ORDINANCE NO. 0 -07 -41
17th day of December , 2007.
Published in pamphlet form
by authority of the President
and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield, Lake and
Cook Counties, Illinois, this
17th day of December , 2007.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -07 -41
WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield has the authority to adopt ordinances and to
promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and that protect the public
health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and,
WHEREAS, this Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Cable and
Video Competition Law of 2007, 220 ILCS 5/21 -100 et seq. (the "Act "); and,
WHEREAS, this Ordinance is intended to establish the service provider fee and the PEG
access support fee that municipalities are authorized to impose on a person, firm or entity that has
received authorization from the Illinois Commerce Commission pursuant to the Act (220 ILCS 5/21-
80 1) to provide cable or video service in the Village (the "holder" of a state issued authorization);
in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows:
SECTION 1: Recitals. The facts and statements contained in the preamble to this
Ordinance are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance.
SECTION 2: Adoption of Fee. Chapter 9 of the Municipal Code of the Village of
Deerfield is hereby amended by the addition of Article 10 thereof entitled "Cable/Video Service
Provider Fee and PEG Access Support Fee" which shall read as follows:
Article 10. Cable/Video Service Provider Fee and PEG Access Support Fee.
Sec. 9 -67 Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
(a) "Cable service" means that term as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 522(6).
(b) "Commission" means the Illinois Commerce Commission.
(c) "Gross revenues" means all consideration of any kind or nature, including,
without limitation, cash, credits, property, and in -kind contributions received by the
holder for the operation of a cable or video system to provide cable service or video
service within the holder's cable service or video service area within the Village.
(1) Gross revenues shall include the following:
(i) Recurring charges for cable or video service.
(ii) Event -based charges for cable service or video service, including, but
not limited to, pay - per -view and video -on- demand charges.
(iii) Rental of set top boxes and other cable service or video service
(iv) Service charges related to the provision of cable service or video
service, including but not limited to activation, installation, and repair
(v) Administrative charges related to the provision of cable service or
video service, including but not limited to service order and service
termination charges.
(vi) Late payment fees or charges, insufficient funds check charges, and
other charges assessed to recover the costs of collecting delinquent
(vii) A pro rata portion of all revenue derived by the holder or its affiliates
pursuant to compensation arrangements for advertising or for
promotion or exhibition of any products or services derived from the
operation of the holder's network to provide cable service or video
service within the Village. The allocation shall be based on the
number of subscribers in the Village divided by the total number of
subscribers in relation to the relevant regional or national
compensation arrangement.
(viii) Compensation received by the holder that is derived from the
operation of the holder's network to provide cable service or video
service with respect to commissions that are received by the holder as
compensation for promotion or exhibition of any products or services
on the holder's network, such as a "home shopping" or similar
channel, subject to subsection (ix).
(ix) In the case of a cable service or video service that is bundled or
integrated functionally with other services, capabilities, or
applications, the portion of the holder's revenue attributable to the
other services, capabilities, or applications shall be included in the
gross revenue unless the holder can reasonably identify the division
or exclusion of the revenue from its books and records that are kept
in the regular course of business.
(x) The service provider fee permitted by 220 ILCS 5/21- 801(b).
(2) Gross revenues do not include any of the following:
(i) Revenues not actually received, even if billed, such as bad debt,
subject to 220 ILCS 5 /21- 801(c)(1)(vi).
(ii) Refunds, discounts, or other price adjustments that reduce the amount
of gross revenues received by the holder of the State - issued
authorization to the extent the refund, rebate, credit, or discount is
attributable to cable service or video service.
(iii) Regardless of whether the services are bundled, packaged, or
functionally integrated with cable service or video service, any
revenues received from services not classified as cable service or
video service, including, without limitation, revenue received from
telecommunication services, information services, or the provision of
directory or Internet advertising, including yellow pages, white pages,
banner advertisement, and electronic publishing or any other revenues
attributed by the holder to noncable service or nonvideo service in
accordance with the holder's books and records and records kept in
the regular course of business and any applicable laws, rules,
regulations, standards, or orders.
(iv) The sale of cable services or video services for resale in which the
purchaser is required to collect the service provider fee from the
purchaser's subscribers to the extent the purchaser certifies in writing
that it will resell the service within the Village and pay the fee
permitted by 220 ILCS 5/21- 801(b) with respect to the service.
(v) Any tax or fee of general applicability imposed upon the subscribers
or the transaction by a city, State, federal, or any other governmental
entity and collected by the holder of the State - issued authorization
and required to be remitted to the taxing entity, including sales and
use taxes.
(vi) Security deposits collected from subscribers.
(vii) Amounts paid by subscribers to "home shopping" or similar vendors
for merchandise sold through any home shopping channel offered as
part of the cable service or video service.
(3) Revenue of an affiliate of a holder shall be included in the calculation of
gross revenues to the extent the treatment of the revenue as revenue of the
affiliate rather than the holder has the.effect of evading the payment of the fee
permitted by 220 ILCS 5/21- 801(b) which would otherwise be paid by the
cable service or video service.
(d) "Holder" means a person or entity that has received authorization to offer or
provide cable or video service from the Commission pursuant to 220 ILCS 5/21 -401.
(e) "PEG" means public, education and governmental.
(f) "PEG access support fee" means the amount paid under this Article and 220 ILCS
5/21- 801(d) by the holder to the Village for the service areas within its territorial
(g) "Service" means the provision of "cable service" or "video service" to subscribers
and the interaction of subscribers with the person or entity that has received
authorization to offer or provide cable or video service from the Commission
pursuant to 220 ILCS 5/21 -401.
(h) "Service provider fee" means the amount paid under this Chapter and 220 ILCS
5/21 -801 by the holder to a Village for the service areas within its territorial
(i) "Video service" means video programming and subscriber interaction, if any, that
is required for the selection or use of such video programming services, and which
is provided through wireline facilities located at least in part in the public right -of-
way without regard to delivery technology, including Internet protocol technology.
This definition does not include any video programming provided by a commercial
mobile service provider defined in 47 U.S.C. §332(d) or any video programming
provided solely as part of, and via, service that enables users to access content,
information, electronic mail, or other services offered over the public Internet.
Sec. 9 -68. CableNideo Service Provider Fee Imposed.
(a) Fee Imposed. A fee is hereby imposed on any holder providing cable service or
video service in the Village.
(b) Amount of Fee. The amount of the fee imposed hereby shall be five percent (5 %)
of the holder's gross revenues.
(c) Notice to the Village. The holder shall notify the Village at least ten (10) days
prior to the date on which the holder begins to offer cable service or video service in
the Village.
(d) Holder's Liability. The holder shall be liable for and pay the service provider fee
to the Village. The holder's liability for the fee shall commence on the first day of
the calendar month following thirty (30) days after receipt of the ordinance adopting
this Chapter by the holder. The ordinance adopting this Chapter shall be sent by
mail, postage prepaid, to the address listed on the holder's application notice sent
pursuant to 220 ILCS 5/21- 401(b)(6) to the Village.
(e) Payment Date. The payment of the service provider fee shall be due on a
quarterly basis, forty -five (45) days after the close of the calendar quarter. If mailed,
the fee is considered paid on the date it is postmarked. Each payment shall include
a statement explaining the basis for the calculation of the fee.
(f) Exemption. The fee hereby imposed does not apply to existing cable service or
video service providers that have an existing franchise agreement with the Village
in which a fee is paid.
(g) Credit for Other Payments. An incumbent cable operator that elects to terminate
an existing agreement pursuant to 220 ILCS 5/21- 301(c) with credit for prepaid
franchise fees under that agreement may deduct the amount of such credit from the
fees that operator owes under Section 9- 68(b).
Sec. 9 -69. PEG Access Support Fee Imposed.
(a) PEG Fee Imposed. A PEG access support fee is hereby imposed on any holder
providing cable service or video service in the Village in addition to the fee imposed
pursuant to Section 9 -68.
(b) Amount of Fee. The amount of the PEG access support fee imposed hereby shall
be one percent (1 %) of the holder's gross revenues or, if greater, the percentage of
gross revenues that incumbent cable operators pay to the Village or its designee for
PEG access support in the Village.
(c) Payment. The holder shall pay the PEG access support fee to the Village or to
the entity designated by the Village to manage PEG access. The holder's liability for
the PEG access support fee shall commence on the date set forth in Section Section
9- 68(d).
(d) Payment Due. The payment of the PEG access support fee shall be due on a
quarterly basis, forty-five (45) days after the close of the calendar quarter. If mailed,
the fee is considered paid on the date it is postmarked. Each payment shall include
a statement explaining the basis for the calculation of the fee.
(e) Credit for Other Payments. An incumbent cable operator that elects to terminate
an existing agreement pursuant to 220 ILCS 5/21- 301(c) shall pay, at the time they
would have been due, all monetary payments for PEG access that would have been
due during the remaining term of the agreement had it not been terminated pursuant
to that section. All payments made by an incumbent cable operator pursuant to the
previous sentence may be credited against the fees that the operator owes under
Section 9- 69(b).
Sec. 9 -70. Applicable Principles.
All determinations and calculations under this Chapter shall be made pursuant to
generally accepted accounting principles.
Sec. 9 -71. No Impact on Other Taxes Due from Holder.
Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed to exempt a holder from any
tax that is or may later be imposed by the Village, including any tax that is or may
later be required to be paid by or through the holder with respect to cable service or
video service. A State - issued authorization shall not affect any requirement of the
holder with respect to payment of the Village's simplified municipal
telecommunications tax or any other tax as it applies to any telephone service
provided by the holder. A State - issued authorization shall not affect any requirement
of the holder with respect to payment of the local unit of government's 911 or E911
fees, taxes or charges.
Sec. 9 -72. Audits of Cable /Video Service Provider.
(a) Audit Requirement. The Village will notify the holder of the requirements it
imposes on other cable service or video service providers to submit to an audit of its
books and records. The holder shall comply with the same requirements the Village
imposes on other cable service or video service providers in its jurisdiction to audit
the holder's books and records and to recompute any amounts determined to be
payable under the requirements of the Village. If all local franchises between the
Village and cable operator terminate, the audit requirements shall be those adopted
by the Village pursuant to the Local Government Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act, 50
ILCS 45/1 et seq. No acceptance of amounts remitted should be construed as an
accord that the amounts are correct.
(b) Additional Payments. Any additional amount due after an audit shall be paid
within thirty (30) days after the Village's submission of an invoice for the sum.
Sec. 9 -73. Late Fees / Payments.
All fees due and payments which are past due shall be governed by ordinances
adopted by this Village pursuant to the Local Government Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Act, 50 ILCS 45/1 et seq.
SECTION 3: Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of any
provision of this Ordinance, is held unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such occurrence shall not
affect other provisions of this Ordinance, or their application, that can be given effect without the
unconstitutional or invalid provision or its application. Each unconstitutional or invalid provision,
or application of such provision, is severable, unless otherwise provided by this Ordinance.
SECTION 4: Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
after its passage and approval as provided by law.
PASSED this 17th day of December , 2007.
AYES: Benton, Feldman, Jester, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: None (0 )
ABSTAIN: None (0)
APPROVED this 17th d