O-05-46` IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII STATE OF ILLINOIS Doc #: 0626417067 Fee: $172.50 Eugene "Gene" Moore Cook County Recorder of Deeds COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK SS Date: 09/21/2006 10:25 AM Pg: 1 of 75 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed. Deputy Village Clerk of the V' and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Village of Deerfield, Lake Ordinance 0 -05-46 Approving an Amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Commercial•Plarmed Unit Development in the C -2 Outlying Commercial District. Dated this June 12 2006 iIFER Z DAMS Deputy Village Clerk SEAL Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL• 60015 1f VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -05 -46 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEERBROOK MALL COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE C -2 OUTLYING COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 7th day of November ,2005. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 7th day of November , 2005. 11 I VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -05 -46 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEERBROOK MALL COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE C -2 OUTLYING COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on July 14, 2005 on the application of the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property ") for approval of an amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development to permit certain renovations to the middle interior portion of the mall in accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto as Exhibit B, consisting generally of: (i) the removal of 49,269 square feet from the current mall (24,963 square feet of corridors, 15,465 square feet from removal of the movie theater and 8,841 square feet from removal of retail space next to the theater and south of T.J. Maxx); (ii) the addition of 7,873 square feet of building area (including 5,783 square feet of new retail space north of Best Buy and 2,090 square feet of new service and receiving space); (iii) the removal of the roof over the interior portion of the common mall corridor resulting in 14,414 square feet of cormnon open air area with the addition of a paved sidewalk to the open air mall with east and west exterior entrances; (iv) the elimination of a common truck dock/loading and receiving area; (v) the elimination of the existing east mall entrance immediately to the north of Best Buy; (vi) the addition of new landscaping and light fixtures; (vii) the addition of fifty -five (55) new parking spaces south of the existing T.J. Maxx store; and, (viii) such other necessary and appropriate additions, changes and modifications identified on Exhibit B or required in connection with the establishment of the cross- access vehicle interconnection points between the Deerbrook Mall and Lake Cook Plaza as identified herein (collectively referred to herein as the "Mall Renovations "); and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was held pursuant to public notice duly given and published as required by statute and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Deerfield provides for an interconnection between the Deerbrook Mall shopping center and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center; and WHEREAS, the Village has caused a traffic study to be made of traffic conditions in and about the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center and the Deerbrook Mall shopping center to determine the best means of implementing an interconnection between Deerbrook Mall and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center and to minimize the possible adverse effects of allowing such traffic movements between the adjacent shopping centers; and WHEREAS, Applicant and the owners of the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center have agreed to a conceptual plan for implementing an interconnection between the Lake Cook Plaza shopping Center and the Deerbrook.Mall shopping center, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence, testimony and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that the proposed amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development be authorized and approved G "t -2- pursuant to Article 5.02 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to allow the Mall Renovations to the middle portion of the Deerbrook Mall shopping center; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that substantial evidence supporting the Plan Commission recommendations was adduced at said public hearing, that the proposed amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development for the Subject Property fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 5.02 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, and that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and approval of said amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development of the Subject Property as provided herein and in accordance with the plans, supporting materials and representations submitted and made by the applicant which are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby affirmatively find that the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development as hereby authorized fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 5.01 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby authorize and approve the Mall Renovations described herein as an amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned 5 t Unit Development in the C -2 Outlying Commercial District, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit development is granted subject to the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: A. The establishment, development, maintenance and use of said amended Special Use Planned Unit Development shall be in strict conformance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; B. - Cross - Access Interconnection with Lake Cook Plaza: Applicant shall cooperate with the Village and with the owners of the Lake Cook Plaza Shopping Center in planning, designing, establishing and operating a cross - access interconnection for the purpose of allowing motor vehicle access between the Deerbrook Mall shopping center and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center consisting of. (i) modifying and improving the Deerbrook Mall on -site traffic circulation system to provide for a cross - access point of interconnection with the Lake Cook Plaza Shopping Center at the west property line of Deerbrook Mall and at the southerly property line of Lake Cook Plaza; (ii) modifying and improving the Deerbrook Mall on -site traffic circulation system to establish a cross - access point of interconnection with the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center north of the Jewel Store at a point of intersection of the Deerbrook Mall service alley with an east -west access driveway south of the future National City Bank site in Lake Cook Plaza; and, (iii) such work to be in accordance with the conceptual interconnection design attached hereto as Exhibit C. 2. Applicant shall grant permanent easements in a form approved by the Village Attorney authorizing mutual traffic movements between the Lake Cook Plaza Shopping Center and the Deerbrook Mall shopping center in accordance with the final intercoiuiect design approved by the Village, which shall be in substantial conformance with the conceptual design attached hereto. Such easements shall be subject to reciprocal easement rights being granted by the owner of the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center in a form approved by the Village Attorney. -4- 3. Applicant shall submit final plans for Applicant's cross- access interconnection improvements for review and approval by the Village and the Northbrook Fire District. 4. Applicant shall construct Applicant's cross - access interconnection improvements in an orderly manner in accordance with a schedule approved by the Village. C. Continued compliance with the requirements of the Final Development Agreement(s) for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development and with the requirements of the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development, as hereby amended. D. Compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village, of Deerfield. SECTION 4: That the following exceptions from the strict compliance with the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield are hereby granted and authorized: in addition to the parking variations previously granted for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development, as modified by the addition of fifty -five (55) parking spaces in accordance with the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development hereby authorized, a further parking variation is hereby authorized and granted to reduce the required number of parking spaces for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development as required to accommodate the final cross - access interconnection plan described herein, as approved by the Village Engineer and the Director of Conununity Development. SECTION 5: That the approval of the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant, Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigned, and any violation of this Ordinance or the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth herein by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use as hereby authorized. -5- SECTION 6: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, at Applicant's expense. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance, and each of its tenns,' shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terns of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 7th day of November , 2005. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6) NAYS: .None (0) 52 , r EXHIBIT A TRACT A: THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SAID SECTION 4 AND THE CENTER LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE WEST ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SAID SECTION 4,193.80 FEET, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY LINE EXTENDED NORTHERLY OF DOWNEY'S COUNTRY HOME ADDITION TO DEERFIELD, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTH Y OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTHERLY ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID DOWNEY'S COUNTRY HOME ADDITION TO DEERFIELD, 1174 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SAID SECTION 4,830.09 FEET TO THE CENTER OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE NORTHERLY ON THE CENTER LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD 1190.4 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, (EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE TRACT OF LAND THE NORTH 60 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 50 FEET THEREOF DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY), IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TRACT B: THAT PART OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN LYING EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS TOLL HIGHWAY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST AND WEST % SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 4, WITH A LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE (AS OCCUPIED) OF WAUKEGAN ROAD (FORMERLY STATE ROAD), THENCE WEST ALONG SAID LINE 1576 FEET NORTH AND PARALLEL WITH SAID 1/4 SECTION LINE 1622.35 FEET TO ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 364.88 FEET TO ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID TOLL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TOLL ROAD 737.445 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, 433.887 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, 75.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, 629,232 FEET TO ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH SAID LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 210.56 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINP, TOGETHER WITH THAT PART, IF ANY, OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A STRIP OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND A LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE (AS OCCUPIED) OF WAUKEGAN ROAD (FORMERLY STATE ROAD) NORTH OF A LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST AND WEST % SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 4, AND SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF DOWNEY'S COUNTRY HOME ADDITION TO DEERFIELD AND SAID SOUTH LINE EXTENDED EASTERLY, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SECTION 4, (EXCEPT THAT PART OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 4), TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE NORTH ILLINOIS TOLL HIGHWAY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT a OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE 1 EAST AND WEST % SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 4 WITH A LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE (AS OCCUPIED) OF WAUKEGAN ROAD (FORMERLY STATE ROAD) THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTER LINE 210.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 629.232 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 75.00 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED HEREBY; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 433.887 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TOLL HIGHWAY SAID POINT BEING 737.445 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE) ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE NORTH 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST IN SAID NORTHEASSTERLY LINE 13.773 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 441.573 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 11.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING), IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TRACT C: PARCEL 1: THAT PART OF THE NORTH/2 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS TOLL HIGHWAY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE (AS OCCUPIED) OF WAUKEGAN ROAD (FORMERLY STATE ROAD); THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 5 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTER LINE 210.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 629.232 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 75.00 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED HEREBY; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 433.887 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TOLL HIGHWAY SAID POINT BEING 737.446 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE) ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE NORTH 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE 13.773 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 441.573 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 11.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF THE NORTH % OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL, LYING EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS TOLL HIGHWAY DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT . THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF A LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE EAST AND WEST % SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 4 WITH A LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE (AS OCCUPIED) OF WAUKEGAN ROAD (FORMERLY STATE ROAD); THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 5 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 33 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTER LINE 210.56 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED HEREBY, CONTINUING THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 818.02 FEET TO A POINT 398.48 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF THE LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE WITH A LINE 559.06 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID % SECTION LINE; THENCE SOUTH 85 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 855.62 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID 1 Q TOLL ROAD, SAID POINT BEING 813.39 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF MEASURED IN THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE) ITS POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH SAID LINE 559.06 FEET SOUTH OF SAID LINE 1576 FEET NORTH OF SAID % SECTION LINE; THENCE NORTH 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST OF SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE 622.355 FEET, TO A POINT 737.445 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID LINE) FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 433.887 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 76.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 629.232 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 10 -260 S. Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois 04 -04- 200 - 005 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 008 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 013 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 014 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 016 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 017 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 021 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 022 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 023 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 024 -0000 04 -04- 200 - 025 -0000 1 YY Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development for Renovations to the Middle Portion of Deerbrook Mall 1. Overall Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 1. 2. Mall Area Landscape Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 2. 3. Floor Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 3. 4. Existing Floor Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 3B. 5. Enlarged Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 4. 6. Loading Dock Truck Access Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 5. 7. Roof Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 6. 8. Photometric Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 7. 9. Existing and New Construction Overlay Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 8. 10. Phasing Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 9. 11. Photographs of Existing Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 10. 12. East Elevation by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 11. 13. Elevation (inner east) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 12. 14. Elevation (inner west) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 13. 15. Elevation (south/inner south) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 14. 16. Elevation (inner north) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 15. 17. Typical Section at Storefront by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 16. 18. Typical Section at Loading Dock by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 17. 19. Material Cut Sheets for various light fixtures, planters, trash receptacles, benches and loading dock equipment marked as Exhibits 25 through 35, both inclusive. 20. Stormwater Management Report prepared by C. M. Lavoie & Associates dated May 16, 2005 Exhibit 36. 21. February 21, 2005 letter from Anthony J. Lewis, Director of Fire Prevention for the Northbrook Fire Department to Gil Magnelli re: Deerbrook Mall Turning Radius Site Plan, Exhibit 37. 22. Memoranda from Dan Brinkman of Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. to Ms. Charlotte Sweetland re: Site Line Analyses Deerbrook Mall Reconfiguration dated June 3, 2005 and May 17, 2005, Exhibit 38. 14� Ll; 3.1 Ul a ill THE GREAT INDOORS V BRUNSWCK BOWL 019 .41 JOY OF THE GAME NATIONAL TIRE BATTERY Jnf 0 AREA OF WORK "'D BATH & BEYOND OFFICE IAA% SPORTS AUT..RITY7�) I BEST BUY =r7 =V E!E 77 L-Z;d .= 7Z =17 7 rod J= E -T- TE a YS C= ALLYS 05 HEALTH CLUB & - T- FITNESS C== 0 C==. L OVERALL SrrE PLAN WAUKEGAN ROAD SCAMV.Iwd DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects PLAN DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE- JUNE I =5 PRUCTMWMMISI EXHIBIT 1 I� ul to tf [1 to 9 9 NOTE: PLANTER LANDSCAPING TO BE CHANGED SEASONALLY WITH MALL'S SEASONAL ROTATION. n. A_ A.AS- MALL AREA LANDSCAPE PLAN SC Lr•ma DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT oKw Architects °E DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE AM ' PRUMCTMIWM03158 EXHIBIT 2 a PLANT LIST O p BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ORNAMENTAL TREES_.____ 6 AB AMELANCHIER AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY 2.5" BB EVERGREEN TREES 3 TS THUJA OCCIDENTALIS AMERICAN ARBORVITAE 8' HT.BB DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 9 BT BERBERIS THUNBERGII ATRO.'NANA' CRIMSON PYGMY BARBERRY 24" BB 3 RC ROSA'CAREFREE WONDER' PINK SHRUB ROSE 24" BB 12 SP SPIRAEA JAPONICA'LITTLE PRINCESS' LITTLE PRINCESS SPIREA 4'138 8 SY SYRINGA MEYERVPALBIN' DWARF KOREAN LILAC 36" BB 15 VD VIBURNUM DENTATUM'CHICAGO LUSTRE CHICAGO LUSTRE VIBURNUM 36" BB EVERGREEN SHRUBSi 1B JS JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS'SEA GREEN' SEA GREEN JUNIPER 24' BB 36 TT TAXUS MEDIA TAUTONII' TAUTON YEW 24' BB 1364 vm VINCA MINOR'BOWEL& PERIWINKLE 3" POTS GRASSES & PERENNIALS 42 as ASTER'ANDENKEN AN ALMA POTSCHKE PINK ASTER 1 GAL. 14 Ck CALAMAGROSTIS'KARL FOERSTER' FEATHER REED GRASS 1 GAL 33 . CAMPANULA'WEISSE CLIPS' WHITE CLIPS BELLFLOWER 1 H.GAL. 29 gm GERANIUM MACRORRHIZUM BIGROOT GERANIUM 1 H.GAL. 117 hs HERMEROCALLIS'HAPPY RETURNS' REPEAT YELLOW DAYLILY 1 GAL. 33 he HEUCHERA'BRESSINGHAM BRONZE PURPLE CORAL BELLS 1 GAL. 12 ms MISCANTHUS SINENSIS MAIDEN GRASS 1 GAL 73 nb NEPETA FAASSENIPBLUE WONDER' BLUE WONDER CATMINT 1 GAL. 8 sa SEDUM'AUTUMN JOY' AUTUMN JOY SEDUM 1 GAL. NOTE: PLANTER LANDSCAPING TO BE CHANGED SEASONALLY WITH MALL'S SEASONAL ROTATION. n. A_ A.AS- MALL AREA LANDSCAPE PLAN SC Lr•ma DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT oKw Architects °E DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE AM ' PRUMCTMIWM03158 EXHIBIT 2 a FA ri EXISTING CUI 0,4A. o - os- 14(p FLOOR PLAN SCALE: V - 0 10 20 0 ME PLAN DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW kchitects DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE YJNE 3. pR=cTf&wWt03l5& EXHIBIT 3 (((E TING CURB THEATER 71777 DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS —EXISTING MALL EXISTING SERVICE SPACE VACANT RETAIL EXISTING VACANT RETAIL EXISTING VACANT TJ MAXX RETAIL TRANSFORMER EXISTING VACANT RETAIL EXISTING VACANT RETAIL 1 EXISTING VACANT RETAIL SPORTS AUTHORITY (NO WORK) EXISTING VACANT RETAIL ULTA FAMOUS FOOTWEAR RREEF MANAGEMENT BEST BUY NO WORK &W OKW Architects MiE MC 3.2MS PROlECi M MBM 0315e (--EXISTING CURB — LINE OF EXISTING ENTRY FEATURE ABOVE DAJ.0 -03 p F�- B q 3.;. EXISTING FLOOR PLAN 6pQE I— Wa D io m 40 TRE PLAN EXHIBIT 3B y CORRIDOR EXISTING i J _ RETAIL EXISTING CONNIE VACANT PAGANO RETAIL EXISTING RISTORANTE VACANT ABRUZZO RETAIL EXISTING VACANT RETAIL EXISTING VACANT KUHN'S DELICATESSEN RETAIL EXISTING VACANT RETAIL BOSTON MARKET CORRIDOR RREEF MANAGEMENT BEST BUY NO WORK &W OKW Architects MiE MC 3.2MS PROlECi M MBM 0315e (--EXISTING CURB — LINE OF EXISTING ENTRY FEATURE ABOVE DAJ.0 -03 p F�- B q 3.;. EXISTING FLOOR PLAN 6pQE I— Wa D io m 40 TRE PLAN EXHIBIT 3B y ul n to 7 0 O EXISTING JOY OF THE GAME \J\N THEATER BUILDING 15.465 S.F. TO BE REMOVED BE REMOVED RETAIL TO BE Z REMOVED I L Lj J j N TIRE 24,963 S.F CORRIDOR SPACE TO BE REMOVED NEW MALL SERVICE �t SPACE (STORAGE 8 RECEIVING AREA) NEW RETAIL SPACE 5,783 S.F. NEW OPEN 14,414 S.F. CORRIDOR SPACE 55 PARKING STALLS (2 HANDICAP) EXISTING SPORTS AUTHORMY JNO WORK) EXISTING BEST BUY (NO WORK) 0 EXISTING ENTRANCE DRIVE R O fl -III I III 1 11111 l l l l 1 lil I Ul iti 11*1111111111111 Iti Ii EXISTING PARKING INIo KANGE O I I I I I I I I I I I� 1.J A PROJECT TABULATION THEATER BUILDING 15.465 S.F. TO BE REMOVED BE REMOVED RETAIL TO BE 8.841 SY REMOVED I L Lj J j N ENCLOSED 24,963 S.F CORRIDOR SPACE TO BE REMOVED NEW MALL SERVICE �t SPACE (STORAGE 8 RECEIVING AREA) NEW RETAIL SPACE 5,783 S.F. NEW OPEN 14,414 S.F. CORRIDOR SPACE NEW ADDITIONAL 55 PARKING STALLS (2 HANDICAP) iRi cu r EXISTING BEST BUY (NO WORK) 0 EXISTING ENTRANCE DRIVE R O fl -III I III 1 11111 l l l l 1 lil I Ul iti 11*1111111111111 Iti Ii EXISTING PARKING INIo KANGE O I I I I I I I I I I I� 1.J A PROJECT TABULATION THEATER BUILDING 15.465 S.F. TO BE REMOVED BE REMOVED RETAIL TO BE 8.841 SY REMOVED I L Lj J j N ENCLOSED 24,963 S.F CORRIDOR SPACE TO BE REMOVED NEW MALL SERVICE 2,090 S.F. SPACE (STORAGE 8 RECEIVING AREA) NEW RETAIL SPACE 5,783 S.F. NEW OPEN 14,414 S.F. CORRIDOR SPACE NEW ADDITIONAL 55 PARKING STALLS (2 HANDICAP) u. f ILIJn T TABULATION SUMMARY TOTAL SPACE TO (49,269 S.F) THE GREAT B BE REMOVED INDOORS I I I I I I I W 1 1 l l l l l l 1 1 T TOTAL NEW SPACE 7,873 S.F NET CHANGE (LOSS) (41,396 S.F) I L Lj J j N Oj g S try �" ENLARGED SITE PLAN °T V SCAM r.mo rnuE ww a 15 30 w DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects S MM �" ° DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS "°"�' EXHIBIT 4 ' LOADING DOGK N Ij�W TRUCK ACCESS SITE PLAN scae r • ad DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS a�x "°�`TR°"�° EXHIBIT 5 ON, , 7J fgqd j j EXISTING STANDING SEAM HIP ROOF CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION . RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects o j. o -os-Vlv &. 8'1 16 a a' ROOF PLAN SCALE: ® ® o m m —_ a rRUE PLAN DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 0AV-'S 1.= MUCT"°G"°"S° EXHIBIT 6 WALL MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP. —,< W) Yr 'u POLE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. WALL MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. --\ POLE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. Pro'act� All Pro acts O, J,t . O r els�4� S nbol Ot Mbuntin Ft Arro anent Lumens D.7 OesCriotion TOtat vetts M+( V w 2 26 EEET He DOUBLE I80' 36000 0.72° LSI Ci2V 5 400 MNR Cr 916 3 8 iEET DIISLE 180' 6400 LURALINE HL301 P2 CPR SIL 2421E /P Ds // /nY/��!n INDUSTRIES' 6 46 B FEET VALL MDUNi 3200 LURAL INE HL301 UVN CPR SI 4 i /O 42 / / 2 14 iEET VALL MUUNi 36000 COOPER LIGHTING /LUZ VL VAL -PN( 400 (VV/ PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Sri =. P • SOd DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects ° 1 0 DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS OATEAKZ2DM PRGECTRAMM031se EXHIBIT 7 L 'u 'u Yal Y4 Yr 1�LY. 'u 1. �4 l.. �r i� � ;• ! } } 'i.•t.-f'SS''� '.'i'-, S+ i Y.. Y+ ,'t4 Y.' f 'Z•TY• Y Y+ Y. y ' +•j POLE UNT]i GH'I FIXTURE PARIONG LIGHT FIXTURE •+ •+ •+ �+ -•+ + l+ } }� !a 'k, ]+ !z 1" 1.T 1, is 1T 1r 1, L� 1a 111 Iv 1 t I L1 III ICIN W) Yr 'u POLE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. WALL MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. --\ POLE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE. TYP. Pro'act� All Pro acts O, J,t . O r els�4� S nbol Ot Mbuntin Ft Arro anent Lumens D.7 OesCriotion TOtat vetts M+( V w 2 26 EEET He DOUBLE I80' 36000 0.72° LSI Ci2V 5 400 MNR Cr 916 3 8 iEET DIISLE 180' 6400 LURALINE HL301 P2 CPR SIL 2421E /P Ds // /nY/��!n INDUSTRIES' 6 46 B FEET VALL MDUNi 3200 LURAL INE HL301 UVN CPR SI 4 i /O 42 / / 2 14 iEET VALL MUUNi 36000 COOPER LIGHTING /LUZ VL VAL -PN( 400 (VV/ PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Sri =. P • SOd DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKW Architects ° 1 0 DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS OATEAKZ2DM PRGECTRAMM031se EXHIBIT 7 r- EXISTING CURB C-4 T---- SPORTS AUTHORITY (NO WORK) EXISTING CURB NEW MALL ---------------- SERVICE SPACE ULTA EXISTING MALL EXISTING �XI SERVICE SPACEJ VACANT - 9 RETAIL LEGEND TI G XISTING EXISTING VACANT VACANT RETAIL RETAIL FAMOUS FOOTWEAR L- - - - --- " "' LINE OF NEW R DjEr EXISTING STOREFRONT ii 1 VACANT BOSTON MARKET TJ MAXX LINE OF EXIST C _IT ING\ A P E L STOREFRONT TA 'L I NEW - VESTIBULE L M INDICATES FINAL CONFIGURATION NE F LINE UTILITY �y tENTRY LINE OF EXISTING BRIDGE ABOVE STOREFRONT F EXISTING LINE OF EXISTING Y TU FEATURE ABOVE TRASH LINE OF NEW NEW RETAIL EXISTING STOREFRONT --\ CONNIE TRANSFORMER RISTORANTE 1RECVG. ABRUZZO CONSTRUCTION TO BE VA NT RETIL ........ ........ ---------------- r--- KUHN'S DELICATESSEN rr - -- ---- r- EXISTING CURB C-4 T---- ---------------- �XI LEGEND TI G R DjEr ii 1 BOSTON MARKET - ------------- L INDICATES FINAL CONFIGURATION TRASH NEW RETAIL 1RECVG. INDICATES EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE rr - -- ---- DEMOLISHED BEST BUY NO WORK 0 EXISTING & NEW CONSTRUCTION OVERLAY PLAN 01 SCALE. 1 -470 . 00 D 10 20 10 TRLE PLAII DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT .:OKW Architects OVERLAY PLAN DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 8 a ■ T.J. MAXX THEATER EwsnNOPLAN acne T•. Tana SPORTS AUTHORITY ULTA FAMOUS j FOOTWEAR O BEST BUY SPORTS AUTHORITY SPORTS AUTHORITY ®cREATe reAUDaARr ENTRANCE SPORTS AUTHORITY ULTA TaaTe BARRICADES J . +RENOVATE EXISTING OWLET ROOMS IN FORMER TENANT ®COMPLETE SITE WORK CONSTRUCnoNACCESs SPACE TO COMMON AREA TORET ;. FAMOUS ULTA ® j PEDESTRIANACCEW ® RELOCATE TENANT. Q--Ty TEMPORARYENTRY ()OPEN ENTRANUSA pE E� FAMOUS GARRIC ADE AREAS OF MIORIL T.J. MARX FOOTWEAR ULTA NORTHERN PORTION OF MALL. THROUGH EXISTING SOUTH EN ces. AREA OF WORK ® RENOVATE NORTHERN PORTION OF OAAll a MA■O ENTRANCE. ® CLOSE OFF SOUTH ENTRANCES a BARRICADES AREAS OF WORK ((3> CON SmucnonAaESa . ® CONSTRUCT NEW TAMAXX ENTRY. ®RELOCATE TENANTS. THEATER = - -- FAMOUS DEMOLISH T/@ATER 6 60UTNERN ® BEST BUY SCALE 11 - Iw-w T.J. MAXX � FOOTWEAR KEr nAx RETAIL SPACE. R AREA O® R .z PHASEII BEST BUY " scuer•Tma KEY HAN SPORTS AUTHORITY SPORTS AUTHORITY ®cREATe reAUDaARr ENTRANCE I©RENOVATESOUTH ENTRANCE ULTA TO ti. MAAT. ® BARRICADES {— EXISTING TOUT ROOMS +RENOVATE EXISTING OWLET ROOMS IN FORMER TENANT ®COMPLETE SITE WORK CONSTRUCnoNACCESs SPACE TO COMMON AREA TORET ;. FAMOUS ULTA ROOMS. PEDESTRIANACCEW ® RELOCATE TENANT. Q--Ty TEMPORARYENTRY ® CLOSE OFF ENTRANCE FAMOUS GARRIC ADE AREAS OF MIORIL T.J. MARX FOOTWEAR ® REDIRECT PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ® THROUGH EXISTING SOUTH EN ces. AREA OF WORK ® RENOVATE NORTHERN PORTION OF OAAll a MA■O ENTRANCE. ® Q . ® CONSTRUCT NEW TAMAXX ENTRY. THEATER PHASE ® BEST BUY SCALE 11 - Iw-w KEr nAx SPORTS AUTHORITY Kasrr® BARRICADES I©RENOVATESOUTH ENTRANCE ULTA a SOUTHERN PORTION OF MALL. PEDESTRIAN ACCEW _ CREATE RETAIL SPACES. _ ®COMPLETE SITE WORK CONSTRUCnoNACCESs ;. FAMOUS T.J. MAXX -: 1:= ::1,5:. FOOTWEAR OEM■ ._ .� - l 1111111111111111Li 0,,1.0 - OS- q tp DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT ,'A; oiCW Architects PHASING PLAN` C DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DAM'J'E"°M PRDEDTNGMaFAows EXHIBIT 9 r i i DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS I G , S y � .. .... caien f RREEF MANAGEMENT OKwArcnitects EXISTING PROM 0 j.0.05.gl0 at 9"0" PHOTOGRAPHS OF EXISTING � aIE MC xMM MOWNUMMMM EXHIBIT 10 •EK13rWO _ NEW STOREFRONT ¢ITHY E%14TIN0 .. .. - .. 1, EAST ELEVATION / PARTIAL PLAN EXISTING PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION SCALE Vir•1'a i i i i ■ i om rT m z z x O°Y° "''''Yn """ "" i 1"O v _._.....•,.._._....`..�........ EAST ELEVATION (CONTINUED) / PARTIAL PLAN �� PREFNSHEOSTOREFRONT SCALE: TRr. 1-0 b , 0' • SM oENarES BENJAMIN MOORe • ALL EIFS TO BE SANDBLAST RBASN 2 .. KEYFW • REFER TO wAYERUL BOARD FOR MA,EROU SAMFI ES L7 SCAM' WT TO SCALE DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT dwOKW Archftects ELEVATION (EAST)\a DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DAT'M"°� `"° `r"°�`�'�° EXHIBIT 11 Z NOTES: <> FABRIC AWNING NEW SIGNAGE UGKT FIXTURE OA M ACCENT COLOR BM 01851 FACE 8RI0( o EIFB ACCENT -11 BMI 1188 CAST STONE DOSTING SIGN TO SE REUSED OEIF8 FIELD COLOR SM 8 919 0 ETS CORN= COLOR ELI 0 01 OETS ACCENT COLOR SM 01018 O sTmomr SEAM METAL ROOF OPREPPIMMED STOREFRONT ELM DENOTES BENJAMIN MOORE • ALL EWSTOSE SANDBLAST FINISH • REFER TO MATERIAL BOARD FOR MATERIAL SAMPLES %I DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT SCALP- NOT TO SCALE aw OKWkchitects ELEVATION (INNER EAST) V DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DAM AINE & MM PROJECT NUMBER: 03151 EXHIBIT 12 INNER WEST ELEVATION I PARTIAL PLAN BDAIE: tnr • 1'4• NOTES: FABRIC AMINO O NEWSIONAOE 11041 FUTURE O EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM S 1591 FACE BRK:K <$> EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM F IIW .CAST STONE 1 EXISTING SKIN TO BE REUSED EF9 FIEl0 COLOR ON 8910 o EIFS CORNICE COLOR SIR F OR F EWSACCENT COLOR SN /1018 B BTANOW06PJJA NETK ROOF OPREFNISNED STOREFRONT • Bu DENOTES BENIN LIOORE • ALL EIFS TO BE SANDBLAST FINISH • REFER TO MATERIAL BOARD FOR MATERIAL SAMPLES JI I I !� , I S7 I � • I, I _J. I I IKLIXL -1 INNER WEST ELEVATION (CONTINUED) I PARTIAL PLAN SCALEMr -1*4r !J i SNOT TO SCAM DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT aw OKW Architects ELEVATION (INNER WESTXkA DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DAM ARi3. PROW NUMBER M158 EXHIBIT 13 r-< j. SOUTH ELEVATION PARTIAL PLAN ■ SCALE. lMr- V-V . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 I L -- — — — — — -- — 5 DASHED LINE INDICATES EXISTOJG ROOF • A 2 ;w. --- HP. ROOF F-1 17-1 --J iL 7 — — — — — — — --- J L ■ INNER SOUTH ELEVATION I PARTIAL PLAN NOTES: PARAPET $ME: Vir •V-W _rr T. us�l —7--1 0 FABRIC AWNNG OF NEW SICNAGE 66551 IP-P') LIGHT FIXTURE TIEXIST STONE I -1 gBSr-0 \ENTRANCE 'ACE SRICX CAST STONE 1SER1 AREA BEYOND W BACK F-1 17-1 --J iL 7 — — — — — — — --- J L ■ INNER SOUTH ELEVATION I PARTIAL PLAN NOTES: $ME: Vir •V-W 0 FABRIC AWNNG OF NEW SICNAGE LIGHT FIXTURE 6FSACCEWCOLORMOISDI 'ACE SRICX CAST STONE EF.AC.E.COLORSM011. EXISTING SIGN TO BE REUSED OEIFS FIELD COLOR SM 1910 Flll CORNICE — SM 0 EIFS ACCENT COLOR 13M # 1046 D STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF OPRERNISHED STOREFRONT SM ODOM BENJAMIN MOORS SCALE NOT TO SCALE =MBTEE=D9LASrFWtSH NA 4W ELEVATION\ DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT OKWArchftects (SOUTH INNER SOUTH) DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE "E I MQ5 PP,&CTMUMMR,-Mi58 EXHIBIT 14 �' P.P. E%CNT. ROOF .�....• ' Q• BTaa 1NZ air -t lm . T/PARAPET T66rB/S6/AOE s(T/Ad UdIIttSSI 1r11.. • NY sz1O QdBrdoRStj N NI O'Ae . OB E • F I 1 I I I INNER NORTH ELEVATION oil�'' Narue�ay.•t;Nr iu�ar�� �Y t ibt F BE9To L__________J I I I I '-- - ----J L----- -- -------/ �--- NOTES: FABRIC AWNING i LIGHT FIXTURE l FACE BRICK CAST STONE EIFS FIELD COLOR BM 1919 EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 01010 f PREFUSHED STOREFRONT NEW SIONAGE EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 11501 OEIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 0 110) ODUSTING SIGN TO BE REUSED O EIFS CORNICE COLOR BM 0 BIT OSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BM DENOTES SEN1WW MOORE • ALL EIFS TO BE SANDBLAST FINISH • REFER TO MATERIAL BOARD FOR - .. WTERUL SAMPLES INNER NORTH ELEVATION (CONTINUED) / PARTIAL PLAN ELEVATION OF RENOVATED BEST BUY WALL /PARTIAL PLAN SCkE'V18• -r4r Sr c•iN0'•1'Nr O� • O'WCC I q(p KtVRAN U-6 I(o SCALEHOTTOSCNE DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT `' OKWkchitects ELEVATION (INNER NORTH)1� DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE AM3. pfnwmjmto3t51 EXHIBIT 15 • b NEW UDl1TTBRIOGEBESTBWPARAPET /7 aEyc*m _> ZI ASF Tb PARAPET .. pND 5 F -_ . SALON ; .•., ' ��. .. , U- I.b�'a �'i4 )v:�F'"6.'...1 Li iw:" >i•±. .; ... <t _4 4'4.1•.i!+..t y�: •r f k �5.. �.� f'. <• .f 5 - L__________J I I I I '-- - ----J L----- -- -------/ �--- NOTES: FABRIC AWNING i LIGHT FIXTURE l FACE BRICK CAST STONE EIFS FIELD COLOR BM 1919 EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 01010 f PREFUSHED STOREFRONT NEW SIONAGE EIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 11501 OEIFS ACCENT COLOR BM 0 110) ODUSTING SIGN TO BE REUSED O EIFS CORNICE COLOR BM 0 BIT OSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BM DENOTES SEN1WW MOORE • ALL EIFS TO BE SANDBLAST FINISH • REFER TO MATERIAL BOARD FOR - .. WTERUL SAMPLES INNER NORTH ELEVATION (CONTINUED) / PARTIAL PLAN ELEVATION OF RENOVATED BEST BUY WALL /PARTIAL PLAN SCkE'V18• -r4r Sr c•iN0'•1'Nr O� • O'WCC I q(p KtVRAN U-6 I(o SCALEHOTTOSCNE DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT `' OKWkchitects ELEVATION (INNER NORTH)1� DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE AM3. pfnwmjmto3t51 EXHIBIT 15 • b T /PARAPET 677, -10" ( +22' -4 ") E.I.F.S. WALL T /EXIST. STEEL 674' -10 1/2" ( +19' -4 1/2 ") SIGNAGE BY TENANT- CAST STONE CAP T/ MASONRY PIER 670' -10" ( +15' -4 ") 0 FABRIC AWNING WITH OPEN SIDES T /STOREFRONT 665' -6" ( +10' -0 ") B /IDENTIFICATION SIGN 664, -3„ ( +8, -9 „) TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGN AT TENANT DOOR — WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE 4 co c 4 T /EXIST. STONE 657, -6” ( +2, -0 ") T/ EXIST. SLAB o TYPICAL SECTION AT STOREFRONT SCALE: 1/2"= V-0" Y DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT ok, Al,,,,. DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 16 DATE: NNE 7.2005 PROJECTNUMBER: a ANN* 000 -0 k�u -u -/ TYPICAL SECTION AT LOADING DOCK O SCALE: 1/2"= l'-O" s � s DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION RREEF MANAGEMENT oKW A, hitectB d:�,,DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT 17 DATE JUNEI2DD5 PR(MECT NUMBER: 07' PEDESTRIAN WALL MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE: Manufacturer: Luraline Model Number: Helos HL301 UWM i-or aitemate unisties, see color chart on page 'i. HL30 10"W, 19" H, 19" E: 14 -1 Incandescent lamping: Accepts one 100W MaximumA19 orkHAL lamp. Fluorescent larnping': (- 13Q/0) includes one 13W CF lamp with 120 ValL,NPF magnetic ballast, housed in oversized canopy (adds 2" to E dimension). For electronic 120 thrir 277 Volt ballast, add suffix E (- 13QEI0) - adds 2' to E dimension. Also available v.1th one 18W, 26W, 32W or 42W lamp OSQE10, - 26TE/0, - 32TE10, - 42TE/0). H.I.D. lamping: Includes one 50W medium -base High Pressure Sodium (- H541R) or Metal Halide (- M50/Ri larnp with remote - mounted (1R) dual -tap 120:`27; Volu'HPF magnetic ballast. Please ADD desired Diffuser, Finish and Light Source codes to catalog number when ordering. Example: HL302 UWM CPR FS - 26TE /0 � a . p -oy- 4(p blq.1 �;o. EXHIBIT 25 \$ ., T •I 0 PEDESTRIAN POLE MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE: Manufacturer: Lurallne Model Number: Helos HL301 P2 301 P2- 10 "W,19'H,37'E Slips 3" O.D. PX Series post -order separately -see page 9. Incandescent tamping: Accepts wo 100W Maximum Al or ANAL lamps. Fluorescent lamping: (- 213QIP) includes two 13W or 22W (- 222Q/P) CF lamps with 120 VoWNPF magnetic ballasts, housed'in 3' O.D. post (minimum 2 -34' I.Q. required). For 13W HPF, add suffix H for 120 Volt (- 213QH1P) or 1277 for 277 Volt (- 213Q1277/P). For electronic 120 thru 277 Volt ballast. add suffix E (•213QEIP). Also available vft two 18W, 26W, 32W or 42W lamps (- 2180E/P, - 226TEIR - 232TEIP, - 242TEIP). H.I.D. lamping: Includes Wo 50W medium -base lamp with magnetic ballasts, housed in 3' O.D. post (minimum 2 -314" I.D. required). (- 2H501P) High Pressure Sodium (120 VoWNPF only) or (- 2M50 /P) Metal Halide (120 VolVHPF). For 277 VOIVHPF add suffix 1277 (- 2M501277/P). Please ADD desired Diffuser, Finish and Light Source codes to catalog number when ordering. Example: HL302 P2 SE WH- 242TEIP 3" O.D. ARCHITECTURAL -GRADE POSTS (with hand hole) - Alumiruun with .125" wall PX8 3" O.D. x 8 FT - Direct Burial - minimum 24" depth recommended PXB8 Base Mounted - 6 -318" bolt circle (11'x 10" anchor bolts supplied) PXBC8 Base Mounted with Cover - 6 -W' bolt circle (112' x 10" anchor bolts supplied) D� 4(P EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 26 \'A THE-Z-AM64-50- Fofi'MAjdMYM--O One at the 6 I . - Feattidng the qlfi iii-ate-ii efficient construction,'t bean impr6ed.irq Qrt�' optical choices: IROP you can chooseirom:th wanfigei epngi.ng-filffif For new consfrj6(i7aj ui sites, the CithtiOWS&iF s lecti, a of ani rgy' :s." help imp,.,,e ttkiAM4 image of any outdocar.14 THE. CITATION The Citation jj'fO-jt-U(esr envelope Vertical or No the mall Citatf6W66usll H - 6 ' can onipy.0 -' GREW t iw finbst opciatiOU-45166,; The Citation 11-ifli5d6il including corsq7gla Mew Citation 11 Ven HIGH- PERFORMANCE ERnC4.k BURN OR HOR¢I V7gL;BUR(Y 'f -45 StINION 4 UK - a Bill A„ HIGH- PERFORMANCE ERnC4.k BURN OR HOR¢I V7gL;BUR(Y 'f -45 StINION 4 UK - a Bill HOUSING ACIllilil.1111 lI:JLISiIl:) hjusil;-.; and LEN.51GAsi(ET Nal, flat teI))l)a;ImrJ glass letils ur sacl 11!11,1poled glass lens is SVINI to the 1101.15illg VAIll an EPDM gasket to prevent entry of moisture and insects �421 SOCKETS PMCF-1,jill, spring-reidotruecl contacts lot long life EASY AccEss Standiid doors iexurE iv,!u BALLAST 'ril") it r, llrill:lifoli To tilt, 10.111 ol BRACKETS /'.1" 'i" 6, oil It7ecl unt Illorlel.". 2 1/2)" L", X 121" on large llln[IFK. brackei is a%laiLihla b;,r Singh an(l D18"I. INTERNAL h77ERs LIGHT SouRas stainless steel (lour fasteners, Upgrading tq the cimliull Series at " - I Designed In operate vvith either PI'DAIlE S81CLIFE closure and east', _;"; 7'.' is dii-�y dild cosi-efficient with a Pulse-Start Metal Halide; Super access. Optional, on Citation 11 It ixture" ui te of LSI's patented Metal Halide: Super Metal l-lalide is inew spring - loaded quarter -turn Interns! Fillets (U.S. Parent Reduced Envelope: Metal Flalide- fastener which allows for "tool-lPss W. 51599,094 J. For existing Metal Halide Reduced Envelope entry" by hand, or "ground re-firriping 4" or 5" square poles, insert or High Pressure Sodium lamp FurTuRr Strom. with a special re-lamping tool. Ground an internal Fitter in the pole• with mogul -base sockets. A clear CT2 V CirAnoiy it re-laniping is only possible on Vertical and turn to tighten. lanli) is supplied as standard. Bunt Citation 11 fixtures. The Citation. Series offers a wide variety of reflector choices to meat your needs, includin I— ;­,-)f,.rformanceoptionsi Note: refiacmt mwi:!Nire piixtmclt!d h-,rul& Paitlitt IJAM.3711 CITATION 11 (CT2H) CITATION 11 (CT2V) CITATION MEDIUM HORIZONTAL LAMP/FLAT LENS OPTIONS VERTICAL LAMP/SAG LENS OPTIONS (CTM) TYPE 3 TYPE 5 FORWARD THROW TYPES TYPE 5 C 7 Ice to I, n V Fo RW ""e options CITATION (CT2V) VERTICAL LAr'IP/SAG LENS OPTION A T. TYPE R. 7R 5' I c Please visit our web site at wvhv.lsi -ind LIS tFieS.0011) for detailed photon ata, Optional Ground Re-Larnping A grokind redil!tlping option is aviiiabie for Veriir.ai Burr: Citation it fixtures vtj to lower pnte heights. A speciif ground r_-•';;rI-.Pillq tr"01 l)pplls and doses the Unit, inacilliti3n to r--r-loving and replacing thE lamp. easy. • Ko!nckel truck 01 bdo'elrs rier.assaTy ■ Ko need .ft:;T 7hE adderl expense of hiring an outside coaraqu • Maxi'llurn not length of 15' . Pulse-Start Metal Halide Lamps Fjls=-S,,:1rt I'viezi1l 'Hill i(;-= fangte, you can Elliot,: thi: v..,hite light of Vietal Haiida.' wiT. if.c -!lefriy effi"ia of: light Pre-sure S^diurn, COMPARE 0 Lullg2l tan;; lifz(to To I1.0r,10 h6t;fs; e ;vier tun rs r.--r :vas o E57-rer fimi-2i; rTiiin(_r;'Illce jot fllu:e ligilt orlrptj rVal. tirlte 1:rlprovEl U',I-jr stability and less color shih :asI=1 wane -up N111" PULSE-START CASE STUDY 400 CWA 320 Super CULIA (StandardIVI.H.) (Pulso-Start) 365 wafts 26,400 EMMA, 20 Total Savings = S30 X 20 5600 Per Year, Forever! EXHIBIT 27 - (&"i 1 f PARKING LOT LIGHT FIXTURE POLE: Manufacturer: LSI Industries Model Number: 5" Steel Square Poles, 24' high Color: Black POLE SHAFT - Pole shaft is electro- v.eldLd AS1M -A500 Grade C steel tubing w7J1 a nlininlunl , I , �. , ,ti , e , y::r ,{•,_ yield strength of 50,000 psi. On Tenon Mount steel pol s• wrian is 2 -3!8" O.D. high - strength pipe. Tenon is 4.3/4" in length. Straight poles are 4 ". 5 ", and G" square. SON - SOBO - 2-3/8"0. x4-314" Call -On Mount HAND -HOLE - Standard hand -hole location is 12" above pole base. Hand -;tole size is 2" x 4 ". Tenon 2 -Bolt Pattern Poles 22' and about: have a 3" x 6" rcinforcod hand -hole. BASE - Pole base is ASTIO -A36 hot - rolled steel plate eJlh it minimum yield strength of 36,000 ° psi. Tyro -piece square hnse cover is optional. ANCHOR BOLTS - Poles are furnished with anchor boll, featuring zinc- plated double nuts and hashers. Galvani2ed auchur bolls are optional. Anchor bolts conform to ASTM -A36 ^ with a minimum yield strengill of 36,000 psi. Sop - GROUND LUG - Ground fug is standard. 1.r -39' Square Pole Top DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - kNealherproof duplex feWplade is optional. GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER - Ground fault circuit interrupter is optional. FRI - FINISHES • Each pole is finished with LSI's DuraGrip- baked -on polyester- pWAler finishing Hand -hole . 50P rocess to give the pole an exceptionally attractive appearance. The process electrostatically No Mounting Hones applies and theirnally fuses a polyester powder to the pole. This Unique protection process - -- provides an extremely smooth and uniform finish which withstands extreme weather 12" changes without cracking or peeling. DuraGrip finish features a tcv0 -year limited warranty. Optional standard.. Standard finish colors available for poles are bronze, black, platinum plus, Luff, white, Base Cover green, and graphite. Optional DuraGrip` Plus features added protection with a 3.0 to 5.0 -- mil thickness of polyester-powder finish plus an inner coating. This specially developed _ =- inner coating is a thermal plastic hydrocarbon resin applied to the inside of the pole to ; I Sing CIF - seal and protect against atmospheric and corrosive matter. DuraGrip Plus finish features projection ! Pale Preparation a five -year limited warranty. - (4) Anchor DETERMINING THE LUMINAIREIPOLE COMBINATION FOR YOUR APPLICATION: Bons Select lurrinaire from Lurninaire Ordering Information. .Foundation Select bracket configuration. ey Omer Refer to Luminalre EPA Chart to determine EPA value. Select Height Of pole. Select MPH to match the wind speed in die application area. M051 , - Confirm the pole EPA that is equal to or exceeds die luminaireibracket EPA as side °C° was previously determined. Height na EPA r 70 MPH I BO MPH 90 MPH 10O MPH Outside Dimensions Material Bolt Circle 14' 23.3 1 16.7 12.2 9.0 4' S11G B 16' 18.6 1 13.1 9.3 6.5 4' SiIG 13 16 34.6 1 25.0 18.5 13.8 5' SlIG C 14.4 I J. b.] 4.2 4' 511E 13 1 ' 274 14 1 10.1 20' 11.0 7.0 4.2 2.2 4' S1tG B IA 7r 20' 22 5 I ills 5' 51111 I Ps . 5' 507G D 22' 10.4 1 6.3 3.4 lA 4' S1lG S 7 -' 10 7 1 1 6 5 4 44 S07G 22 20.8 1 13.8 8.9 5.5 51 S11G C 22' 9 17.0 12.0 5' 507G 0 2'I' 1.S -- 1' Stl. B 7 6.0 7.3 t' V 5 1'.7 5' S11G 24' "!2 9 9 7 5.0 5' S11H' D 4 SR7 . 24' 3.2 lr fi S07G 1 - - .!• 511G 6 26' 12.0 1_7 2 3.9 1. ti 4' S07G B 26' 7 5' S116 r 26' 24.0 1 15.8 10.3 6.3 5 S07G D 26 396 f 27.3 18.9 12.J 6' S07G I 28' 19.9 1 12.5 7.5 3.9 507G D 33.9 22.7 1 9.6 V J 3' 1 -1!1.1 s.0 1 7 507G D 30' 28.8 18.6 1 11.6 1 6.6 6' S07G J I I - S07G 39' .11.5 4.3 , - I 6' 1 S07G HH F_ Refer to EPA data on next page for a rnpleie EPA iuluuaalion. ' "H" dencles high yield steel 11 lumxtauu . -N-1011 exceed; 2501us.. consult factory (70.000ps0 Side "0" - I Side "A" (Hand -hole Side) -Side "B" Sides A B C D 1lland-hole i X - .. _.. I Ginnle 1 X._._._ 22 $f- n 1 -. X I x Tit- - -- -;- --- -- - --- ?.2 -_+ -X Single FBO OnuMe FBO �� _... .. X X '011 rur twn loratinns v^i11 be i 20' to the left and right of Side A. note: l,arlSUlt Wlefy lL'd = U;4JU1 Varmurm.s. Jlnil' tar ?i lk aria lit pule Preparations are located 3r.f of If : hci_ht LI dw pule rum ft, Lase. unless athervasr, soacilied. 0. a. C� �a EYMIRIT 711 U 0 LOADING DOCK WAL -PAK FIXTURE: Manufacturer: Cooper Lighting - Lumark Model Number: WL Wal -Pak Lamp: 400 watt Metal Halide TYPE: CATALOG #: COOPER LIGHTING- LUMARICD DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION FEATURES The Lumark Wal -Pak provides a durable and efficient exterior light source for any application requiring maximum performance and minimum maintenance. The rugged, die -cast aluminum housing, stainless steel hardware and sealed and gasketed optics compartment combine . to make the Wal -Pak virtually impenetrable to contaminants. U.L. listed and labeled forwet locations. CSA certified. APPLICATION Easy to install, the Wal -Pak complements any environment and is ideal for loading docks, underpasses, tunnels, stairways, building entrances, vehicle ramps and schools. A••• Mounting Hardware Captive corrosion resistant, single point mounting screw. B•••Housing Die -cast aluminum housing is finished in dark bronze polyester powder coat. C•••optical System Impact resistant borosilicate prismatic glass or polycarbonate refractor with aluminum reflectorthat provides maximum photometric performance and beam efficiency. D•••Gasketing High - temperature silicone gasketing seals out external contaminants. E•••Sockat Mogul -base porcelain socket, except 15OW Metal Halide and below has medium -base. B •••Ballast Normal or High power factor ballast with class H insulation. Minimum starting temperature is -40 °C ( -40 °F) for HPS and -30° C ( -20 °F) for MH, MP and ML. F•••Door Assembly Door assembly is hinged at bottom for easy installation and relamping. 95;8" I2ddmml �16" (40Emml L5M0-2D,0WH?S& 6'mml U1Yi4r 10 112' I2e'mm] 260W "Ps. d60W HPSaMH 12 116" 130Bmml. WLWAL -PAK 5 0- 4 0 0 W High Prossuro Sodium Pulse Start Metal Halide Metal Halide WALL MOUNT LUMINAIRE 4.6/9.49- at a-L51- EXHIBIT 29 U�� *11 MCI1 - .. .. y i Nv �11f11 tow a� ,[ � Yf pt 1r a V i 'l,l� y..f i ` •. 1 � ��Y>I t *,"wv';�t 'gyp 'i> ':^�,�'T _ ep•� � n� P _ -'y� {'•3 ;�;.JF'M1�f! *11 MCI1 1 TRASH RECEPTACLES: Manufacturer: Landscapeforms Model Number: Scarborough, side opening, vertical strap Sizes: 25" x 401 Color: Slack DS EXHIBIT 44 EXHIBIT 31 �� AR'l WL re Ic.V ——v;p —my— r-.;77 or:n p� :j LOADING DOCK OVERHEAD DOOR: Manufacturer: Raynor Model Number: Thermaseal Standard, 8' wide x 1.4' high Color: Brown g m Jul E ' SECTIONAL THERMAL DOORS Introducing ThermaSeal' - our durable, energy- efficient sectional door. Our exclusive process fills 100% of the door's interior space with energy - saving polyurethane foam insulation to deliver- exceptional R- values.This process also provides superior foam density for excellent structural integrity. For maximum thermal protection, choose ThermaSeal. ThermaSeal STANDARD With a 16.4 R value, this benchmark - r product provides proven Raynor reliability and durability to meet or exceed the requirements of daily use.This door is offered with the �v _•f y widest selection of quality features and options for the most common =179 ,product applications. Ther Practical when thermal performance is desired but W-} .: cost is a consideration, this door is available in a limited ThermaSeal BASIC, white, WWI oval windows selection of sizes, features and options. 04• o,os-44 EXHIBIT 33 n 4`1 EveryThermaSeal door is built for superior performance and includes the features listed below. For additional options, please see the inside pages. Maximum thermal protection. Energy- saving polyurethane foam insulation is used to deliver exceptional R- values. Rugged hardware and springs. Your ThcrmaSeal door- cornes packaged with the right combination of long - lasting hardware, track and springs to precisely match your door's size and application. Reduced airflow. Dual vinyl barriers dramatically reduce air infiltration. A true thermal break prevents heat loss and eliminates any metal -to -metal contact between surfaces. Built tough. Rust - resistant galvanized steel is finished with a two -coat, baked -on paint process for long Iife.The superior thermal bond between steel and polyurethane foam is warranted against delamination for ten years. High•strangul Sreel R,tyurer hanr: Insutaud n Hrgh•strenyU: steer -- G ;)lvamted layer ; i kpoxy Pr itner Bakrnrl -on Fnusb _ i . Decreased energy costs. ThermaSeai doors help you reduce energy costs with a U- shaped, vinyl bottom weatherseal and sturdy aluminum retainer-. APPLICATION ThermaSeal STANDARD Agrianturat Nuilrhnge o GUIDE Thermaseal BASIC Car wasrJCorrosive Environments CommcrciallMulu- Tenant e e Fuc 5[i+Ur]n�A(T1h:11:1nQn e 16gh Seem ity e e Large Opening 5, ­ e _ hlining. Pulp & Paper _ Nuninsulated Storage Service station I hermal Environments o 0 Transit Facility(TruckTerminal e Onderground Parking 1Ah1'ehousclhAanurerl Lit iny e • 1 e 13051 Choice � f;C'ud snrution Appt�ca EXHIBIT 33 �� 0 AB. 0-0544 DOCK SEAL /SHELTER: Manufacturer: Kelley Dock Products Model Number: Tufseal FlexFrame Truck Shelter, Series FF Summary of Features 12 Heavy-du? franle is double kiln-dried presswu ircalod lumber. Full frame is reinforced wilh 1/4' Mick steel plate. M Flames covered with kvIlilq 18 oz. coated villyl to liansillil nalura: lighi ima. Me loading area. 115 Raked header permits weather drainage fliat header is used when shelter is protected by a hood ui canopy), I@ Foam vealller strip Provides a seat oil the Mr. troul edge of It,,- shelter ifanip.. LIJI(16T iluminin [rim angle, U Fare rurlains are sawn wilt njulli-shandpd. bo:ideb V207 Dacron Polyeslef thread with a lack stilcl,,. Seams will 1101 `surf lAjtlj Scotchply iliberafass stays add stiffness to s;teller lace curtains. Four (411 slays in 900 Series head curtain; live (5) slays in 1000 s.iies hwo rijimin. pledso See (everqq 7,19*e lf�r and rI)ftills. consisle'lli "'%'41 C-11, PcOicy of: writilluing product imprcivvlenl• °sew'L lhii right to Change lhp.se hvilllou notict, or lbligalion. Vvilld snPs on head curtail' i keep the head curtai-i Iran: beii-W. out 0:: I-'109ilioll .'t.,hrm Me sllell�r is not in use- Four ovet,appinq vveai pleals I)o ;jdo absrirb the impact from sh-1,q) irailt :i coinrs (O(1O Seri s his 3 per side.) in Fklfl (el'.01 closed r.PII neoprene lowls a k4iipef seal on lhl llaiir':'s silos. M Vqear parlF.15 guide silipis Jr ^vi ^e drivers with a visual relpiprice to It-,,,! 0 F!)Jl .P-jjlh Inuble-la"'er Slop 1ei nis a sea'f ar.i riss the trip of Ila:! 10 help Tapered jfal; pans (8' to 1-1 lnciil�d behind (Ile side cult ins I' r prev'nl air 'fluw from lo"ver 1"ficilels oi the shelter. 110 Y'Ll" la Is are included to[ saiely. "InI 1,90anl P1 oluclors prm"I each 5:11e frame. qL? EXHIBIT 34 aCj ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS (SHORT FORM) Flcxl-r,'irre lr.vk clielks shall b[ FF I—I 11., iW7 ii Pl—qffi. U FF-100GJS,551. [-11+100 r: Al H"..;; ;;"d C' I I i . 1-1 lvlodc I FF- 1004 (211" c-*,,. Urelh&i�). ❑ Nlode 1 -902 1,10 Tuls-a;. 4".1I8' 58253R7,.r:inFA,,-a J`Jtjst,uo 53I5'1, to fit opening _� -,vide by._" high. F:ii-n-e io, !.!c ;11111ner• Irom. iv_ 1/4" phis. F -'a-;T1--,-- aill ha ccv'er5d riot ii . ro,;' ar; vinyl. fla Irlin -A-di he I durable r'1:1 ahs; 0) im!p-ms floe. llail8Ts 'Ovilhoul sJji:djjj OF]mafji;. ii.,;a to IllCillCle (Tir. rdlass slags. Ocil"111 I IY.l wl v...-ilh g'lidp. stl:plis 'il if C. ner,)prene- inside sealing Edge. Hear, crutain to il!JUde fihc-qjla,%s stays and ovwurlauping wear pleats. Unit to incluoe loarn bottom, Mall LO (lads. lapved 8' Io. V. ";nd steel I-Bealll plolcu'ols. Fabric v.-biglils and colors as sFlecled !;iuin mailti;Wtui-ei's Slanrlai ds pledso See (everqq 7,19*e lf�r and rI)ftills. consisle'lli "'%'41 C-11, PcOicy of: writilluing product imprcivvlenl• °sew'L lhii right to Change lhp.se hvilllou notict, or lbligalion. Vvilld snPs on head curtail' i keep the head curtai-i Iran: beii-W. out 0:: I-'109ilioll .'t.,hrm Me sllell�r is not in use- Four ovet,appinq vveai pleals I)o ;jdo absrirb the impact from sh-1,q) irailt :i coinrs (O(1O Seri s his 3 per side.) in Fklfl (el'.01 closed r.PII neoprene lowls a k4iipef seal on lhl llaiir':'s silos. M Vqear parlF.15 guide silipis Jr ^vi ^e drivers with a visual relpiprice to It-,,,! 0 F!)Jl .P-jjlh Inuble-la"'er Slop 1ei nis a sea'f ar.i riss the trip of Ila:! 10 help Tapered jfal; pans (8' to 1-1 lnciil�d behind (Ile side cult ins I' r prev'nl air 'fluw from lo"ver 1"ficilels oi the shelter. 110 Y'Ll" la Is are included to[ saiely. "InI 1,90anl P1 oluclors prm"I each 5:11e frame. qL? EXHIBIT 34 aCj LOADING DOCK SCISSOR LIFT: - - - - Manufacturer: Advance Model Number: 6200 Series 6000 Lois of ground dock 1W.5 are installed on top of a concrete pod. These models can't be installed in pits because iheir low lowered height does not permit the addition of the 8" bevel toe guards required by OSHA for pit mounted lifts. Platform sizes range from 6' x 8' to 6' x 12'. Capacities range from 5000 to 12,000 lbs. Models 6100 and 6150 have hinged approach ramps with built in wheel chocks to prevent loads from rolling off the raised platform while models 6200 and 6300 have fixed approach ramps. Model 6150 has its power unit built right onto the plat- form while the other models have remote power units. -- L 6150 & 6300 1 O�OV� t�Al ASo p vxp�p �� 1t °�� �s~ �o� °��� �o�� °vim ��� tiQ9 Qom° IV 6100 5000 .2500; 2500 6A B 6 x 10.1/2 :5 55 60 : 10 5. 18 x 60 30 x 60 3300 6.200 8000 6500 6500 : 6 x10 .,. 1.1/2 x 14 6. 54 .60 10 5 18 x 66 48 x 7 . 6400 D,t�• a.05 -q(O g �g. 13 1� EXHIBIT 35 �0 + Bridge safety lifting chain + Removable 100,000 psi Chrome plated axles and shafts with lifetime lubricated.bearings + NEMA 4 weatherproof pendant push button control CONTROLLER + Baked-on primer and enamel paint finish with a + Removable steel handrails with mid -rail, 4" kickplate, and personnel safety restraint chains (aluminum rails optional) + Hinged bridge + 5 -year structural worronly + Hydraulic cylinders with internal safety stops, 100,000 psi chrome plated rods and safety flow control valves in each cylinder o Scissors legs + Wide stance baseframe + Hydraulic final filter on the lift itself to protect the cylinders + Neoprene covered wire braid hoses + SAE/J1( hydraulic fittings SreiF,t•GS`t �3.i':l'n�..'aaCtz + NEMA 12 UL approved controller assembly (not just the components) with a 24 volt, 4 amp control circuit and adjustable motor overloads Continuous duty motor + Nan - submerged heavy - duty gear pump + Wall mounting brackets (optional on K Series) + One-piece valve mani- fold for ease of servicing + Steel ail reservoir POWER �)NNT 6Ah.d'05� � f1t. B 1 q.1'i EXHIBIT 35 Stormwater Management Report Prepared by: C.M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. (Consulting Civil Engineering Land Planning & Surveying) 1050 West Illinois Route 126 Plainfield, IL 60544 OAJ We t'� EXHIBIT 36 �61� w 0, I - r� C. K Lavoie & Assoceates, Inc. Consulting Civil Engineering Land Planning & Surveying Mr. James J. Bernahl, E.I.T. Assistant Village Engineer Village of Deerfield 465 Elm Street Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.317.2490 RE: Deerbrook Shopping Center SWC Lake -Cook Road and Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL Stormwater Calculations May 16, 2005 Dear Mr. Bernahl, This letter serves to summarize the stormwater calculations for the Deerbrook Mall Redevelopment located at the intersection of Lake -Cook Road and Waukegan Road in the Village of Deerfield. It is our understanding the existing storefront between Best Buy and Sportmart will be redeveloped. An existing theater will be razed and replaced with a bituminous parking lot and an opera corridor will be constructed with exterior entrances to both new and existing retail shops. By razing the existing building and replacing with paved surfaces and landscaping, no new impervious areas will be added to the shopping center and no increase in stormwater runoff will occur on the shopping center site. Please see attached Exhibits "A" and "B ", which graphically depict pre and post development conditions within the project site. The addition of proposed landscape areas result in a decrease of the site's developed runoff rate of 0.92 cubic feet per second (cfs) for the 100 year storm event. Stormwater intensities used in the calculations are 100 year for the corridor and 10 year for the parking lot system. This conservative approach is to create a sufficient factor of safety to protect the retail entrances from being inundated with stormwater. Runoff within the proposed sidewalk corridor will mirror existing drainage patterns by placement of a sidewalk highpoint at the existing roof ridgeline location. See attached copy of 1971 architectural roof plan. Runoff within the outdoor corridor will be intercepted by equally spaced 12 inch square pedestrian - grated drain basins (Nyloplast or approved equal) located at various low points within the sidewalk concourse. Emergency flood routing for the corridor area will flow from east to west. An existing trench drain will be replaced on the eastern end of the corridor to protect doorway thresholds from flooding that may occur during inundation of the eastern parking lot drainage system. Design point #1 will receive no more than the current amount entering the existing 18 inch diameter storm sewer running along the front of the aforementioned storefronts. REC YE MAY 181005 04, a. 6 Q:\2005 Projects \05 7134 \coorespondance \Itr051605 -1.doc Of {�/ Page 1 of 2 : L_ARCH' ACTS 1050 West Route 126 4941 Forest Avenue 45703 Peninsula Drive Plainfield, IL 60544 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Grand Junction, MI 49056 815.254.0505 Fax: 815.436.5158 630.434.2780 Fax: 630.434.2781 269.521.3185 Fax: 269.521.3185 w A Parking lot drainage will be picked up by the addition of three (3) new catch basins located at low points in within the proposed bituminous parking lot. Immediately downstream of Catch Basin S117, the conveyance system is sized for the 10 year storm per ordinance requirements. A drain basin is provided at the southwest corner of T.J. Maxx to receive the current flow being discharged from the existing downspout. Design Point #2 is the connection of the proposed storm sewer located within the parking lot connecting to the existing drainage system. The post - developed flows connecting into Design Point #2 will receive no more than the current amount entering the existing 18 inch storm sewer. Additional pervious areas are proposed within the proposed parking lot . If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above mentioned information, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely yours, . Lavoie ociat i e o , P. E. Project Manager cc: Victoria King, file QA2005 Projects \05 - 134 \coorespondanceUtr051605 -1.doc Page 2 of 2 3q Lu I i I L 1 1 1 EXHIBIT A /* II it r•r C, -C C; C LIMITS OF PROJECT WORK 1.32 AC- 6' RD --RD 1 ':: - y _ OOF ARE REMOVED SUB —AREA "B"— EXISTING ROOF AREA 5,3)0.0 S.F. (0.12 AC.) TO BE REMOVED 40,000.0 S.F. (0.92 EXISTING ROOF PITCH z 1. - w EXISTING -0 0 RD rROOF PITCH RD = 0(1/4" per f ot :0 CL RD S Z: VIL�f 'z DESIGN POINT #1 --------- EXISTING 18" RCP T E§GN POINT q� - EXISTING PAVEMENT r -n'" O C t, SCALE 111 =80' May 16, 2005 (0.287AC.) qu J•D l i I aq nsulting CiA Engineering Q, coLand Planning & Surveying 1050 West IL Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice 815 254-0505 fax 815-436-5158 hI 0.1 IL PREDEVFLOPMFNT SITE rTATTc-r-rrc TOTAL AREA TOTAL AREA 1.32 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA (ROOFS) 1.04 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA (PARKING) 0.29 AC PERVIOUS AREA 0.00 AC SCALE 111 =80' May 16, 2005 (0.287AC.) qu J•D l i I aq nsulting CiA Engineering Q, coLand Planning & Surveying 1050 West IL Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice 815 254-0505 fax 815-436-5158 MINN 1 4A-V-001": a I 1 Y 1 I r I I 1 l 1 1 i f 1 I n dEtIGN POINT W�2JI LIMITS OF PROJECT WORK 1.32 AC. =1--LfT �----a 1 EXISTING ROOF PITCH ANDSCAPE AREA (TYP.) 1'' '.�.'�uSi::;:�:L:is:ii- �':�r'.: _.:.. ^_.i. .t ..G t.�._Ati...`�K: •:... .. :Y... .: ... .... 1 I T H i I Yi I 1 Y 1 I r I I 1 l 1 1 i f 1 I n dEtIGN POINT W�2JI SCALE 1 " =80' -� May 16, 2005 SUB -AREA "A" IDEWALK =0.12 AC. =w -z _=I =w oEXI STI N G =ROOF PITCH _0(1/4" per f —0 'a I i � !Q / ! I 7 Y DESIGN POINT #1 1t EXISTING 18" RCP SUB -AREA B " SIDEWALK AREA =0.25 LANDSCAPE AREA =0.111 AC. PAVEMENT AREA =0.839 AC. r� Consulting Civil Engineeriai Land Planning & Survepinl V 1050 Nest IL Route 12t C/ Plainfield, Illinois 6054, voice 815 254 -050: fax 815- 41!366- -5151 o I' I I ono — I I j ir(I I POST- DEVELOPMENT SITE STATISTICS TOTAL AREA TOTAL AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA (SIDEWALKS) 1.32 AC 0.37 AC (28.0 %) IMPERVIOUS AREA (PARKING) 0.84 AC (63.6 %) PERVIOUS AREA (LANDSCAPE ISLANDS) 0.11 AC (8.4 %) SCALE 1 " =80' -� May 16, 2005 SUB -AREA "A" IDEWALK =0.12 AC. =w -z _=I =w oEXI STI N G =ROOF PITCH _0(1/4" per f —0 'a I i � !Q / ! I 7 Y DESIGN POINT #1 1t EXISTING 18" RCP SUB -AREA B " SIDEWALK AREA =0.25 LANDSCAPE AREA =0.111 AC. PAVEMENT AREA =0.839 AC. r� Consulting Civil Engineeriai Land Planning & Survepinl V 1050 Nest IL Route 12t C/ Plainfield, Illinois 6054, voice 815 254 -050: fax 815- 41!366- -5151 r� r C. M. Lavoic &. Associates, Inc. Consulting Civil (Engineering Land Planning & Surveying 1050 West Rouic 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 Voice: (8 15) 254 -0505 fax: (815) 436 -5158 FOR: V- MA. -LL- CML JOB #: 1 RE: STZA-MVjA-WrL CAC's - Calculations DATE: 07-16-05 CML JOB #: 05-134 RE: STZA-MVjA-WrL CAC's Ti UN Any 0F C�rv�� T2f T10 3: CA e- YL-- AT10f',J5 (5�? .. X. _ . S Ro Si- VE L-Ofe IN L4 Lp 1 PAGE OF l0 SIGNED: IF I E2C. M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. Consulting Civil Engineering Calculations Land Planning & Surveying 1050 West Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice: (815) 254-0505 fax: (815) 436-5158 FOR: !s �w� 41ALL R--E0eVFqpfV Ix V 00 CML JOB #: 05 - 13 Lj RE: ?CALF, ST DATE: 0!5 (0 —0 -C; CML JOB #: 05 - 13 Lj RE: DF > LX-y -rl& A i T! p F1' 61-1E :!�OAA;�J 48 2 C 11 A, C-1 0 IFF. COZ4:, L/ 9110) Gm 6; Y, 0 L� C. 11 I 1 J� U:1W 6 F* Sum '44 Y !0-4 6-rs it- L6 P C� Q: -T. IPAGE 1— OF .6 1 SIGNED: bAJ E2C. M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. Consulting Civil Engineering Calculations Land Planning & Surveying 1050 West Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 4 voice: (815) 254-0505 fax- (815).436-5158 I FOR: .n r DO-Aid pis — 13� Rent- A-er�-Tc- C DATE: CML JOB #: pis — 13� RE: ie'o PAGE OF SIGNED: � as � �ba- ie'o 14biN, (t) Lp. 7 —1A 1) 'C 7 AV IWO , J;�i r 'V 'V 7-b P zoos 15-1 Fi E3 ACJ 1mv 7Z7 7� T-1 L 0 5 V/01 qz)( P" 9!2- I =i /. -o'�� '���ir✓5' I I i T I i I I� I I� i � 11 - L &A ------ -T- C : LA- PAGE OF SIGNED: � as � �ba- 2 D I I 1 r r r I s �• C. M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. Cuntiulting Civil Engineering; Land Planning & Surveying 1050 Wes► Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice: (9 IS) 254 -0505 far (815) 436 -5158 'OR: os —lb-- s VI t { OL dl= QE-E �FIfl RE: t CAUC.S Calculations DATE: os —lb-- s CML JOB #: RE: t CAUC.S DP IL I Fos-r : D u r r-1-r (2,Vh Q r`F... Cep- Wtv%rA76 V.:.._._ . _...._....._. � S (D6.LVfI'_Lke..,_ ./ai it -SFi_ I e1-c: /� i �.. _ i.... ..... ._._ , �� _ -i �.� • L.A�vaSCA�v- (1/cl6ff-77�b AC I- PAGE OF (0 r SIGNED: o -oS -qLf qb '6 C° ■ ■ r r r r r C. M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. Co.nsultingCivil Engineering _ _ Calculations Land Planning & Surveying 1050 Wesi Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice: (815) 254 -0505 fax: (815)436 -5158 FOR: � MAU— CML JOB #: �Rs :4a ' • arA-M INVCM RE:,sc�2 DATE: 05'-/6-05- CML JOB #: RE:,sc�2 L?E7rr'o I re, /I xvwf i �' �fI LC Ff� I r I - PAGES OF SIGNED: 1 t ia'.6 020 L� C. M. Lavoie & Associates, Inc. Consulting Civil Engineering Land Planning & Surveying 1050 West Route 126 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 voice.- (815) 254 -0505 fay: (815) 436 -5156 H 5— f .-c75 Cl RE: /AV 1�3T746W M Calculations DATE: 5— f .-c75 CML JOB #:'.. RE: �?�1?���: �•-� sir..► CA L� u��1 -T� a� ; I Sod I • , 1 r^ c iA , �'. E _ _ I . I I • -- - - - - - - -- , , 1 L. . 1 1 • � 1 I 1 1 PAGE OF SI ,�G B o�v /D U �•a' GNED. v LAa 61' Ilf�- l�hF�likT+lll��liiY 14 T OFr - I ' } •L �rs.�.^ G�� � L�e�,"'q' - � � � � I ...r _ I . I: I � R ` - -.� `r /.'�rS I cc.. _ r-i�'. _... •P - TYPKAL AL FCLF YAj_EQUIPMENT L- 5VpprlPlTt. j' � r~.5 �'_ rte' rI _ ': _� -�• .,' "� aCct.l' ,• ���r � � ? ,I .Li ��_1 -I�.i. /. KOOF be. =° TYACRI Rftic CIFC 'f -. — :�. ��..A. c. qr- Y �.fi� '!� ", tt' +. �g"'r_I• }S �`-y� t:.+I �� r� �1, ,H 1. �. Ir � -w' I't si• `i � ?T. X4lL GP4'ZC^� _ , f•TP -23 } : �. �':.��- �.It:` • i' V ICA'L'R� � F °l)1.. .fll F IJfL : i fM1 - .r•, -'- . l .. r� :£,�1:.- .,- •r. -,cc 3!y- r+��c: .'�s= .-^�_: -71'f_i . _ � � ..�cr:�. _ ,�. t yam. .j � r�"-,; � cfr �' - ''..:.;'• 1 '� � . � � ,�'��' " � � .rfr fsw, .. .. t .. - fua it < 'f.�,. 4i�Al+i` ''{c ,.,• ":rFe�..� -+ �k 'l... - l}, ' S. lL•' 1r [rj . .. '®i .,� s .;:,yt...':l�'`.1 _ i ®::,• . 0 L.�e c: u `.,r• .. I T • y '.f _, " v..:.:6.. ne:<... ,, , . ..,._:. _:_. _..: �-:. .. _ .. c F.:_ E• 3:: _ .. .. ... 1PiL s, _ �.-- _ _ S :.:f3 &dXr •', wi[ v�ls _._... _ 7. st�.� _ -s�...js fir. C)AA 0 -os;y4 e s- t Fire Department Letter Prepared by: Northbrook Fire Department 740 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 i EXHIBIT 37 45 February 21, 2005 Mr. Gil Magnelli OKW Architects 600 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60661 FAX: 312 - 798 -7777 Northbrook Fire Department 740 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 Re: Deerbrook Mall Turning Radius Site Plan Dear Mr. Magnelli: RECEI ; FEB 2 3 20("5 OKW ARCHITECT: (847) 272 -2141 FAX (847) 272 -3294 Confirming our telephone conversation of February 9, 2005, I have received the most recent turning radius proposal titled "Site Truck Layout3.pdf'. As illustrated, the designated turning radius area appears to be adequate and will accommodate the required 48 -foot wall -to -wall turning radius of our fire apparatus when entering from the north. However, as we discussed, the northeast (1), northwest (2), and southwest (3) parking curbs will require modifications to accommodate the full turning radius (See attached). As a reminder, the turning radius requirement must also accommodate equipment entering the proposed parking area from the south drive as well. You have agreed to ensure fire hydrants will be located within 100 feet of any fire department siamese connection, hydrant spacing shall be maintained at 300 feet, and to provide fire lanes as required. Based upon this understanding, the fire department will approve the initial proposal for the new parking area only. Please continue to provide additional information as the project solidifies. The above approval only addresses the turning radius requirements and not other aspects of the proposed renovation. We would recommend a pre - construction meeting to address specific issues of this project. Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, Anthony J. Lewis Director of Fire Prevention cc: Victoria King RREEF Management 1 Mid America Plaza Rte. 83 and 22nd Street Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 FAX 630 - 954 -7515 Clint Case, Deerfield Community Development Dnnderson/ Word /Q/Pre- Construction Letters/Deerbrook Mall OAJ D - 05-- q (9 9-9 4,6aba` t YA E; Cl m; Ex Cu 10 to 0J.0- os-q(.o ,o ,1.-3 at a'-9- LOADING DOCK TRUCK ACCESS SfTE PLAN DEERBROOK MALL RENOVATION ��J SCALE 1* .mod RREEF MANAGEMENT (& 0KWArcnaects °LS 1,a DtERFIELD, ILLINOIS DATE AM 3,M `RU`i"LUN°`019 EXHIBIT 37 i I'm Id Ad no d Traffic Report Re: Directional Signage Prepared by: Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (Consulting Engineers & Surveyors - Civil, Municipal, & Traffic) 850 Forest Edge Drive Vernon Hills, IL 60061 O� o,os yCa a 8 �;td.1t�- EXHIBIT 38 \`'� 0e /00/2008 00:10 FAR 667 47—TO1 cn.A —m.IL o. MTiMOR.A.NDTJM' So: Ms. Charletce Sw patland RR!iEF Mancrgament Co Pony copy: Peter TYtiasz - OKW From: Dnn Erinl —Inn, Re: Slghr Llne Analyser Daerbrook Mal /Roo �g+�r -oiton Deerfield. RJtn ols Dace: June 3. 2005 Q oo2 /000„0 GEWALT HAMILTON Ass OCIAres, INC. Conaultlnp Hnpinsort Cfvll, Munlpleal, d TreMle eso Perast Cdpe orw. Ver,ren Hllle, Illlnols 0a.. proo t.: sav eva sr0t per yo- request, Ciawalt Hamilton Associates. J'nn. (GHA) has r wed the revised locations or the proposed directional sign pincexneat at r- >—broolc Mall. The sight locations illustrated on. the "Site Sigr.Oge Landscope plan" drawing dated June 3, 2005 and labeled as "'Exhibit 16" prcparod by OKW Arabiteots have bccn —iaed based on our May 17, 2005 memorandum, which should 1— used for reference. .Based on otir avi— of the updated drawings, the recomrnrndcd cliattgcs have boon made to locate the proposed ig—g. outside otthe desired clear sight wi —glcs. If you bave say questions, pl—C do not hesitate to Call (847) 478 -9700. a r, a:.r. u assn. rx..nroox usn. Iln....,pua,..eoo D'a, � • 8 �' a \ co 06 as A . '93 �nj 05/17/2005 09:44 FAX 847 4789701 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Charlotte Sweetland RREEF Management Company Copy: Peter Uliasz - OKW From: Dan Brinkman, P.E., PTOE Re: Sight Line Analyses Deerbrook Mall Reconfiguration Deerfield, Illinois Date: May 17, 2005 GEWALT HAMILTON Q002 /00po GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers and Surveyors Civil, Municipal, & Traffic 850 Forest Edge Drive Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061 tel 847 478 9700 fax 847 478 9701 Per your request, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA) has reviewed the proposed directional sign placement at Deerbrook Mall. Based on the drawings received from OKW Architects, there are five new directional signs proposed for the planned reconfiguration of the shopping center. The sign locations are as follows: A. Located south of the circulation drive at the southwest comer of the "Great Indoors" building. B. Located on the west curb island at he south end of the main front drive aisle C. Located at the west end of the center median of the southern entrance near the entrance to "Great Indoors" D. Located at the west end of the center median of the middle entrance near the northeast comer of "Best Buy" E. Located at the west end of the center median of the northern entrance near the northeast comer of "Office Max" F. Located west of the curb line near the southeast corner of the "Jewel Osco" It is our understanding that the proposed signs are approximately 4 feet high, 2 feet wide and between 6 and 8 inches in depth. Based on the size of the proposed signs and the limited vertical grade change along the frontage of Deerbrook Mall, we feel that there are no vertical curve issues associated with the signage placement and will focus our analyses on horizontal sight lines. Based on our review of the proposed locations there are two signs that are located well outside of the traveled way that do not present any sight line concerns for motorists. Sign locations "A" and "17" do not require sight line studies and can be placed as proposed. (See Sketches A and F.) The island size and proximity to the east west circulation aisle of the parking spaces do not provide sufficient clearance to place a sign at location `B ". If possible, we would suggest that the sign be placed at the south property line along the south side of the drive. (See Sketch B) 10 D4d. o -os y4 05/17/2005 09:44 FAX 847 4789701 GEWALT HAMILTON Q003/000,0 Deerhrook Mall Sight Line Analyses Deerfield, IL The sight lines for the remaining locations (C through E) were reviewed using the methodology presented in the 2004 version of the AASHTO (American Associates of State and Highway Transportation Officials) Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, also known as the "Green Book". The AASHTO methodology is based on the principle of providing clear sight triangles. The short leg of the triangle extends along the minor approach (the westbound entrance drives for this analysis) between 14.5 and 18 feet from the edge of the traveled way on the through approach. To be conservative we have used 18 feet for all of our analyses. There are two different analyses for the long leg of the triangle: Stopping Sight Distance and Intersection Sight Distance. �.� The Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) is considered the minimum criteria for a clear sight triangle and is based on the minimum distance needed for a vehicle traveling at the speed limit on the through street to M i safely reduce its speed and avoid a collision with a vehicle that turns in front of them. 1 IGewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. —Page 2 1 a -os -Y( 0 a Intersection Sight Distance (ISD) is determined based on the amount of time it takes a stopped vehicle to make a turn from a stop into through traffic and not unduly interfere with the trough traffic. There are different Intersection Sight Distance requirements for left and right turns, and the distances vary based on the speed limit of the through street. For our analyses, the speed limit on the Deerbrook Mall site, while not posted, was considered 20 mph. The 20 mph speed limit requires a SSD of 115 feet and an ISD of 225 feet. For each location, we have �I shown the SSD and IDS for left and right taming vehicles. (See Sketches C -E). As can be seen, each of the proposed sign locations is within the sight triangles at the internal intersections. As such, we would suggest that the directional signage be relocated back at least 25 feet from the edge of the traveled way to maintain sight lines. Also note that at location "C" the median island extends into the traveled way and should be shortened to eliminate the existing encroachment at that location. i' We hope that you find this analysis helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (847) 478 -9700. i• Encl. Sketches A -F i� 3122.910 RREEF Deerbrook sight lines.doc 1 IGewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. —Page 2 1 a -os -Y( 0 a O W O off+, Y l &.Man a A-Re i No zn�► So` 00 ="gAc'r or, �Q�J3Q. S�fj.u.T �IfJ�cy. n . r v N 0 0 .P 211111■0■1011119- a C. C. G] trl a r s a r 9 z 9 P 7 7 05/17/2005 09:44 FAX 847 4789701 GEWALT HAMILTON loo 5/000,0 1� No2Tl Ci f SALLY'S _ HEALTH` X011\ CL U E Q RTH V LASS o,�.o ^oSy� X11 PAMW -5 '> CAM �OQ O ap Pa•�Pe�zzy oc/I Ci f SALLY'S _ HEALTH` X011\ CL U E Q RTH V LASS o,�.o ^oSy� X11 0 1 jj Lit 9C4s f I t► I 0 g t►�ctr��.? tS LA.� C7 ALLYS EA LT u U iL U o O IT V ESS 2tS, s o .- tJoe� Qn St�a Lcc�Tt�,.a,.0 „ jZE o�A� St a ZS �3A Q cn cn a [rJ a H x a r H 0 z C � 1 11111111111�'� C. C. L2S� fD [rJ a H x a r H 0 z C � 1 11111111111�'� 05/17/2005 09:4 FAMOUS-FOOTWEAR LU c 0 J 0 1 � 2 = to 7 4789701 I �J ij GEWALT HAMILTON Q 007 /00po 9 0Ad, 0 -DS-y4 M 4.6 c2a, 3 t �-a- D BATH O Sb 0 OFRCE MAX 7,6 L-,Ot-&.re% ,i>%t%*J soc-w- r,s;, pcz -rq_AJ r--&- ED WAlf I TFANN AMUM NMU 0 it 111141 ol -0 0 C3 cil -1 Al 0 CD 0 z om w 0 C: 0 0 TFANN AMUM NMU 0 it 111141 ol -0 0 C3 r� =16 B -I C STARBUCKS FANN MAY L o d �t 0 �o Q 6 it No�� m e r• lXm r J 0 0 m cn a "J J tD J �r ( m a H �a r 0 m 0 0 © 0 00 JEWEL / OSC O DRUG = a 'U Z � � S1G.�Nr L�at} STARBUCKS FANN MAY L o d �t 0 �o Q 6 it No�� m e r• lXm r J 0 0 m cn a "J J tD J �r ( m a H �a r 0 m 0 0 II I LFGE14D S TO a4,m woD4 „R � a.�.meK ee.ean @ - -- n wee _tE mm l.. —�� ,.m.4.. am.e �-�r- tnlm ..mmcl C• tmma t1leaEt: 11•aot tmma wnc ew w,m .—..__ hr e.o>D m,oa t_. 1 trim �°�Orrwmr tense ,emr aer t r•wwr naao� ... —ate , '.): ® mnr 4to1, n.eaa _a ^, m t� ,® 1 t4 eea,4 •'a•a•�'O Y tmle. OSneC ten G�t� —� Dm4 ew . e�mR ID R R4IQ _ wva® eartYn Rev ner•eea n•erc una<ra b mew tnv,o[ raOfK — a� taa•R rmR m c main M a�met tcem w® eo.ewm,tq Y Quad � v. a Wm R tam m.e�4 sne Wcec la ca+sam • m M Q ps W A 44WQ wraaa nw 1 R emo tnea s s n wRn ria mt4 . 10® u4rc IR. �r Qna Walt r a ILL � .R.D tm>ra�memwww tm„a numr m c em�m —' -- ,s4m W h...aN � tr"^' '® "^�'� �, n?mm tint em, fel-O A 4 nra•es o [Dr, ne :m e®nt .ewnumR Rao �, oases 4rar nwat �a aw . 4"R t4 DD0� ° S T O P av�ser,.. mr.n,aee.IDR 44.s or vaatla® ,� m n 21 o4m ewm .u[ la ®nanR m m nil is � Rormm aaa <4 noo0 ao mm. m .nnb dl ta,n4 W m :Q+�� Irea:D ,� ^ onwl ❑ 1°® w'°t o to q°4 a® � n�.4.. o... � Ar ml n °� mr uwr rmn a R �m oraiR�u Iwm n a v: v tmu4 4roa m c l4ats 10. m a of 1 ` ®lae W WK m ® I,DI® nlel tli P/ nem./ Inv® aU.w /m a.D4 „�® R� � v •� R etmmec® e ® wv ®.fa1 nm lart IYf V eq u4/R -•— G4bo am®na Wars ,a® caRr eaeRt Pt ADO OIM4. ®.r11A001n) �/ IaIO I�,OOrt Muta� ) ,neon t411a.n wo® e�.a,L pRm inm, .4lwoimap � � � .Yrt M�a4A 14m41[Im A On rl4nYe< r•v mYK ealeR eNR A m RrR•eR. Q trniL tW .RL Y t.OY ®'TINW mRrJ 114@ 01 O},t� A O01 n4tl1O ---- o4na slpm eiv ®R� ar aeeal ^a+— � t.rp4 m • wv®m m a a P, Daq ���� ..•..... /a is v Ia® oa olwmn bnol v _ _ _ CAASIS' pap �� �y� °L'1001 ' . ra ®w Rm m .wq C� Iw.4 4� rmmy mfwi W �a we® eYRa 6a lue IA wm1 � � peYlliR RO[ . RR➢m 1� Os4.4 m . enm 1Q41f� YaOW W OEM I® Ybpp161 .Due Ml � cult r Q em neR Imta s • wv® rr ®..e..w+a madil Il.G .Rmac Q RtL fe .RL umro w.u.r.w.4t m i oleo b,sl® o4t. ��yn( wean worx •.rm m ry tm,r wwn ewm f ' nmo...0 nlla'bp be a41 Dm' .el NN A on! WIY� '� Y VJ O laa® eenlln A Q 4LY•m STOP SIGN CONSTRUCTION NOTES m4Ree cola xlo,4r o m ff�YM ® ne v Rwd'i tnra unr'•' ,n w _ r.d e4C tl A Ay ' ' K MUaLE , e. al IN REf O >r oee, Rm taQ. ei a 4am L TR A r•-a _ 1 FUiU}tE'NC�' l I lON W 1 I I I I om..DeL m t $ �'? 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NORTH ACCESS PLAN VIEW P.C.C. SIDEWALK • ILU PAINTED TRAFFIC ARROW ' r -m J* GPD GROUP X111 d LM <g d N U O c= o� °cl 0�d 0 d UU Sim S.. cr .W a$ y O N c L F t l ILOCATION MAP -1 I I I r� I I I I OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENT LAKE COOK RING ROAD SIGNAGE PLAN VIEW; SHEET OS -2 OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENT NORTH ACCESS. SHEET OS -1 �dERAL NOTES L f109 RLIS � x 01A.1C0 !WL ID IIOOmL m� LQmT •LL MNm mlr•Ois wi A��a r0lmwymi a�iAm YL Nue wa oho nm�du rNOrm R ML v t ALL dOmN LIDw d x nliN sLLL t roi aorm n x eed•IDNr rvu ID m,Recma [u61A1C11r1 f�Nt � Rw AWE 1�Orl aAriOefl�td DI W 6 b W x� IA � � NSW L 10)NL Nn W OONNN OPY NmsfLLf d 1O[ N•IO I fO11NNYJIY lYf L ti� ID NND l0 �Ai ALMi1IK� �i \aRYbNN,W NON11�dIA aniu Yu w ea1r m x Dom naa m An mraNClw • m mANa Am OA w aLA m r•¢ v m Ilim veoa n1m T. 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Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 7th day of November , 2005. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -05 -46 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEERBROOK MALL COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE C -2 OUTLYING COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield held a public hearing on July 14, 2005 on the application of the owner of the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property ") for approval of an amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development to permit certain renovations to the middle interior portion of the mall in accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto as Exhibit B, consisting generally of. (i) the removal of 49,269 square feet from the current mall (24,963 square feet of corridors, 15,465 square feet from removal of the movie theater and 8,841 square feet from removal of retail space next to the theater and south of T.J. Maxx); (ii) the addition of 7,873 square feet of building area (including 5,783 square feet of new retail space north of Best Buy and 2,090 square feet of new service and receiving space); (iii) the removal of the roof over the interior portion of the common mall corridor resulting in 14,414 square feet of common open air area with the addition of a paved sidewalk to the open air mall with east and west exterior entrances; (iv) the elimination of a common truck dock/loading and receiving area; (v) the elimination of the existing east mall entrance immediately to the north of Best Buy; (vi) the addition of new landscaping and light fixtures; (vii) the addition of fifty -five (55) new parking spaces south of the existing T.J. Maxx store; and, (viii) such other necessary and appropriate additions, changes and modifications identified on Exhibit B or required in connection with the establishment of the cross - access vehicle interconnection points between the Deerbrook Mall and Lake Cook Plaza as identified herein (collectively referred to herein as the "Mall Renovations "); and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was held pursuant to public notice duly given and published as required by statute and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Deerfield provides for an interconnection between the Deerbrook Mall shopping center and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center; and WHEREAS, the Village has caused a traffic study to be made of traffic conditions in and about the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center and the Deerbrook Mall shopping center to determine the best means of implementing an interconnection between Deerbrook Mall and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center and to minimize the possible adverse effects of allowing such traffic movements between the adjacent shopping centers; and WHEREAS, Applicant and the owners of the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center have agreed to a conceptual plan for implementing an interconnection between the Lake Cook Plaza shopping Center and the Deerbrook Mall shopping center, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence, testimony and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that the proposed 'amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development be authorized and approved -2- pursuant to Article 5.02 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield to allow the Mall Renovations to the middle portion of the Deerbrook Mall shopping center; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that substantial evidence supporting the Plan Commission recommendations was adduced at said public hearing, that the proposed amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development for the Subject Property fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 5.02 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, and that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and approval of said amendment to the Special Use Planned Unit Development of the Subject Property as provided herein and in accordance with the plans, supporting materials and representations submitted and made by the applicant which are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby affirmatively find that the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development as hereby authorized fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 5.01 -C, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph i and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby authorize and approve the Mall Renovations described herein as an amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned -3- Unit Development in the C -2 Outlying Commercial District, subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit development is granted subject to the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: A. The establishment, development, maintenance and use of said amended Special Use Planned Unit Development shall be in strict conformance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; B. • Cross - Access Interconnection with Lake Cook Plaza: 1. Applicant shall cooperate with the Village and with the owners of the Labe Cook Plaza Shopping Center in planning, designing, establishing and operating a cross - access interconnection for the purpose of allowing motor vehicle access between the Deerbrook Mall shopping center and the adjacent Lake Cook Plaza shopping center consisting of: (i) modifying and improving the Deerbrook Mall on -site traffic circulation system to provide for a cross- access point of interconnection with the Lake Cook Plaza Shopping Center at the west property line of Deerbrook Mall and at the southerly property line of Lake Cook Plaza; (ii) modifying and improving the Deerbrook Mall on -site traffic circulation system to establish a cross - access point of interconnection with the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center north of the Jewel Store at a point of intersection of the Deerbrook Mall service alley with an east -west access driveway south of the future National City Bank site in Lake Cook Plaza; and, (iii) such work to be in accordance with the conceptual interconnection design attached hereto as Exhibit C. 2. Applicant shall grant permanent easements in a form approved by the Village Attorney authorizing mutual traffic movements between the Lake Cook Plaza Shopping Center and the Deerbrook Mall shopping center in accordance with the final interconnect design approved by the Village, which shall be in substantial conformance with the conceptual design attached hereto. Such easements shall be subject to reciprocal easement rights being granted by the owner of the Lake Cook Plaza shopping center in a form approved by the Village Attorney. 10 3. Applicant shall submit final plans for Applicant's cross - access interconnection improvements for review and approval by the Village and the Northbrook Fire District. 4. Applicant shall construct Applicant's cross - access interconnection improvements in an orderly manner in accordance with a schedule approved by the Village. C. Continued compliance with the requirements of the Final Development Agreement(s) for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development and with the requirements of the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development, as hereby amended. D. Compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 4: That the following exceptions from the strict compliance with the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield are hereby granted and authorized: in addition to the parking variations previously granted for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development, as modified by the addition of fifty -five (55) parking spaces in accordance with the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development hereby authorized, a further parking variation is hereby authorized and granted to reduce the required number of parking spaces for the Deerbrook Mall Planned Unit Development as required to accommodate the final cross - access interconnection plan described herein, as approved by the Village Engineer and the Director of Community Development. SECTION 5: That the approval of the amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant, Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigned, and any violation of this Ordinance or the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth herein by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use as hereby authorized. -5- SECTION 6: That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record this Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, at Applicant's expense. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 7th day of November , 2005. AYES: Benton, Feldman, Rosenthal, Seiden, Struthers, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) APPROVED this 7th d Exhibit B Documents Incorporated as Part of the Amendment to the Deerbrook Mall Special Use Planned Unit Development for Renovations to the Middle Portion of Deerbrook Mall 1. Overall Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 1. 2. Mall Area Landscape Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 2. 3. Floor Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 3. 4. Existing Floor Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 3B. 5. Enlarged Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 4. 6. Enlarged Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 4A. 7. Loading Dock Truck Access Site Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 5. 8. Roof Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 6. 9. Photometric Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 7. 10. Existing and New Construction Overlay Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 8. 11. Phasing Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 9. 12. Photographs of Existing Plan by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 10. 13. East Elevation by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 11. 14. East Elevation (full size black and white) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 11 A. 15. Elevation (inner east) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 12. 16. Elevation (inner east full size black and white) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 12A. 17. Elevation (inner west) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 13. 18. Elevation (inner west full size black and white) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 13A. 19. Elevation (south/inner south) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 14. 20. Elevation (south/inner south full size black and white) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 14A. 21. Elevation (inner north) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 15. 22. Elevation (inner north full size black and white) by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 15A. 23. Typical Section at Storefront by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 16. 24. Typical Section at Loading Dock by OKW Architects dated June 3, 2005, Exhibit 17. 25. Material Cut Sheets for various light fixtures, planters, trash receptacles, benches and loading dock equipment marked as Exhibits 25 through 35, both inclusive. 26. Stormwater Management Report prepared by C. M. Lavoie & Associates dated May 16, 2005, Exhibit 36. 27. February 21, 2005 letter from Anthony J. Lewis, Director of Fire Prevention for the Northbrook Fire Department to Gil Magnelli re: Deerbrook Mall Turning Radius Site Plan, Exhibit 37. 28. Memoranda from Dan Brinkman of Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. to Ms. Charlotte Sweetland re: Site Line Analyses Deerbrook Mall Reconfiguration dated June 3, 2005 and May 17, 2005, Exhibit 38.