reports the Police report of Justices of the Peace George and
Hunt, showing 32 cases and fines of $269, was approved.
The Health Report submitted by Health Officer Esther Giss was approved. The
report of Mr. Rupp, Village Manager, on building activity in the month of
August 1954, was accepted.
Mr. Wesley C. Alabeck's letter of resignation from the
19signation - Plan Commission was read. Trustee Kelley moved, seconded
W.C. Alabeck by Trustee Meyer, that the resignation be accepted, and
the Clerk write to Mr. Alabeck expressing the Board's
appreciation for his fine services. Carried unanimously.
Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that
Approve Plans - the detailed and completed plans and specifications and
Sewers estimate of cost for the construction of sewer improve-
ments previously authorized by the Board, including the
construction of a sewage treitment plant, lift stations, mains, force mains and
laterals, as prepared by Baxter & Woodman of Crystal Lake, engineers for the
Village be approved and adopted and placed on file with the Village Clerk for
public inspection. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
The plat of subdivision resubmitted by Best Developomt
Approve Best Devel- Co. excluding the 6 lots oA Elmwood Avenue was presented.
opment Subdivision Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that
the Board approve the plat of subdivision, and authorize
the President to sign said plat, subject to the approval of the Plan
Carried unanimously.
Authorize Changes -
Sewer Proiect
by Baxter & Woodman,
Carried unanimously.
Changes in sewer improvements, due to changes in route,
were discussed. Trustee Vjmkeop moved, seconded by Trustee
Dicus, that changes in size and depth of the transfer
line and entrance in plant be approved, as recommended
The statement of Baxter & Woodman for services to date
Authorize $5.000 was presented. Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by T ustee
to Baxter & Woodman Meyer, that $5,000 be paid on account to Baxter &"Wood-
man, reimbursement to be made from the sewer bond funds.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes* Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer, Wynkoop (5)
Nays: None (0)
Recommendations from the Deerfield Safety Council were
Safety Council read, including (1) Yield right -of -way sign at Chestnut
Recommendations Street and Osterman Avenue; (2) more patrolling by police;
(3) no U turns on Waukegan and Deerfield Roads; (4) street
lights at Clay and Alden Court intersections on Hazel Avenue; and (5) Stop -
Police Order signs to be tried in various locations for traffic control. Trustee
Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that the Board concur in the first
four recommendations, and the legality of the Stop - Police Order signs be
investigated. Carried unanimously. Trustee Dicus recommended that the Safety
Council take steps to work out a solution totthe school crossing guard salary
probAim in the next few months, since Village funds will not allow guards for the.
entire school year.
The request for a Commercial driveway permit at the
Commercial Drivew_y M.E. corner of W ukegan Road and Deerfield Road was
_Request Referred referred to the Village Manager, who recommended that
the permit be granted only if an exit can be provided.
Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that
Rezoning Petition the request of Mr. Fred Breitling to rezone the property
Referred to Plan at the N.W. corner of Deerfield Road and Rosemary
Commission Terrace to B-2 be referred to the Plan Commission for
public hearing, and that all such requests and petitions
be referred by the Village Manager to the proper Board or Commission providing
the proper fee is paid.
Carried unanimously.
Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that
A- D&oint Curto - the Board approve the appointment of Mr. Frank Curto
Plan Commission to the Plan Commission to fill the vacancy created by
the.resignation of Mr. Wesley Alabeck.
Carried unanimously.
Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that
Authorize Special resolutions be passed authorizing the foreclosure of
Assessment Foreclosures special assessment liens with a guaranteed bid of 50%
on the following properties:
Lots 3 and 4, Deerfield A,,res Subdivision
Lot 28, Deerfield Acres Subdivision
Lot 14, Block 9, Branigar Bros. Woodland Park Subdivision
and a guaranteed bid of 100% on the following property:
The West 75 feet of the Fast 92 feet of Lot two in Block 2 in the
Town of Deerfiel d, Lake County, Illinois.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. McKenna, attorney representing Mr. Robert Moran, stated that a
building permit had been denied Mr. Moran, due to a question about the pavement
extension in Elmwood A,enue. Trustee King suggested that Messrs. Moran and
McKenna meet with the Board oni- .Thursday, September 16, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. in an
attempt to work out a solution.
The petition signed by 25 residents of the Longfellow,
H Flagler Driveway Kipling, Whittier neighborhood, objecting tb_the drive-
way proposed by Mr. George Flagler was taken under
consideration by the Board.
Mr. Robert Carroll asked for the approval and cooperation of the
Board in the establishment of a Volunteer Police Reserve. It was stated that
the Board approved the idea in principle, but asked that "Ir. Carroll present
an outline of his proposal.
There being no further business tocome before the meeting, on motion
duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
Approved: /
12 _61tx�
Village Clerk