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� Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllflll Image# 043669280024 Type: ORD Recorded: 08/06/2008 at 01 :19:03 PM STATE OF ILLINOIS ) Receipt #: 2008 - 00041529 Total Amt: $41.00 Page 1 of 24 IL Rental Housing Fund: $0.00 COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS Lake County IL Recorder Mary Ellen vanderventer Recorder VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) �File.V 378448 The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 0- 08 -21, an Ordinance Authorizing an Amended Special use to Permit Replacement of the River Road Lift Station at 297 River Road in the P -1 Public Lands District Dated this July 16, 2008 SEAL JENT#FER L. OAVIS Deputy Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 1� te VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -08 -21 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT REPLACEMENT OF THE RIVER ROAD LIFT STATION AT 297 RIVER ROAD IN THE P -1 PUBLIC LANDS DISTRICT PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 16th day of June , 2008. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook .Counties, Illinois, this 16t day of June , 2008.. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -08 -21 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT REPLACEMENT OF THE RIVER ROAD LIFT STATION AT 297 RIVER ROAD IN THE P -1 PUBLIC LANDS DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on April 10, 2008, to consider the application of the Village of Deerfield, the owner of certain property commonly known as 297 River Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property"), for approval of an amended Special Use to replace the existing River Road lift station and pump house and to construct a new lift stations facility and 1,800 sq. ft. pump house building on three levels (one level at 2 ft. above grade) on the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District, including new fencing, two parking spaces; an asphalt access drive, an electric transformer and landscaping (collectively referred to herein as the "Lift Station Improvements "); and, WHEREAS,.said hearing was held pursuant to public notice and conformed in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the statutes ofthe State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and.; WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of .Deerfield, after considering the testimony, documentary evidence and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and. Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and' recommendation to authorize an amended Special Use pursuant to Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to permit the construction, establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the Lift Station Improvements as a special use of the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission and have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of an amended Special Use to authorize the Lift Station Improvements, as more fully described in the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant and attached hereto, and to the extent authorized in this ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals, being material to this Ordinance, are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby authorize and approve the replacement of the River Road lift station with a new pump station building containing approximately 1,800 sq. ft. of floor area on.three levels (one level at 2 ft. above grade,) including new lift stations facilities, new fencing, two parking spaces, an asphalt access drive, an electric transformer and landscaping, all as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the. Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District pursuant to Article 7'.02-B,. Paragraph. 12, and Article 13. 1.1 of the .Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use is hereby granted subject to the following additional conditions, restrictions and regulations: (i) the -4- development, construction, maintenance, operation and use of the replacement River Road lift station shall be in accordance with the plans and supporting documents attached hereto as Exhibit B, and with the further conditions, restrictions and regulations set forth herein; (ii) the pump station building shall be constructed with a synthetic roof shingle system; (iii) the demolition and removal of two separate buildings currently located on the Subject Property shall deferred until the new lift station is fully operational, (iv) compliance with all representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; and, (v) compliance by the Applicant with the terms of this Ordinance and with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 4: That the amended Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and to Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of the conditions herein set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby. authorized. SECTION 5: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. SECTION 6: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b).legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance -5- should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 16th day of June , 2008. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Jester, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this 16th day of June,�t r , 2008. ATTEST: zmhl�5� Vill ge Clerk M Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amended Special Use for Replacement of the River Road Lift Station 1. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: V = 500 ft.), dated 3/6/2008. 2. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: V = 300 ft.), dated 3/6/2008. 3. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: V = 200 ft.), dated 6/4/2007. 4. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: V = 100 ft.), dated 6/4/2007. 5. Letter dated March 13, 2008 from Christopher Johnson, Fire Marshal of the Deerfield - Bannockburn Fire Protection District, to Mr. Gary Grenneway of Earth Tech regarding the Deerfield East Pump Station. 6. Photographs of the existing pump station site and buildings: (i) Site Looking South (Generator Bldg. on right, Pumping Station Bldg. on Left); (ii) Existing South Pumping Station Building; (iii) Existing North Generator Building. 7. Pump Station Elevations by Earth Tech for the East Side Pump Station Improvements. Recommended Design Based on Public Hearing, April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -03. 8. Pump Station Elevations by Earth Tech for the east side pump station improvements. Recommended Design Based on Public Hearing, April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -04. 9. Civil Site New Facilities and Grading Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 02- CFG -01. 10. Civil Site Piping Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning . Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 02- CP -01. I l.. Pump Station Upper Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No: 20- AS -02: 12. Pump Station Section by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -05. 13: Photorietrics plan by Earth Tech for. east side pump station improvements. Planning ..Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. Photometrics. 14. Landscape Elevation A and Elevation B by Thompson Dyke & Associates, dated March 2008, for east side lift station. t -Itvs "IT � y^Y� .r reS �c t� i <'I� �+. „', E 4t ( ,�,C`c� Vol. $* -^+b" 4 I! +�ri ��wyaw ° ... �R t.w}.r�, Ti `rte , IN 'tl o H� - �F�.#..r� -�s° �� ..I �� � ~ ®���: � 'w�l6t ��i.��a�� � r i 2` �s, I f saA •, _ :.f :-. f .i�'b .��. �! � f 6 .,� ° •�" �'�� _ �' Ary i + r RI F , i, . t z,R� ty� °�,^�, M1 >•• e 'ilgr f (i 'das r t` ` �Cti�t 1 .v .4 s. � 9 � 'lRw" .? �s - ett'j� n 9f 'ip 6,,,i• K <t� ,! =4 �� t 1 d ?v, IL lip lCab )i � �.t `. /' 'V•t r ..✓ �i'e !el aT '' d8ti'ti4i ,, J#�p1 uVF'.• �ygi ap [Y. ••',� �r `N9 N i f 1® {:.(�� tYmi (S/ •�I4,�; i/ 1s� 7� 6� � a cT '�"� '!r R. �'uYrri `'°V,. �„� �r .,.fAA�� •i ,r 1: x �r yy��g f.,;�� � y L,. � f �'�F'1 �.. � ,.. sly ty''! �@ T 8 !'!i t�4• i b °'f Y. 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RL rtr{ � •f '.i (1r� 1 J 1�.'ul � t jj 5�.. .... .;K. �. ..E,... _ ._ . t ji': .. _. _� ?.Y.dS M !. t• .fit i. .f.:k:...+ `4}. . 1. i .. .1. >' i ... r ltst I a h 4 t d I t y t l vt. t t ..now, MAR. .rr!•1"t blow *+ nr r >i�, _ k1'If 1 IAy F�,, {a0.fdSxbP' ( 5 I A f \ 7lw c + 1 V tt ` t tr d9J y'R > 1 d + t ""ITS I caw r }.. im tiro s k "r -,r yai y5ak! 5 � 1 '1W I I it agERCIE�� ' OPNNO,K6Uq� Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Protection District 500 Waukegan-Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 •. (847) 945 -4066 Fax (847) 945 -8951 FIRE DEPT. March 13, 2008 Mr. Gary Greeneway Earth Tech. 4135 Technology Parkway Sheboygan; .WI 53083 RE: Deerfield East Pump Station Dear Mr. James: The Fire Prevention Bureau has completed the preliminary site plan review for the proposed premises, under the International Fire Code (2000 Edition) guidelines listed in Section 503, "Fire Apparatus Access Roads." The following should answer any questions or concerns regarding emergency vehicle access: 1. The fire department does not foresee any issues for emergency vehicle access for the proposed site and /or building. A complete life safety plan review will be done when complete construction plans and documents have been submitted to the fire department. Have a safe day. cc_V6�7__. Christopher Johnson Fire Marshal cc: Village of Deerfield — Kathy Von Ohlen .ec- 14 made to both buildings including new pumping equipment. This was the last time that any significant improvements were made to the facility. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES The pump station site is rectangular, approximately 90 ft. by 255 ft, and located in a wooded and secluded area. A six -foot tall chain link fence surrounds the pump station site. The tax property that the pump station site is located on is triangular in shape. Characteristics of both the pump station site and the property are listed in the table below. Site Data Table Property Index Number 1634300022 Property Owner Village of Deerfield Property Area 0.98 acres 42,700 sq ft Pump Station Site area within fence 0.51 acres 22,310 sq ft The entire property and pump station site are located within the 100 -year floodplain. The majority of the site is also located within the floodway. Lake County's Wetland Inventory maps classify the area west, north, and east of the pump station site as a wetland. The site terrain is relatively flat with a maximum elevation difference of approximately one foot from low point to high point. Numerous sewers and underground electrical util ities crisscross the site. Photos of the existing pump station site and buildings are on the following pages. SITE LOOKING SOUTH (Generator Bldg. on right, Pumping Station Bldg. on left) LlworkW5623WDM IMTRANSNIISCIPbnning Commission Pr"ing 26Feb06.doa 2 March 2008 00. o -mss -Zi i f Y. mi �3Y li .�` ' � ,fro^ -'k'h. �{�ck� p ,•t `'?'� ' s.�, �q. -Y,�u "�'°c..• �,� .a,a ^r 1t.s 1 ��asa � +,�, �D7�i y1..� �Y em w• _ "eSR.w;., a• x el a ap { �Y em w• _ "eSR.w;., a• x el EAST SIDE LIFT STATION ELEVATIONS VILLAGE OF DEEkFIELD - DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS vvwq a M, STINpASKADE d POSED SiiAny; TREES ELEVATION A PLANTING 7- ? Aktzio� Tio 44 ELEVATION B THOMPSON DYKE &ASSOCIATES MARCH 2008 --PROPOSED PLANTINGS PRAIRIE PLANTING ELEVATION A PLANTING P-X. 13 ItAd oclq Aktzio� Tio 44 ELEVATION B THOMPSON DYKE &ASSOCIATES MARCH 2008 P-X. 13 ItAd oclq EAST SIDE LIFT STATION ELEVATIONS VILLAGE OF DEDUIELD - I)EEIkFIELI-), ILLINOIS EXISTING, SHADE TREE _PROPOSED SHADE TREES a loll ELEVATION A ELEVATION B THOMPSON DYKE & ASSOCIATES MARCH 2008 6 ovd, C)-OiE�-Zt 'ES I Ll .--a 0� I Li O PROPOSED PLANTINGS as PLANTING ELEVATION B THOMPSON DYKE & ASSOCIATES MARCH 2008 6 ovd, C)-OiE�-Zt 'ES I Ll .--a 0� I Li PREFINISED METAL LOUVER WITH LIGHT FIXTURE ... SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET ARCHED HEAD. FORM ARCH WITH - HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM SOLID SPLIT FACE CMU CUT TO FIT - 70 WATT 4 - DUSK TO DAWN (PHOTO CELL) PREFWISHED METAL FASCIA AND _ ROOF EDGE TRIM 3 s Y 0 8�u pp5 65 6 Q 3f 33 ;a S. sa a a 4) O O m a rn INSULATED TRANSLUCENT PANEL SYNTHETIC SLATE SHINGLES PREFORMED SYNTHETIC SLATE PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER WITH LEAF SHINGLES OVER RIDGE VENT PROTECTION CAP ALONG SAVE OVER LIGHT FIXTURE ENTRANCES AND EXTENDED ROOF r . :1'-4- . // 7 -5 RR W PREFSHED METAL LOUVER 1 =a. SINGLE SCORE BURNISHED CMU (SSB) SPLIT FACED CMU (SF) ALUMINUM FUELING PLATFORM. LADDER AND RAILING SINGLE SCORE BURNISHED CMU (SSB) SPLIT FACED CMU (SF) (SF) (SSB) m (SF) (SSB) o m I m (SF) SS9 �i (SF) oa ROOF RIDGE BEARING GRADE AT BLDG EAST ELEVATION 0 2' 4' 8• SCALE 3I3 s$ v� 7 ROOF RIDGE L ///��LL�\�I\ ` WING (,1,' N F O Z S = Z FA O Z GRADE AT BLDG p W Q O 1- ai N Q �za a w I^ W 2 g d s BRONZE COLORED HOUSING ULENS LJ DATE MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO 95623 FRONT SIDE FILE 20A502.DWG FILE NO EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE SHEET NO DRAWING NO 20 -AS -03 a � L O m 'O CC O) `' O L CC 0 O U O .+ y. 0 0 N .. O to cc Cx 01 L L FLOINi)ac LO 7 L Co •OVM OD.»�C --00 O > ONOOOcmt -� I- 010 0 c�� NOOO r' TnJ C CO \O,- 3N -co (DODO 0 > - co O N •• = Y C .... {,,4 c lD O) 41 Q 4+ o-' a-OO. CULL 0) L-4 ri m fah U U 4, =C t- cis ECC CC I-- ►J•�n o-i r LL bra• O- ��s -Zl �x of L) 1� ® ® I Ml f 'REFINISHED METAL OVERSIZED DOWNSPOUT TO SPLASH BLOCK MASONRY SUPPORT WALL FOR MONORAIL ALUMINUM RMUNG PREFINISHED METAL OVERSIZED DOWNSPOUT WEST ELEVATION SINGLE SCORE BURNISHED CMU (SSB) SPLIT FACED CMU (SF) ALUMINUM FUELING PLATFORM. LADDER AND RAILING SINGLE SCORE BURNISHED CMU (SSB) SPLIT FACED CMU (SF) (SF) (SSB) m (SF) (SSB) o m I m (SF) SS9 �i (SF) oa ROOF RIDGE BEARING GRADE AT BLDG EAST ELEVATION 0 2' 4' 8• SCALE 3I3 s$ v� 7 ROOF RIDGE L ///��LL�\�I\ ` WING (,1,' N F O Z S = Z FA O Z GRADE AT BLDG p W Q O 1- ai N Q �za a w I^ W 2 g d s BRONZE COLORED HOUSING ULENS LJ DATE MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO 95623 FRONT SIDE FILE 20A502.DWG FILE NO EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE SHEET NO DRAWING NO 20 -AS -03 a � L O m 'O CC O) `' O L CC 0 O U O .+ y. 0 0 N .. O to cc Cx 01 L L FLOINi)ac LO 7 L Co •OVM OD.»�C --00 O > ONOOOcmt -� I- 010 0 c�� NOOO r' TnJ C CO \O,- 3N -co (DODO 0 > - co O N •• = Y C .... {,,4 c lD O) 41 Q 4+ o-' a-OO. CULL 0) L-4 ri m fah U U 4, =C t- cis ECC CC I-- ►J•�n o-i r LL bra• O- ��s -Zl �x of L) pwynE 000i n nn• aaa` = O ?a p� f N S E4 I N � sg aF 3 3 c4 3d 4� 80 it PREFINISED METAL LOUVER WITH ARCHED HEAD. FORM ARCH WITH SOLID SPLIT FACE CMU CUT TO FIT PREFWISHED METAL FASCIA AND ROOF EDGE TRIM — 12 L ALUMINUM FUELING PLATFORM. LADDER AND RAILING SOUTH ELEVATION 0' 2' 4' 8' SCALE SINGLE SCORE BURNISHED CMU (SSB) GENERATOR ENGINE EXHAUST ROOF RIDGE N PRECAS BEARING (SF) (SSB) m (SF) (558) o I r (SF) SSB FLOOR EL 555. 5 ° (SF) m ,.. (SSB1 GRADE AT BLDG PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER SPLIT FACED CMU (SF) NUK I H tLtVA I IUN 0' 2' 4 B' SCALE ISOMETRIC VIEW FROM NORTHWEST ISOMETRIC VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST EYE LEVEL PERSPECTIVE FROM SOUTHWEST E S i a� W $ rd; � J N N O 2 23 Z c O y Z N = W ~ Q X90 IL >w so n W nW a �4 a 7 S ATE MARCH 2008 ROJECT NO 95623 LE 20ASD4.DwC LE NO MEET NO RAWINC NO 20 -AS -04 O -off 2\ C- x- �15 0F1y o .. . ...... ...... .. .. ... ... ;j GRADING LIMITS SITE Q ATA TABLE PROPERTY INDEX NO. 1834300022 PROPERTY OWNER VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PROPERTY AREA 0.98 ACRES (42,700 Sp. ft.) PUMP STATION STE AREA (AREA WITHIN EXISTING FENCE) 0.51 ACRES (22,310 941. ft.) NEW MH NO.2 1.800 scI. ft PARKING SPACES TWO AT 9'.19' EACH TOTAL AREA 342 va It iz. rj z .ATE 2 GATE EXISTING RA CHAMBER CHAMBER BUILDING TO BE EMOLISHED K N 652.8 HP M . ... ... .. . . .... ... .. .... . . ...... ....... ..... .... . ...... .... . ..... ..... . ..... 652.3( _ 6 1.9 SITE Q ATA TABLE PROPERTY INDEX NO. 1834300022 PROPERTY OWNER VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PROPERTY AREA 0.98 ACRES (42,700 Sp. ft.) PUMP STATION STE AREA (AREA WITHIN EXISTING FENCE) 0.51 ACRES (22,310 941. ft.) NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA 1.800 scI. ft PARKING SPACES TWO AT 9'.19' EACH TOTAL AREA 342 va It EXISTING ABANDONED IMHOFF TANK (BELOW GROUND) NEW PUMP STATION 12- WIDE STRUCTURE — LANNDSA STOE C � STORM SEWER TO RIVER z mlmmlk6, STORM SEWER INLET VILLAGE PARK SITE PLAN 0. 1w 20' Q. SCALE 41 x 651.8 I .......... 152.50 PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER PROPERTY LINE RIVER ROAD 652 ALE TO DRAW ... ...... ..... ...................... MEET EXISTING NEW CHAIN ASPHALTIC LINK FENCE TO PAVEMENT REPLACE SAWCUT JOINT PROPERTY LINE GRADING LIMITS EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE GENERAL NOTES 1. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION - 653.00. THE ENTIRE STE IS WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN. 2. PROJECT SITE AND CONSTRUCTION LIMIT IS AREA INSIDE CHAIN UNK FENCE. MATERIAL STORAGE SHALL BE WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE UMITS. F-- j m F-e 0 M 2 3 CL rl, Z UJ 0 Z Wm E L) U. 1�"1. MARCH 2006 1 PROJECT NO 9562 '3 IFTLE 02CFGDI.DWJG No E NO I= Ex • 3 cl cc I L4 'A 652.8 HP EXISTING N SEWER INLET PUMPING STATION TO BE DEMOLISHED STORM SEWER INLET VILLAGE PARK SITE PLAN 0. 1w 20' Q. SCALE 41 x 651.8 I .......... 152.50 PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER PROPERTY LINE RIVER ROAD 652 ALE TO DRAW ... ...... ..... ...................... MEET EXISTING NEW CHAIN ASPHALTIC LINK FENCE TO PAVEMENT REPLACE SAWCUT JOINT PROPERTY LINE GRADING LIMITS EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE GENERAL NOTES 1. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION - 653.00. THE ENTIRE STE IS WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN. 2. PROJECT SITE AND CONSTRUCTION LIMIT IS AREA INSIDE CHAIN UNK FENCE. MATERIAL STORAGE SHALL BE WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE UMITS. F-- j m F-e 0 M 2 3 CL rl, Z UJ 0 Z Wm E L) U. 1�"1. MARCH 2006 1 PROJECT NO 9562 '3 IFTLE 02CFGDI.DWJG No E NO I= Ex • 3 cl cc I L4 n............... . ......... iI EXISTING MH NO. 221 ABANDON EXIST 21•SW INV 642.27 - ��, f <.r,' S S---� S S -.24 S S; S 7 - 2 INV 639. r. r EXISTING I IjE GENERATOR "BER-- 0 BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED f ...... ....... 0,-; L is" INV "536.68 'kp S S fJ ...... uFr Nm.--297 - — -- — EXISTING 15•S INV 637.66 EXISTING IS•NE INV 637.64 z ML STORM SEWER TO RIVER EXISTING ABANDONED. EXISTING IMHOFF TANK PUMPING STATION (BELOW GROUND) TO BE DEMOLISHED NEW MH NO 48•ID EXISTING 24 Z -N APPROX. INV 641.85__. -- NEW 27-1U INV 640.00 ..... . . ............. .. . ST -S APPROX. INV 541.65 ..��DCI�.EXI 24 - 5: .. . ............... . . ............ .. ... . ....... . . ....... .......... .......... ....... . ......... . . ........ . ....... . . ------ .......... MH NO. 101 ............. ..... . ..... . . . ..... . ............ . ........... . ............ — -- -- ; : . ...... PAD MOUNTED ......... . ................. ............. .......... TRANSFORMER PARKING ....... ....... ... ........ 5> VALVE VAULT & E[3 fil : r GENER Wj CONTROL ROOM ATOR 20* RWW C CONNE T NEW 20- RWW M EXISTING 20' TEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... M. . .. . .... . ......... APPROX INV EL 644.22 R ST RO . .......... ........... .. . .......... .......... 'R NEW ASPHALT T LIMITS $ g $ o- s 20• RWW .g .t� /:...___�.S s $ I or .. . .... . ...... . . . ......... . .......... ... . .............. . ............... ... ......................... .......... ............ . . ....... .......... ...... . ... . ................. .... .... . ................ . ..... ..... ....... NEW MH N0. 4• COMBINED FIRE PROTECTION EXISTING 15'N APROX INV 637.43 AND DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE EXISTING MH NO. 100 NEW 10 •S INV 636.75 INV EL 641.67 NEW I EXISTING IOS INV 637.77 W R INV 636.67 4• VERTICAL INDICATOR GUARD POST NEW ION INV 637.09 POST GATE VALVE (TYP OF 2) ABANDON EXIST IST INV 637.03 EXISTING I• W ELEVATION UNKNOWN PIPING LEGEND .w --------- ----- - EXISTING PIPING TO BE ABANDONED 7' NEW PIPING (FULLTONED LINE) I........._.__.._- ... —.._. EXISTING PIPING (HAUMNED LINE) —$ — SANITARY SEWER — SS STORM SEVIER . ...... WATER FORCEMAIN RWW NEW RAW WASTEWATER FORCEMAIN SITE PLAN 0. 10, 20' SCALE 3d rl-e 0 3 :5 z LW Z 9z w l'o L: as m U) I—•- MARCH 2008 1 1 PROJECT NO 95623 [FILE 02CPOI.DWGI NO 02-CP-01 11105 11 o 0(f ah h o�rc{ • ©"-OR� _ Zl FX. B I r of ► L1 i °o 0 i i IN ofa SECTION A 0' 2- 4' 8' SCALE PLAN NOTES <, 1. COORDINATE HATCH LOCATION WITH PUMP REMOVAL REOUIREMENTS. 2. COORDINATE LOCATION WITH PUMP REMOVAL LIFTING POINT. 3. COORDINATE GENERATOR SILENCER SUPPORT LOCATIONS AND LOADS WITH PRECAST PLANK MANUFACTURER. 4. COORDINATE MONORAIL LOCATIONS AND LOADS WITH PRECAST PLANK MANUFACTURER. GENERAL NOTES 1. REINF SHOWN 15012- UNO. 2. FOR HORIZ WALL REINF SEE 20 -AS -01 20 -AS -01 20 -AS -02 YALL PENETRATION 'OR GENERATOR :NGINE EXHAUST AT AUVER LOCATION. >EE 20 -AS -O7 PRECAST BEARING FLOOR LEDGE 2 N i g w, E W s W` AIL' �o O o Z in ci V1 3 0 Z rn V 120 0. a i CL� a S — MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO 95623 FILE ZOASOS.DWC FILE NO SHEET NO DRAWING NO 20 -AS -05 and - C) Ex- 12 o Li nn'Q� o�UO od4 e�v aig 3 L .f a PLAN 5 � y 0' 2' a' 8' SCALE ei� ggg r �p2 L W` N N 02 W J s -+ W � � O S W N 5 � �-ZW co OD l ] R 4 'o U 5 g a -+ z 5 a y V w 2 0 0 a N z 0 S DATE MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO 95623 1 LE Pnotometrics.DWC FiLE NO SHEET NO DRAWING NO Q. .09 06 �rcl . 0 -cam -2 l VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -08 -21 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT REPLACEMENT OF THE RIVER ROAD LIFT STATION AT 297 RIVER ROAD IN THE P -1 PUBLIC LANDS DISTRICT PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 16th day of June , 2008. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 16t day of June , 2008. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -08 -21 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT REPLACEMENT OF THE RIVER ROAD LIFT STATION AT 297 RIVER ROAD IN THE P -1 PUBLIC LANDS DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on April 10, 2008, to consider the application of the Village of Deerfield, the owner of certain property commonly known as 297 River Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property"), for approval of an amended Special Use to replace the existing River Road lift station and pump house and to construct a new lift stations facility and 1,800 sq. ft. pump house building on three levels (one level at 2 ft. above grade) on the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District, including new fencing, two parking spaces, an asphalt access drive, an electric transformer and landscaping (collectively referred to herein as the "Lift Station Improvements "); and, WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to public notice and conformed in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the statutes of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the testimony, documentary evidence and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation to authorize an amended Special Use pursuant to Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to permit the construction, establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the Lift Station Improvements as a special use of the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission and have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of an amended Special Use to authorize the Lift Station Improvements, as more fully described in the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant and attached hereto, and to the extent authorized in this ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals, being material to this Ordinance, are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby authorize and approve the replacement of the River Road lift station with a new pump station building containing approximately 1,800 sq. ft. of floor area on three levels (one level at 2 ft. above grade,) including new lift stations facilities, new fencing, two parking spaces, an asphalt access drive, an electric transformer and landscaping, all as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the Subject Property in the P -I Public Lands District pursuant to Article 7.02 -B, Paragraph 12, and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use is hereby granted subject to the following additional conditions, restrictions and regulations: (i) the -4- development, construction, maintenance, operation and use of the replacement River Road lift station shall be in accordance with the plans and supporting documents attached hereto as Exhibit B, and with the further conditions, restrictions and regulations set forth herein; (ii) the pump station building shall be constructed with a synthetic roof shingle system; (iii) the demolition and removal of two separate buildings currently located on the Subject Property shall deferred until the new lift station is fully operational, (iv) compliance with all representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; and, (v) compliance by the Applicant with the terms of this Ordinance and with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 4: That the amended Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and to Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of the conditions herein set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby authorized. SECTION 5: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. SECTION 6: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance -5- should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 16th day of June , 2008. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Jester, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this 16th day of ATTEST: Vill ge Clerk -6- Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amended Special Use for Replacement of the River Road Lift Station GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: 1" = 500 ft.), dated 3/6/2008. 2. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: 1" = 300 ft.), dated 3/6/2008. 3. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: 1" = 200 ft.), dated 6/4/2007. 4. GIS Consortium Map showing the Subject Property (scale: 1" = 100 ft.), dated 6/4/2007. 5. Letter dated March 13, 2008 from Christopher Johnson, Fire Marshal of the Deerfield - Bannockburn Fire Protection District, to Mr. Gary Grenneway of Earth Tech regarding the Deerfield East Pump Station. 6. Photographs of the existing pump station site and buildings: (i) Site Looking South (Generator Bldg. on right, Pumping Station Bldg. on Left); (ii) Existing South Pumping Station Building; (iii) Existing North Generator Building. 7. Pump Station Elevations by Earth Tech for the East Side Pump Station Improvements. Recommended Design Based on Public Hearing, April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -03. 8. Pump Station Elevations by Earth Tech for the east side pump station improvements. Recommended Design Based on Public Hearing, April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -04. 9. Civil Site New Facilities and Grading Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 02- CFG -01. 10. Civil Site Piping Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 02- CP -01. 11. Pump Station Upper Plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -02. 12. Pump Station Section by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. 20- AS -05. 13. Photometrics plan by Earth Tech for east side pump station improvements. Planning Commission Hearing April 10, 2008. Drawing No. Photometrics. 14. Landscape Elevation A and Elevation B.by Thompson Dyke & Associates, dated March 2008, for east side lift station.