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Y The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 0 -0640 Authorizing an Amended Special Use to Permit an Addition and Certain Renovations to First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road Dated this December 19 2006 SEAL JE IFER . DAVIS Deputy Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 t .. _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIffIIllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiilliii Image# 045148770019 Type: ORD {Recorded: 08/17/2009 at 08:28:36 AM Receipt#: 2009 - 00039090 Total Amt: $44.00 Pape I of 19 STATE OF ILLINOIS IL Rental Housing Fund: $0.00 Lake County IL Recorder Mary Ellen vanderventer Recorder COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK F11e6511 O79 ) SS ) VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 0 -0640 Authorizing an Amended Special Use to Permit an Addition and Certain Renovations to First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road Dated this December 19 2006 SEAL JE IFER . DAVIS Deputy Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 t VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -06 -40 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT AN ADDITION AND CERTAIN RENOVATIONS TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the , Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 5th day of September , 2006. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 5th day of September M , 2006. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -06 -40 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT AN ADDITION AND CERTAIN RENOVATIONS TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD WHEREAS, First Presbyterian Church (the "Applicant ") is the owner of certain property commonly known as the First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property ") and has petitioned the Village of Deerfield for approval of an amendment to the Special Use heretofore granted for the Subject Property to permit the demolition of the existing chapel at the southeast corner of the Church, building a 13,360 square foot addition to the Church building at the location of the existing chapel that will consist of a Fellowship Hall with 245 seats, a memorial chapel with 32 seats, a vestibule, bathrooms and storage on the first floor level, and classrooms, bathrooms and storage on the basement level of the new addition, resulting in an increase of 7,354 square feet of floor area,. said improvements and renovations being collectively referred to herein as the "Church Addition "; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on June 8, 2006 to consider said request for an amendment to the previously approved Special use for the First Presbyterian Church to permit the Church Addition, said hearing being held pursuant to public notice and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the statutes of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the testimony, documentary evidence and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that an amended Special Use for the Subject Property should be authorized pursuant to Article 4.05 -C, Paragraph 5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to permit the Church Addition in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant, including authorization pursuant to Article 8.02 -B, Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield for use of off -street parking facilities provided by the Village within 300 feet of the Subject Property to meet 75% of the total requirement for parking spaces for the First Presbyterian Church Special Use, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have considered and reviewed the proposed Church Addition, the supporting materials .submitted by the Applicant, the evidence adduced at said public hearing, and the findings of fact and recommendations of the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of : Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of an amendment to the Special Use for the First Presbyterian Church as provided herein, including authorization pursuant to -Article 8.02 -B, Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield for use of off - street parking.facilities provided by the Village within 300. feet of the Subject Property to meet 75% of the total requirement for parking spaces for the First Presbyterian Church Special Use, as amended, all in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant and subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions herein provided; -2- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals, being material to this Ordinance, are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby authorize and approve said Church Addition as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the Subject Property in the R -5 General Residence District pursuant to Article 4.05 -C, Paragraph 5 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby further authorize and approve the joint use of 194 off - street parking spaces provided by the Village within 300 feet of the Subject Property pursuant to Article 8.02 -B, Paragraph 2, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to meet up to 75% of the total requirements for parking spaces for First Presbyterian Church,. subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use for the Church Addition as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the Subject Property in the R -5 General Residence District and -the approval for the collective use of 194 Village off -street parking spaces to meet up to 75% of the total requirements for parking spaces for First Presbyterian Church, is hereby granted subject to full and continued compliance with the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: -3- A. The Church Addition shall be constructed, maintained and used in strict accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; B. The permission hereby granted for Applicant's joint use of 194 off -street parking spaces provided by the Village within 300 feet of the place of assembly on the Subject Property is subject to the following additional restrictions: (i) said joint use parking spaces are made available only for the ordinary and customary uses of a church; (ii) this approval for joint use of said 194 Village parking spaces is not and shall not be construed as vesting Applicant with any interest or right in the Village parking spaces, any interest or right in the continuation by the Village of such parking spaces for public or Applicant's parking uses, or as an interest or right in the real estate underlying said joint use parking spaces; (iii) Applicant's joint use of Village parking facilities is subject to modification or termination by the Village in the sole discretion of the Village of Deerfield; C. Compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 5: That the amended Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of this Ordinance or the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth herein by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby authorized. SECTION 6: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance, and.each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance. should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a IN manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 5th day of September _'2006. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0)' APPROVED this 5th day of Se mber , A006. ATTEST: UM a 01 ME Village Clerk -5= EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: LOT 3 IN BLOCK 2 IN TOWN OF DEERFIELD, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED MARCH 16, 1857, IN BOOK 27 OF DEEDS, PAGE 167, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF DEERFIELD, IN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN BOOK 27 OF DEEDS, PAGE 167, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 102 FEET 9 -1/2 INCHES WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, THENCE SOUTH 18 FEET, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 WHICH IS A DISTANCE OF 131 FEET 9 -1/2 INCHES WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amended Special Use for-the Church Addition and Renovations to the First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road 1. Existing Conditions/Demolition Sheet No. 2 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 2. Grading and Utility Plan Sheet No. 3 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 3. Detail Sheet No. 4 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 4. Building Elevations Drawing No. A3 -1 by Holabird & Root for First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield Alterations and Expansion, dated 2006- 05 -22. 5. 100 Level Plan Drawing No. AM by Holabird & Root showing the Alterations and Expansion of the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. 6. 000 Level Plan Drawing No. Al -0 by Holabird & Root showing the basement Alterations and Expansion of the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. 7. Demolition Site Plan Drawing No. G1 -1 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006 -5 -26. 8. Site and Landscaping Plan Drawing No. G1 -2 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006 -6 -30. 9. Landscaping Plan Drawing No. G1 -3 by Holabird & Root dated 2006 -6 -30. 10. Landscaping and Site Details Drawing No. G14 by Holabird & Root dated 2006 -6 -30. 0 N GRAPHIC SCALE 2D 0 10 2D (WPM) I inch = 20 n. 4G SANITARY UNKNOWN. BUIDAW REAtOVAL D°°'WO/iND= 90 °°"'0 e w "`°_" `� `��"�' A K o.�+."* t- D..Et+we+m A ..to- M POC 570EWALK / PA wwmr REMOVAL '•'.•��•''.'. UMj7Y LOX OR SEIIIER REMOVAL SINUC7LME REMOVAL TREE OR LAAVWAPE RWOVAL (rJp AAm nk#4r BOARDS at r Fror --- S- omsn wwv FJ —x- J OF SURVEY & TOPOGRAPHY OF L 1: LOT 3 IN BLOCK 2 IN TOWN OF DEERFIELD. BEING A ASIOJ IN THE SOU -HWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 43 D°°'WO/iND= 90 °°"'0 e w "`°_" `� `��"�' A K o.�+."* t- D..Et+we+m A ..to- M RANGE 12, EAST OF rK THIRD PRINCIPAL b1QMAN, .A,000RDING... - E PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED MARCH 16, 1857, IN BOOK 27-0- , PAGE 167, IN LAKE COUNTY, 1LUNOS L 2. THAT PART OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF ME 3764 -,p 16 g WE iELI). iN SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE %WNU1ffi0 2 a 5 9ms PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, REOORDEC 3K 27 OF DEEDS. PACE '67, IN LAKE COUNTY. ILUNOS, DESCRIBED LLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT ' A NORTHEAST CORNER ICE OF 102 FEET 9 -1/2 INCHES WEST OF THE T 1, THENCE SOUTH 18 FEET, THENCE NOR'HWE.STERLY ALONG A ;HT LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 WHICH IS A JCE OF 131 FEET S -1/2 INCHES WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER u T 1, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 TO THE POINT xAl; r =2d GINNING. C OAARK: RIM OF CATCH BASIN NORTH OF NORTH LWE OF LOT 3, nz, aN ISLANDS. ELEVATION: 690.5' PRHP/.R60 POR• PiR eT PR880 fra _ CMVRCN OP DEER P,6�D 0 /300 Wa.0 —S 3?RCELLC CM—.O, 16. 0060E-6i74 Job No. 26006 Northern. Illinois Sung Inc. GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. coxaDlrmc �IQa1�s s9RVLSOas acn V,...r Vibe Brim Venm RML b 63061 TeL 847.47&9730 r" 847.478AT791 D°°'WO/iND= 90 °°"'0 e w "`°_" `� `��"�' A K o.�+."* t- D..Et+we+m A ..to- M EXISTING CONDITIONS /DEMOLITION PLAN - - ME 3764 -,p 16 g WE ��s 3764.000 %WNU1ffi0 2 a 5 9ms THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DEERFIELD 844 WAUKEOAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 80015 °818 °JG LaAre xAl; r =2d — eY DUE 9eASON in aATE �4 W Eal 9 0 a SITE DATA N 780 g roo SF 770 .V ARRAg 7Td 9� WO 9< .pw s Fu ar GRAPHIC SCALE Lu 91 210 0 (Horse) I t=h - 20fL I I 4 LEGEND as �s.y � m waeV r o.awnpa, �Lmn � ` a ow0 �°°� o*+°� m" °�° ^r'L °" �^� b .w • M PROPOSED BUXOM AOVf=V QPWYED (dUWM PAIN L10N REN SVEWA" - PLMrM AREA PRa-OMV WE LOCH DONS G • j fiDW? M LAbOSCAPE PLAN `C.� RAMP FOR 7NE N.6V0l6 PAM SW LIM& N GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, I N C. 80 � Np mt,. MM Mn36 itL is Tao rn 8474X =l as �s.y � m waeV r o.awnpa, �Lmn � ` a ow0 �°°� o*+°� m" °�° ^r'L °" �^� b .w • M T I GRADING AND UTILITY PLAN - '� "B' " "" � °�° 3 a 5 9*m L� DATE �p 3764.000 THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DEERFIELD 824 W AUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60016 � er arc srnLE -20' aEVmow n wh sr ah n�BOd O zi- L6 G maRlcTi ml i VO- tml TVK D GIcC Itg 16%TH R -aNO -e N 91AT6m R¢P oat n owD WRaNa a DwmNRE A. F1.E%IBLE PAVEMENT sarAa 1aAN[ AI ®a fSO,C O4Y.CW AT tM¢TiD BY DCimIRi amARtwa ,n • Dow) mums ao'rm! Bim couRse r pmp eAY a O ). IOFPRG ST OPDIgS OMlL R CmFD N ORIENT OR or al mI'an AKD RRORON BOOM '' Maw tVD1 ym OR I.- 34o-a N PE A & B S. ALL PPE 14DOWINN W K CORM Roam Gomm fly MM!" M ImOM. wN INOW 1OfCV® DETAIL IEW4ED De -sa-m INTENTION 0,510L m AIXRDVm EaNL - • IIl1r 111LS O.D. Q rre BOTH. t f� 1. (BRIO r LI®1 swGNal Li L-1 Tb oo Ma rot NTnam Naoc ADamlo Awm y tXL/ACIm SIARAOL o v.. Nm � d . A .a 11om oowAm Fla! - 4r LYIa ■atn LTS fr NRO � r d .J MOO® RINml11' BY ' OO „w, NONT RTCYDaO AJrt NI rAWNR: TT�tlt IBIS Al VERTICALLY ND p> Ya 1PIE S. M= PAVEMENT !i �j!• r I 4' ruWC H,-bI tin .� I1NR AlRiar RBd B' RHO 2 :? 4• • ; 4 wa:s At1A6rtl IMm .� smL owsm R"IP C• r OW PONCHO MaDn- comb E COT CA-7 B4OOLL r RIOL r WIN OCm,EO LSG4CO MIaN I'm P.CMENT aAOSSI m 'r RBI.( TOP w PIPE 4' qy 999 NN TOO RFD1 W tlD[O POP! NIX rua.T, RI ro 6TEa i a RN1M/ M SMLL m13s7 1 FOR 770101 sDrm RmYrc 1 s: A ,N,SeE guar RE RElNLrOa w YLPA LABS Ma M NBSOT ® r M FLIER FROM DIN) SUBwa ORBP4. MATE44. tmE Oman Ubo ac - OMa aLDRtT[ eAaE ear FRQAN. rJNNA ODMM.'f[D PBaraE � � �L BERET ZL tr iR YUa or Pb1NAR IP1r -M wD A NW RK OR TL' SMIRL baWrDIROR NTTANYD. POPILY DMT Or W'Do R WmPDwrr AaOLRW1A"M aemrl. NOTES wi W cow 7. A HENS S ILL BB Wa1 akD w NK[ x01 DR1wa OP a NINTRICq AID TIQ 1PWaFt uIU HNB 0[]A BDANU®. I. obM CLES MUST Mf01M TO AFM C-4T6 CIM 2) AND i REIO.SD ONLY NON o0ww aY THE vUUm. �:•�: RNATON. SANITARY r a mM-PR:ATT OP'DUTi SHALL i - CO iota a00RD. A & B C. COMPOSITE PAVEMENT - +- !. wmwN wL Pot PFNTROIC11 MSZW A CUTMC1 STORM a� MANHOLE •;.• DETAIL a ro s CaPm RLWRm WDD eT M0' w=01 rmavALn• DETAIL DETAIL = n (Iw0 NntA•DUS oPan CINACE COLJ�- P1Km N 1 lST9 1 1 FLY® 11 -04-04 r DBO POL NVD rnn oarAErt r NWL emMe i •l r OW s mAg mrBAAn 1N DRK mIPYrTm IRIlaf�/DC .NOTE, f NOT€; 1. NIET To N CONTRCRm OL PROCbsr RDBORM CM$1L YLTCN9 AvWR>g)rT M IMYW 1x718 SLTIW Al1OM PAEMDC 010111014 .3 laft 1MRE BRED Rt LMUN w N SECTION N CS. NQxln UNCaiHt AIRA4'RISK DM=w All ROIACE MIN COT CA-7 1 MAI LMT CONFORM W A11Y C -476 SNC a19u011 �)SE: I. CR1im! OONCROX SURFACE COIRSF =PALL CO FOM m CUT ICOVE Q. 1 RTES a ALL PPE PB[ID W i CORM lIW q t. IRDIOI BIOOLL 1 AR C51RO Pi- RIBBm BNfta w0 MfRX01! KNOT®. NMC I. OOM ERCH TO IM CdtlfMm Y r-,1mt {may 4 uS o0olR C. OALI 1. "K a o iu pia sOTS GoFl�l n0OR A IWCRUN OIPRR NOI WON Or OUW RIPE NCLKI RCROiED C9iAElE a. dlal NWN HINT Cw- ro ASIM C-011, 1 BOMrNmS CNO FIE mDm COURSE BNi- CONFORM ROT YNRRH 6 TTPE 1 1 NMINOMT w MOQM 101TINL Oft) OWL CONFORM m MY MVRSIIRII C LN ZT RIOTS bb M (m9 FOR 0011IKL1ID t SONG C NrAiDa6 03.00 L.' 1. 10 TOP OF FRANK I1RL NOT O a MOOS 1 ILL PPE FFNRM/101I ro a ORRO11 MSm RGORD AND Inv" NCWARm. 9,01M W ,I„r 4. PomN O COONT ID CWE NFLL CONFORM ro ROT CLASS W, IBL SSOO PP L ALL IADC4e FROM PIMWIV Alc t Swu! i 61CIOalID NOT ro BCNL r OEM OR OMHIPWTW olN OLIM WWINO 4a NCNES. STRUOmE SMALL RIE ROt.Tm 4. MAamK MPIH m0M MOTT W MLR PPE NOT m NOwt (R.1 Rr10 tm0 a x Ras SBN @S W 4S AA 011RWOOO. POT !CALL RTH i -R (ME" wuh IMMO) MARRML w UMewFMa TLL at m A m rN 010111m THK A YROIOLL W TOP OF PRIME SHALL NOR ET® 4= RNOas DEfCR a ImDY aOLOL6 TEPTM TYPE C Oo FLY RN ANNmNR) AuOFl9 N FFFOaD r ArrAT. ME LAST TWO FIXT W TIEIp1 ILL IN DCPP6 RmH °vff°" °°"°"'°"° DiANt INIDGL PIPE rIl m !CARE r CONSI irDll u INC HM T NucNNE B4ML a REV® CATCH BASIN 6 ALL WWw" SHML XM A mom RMHON ECOm wTm MINIMUM wq mr a6 AID efi oowAC TD m a LFK NRN rmNm PDETAILES 1 AL 1m iN DuwTD a NN L INTa DmM R b i0 oai TRENCH TYPE A INLET m A I Ref NAiRR Pe A we um DETAIL P"0C1Of 0pbNY (ATrw a-,w) evaD Il a a DETAIL iwsn m DETAIL masm c0-v RLim It-0I�I 1r -1r MrcaTR 0-0 Maw MRo }iyip'N(Wa) R-1T1) PtACC B ROW / NR6 RamN mo DP MAO TRIPS CITI CIN IOROT aw ba. 4C90r r KL &No PMoQM1 NOTES: �- 1%w it ow INTO o CRONY• GTT NW COYER 1. MAMUUIS MUw coNFOM TO ASTM "n _ f. R NPL RSION W i Ta rm taaD.m. a O ). IOFPRG ST OPDIgS OMlL R CmFD 1�IN 1iMrluR Pmt A1FSi ms (r TROT =a 1r�•1 AKD RRORON BOOM '' Maw 10i W FMILTM PE A & B S. ALL PPE 14DOWINN W K CORM Roam Gomm [CATCH BASIN wN INOW 1OfCV® DETAIL IEW4ED De -sa-m 11 .4 r 3 .4 .4 sriPE eAx ,¢ DO�P aiPaiw4 floc NaE °�' iimoaR® Aasi�mwVW BRIM BE A8Ii6G1� ROMRSE PRCH NOTE 1. SET EKPANSION FONTS AT ALL MS, PTS. FILE FEET ON EITHER STIE OF ANY FRAMES, AND AT 45' MAIL INTERVALS, 2 SAW CUT OONERACDON JOINTS FULL FACE AND TOP, AT LEAST 2 INCHES IN DEPTH AND AT 15' MADMVM INTERVALS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF POURING. 3 CANS COMPOUND REMARED. (SUBJECT TO m0T SSRBC) 06.12 CURB & GUTTER PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER OR INDUS PREMODED JOINT FRIER 11 3/{ E7NPC FROG Rea 11 IM MALTOSE a aA. srooTH DDTEL ARS in - M DneOO ' sim�am METAL CAP ---�•„ rQRE;1� \ #4 06ONm STEEL ROMFFORCNO BAR EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL NASrc -OR • aw°c°ai vemsaM Wrv1• m NwMr. rua rr WAACII � � .vves� s Ett .°`i.cv.'YwaM Sben�. m°nsuc �ullR w 1RNK WLN�b{CI�R% iY L M Si0 N � IOaorwri ler TR¢ �RPMwvmN ' AN�i1 c rm u oum lo°°NYN1iir m 1Aim Nt mPa r � (' NAUSiNO�Rm aa1 ' I 4 wlPiwn'�oa mi�w1 r °�0 NT IAte NNt i 04TC W M PN1O , M OrCI XmOe! 0+1.1 PIdRIT' b nPIR1aNIrA1 s M PrMm � � t�RI0�C0 MN tMp Die u M>o.o nMr Fa1+e. ® n WROR FPRa • wNAlm 1m rNL i room N A mu.m Farm PPecTm � rowan. Pm WrN urx i v RIO Las "0 w N®R 1c v� eMU'i �i✓n A1rAAOB. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 4' iRI1NGTID DCE DETECTIBLE WARNINGS DETAIL GENUM NOTES RAIM Poll i NY m b 1r4wM ON 0.wN w wPatmrT AIN APOl1l YEpN Ms.l®rr Pw UCMMH AT COORt tAiN W M ....... 60i 01 TIC !M awE FM tMC R RwPS fM1 RR 114 MNNW. r Lm 0- 4r no iM wwlR naE R1B�i K ii"'tr Aw Al lmlwmomR Fm 1crmucaN ro 1riM�la A�mRwal®m�mc�wTTmLLOr u eiD� Arm wwm SIDEWALK RAMPS FOR THE HANDICAPPED 1. PRIOR TO E(CAVATI&L SAWWT PAVEMDr FULL 00". L EXCAVATE THE SIM BASE Alm SUBBASE. I INSTALL THE UTILITY PIPE AND SA761LL MTN CA -7 CRUSHED SOME, COMPACT MECHANICALLY TO SSH STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 4. SAWCUT SIRNCNT AND PARALLEL AND REMOVE AN AGOTIONAL 24. OF PAVEMENT ON 80714 SIDES OF TRENCH, S. INSTALL NNE TO TEN LACES (9• -10•) OF CA -7 CRUSHED STOEE BASE AND COMPACT OLOI A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR TC SSS STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. INSTALL SITUfINOTS CONCRETE Wl" COURSE. MATCH IDWINC PAYE AKT TMICINESS OR A MINIMUM OF r YTSCHEM 14 OWATER AND COMPACT TO WL JERRY. UTILITY TRENCH PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL S' OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS 2-04 DOWEL BARS a u• O.C. e PCC SIDEWALK SLOPE AT MINIMUM 27L EOIANSICI OR AS SHOWN ON PLMIS JOINT SHDEWAII( i i i f i i s i i MALI STANDARD PROCTOR CONIPACOOY 4' OF 1/4' -3/4' CRUSHED STONE CA-6 NOTE: 1. SEE 3/4' ENANSON JOINTS AT PCPM ABUTTING CURB OR PATX4T AND AT 46' MO. INTERVALS L CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE 1/8 TO 1/C SIDE AN) 1/4 OF THE SIDEWALK TWO04FM DTPM FEE EDGE DF T-E CONTROL JOINTS SMALL BE GIVEN A 114' RADIUS. 1 TWD /S OEFOREED 47FI1 BARS 1RW1 BE NSTALL� N TIE 90[VEALN CERFAED OVER ALL TRENCH QWSSIMM THEY SHALL EXIFRD 10 FEET BEYOND THE CODES OF TIE MAIM PCC SIDEWALK DETAIL GEWALT HAMILTON A S S O C I A T E S, INC. caSt1 » . 8sew BBO Porat pw Drtn VC non Ellin, IL MOST TBL 647.471LWM For B47.47OLgM �- 1%w it ow INTO o CRONY• GTT NW COYER DETAIL SHEET _ I It -1r TRIO D7 MNL UDR RRYOm WRFC ADANTRB mR ./ WOOD NI STET, 1cTm a r MK 1�IN 1iMrluR Pmt A1FSi ms (r TROT =a 1r�•1 DOT G-] CCm[0 UM6101W BwDILL MARWIAL m toll m ttl - SrALSD h -Z-" N PwIBrDNT aR RmBI SCE OE RTC. IEL'al aPR¢r W OOP. R A OM M FmRV FABRIC, RRR , m AIXRDVm EaNL - • �MVCNS BOTH. t f� 1. (BRIO r LI®1 swGNal Rm a m�.PRm DAT E E aNRnelta mam ®s 1 oowAm Fla! - 4r YK R9t TAFNat I. r d .J MOO® RINml11' BY •w w ws r !• d p Tr'-lr w Ns f rw In ~ a IOM R1JRR AJrt NI rAWNR: TT�tlt IBIS Al VERTICALLY y m as M! mw¢Im !i �j!• r maP[ boaomRl NOUML Soo mR>fZ r4P [ ®N wuN a fi®I SOROe Nam 1.. FUM ftiR9D6 Sw K PLACED K 7110.4 LOGTDIN SWORN • NOTES; OM M PLMI. L =CH FARM W WRE YESII I. NR101{Y !' OOr,EGTION d 114R) mR 4alY >t9F1! CRMK NE NN TOO RFD1 W tlD[O POP! NIX rua.T, RI ro 6TEa i mw a coRD, Am SOOT col"tRIN1 Mme. ' POS1, R(M Trr a TOP All YD -ffiOPL l.OKiRM FLIM FABRIC M 4' M FOLD KNEW I SIXTIIm AMK 1 FOR 770101 sDrm RmYrc 1 s: A ,N,SeE guar RE RElNLrOa w YLPA LABS Ma M NBSOT ® r M FLIER FROM 1 FOR I MaOrY SEMOR N UMIX CPORCTIOR ro COSM lELA6[ • R AFPICY� R M """ O1�mC ON60rN 6 BWEaCN w w Fm n INML BE AT LFMr ONCE Pm 1' IO4 SNC CUSNOMI SpEt y[ tr. A =- Or TE YIISr R HO'b"ED YD A TQ OR 1M RRBGiIA R£Of AND Aflm PAtll 11EIII5 N f3OL5i p )n •, RDMR oR aLDRtT[ eAaE ear FRQAN. 4. FOP 1MMTWT SUM SmaCE Ovllai:TION TO Om1010 VIUAO[ RL91A®Ralf SHILL BE Mmt FROrP1 M KEEDM !. ftOrAOrt TRAFiO M TABS rDRCii SIWL 0[ RORORD AID SETH LOWICIT Iowa SECI01 BERET ZL tr iR YUa or Pb1NAR IP1r -M wD A NW RK OR TL' SMIRL baWrDIROR NTTANYD. POPILY DMT Or W'Do R WmPDwrr AaOLRW1A"M aemrl. NOTES wi W cow 7. A HENS S ILL BB Wa1 akD w NK[ x01 DR1wa OP a NINTRICq AID TIQ 1PWaFt uIU HNB 0[]A BDANU®. I. obM CLES MUST Mf01M TO AFM C-4T6 6 TOR wt PNOPOA saM 7R SA RINP mXo ALL COLEBC ONa MAST w mM9m N LOI -SCMOM WrQEff m pawww RTIBC AND i REIO.SD ONLY NON o0ww aY THE vUUm. L M,N HOE &COOLS W w TOLCLE me IIO.m. TYPE 1 mloo LMT BE NDYOM N ALL To)Ro SOREN NORIOLEa RNATON. SANITARY NOT TD a mM-PR:ATT OP'DUTi SHALL i - CO iota a00RD. A & B a EPI TRD ROtIN A P,,WM Su16AR NUFA RaW4WE FEL �`81GBE°L°NSCe ". C0N1q°"B HaR-sIxDI x & STORM SILT FENCE !. wmwN wL Pot PFNTROIC11 MSZW A CUTMC1 STORM a� MANHOLE TROLL (�iA) mm SERVICE DETAIL a ro s CaPm RLWRm WDD eT M0' w=01 rmavALn• DETAIL DETAIL iXSFD II a o4 FLY® 11 -04-04 11 .4 r 3 .4 .4 sriPE eAx ,¢ DO�P aiPaiw4 floc NaE °�' iimoaR® Aasi�mwVW BRIM BE A8Ii6G1� ROMRSE PRCH NOTE 1. SET EKPANSION FONTS AT ALL MS, PTS. FILE FEET ON EITHER STIE OF ANY FRAMES, AND AT 45' MAIL INTERVALS, 2 SAW CUT OONERACDON JOINTS FULL FACE AND TOP, AT LEAST 2 INCHES IN DEPTH AND AT 15' MADMVM INTERVALS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF POURING. 3 CANS COMPOUND REMARED. (SUBJECT TO m0T SSRBC) 06.12 CURB & GUTTER PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER OR INDUS PREMODED JOINT FRIER 11 3/{ E7NPC FROG Rea 11 IM MALTOSE a aA. srooTH DDTEL ARS in - M DneOO ' sim�am METAL CAP ---�•„ rQRE;1� \ #4 06ONm STEEL ROMFFORCNO BAR EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL NASrc -OR • aw°c°ai vemsaM Wrv1• m NwMr. rua rr WAACII � � .vves� s Ett .°`i.cv.'YwaM Sben�. m°nsuc �ullR w 1RNK WLN�b{CI�R% iY L M Si0 N � IOaorwri ler TR¢ �RPMwvmN ' AN�i1 c rm u oum lo°°NYN1iir m 1Aim Nt mPa r � (' NAUSiNO�Rm aa1 ' I 4 wlPiwn'�oa mi�w1 r °�0 NT IAte NNt i 04TC W M PN1O , M OrCI XmOe! 0+1.1 PIdRIT' b nPIR1aNIrA1 s M PrMm � � t�RI0�C0 MN tMp Die u M>o.o nMr Fa1+e. ® n WROR FPRa • wNAlm 1m rNL i room N A mu.m Farm PPecTm � rowan. Pm WrN urx i v RIO Las "0 w N®R 1c v� eMU'i �i✓n A1rAAOB. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 4' iRI1NGTID DCE DETECTIBLE WARNINGS DETAIL GENUM NOTES RAIM Poll i NY m b 1r4wM ON 0.wN w wPatmrT AIN APOl1l YEpN Ms.l®rr Pw UCMMH AT COORt tAiN W M ....... 60i 01 TIC !M awE FM tMC R RwPS fM1 RR 114 MNNW. r Lm 0- 4r no iM wwlR naE R1B�i K ii"'tr Aw Al lmlwmomR Fm 1crmucaN ro 1riM�la A�mRwal®m�mc�wTTmLLOr u eiD� Arm wwm SIDEWALK RAMPS FOR THE HANDICAPPED 1. PRIOR TO E(CAVATI&L SAWWT PAVEMDr FULL 00". L EXCAVATE THE SIM BASE Alm SUBBASE. I INSTALL THE UTILITY PIPE AND SA761LL MTN CA -7 CRUSHED SOME, COMPACT MECHANICALLY TO SSH STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 4. SAWCUT SIRNCNT AND PARALLEL AND REMOVE AN AGOTIONAL 24. OF PAVEMENT ON 80714 SIDES OF TRENCH, S. INSTALL NNE TO TEN LACES (9• -10•) OF CA -7 CRUSHED STOEE BASE AND COMPACT OLOI A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR TC SSS STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. INSTALL SITUfINOTS CONCRETE Wl" COURSE. MATCH IDWINC PAYE AKT TMICINESS OR A MINIMUM OF r YTSCHEM 14 OWATER AND COMPACT TO WL JERRY. UTILITY TRENCH PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL S' OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS 2-04 DOWEL BARS a u• O.C. e PCC SIDEWALK SLOPE AT MINIMUM 27L EOIANSICI OR AS SHOWN ON PLMIS JOINT SHDEWAII( i i i f i i s i i MALI STANDARD PROCTOR CONIPACOOY 4' OF 1/4' -3/4' CRUSHED STONE CA-6 NOTE: 1. SEE 3/4' ENANSON JOINTS AT PCPM ABUTTING CURB OR PATX4T AND AT 46' MO. INTERVALS L CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE 1/8 TO 1/C SIDE AN) 1/4 OF THE SIDEWALK TWO04FM DTPM FEE EDGE DF T-E CONTROL JOINTS SMALL BE GIVEN A 114' RADIUS. 1 TWD /S OEFOREED 47FI1 BARS 1RW1 BE NSTALL� N TIE 90[VEALN CERFAED OVER ALL TRENCH QWSSIMM THEY SHALL EXIFRD 10 FEET BEYOND THE CODES OF TIE MAIM PCC SIDEWALK DETAIL GEWALT HAMILTON A S S O C I A T E S, INC. caSt1 » . 8sew BBO Porat pw Drtn VC non Ellin, IL MOST TBL 647.471LWM For B47.47OLgM TEN Pr1R,R Y SN P,OSV of O.y!- MPAtvI A>�, Mc w b RN m w NRe b Nlr wwr .Pte W.N w . R4 PRmbPer rRm OrMt- NPnitm h0dohr. M DETAIL SHEET GTTE S/B4.000 OF 5 %m THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DEERFIELD 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 80018 DAT E E Q.T.S. Nn' M DATE � MOM BY WAIF �+ O IV's T �� w W O O O 1 EAST BUILDING ELEVATION 04 1 •I UU 1 /At -1 Z SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION A74 1 . t AI -1 - - -- ---- - - - --- A HM m. t S 4 NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION Aa-, 1 •t MA t A,1 f-C NN rim Im ia ill1 � 3 WEST BUILDING ELEVATION Aa-t 1 . ,/Al-11 GENERAL NOTES: EXTERIOR MATERIALS V — MATERIALS R FINISHES SCHEDULE (EXTERIOR) a� .� TILE I9GTIal Igfl� IIOa BAT. ml 010 O pp �{ &. I.—.- .av IIMI iw - ^ i MA01 IYa1A 101 m .OR - Data i i 01 ABiUIT 10 MAm, M - TAN. M i1D011 B AWLL 0001 Otadtad Q Pmj Aldt/tn AMEVIAIM ! PDiaalANlf em OF ®a fMOaIICE • NIMUCa O m w am Np1NI19 }1 =Sam f 7 a N m MAIM M - - Y 3 WEST BUILDING ELEVATION Aa-t 1 . ,/Al-11 GENERAL NOTES: EXTERIOR MATERIALS LIE Nail MM APPIT W N MW 0NS 1. ®® NA69 aMMM IIAFAM! 0A Fff99a L A . JPFM a a0MaP= TO MAM COW 1 ® ommin am TWL QQ PMPX Nmme NA TmLrm l TEWM G" a M papa a 0fm1 XWA7 PP11 M M � L= =HMO TIDEq ®WM I i O Q X811! 11T NA YNIMAaNMi(7 MmBBIDATOI 7. Z lA0>CM./ 9M Mal FM MUTW L IaQ0lAfal MATERIALS R FINISHES SCHEDULE (EXTERIOR) a� .� TILE I9GTIal al BAT. ml 010 R pp �{ &. I.—.- 11 IIMI iw - ^ lf MA01 IYa1A 101 m .OR - Data M 01 ABiUIT 10 MAm, M - TAN. M i1D011 B AWLL 0001 Otadtad Q Pmj Aldt/tn AMEVIAIM ! PDiaalANlf em OF ®a fMOaIICE • NIMUCa O Nm ■ limo Olaf Np1NI19 }1 - f 7 a N E001010 M'OOO - - M 1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS m A19m Na pam a P9AE - - AM &C • /M lAOe IaLL. • fBIAT® aJa9 IIfP pA . aFAN 03 O 0001 a NY P9AIE KM mm AiLT m A7, mm am lO WT 0MD ' n Mal FMM Q t/! AA70' Nal_aWM& ({n 9/ Pon MM WMM KM WIMM 0!D AT l axm GUAM - 0 92 MW 9W Pal A110a1K WO Rim va sm • MMIIATm GLASS SCHEDULE No. Dab RlMdal CpglllRllallgl Md6 Tdgv Lf�oO�t_ 70aAtd�9M��0(1��9 M OOIOFaITa T+s�a 725 mm 70 1110 .� TILE M9C 117P. BAT. ((�� I11EWM lAi. R pp �{ &. I.—.- & AM PdMW M Ob r_d ^ Came. Na 14WO Data - 01 Draw TAN. �J Otadtad - Pmj Aldt/tn AMEVIAIM ! PDiaalANlf em OF ®a fMOaIICE • NIMUCa 71paAL�T 8U6 Np1NI19 }1 ALTERATIONS A EVANSION 7�, WM a' MW MM WAl® K 1J910f OW PMJW 1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS 8.9111 i-m- 9! . f7NOMAf® a'0 • IvA9uE am . DEW W" t4F • BA►ACA mi.. maam AM &C • /M lAOe IaLL. • fBIAT® aJa9 IIfP pA . aFAN KETNOTE' EXTERIOR MATERIALS KM mm AiLT m A7, mm am lO WT 0MD 7O AID l006 AIE.IIFRIILLT MAf®l Q f9M® a= 1918110 1901 MM AIM MW FRML (D Nm uac Q t/! AA70' Nal_aWM& ({n 9/ Pon MM WMM KM WIMM 0!D AT l axm GUAM e� mom m uml fm 0 92 MW 9W Pal A110a1K WO No. Dab RlMdal Holably2 Md6 Tdgv Lf�oO�t_ 70aAtd�9M��0(1��9 M OOIOFaITa T+s�a 725 mm 70 1110 .� 11�A�YyP�1 ♦fir ��atppf goab_��IPaW df�PAla ��4}�Y ddllaau •`�M a wq w Y .dd AM PdMW M Ob r_d ^ Came. Na 14WO Data Draw TAN. �J Otadtad Pmj Aldt/tn L10. soda I FIRST PRE.SBYwMW CHURCH OF� 1E Y ALTERATIONS A EVANSION Sp PMJW 1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS sAaat Komi Q Dra*a Ilo. A3-1 Fvaiil H 1 i0o Lm PLAN M W in-&3j 4 m E3 ItSGJ ■ MEN ■ ■ ONO ■ F. Y4, (D G "bad— lira III A"- . amon ON* 6090-m- 0 TWO- M2 7M 8M Fbmmo V12 m Itis r-ceza -..a . Pill"rMH = 16 p O IMP~ harm. N& 14M O oat. 20*-02-24_ cram T.AA X --, ow" LQ — Prol ArdL/En UQ. SO& RM PREBB"EMM CHWM OF DEERRELD ALTMTMM A EVANOM 100 LEVEL PLAN a'wt own Draftl Na Al 1 1 000 LEVEL PLAN M-0 lle'l s� -------------- R-M-0-M-N-S -------- MAP ILAN — --------- will �� —la`s �� � .. �� _ Fv-m'f T m-, 000 LEVEL PLAN keg NIU■ -I,mg m. Al - W, 4 Qo W O O O I` 11 I�. I_ I I I'• Ir I I I I I I I` I I I I I G lo�0omlaA�i1 �.. _ taIVEE1TEwEEATIw� e7NYEEloAOn G � GoTMAO� mIAmAEArw GTYID�IIi'�N � eAIwAlB�ow I ��° _ ®TAE m -------- -- • EXISTING TREE ACTION PLAN T© TREE TK SEE 7105 PLAN FOR LOCATION SM G-1 -7 AND FI -3 FOR NEITPLANTNG Smx TAG o 1 Call COWTO NOTES TAG TYPE. SPECIES GROUP y0 CONDIDM NOTES TAO J DON y MRRM Tl�m �'• TI i 10 l GD O 70 REIM WIEN CONSTRUCTION UNITS n1 =..rR' 3 j � , 1 A7reAEITAMD ILAIIOmRIiABI T3'' SY&L DEftIgUS N/A 9 POOR TO RODIED. RT3lACOW VALUE - On KM O LARGE OECRIWS, O 14 GOOD la91w T17 NEDNY OCOIORA C 3 GOOD TO RUM, Vet K PROTECTED NWA SIM DECIOXI 5, N/A 6 . k" to RENOVED, REPLACENI T VALUE - U/E 00 CTSJ • 11 ° 9i�1eAITlOm • EKRGm, C o GOOD no 9 nJ — 114• ~ :•1 3 GOOD TO AE11AK LULL BE PAMM �®� V WALL CEmUOUS. N/A 7 —OBI TO REMOVED, REPLACCLIrT VALUE - UM VIM - L _ ; no e9�T000mm m• ���.•� LARGE OfO11O15. 1 El GOOD W REWOy WTRgN C1MTI01CIION UNITS n4 SMALL OECE,= N/A a POW - 09opc=omlm NE $MVA101 — ��— 1` dA��vi t OtllPmmm I ARAN GED•IEAO..YI 17 POW TO num3L RmACE ENr VALUE - UOE LOIN 05 LARGE aEC0110UR a .. Ro9w�A0•m I• ., — _ — — — ' 1 IWEA ,I.m 6000 To RENNIA WTY9M COSTRUOTm wT3 115 SMALL DECIDUOUS. N/A 17 Ina T7o ' • p.. ® ' 774 • _ J w 1 ° omEOn�m - -- - - - -�� 175 IEDWM DEC�OOM B 3 GDm TD REMAN• aL RE PRo"M ® r- '� 17 0000 TO REYAK OJTVrn1 C06I 41CTICN UNITS na OWA.mm pOApin ,IJ • 1 .1 TTEn� 10 POW I "NAM mom aw ® LARGE DECICUWS. B 75 OAMAOD TO MOVED. AERACDfETT VALUE 15' CALDER A�1 \AAIIM 9}yy,, mw.E ll� j �:1, +? 7w. '\ l�J VEDEN DEm11W; C l 777 •, I 101B�� ` TO REHM. WTARI CONSTRUCTION WR A• ,m msmmvmm SMALL MODUCIS, N/A rj POOR TO REYOVEO, RFRACEFNT VALLE - LOE OD O EVF31GREE . C 7 MIAIAAAAOrE TO RflNNFD, RrEPAC1EW VALUE tY CALM EXISTING TREE ACTION PLAN T© TREE TK SEE 7105 PLAN FOR LOCATION SM G-1 -7 AND FI -3 FOR NEITPLANTNG Smx TAG TYPE SPECIES WCW Call COWTO NOTES TAG TYPE. SPECIES GROUP Call CONDIDM NOTES TAO TYPE SPEC16 OR DON CONOIIAN NOTES TI YCOW CECRADA B 10 Woo 70 REIM WIEN CONSTRUCTION UNITS n1 NEOW OCOLOUS C 3 GOOD TO RENAM 111 BE PROTECTED Q SY&L DEftIgUS N/A 9 POOR TO RODIED. RT3lACOW VALUE - On KM O LARGE OECRIWS, O 14 GOOD TO KUM, WTf M OCNSIRUC711YI UNITS T17 NEDNY OCOIORA C 3 GOOD TO RUM, Vet K PROTECTED SIM DECIOXI 5, N/A 6 POW to RENOVED, REPLACENI T VALUE - U/E 00 Q EKRGm, C 10 GOOD TO R01M. GOWN CONSTRUCTION UNITS nJ L[DSAY OECOVOIS, C 3 GOOD TO AE11AK LULL BE PAMM �®� V WALL CEmUOUS. N/A 7 POW TO REMOVED, REPLACCLIrT VALUE - UM VIM T4 LARGE OfO11O15. 1 B GOOD W REWOy WTRgN C1MTI01CIION UNITS n4 SMALL OECE,= N/A a POW TO REWOVE4 APUC3ENT VALE - UIC 4MD T7A SMALL DECIDUOUS N/A 17 POW TO num3L RmACE ENr VALUE - UOE LOIN 05 LARGE aEC0110UR a to 6000 To RENNIA WTY9M COSTRUOTm wT3 115 SMALL DECIDUOUS. N/A 17 POW 70 REAM REPLACEMENT VALUE - LDQ MD 175 IEDWM DEC�OOM B 3 GDm TD REMAN• aL RE PRo"M ® LAW OECIDUauSI B 17 0000 TO REYAK OJTVrn1 C06I 41CTICN UNITS na SMALL OEMUOUS. N/A 10 POW TO REYOLEO. RPPI91ENE7lT VALLE - WE 1@ID ® LARGE DECICUWS. B 75 OAMAOD TO MOVED. AERACDfETT VALUE 15' CALDER O VEDEN DEm11W; C l WOO TO REHM. WTARI CONSTRUCTION WR n1 SMALL MODUCIS, N/A B POOR TO REYOVEO, RFRACEFNT VALLE - LOE OD O EVF31GREE . C 7 0000 TO RflNNFD, RrEPAC1EW VALUE tY CALM ® MEDRN OECIDUW; C J GOOD TO RDIADL OIIYYIN CONSiPo1C10N WTS Tle 91µL ODMUOUS. N/A IE POOR TO RIDWVR REPLACEENT VALUE - IRE 00 O WILL O:mUWS, N/A 7 oAMACm lD RErovv, REPLAOM�7T VALUE - LOE 00 TS NEDRAI CECIII C 3 0000 TO REMAIN, WLL RE PROTECED i19 SMALL OECID1 OM N/A 11 POW To REMOEO. REPACEMDT VALLE - UE *to ® LARGE TEmUWS B H G000 TO FAWN. WMN CO6Twa.a I UNITS n0 W1 AL OCIDUCIS C 3 GOD TO Ri3U0A TOT. BE PROTECTED ® SMALL GECCLOu3. N/A 7 POW TO FDWKD. REPIACEENT VALUE - LINE MO ® LEG"' O'C"U"M O 17 GO0 TO ROAN, 01 OMGTR WII LlYIi3 — — — — — Q MEDIUM OECIDUWS B 10 GOOD N FEIIAEI. WTININ COSII6ICTOI UW75 1 SITE PLAN GI -I I/16' =1' LREP. I I ,Q = # SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES WCP A RTM01£D 0 TOT& KOM OF SPECIES CROP B REMOVED 1- TOTAL 1tV11PFR OF SPECIES GROUP C RDROI'ED I REPLACEMENT VALUE CUM TOTAL 17.1• TOTAL KNW OF OTHER SPECIES TREES REYOIED 17 G A.IAaAEO. 0=701 MA I No. I Date I Ro*W Hoh"rd&Roat A ditcftm InaeElIDra 30o Wnt Abm. 94nt COY.." ... 55605 -5174 T.O.ph— 314 745 5950 Fe fm 314 "a 1110 1101mY! f rmelr LL9Cepr0rah` Qde9ro T J'.�p n6 mlNn Mj7b1�M� TAY ewNE wp e.w eAn rsA.oNN ./ e b NWnI lem7 awpis d � aM� tlM.el O.eM w .M b b c!K NY LAN" - AR Ipso r..E1.i Dote 2005 -02 -24 NON NI I T.A.N. DAe*w I Prol Arch/Eng. IL,LC. Soda OF DEENEeE n ALTArMN & WWAHIM DEMOLITION—SITE—PLAN Sheet Nome Dra** ND. Q1- 1 I(A-) 0 E S O L 'V ^ lilli i i + i r i I i f � I I I 1 I I I I i I I :2 AOOfia7 AL SPACES W MAKE A I MAL OF 52 :SPACES PROJECT DATA 0 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD as pom Aam 10011aRf 6t !!t UM 1O06pp11 s 00 f WAA. Id MN Same bee wmmoff Sam Gr go 2 RGOL'o as c 4e= d{4lAms mm RH[m 0 moo 10 MM - UM LANOWN a MM tt FMV + 466 in AMMM ML nm Kum AaAAMR AM= vn.a..s. 3a Aalm ur MLMV Mu M M" MOAAU .OMµ. 32 SU13 MMASI SITE PLAN 01-2 1/1 d DW-1 L to as 4� INWAL20<Ma m .MPAMSM oa oavr n d0 11 ti II 11 u n n n t n al u n n ad ii e � •1 � h •s 1 IN o��es 0 FoG Gt+6A6.3�ee,��n F �VV ZpO�oata _o. 300 Wad Ad— WM OM=pq 6a* 6000 -M4 2IAAm. 312 m mo /.M-mp. M2 ra 11+D eAtia.a � Abs1, uc OMps nl M/ ti! M b •Oq m A.rse�v�ery2 m. Am.¢.beM sf . � awn e�OVbv�lva a.y ..wrrar Am, -, -m4bbI 0r LAHL Checkw 'to; Ardt/t-4 LJA scu6 FUMPRMSYTERllW CHURCH OF DEERFIELD AILTERATUM A EVAMOM ® SITE do LANDSCAPING PLAN Shat Name Da N. G1 -2 �rD O �1 ifs V O Q sJ NEW TREE ACTION PLAN Q SEE DA SUM RAN FM MMM va m cum ® mm am wo MRf Yi. br f Ta om an mm ARu re. 2w. ! ® Q19 me mm eR1E w w bo 2 © MR MB fM* APM w. k.. 2 © "m Roma *am em Rs.. po.ib 2 ® ro9W ROaela DEW (*M Res. pbmb f Toe == mmms OEM W* Ras . peb.b 2 Q WSW ammo mw 02@1 R.s . e•eh•.b 2 ® VMM ROKM OEM QW R•... pb. b 2 iN mw ROEW DEBT QMQ Rs.. 0-6 ! ® on Roman 000E00A Dm mtb 1 ♦ � o ��oo�doEW iv vv vv vvOVV do o vOV V4t�V V009v 0 °IbOVOVVVO °v o vvov v000�vlvv ov vd vvP oov v6 pO,pB000VVO /A °v vvov "V 11V iovvvvvvoo vvovv. 000 vvovv ov.v�c7 d1 pip v°oovovvovvo �y ♦ o a Q © LAO( IOM b" 4 ® ro eh101 MACH 9EMS DEODI 9MVJ* 4 2 ® ro imam MAW 9ms omm mmm m 2 ® ro IYIW mart Y Mf ON" 1 =QM 2 o vva—vavo vvvovv00000000 vv vaq oev00000vov000voo vv 000 ovv P vOVVVVVOV 'v000v OavvOV 000pvvvvvvO V.v000VOV VVOV VOV VO ..000.0 = tram Ir6[f�>a M= a �b °�O .b01Pn q e 0 b °Op •o .v0 a ' •a 0, •b. 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' a MseCeSt c2E a stmuzs OR 111 11-4 Rl IS og° °o Di o �• IO 1E 1 TbRER MiWOD PAD 0 t Q Y I 0 D W 'vemA Ukel c 9a cI`V ��A A6Zz Q ti0 �oa� A Na I Date I R.,Wm AMNMcl aEnMwW 29l I &A 3a0 W d Ad— Waal 00.9% W b 6.oe -5174 Tdwh— 312 728 MW XX r/slNV 312 728 Me �• wwo�q v66210b�Wbm10 CI a0 p44 AruEy1 wN .e.. Aq ..b.faibe emP M b mw yb dolt haw e_ ip <doi t . de1 dlYrwt ehw !•NL 7�a OM wV Ale@atl Qv�bp w aPe b w ..oml M bawG eea Ai nebhr - w APb ww.r. [Date Iwoe -az-z� Dram LAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN cmup f IF DEERFF D ALTERATIONS & EXPANSICN LANDSCAPING —PLAN Sheet Name Dming Na G 1— 3 I I ^ ( 0 Not •V x (.jj I� g 10 O I O F-t 1 X i 1 CHURCH SIGN 1 .� OF DEERRM.D CHURCH 1.1. SO CHURCH SIGN 2 FRONT ELEVATION I O _ I I fi 6r -,G" 5 T� ENCLOSURE 81 -4 1 - 1'-T I 3 CHURCH anoN 4ctRioN sfav 0.1 - 1-r 0-4 r - r-7 i I FIRST PRE. CHU '-ZOF DEE REVEREND DAV SERVICES AT 8 CHURCH SIGN XX LETTER DETAIL 61-4 Y -r-r :4 -7 KETNOTE. EXTERIOR MATERIALS IOTU OEM AWLY TO 79A91 OCLM E aa.Y. O1 WWDCMRWWMWAT4T O—wm mmwm O 1212 RED QMR MW 4 RFD OMAN WM 86T6 co ;O I L o TRASH ENCLOSURE 6 SIDE ELEVATION G1-4 vv'- —re TRASH ENCLOSURE 7 FRONT ELEVATION 61 -4 TRASH ENCLOSURE 7 SECTION 81-4 Ile - 1 GENERAL NOTES: SGNA THE P= a N+PLY IQ sou¢ 61Lr. 1 BM =3 CF SM ARE SWAa 1 AREA 6F BW. FRW1 A MX K 18 7 KETNOTE SIGNAGE O1 R= PANT WM WTM IETM 40 f &MAN MAW p 1➢�Tp[ pD wTW ms,.a © W=(WWA3CN nanq FKW WAW OF RAR11R6 BW Ir VM JYOSPAPE OM t1 STUB YOTAY W If Lm flFt/LID w STMT Pawn W alsoE a BED. TW ' r -r 10 HAM COPACIEB GRAML POW �I 1/O6Ba�D W MR= SAWBE Jr "n UTOSCAPE am U sum (((/ SM P a' 1r 16116 Pima S 1i/ SUIT P00 W L P®E C W T6P 6T FDQO IOT 10p® Ar AB61E R1®1 otABE AT 1W1fAY3 I f - FLIB FAW WM WAVEL PAMMY COURTYARD 9 STEEL EDGING DETAIL, TYP 61-4 1' smc�QNrJ '8.�s G G� A6 p g6tin 0) O `tipp6 a�a� FO ,.ems Alahma�lEAlyllsOrlp k10RAe1s amrw weer wwe -a1x r..*.beL 313 rA /tu m� IoMp�r wefttsa��ean�ryMq wbsmetle Mt Y b AMP ��11Yre! tliw s1}my A�bortq��Or � N aed8a e- wf r YW`�m`t d heensf eA ebe ph%W - N rjhb rswl O wdtad Praj ArdL/PHg L r. s6is FIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DEERFIELD ALTERATIONS a EXPANSION LANDSCAPING—&-.51-11 DETAILS 1ea1 Harna VW4N& G1 -4 . 1 IN 1+ O Q �V �J 1 9 4 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -06 -40 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT AN ADDITION AND CERTAIN RENOVATIONS TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 5th day of September , 2006. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 5th day of September - , 2006. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -06 -40 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT AN ADDITION AND CERTAIN RENOVATIONS TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 824 WAUKEGAN ROAD WHEREAS, First Presbyterian Church (the "Applicant ") is the owner of certain property commonly known as the First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property") and has petitioned the Village of Deerfield for approval of an amendment to the Special Use heretofore granted for the Subject Property to permit the demolition of the existing chapel at the southeast corner of the Church, building a 13,360 square foot addition to the Church building at the location of the existing chapel that will consist of a Fellowship Hall with 245 seats, a memorial chapel with 32 seats, a vestibule, bathrooms and storage on the first floor level, and classrooms, bathrooms and storage on the basement level of the new addition, resulting in an increase of 7,354 square feet of floor area, said improvements and renovations being collectively referred to herein as the "Church Addition "; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on June 8, 2006 to consider said request for an amendment to the previously approved Special use for the First Presbyterian Church to permit the Church Addition, said hearing being held pursuant to public notice and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the statutes of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the testimony, documentary evidence and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that an amended Special Use for the Subject Property should be authorized pursuant to Article 4.05 -C,. Paragraph 5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to permit the Church Addition in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant, including authorization pursuant to Article 8.02 -B, Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield for use of off - street parking facilities provided by the Village within 300 feet of the Subject Property to meet 75% of the total requirement for parking spaces for the First Presbyterian Church Special Use, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have considered and reviewed the proposed Church Addition, the supporting materials submitted by the Applicant, the evidence adduced at said public hearing, and the findings of fact and recommendations of the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of an amendment to the Special Use for the First Presbyterian Church as provided herein, including authorization pursuant to Article 8.02 -B, Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield for use of off - street parking facilities provided by the Village within 300 feet of the Subject Property to meet 75% of the total requirement for parking spaces for the First Presbyterian Church Special Use, as amended, all in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant and subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions herein provided; -2- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals, being material to this Ordinance, are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby authorize and approve said Church Addition as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the Subject Property in the R -5 General Residence District pursuant to Article 4.05 -C, Paragraph 5 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield do hereby further authorize and approve the joint use of 194 off - street parking spaces provided by the Village within 300 feet of the Subject Property pursuant to Article 8.02 -13, Paragraph 2, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to meet up to 75% of the total requirements for parking spaces for First Presbyterian Church, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use for the Church Addition as an amendment to the Special Use previously approved for the Subject Property in the R -5 General Residence District and the approval for the collective use of 194 Village off - street parking spaces to meet up to 75% of the total requirements for parking spaces for First Presbyterian Church, is hereby granted subject to full and continued compliance with the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: -3- A. The Church Addition shall be constructed, maintained and used in strict accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; B. The permission hereby granted for Applicant's joint use of 194 off - street parking spaces provided by the Village within 300 feet of the place of assembly on the Subject Property is subject to the following additional restrictions: (i) said joint use parking spaces are made available only for the ordinary and customary uses of a church; (ii) this approval for joint use of said 194 Village parking spaces is not and shall not be construed as vesting Applicant with any interest or right in the Village parking spaces, any interest or right in the continuation by the Village of such parking spaces for public or Applicant's parking uses, or as an interest or right in the real estate underlying said joint use parking spaces; (iii) Applicant's joint use of Village parking facilities is subject to modification or termination by the Village in the sole discretion of the Village of Deerfield; C. Compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 5: That the amended Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of this Ordinance or the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth herein by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby authorized. SECTION 6: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a -4- manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 5th day of September , 2006. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this 5th da ATTEST: Village Clerk— -5- Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amended Special Use for the Church Addition and Renovations to the First Presbyterian Church at 824 Waukegan Road 1. Existing Conditions/Demolition Sheet No. 2 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 2. Grading and Utility Plan Sheet No. 3 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 3. Detail Sheet No. 4 for the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 4. Building Elevations Drawing No. A3 -1 by Holabird & Root for First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield Alterations and Expansion, dated 2006- 05 -22. 5. 100 Level Plan Drawing No. AM by Holabird & Root showing the Alterations and Expansion of the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. 6. 000 Level Plan Drawing No. A 1 -0 by Holabird & Root showing the basement Alterations and Expansion of the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. 7. Demolition Site Plan Drawing No. G 1 -1 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006- 02 -24. 8. Site and Landscaping Plan Drawing No. G1 -2 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006- 02 -24. 9. Landscaping Plan Drawing No. G 1 -3 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006- 02 -24. 10. Landscaping and Site Details Drawing No. G1 -4 by Holabird & Root, dated 2006- 02 -24.