O-06-04ORDINANCE 0 -06- 04 AN ORDINANCE CONSENTING TO THE VILLAGE OF PORT BARRINGTON AS AN ADDITIONAL MEMBER OF THE SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ( SWALCO) WITH NO LATE FEE WHEREAS, Section 5.3 of the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing SWALCO contains provisions outlining how a Lake County- municipal corporation may become an additional member of SWALCO; and WHEREAS, the Village of Port Barrington, Illinois has requested additional membership in SWALCO pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Intergovernmental Agreement but wishes to avoid the payment of a late fee as described by that Section; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of SWALCO has determined that the purpose of the inclusion of the late fee in Section 5.3 was to encourage the participation of municipalities to enter into said Intergovernmental Agreement from the beginning and prior to the expenditure or commitment of substantial public indebtedness; and WHEREAS, SWALCO has not yet committed to the expenditure of substantial public indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of the Villages of Port Barrington would not substantially affect the planning and implementation process of SWALCO at this point in time; and WHEREAS, Section 5.3 of the Intergovernmental Agreement provides for the abatement or waiver of said late fee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, State of Illinois as follows: Section 1. The Village of Deerfield does hereby grant its consent for the Village of Port Barrington, Illinois to become an Additional Member upon the payment of a late fee in the sum of No Dollars ($0.00). Section 2. That the Village of Port Barrington shall be allowed to make its capital contribution to SWALCO upon a payment plan to be agreed upon by the Village of Port Barrington requiring a payment of $500 for ten years. The Village of Port Barrington shall be obligated to sign a Note specifying said obligation. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be forwarded to the Secretary of SWALCO upon its certification at 1131 N. PASSED AND APPRC AYES: Feldman, Rosenthal NAYES: None (0) ABSENT: Benton (1) ABSTAIN: None (0) ATTEST: