ORDINANCE NO. 0 -05 -9
21st day of March , 2005.
Published in pamphlet form
by authority of the President
and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield, Lake and
Cook Counties, Illinois, this
22nd day of March , 2005.
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -05 -9
WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield is a home rule municipality in accordance with the
Illinois Constitution of 1970; and,
WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield has authority to adopt ordinances and to
promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to its government and affairs that protect the health,
safety and welfare of its citizens; and,
WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield have determined that
the presence of trees in the Village improves air quality, conserves energy, provides wildlife
habitat, reduces soil erosion, enhances stormwater detention and drainage, preserves and
enhances the character and quality of life in the Village, and enhances the value of property in
the Village of Deerfield; and
WHEREAS, the preservation and protection of trees and the landscape environment in
non - residential areas of the Village is served through land use controls applied to individual
parcels, tracts and unified developments developed for non - residential uses; and
WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield have determined that it
is necessary, appropriate and desirable that this ordinance be adopted to provide for the
protection, preservation and replacement of public trees in the streets and rights -of way of the
Village and healthy trees with a diameter of eight inches (8 ") or greater located on private
property within the residential areas of the Village;
ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows:
SECTION 1: That Title 21, "Trees and Vegetation," of the Deerfield Municipal Code,
as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended to add the following as Article 4 entitled
"Tree Preservation ":
Article 4. Tree Preservation
21.4 -1. TITLE:
This Article 4 of Title 21 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield shall be known, cited
and referred to as the Deerfield Tree Preservation Ordinance.
While allowing for reasonable improvement of land within the Village, it is the stated public
policy of the Village to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, existing Trees within the Village
and to add to the Tree population within the Village, where possible. The preservation of existing
Trees in the Village and the planting of additional Trees is intended to accomplish, where
possible, the following objectives:
A. To preserve Trees as an important public resource enhancing the quality of
life and the general welfare of the Village and enhancing its unique character
and physical, historical, and aesthetic environment;
B. Encourage the protection of healthy trees and provide for the replacement
and /or replanting of trees that are necessarily removed during construction,
development or redevelopment;
C. Generally protect and enhance the quality of life and the general welfare of
the Village and its citizens;
D. To preserve and enhance the unique character, physical, historical, and
aesthetic environment of the Village;
E. To aid in the control of storm water runoff, the stabilization of soil by the
prevention of erosion and sedimentation, and the replenishment of ground
water supplies;
F. To enhance air quality by aiding in the removal of carbon dioxide, generation
of oxygen, and filtering of air pollutants;
G. To reduce noise by providing a buffer and screen -from the spread of noise;
H. To reduce energy consumption through the shade and windbreak effect of
I. To preserve and enhance the habitat and food source for birds and other
J. To protect property values;
K. To prevent the clear cutting of land;
L. To prevent the existence of trees which pose a threat, danger or nuisance to
the public or to property in the Village.
A. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply generally and uniformly to all
residential areas within the Village of Deerfield except as specifically
provided herein.
B. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be cumulative , with consistent
provisions of other ordinances of the Village of Deerfield and of the Statutes
of the State of Illinois, and to the extent consistent shall be applied and
enforced simultaneously. Whenever inconsistent, the provision resulting in the
maximum protection, preservation or planting of trees or the highest quality of
trees shall govern, except where limited by law.
C. It is intended in particular that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be
applied cumulatively and simultaneously with the provisions of the Zoning
and Subdivision Ordinances and the Building Code, and no approvals or
permits issued pursuant to such ordinances and codes shall be deemed to
authorize the killing, destruction, removal or planting of trees without also
complying with the applicable provisions of this Ordinance.
21.4 -4. DEFINITIONS: As used in this Article and in the Administrative Manual, the
following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
Action Plan: A listing of trees on a property, in chart form, that identifies each
tree by tag number and shows, species, size (DBH), condition, form, percent
critical root zone saved and the actions to be taken with each Tree. The Action
Plan must be submitted with each Lot Redevelopment Plan or Lot Improvement
Ad Hoc Tree Removal: Tree removal not related to lot redevelopment or lot
Administrative Manual: A document prepared by the Village Manager at the
direction of the Village Board of Trustees that identifies the requirements for tree
preservation and procedures to establish a comprehensive review process for the
Village to follow in enforcing the tree preservation ordinance.
Caliper: Measurement used for nursery stock. The diameter of a tree trunk as
measured six inches (6 ") above ground line for nursery trees up to and including
four inches (4 ") in caliper and as measured twelve inches (12 ") above ground line
for nursery trees larger than four inches (4 ") caliper.
Construction Envelope: The defined area of the lot or development that contains
all of the construction or site disturbance activities.
Critical Root Zone: The area inscribed by an imaginary circular line on the
ground beneath a Tree having as its center point the center of the trunk of the Tree
and a radius equal to one foot (1') for every one inch (I") of trunk diameter
Damage: The taking of any direct or indirect action that causes, or is reasonably
likely to cause, the death of a Protected Tree or a significant loss of a Protected
Tree's structural integrity including, without limitation, destruction, poisoning,
carving, mutilating, girdling, severing the main trunk, leader, or large branches,
touching with live wires, crushing or exposing the roots, digging or drilling any
hole or trench within the root zone, filling with soil or other materials within the
root zone, compacting a substantial portion of the soil in the critical root zone, or
moving a tree to another location. Without limiting of the foregoing, "Damage"
does not include the pruning of Protected Trees in accordance with "Standard
Practices for Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance" (ANSI A300)
and "Tree Pruning Guidelines" published by the International Society of
Arboriculture or similar standards and guidelines from time to time recommended
for residents of the Village by the Village Forester.
Demolition Plan: A plan for the demolition of existing structures on a lot. The
Demolition Plan shall include a Tree Preservation Plan that provides for the
protection of Trees during demolition of the structures and the removal of the
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH): Measurement for Trees other than nursery
stock. The diameter of a Tree measured at four and one -half feet (4.5 ft.) above
the existing ground line.
Director: Shall mean the Director of Community Development or his or her
Ground Line: The elevation of the existing ground at the point where the trunk
of the Tree meets existing ground. If the Tree is on a slope, then the average
elevation of the existing ground is used.
Healthy Tree: Any Tree rated by the Village Forester as being in fair or better
Lot Improvement Plan: A plan submitted to the Village that shows all of the
existing features and proposed changes to a parcel of land and existing structures.
The Lot Improvement Plan must be approved prior to the issuance of a building
Lot Redevelopment Plan: A plan submitted to the Village that shows all of the
existing features and proposed changes to a parcel of land, including the
demolition of existing structures.
Mitigation: The required replacement of Protected Trees on a Site that are
damaged or removed during demolition, lot redevelopment, lot improvement, or
on an ad hoc basis, or of Public Trees in the public ways or on public property
adjacent to a Site that are damaged or removed during demolition, lot
redevelopment, lot improvement, or on an ad hoc basis, in accordance with the
evaluation of the Village Forester and mitigation formulas set forth in this
Ordinance and the Administrative Manual
Owner: The person or entity legally or beneficially owning a Site in the Village
who is undertaking actions with respect to Protected Trees on such real estate
which are regulated by the provisions of this Ordinance. The term "Owner" shall
include the family members, guests, tenants, licensees, contractors, agents,
officers, directors, shareholders and employees of the person or entity legally or
beneficially owning the real estate in question under the provisions of this
Protected Tree: All Public Trees without regard to DBH, and any Healthy Tree
located on a Site that is either: (i) a Tree having a diameter at breast height (DBH)
of eight inches (8 ") or greater; or (ii) a multi -stem Tree having an aggregate total
of fifteen inches (15 ") DBH or greater.
Pruning: The cutting or trimming of Protected Trees in accordance with
"Standard Practices for Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance" (ANSI
A300) and "Tree Pruning Guidelines" published by the International Society of
Arboriculture or similar standards and guidelines from time to time recommended
for residents of the Village by the Village Forester.
Public Tree: Any Tree located on the dedicated right -of -way of all public roads
and streets (parkway trees) in the Village within or adjacent to a residential
zoning district.
Remove or Removal: The physical detachment, removal or elimination of a Tree,
or the effective detachment or elimination of a Tree through damage, cutting,
complete extraction or killing by spraying, girdling, root cutting, or otherwise.
Without limitation of the foregoing, "remove" or "removal" does not include the
pruning of Trees in accordance with National Pruning Standards.
Site: A lot, block, tract or parcel of residential zoned land under unified
ownership in the Village of Deerfield upon which demolition, lot redevelopment,
lot improvement, or ad hoc tree removal is planned or taking place.
Tree: A self - supporting, woody plant, together with its root system, having a
well- defined stem or trunk or a multi- stemmed trunk system with a more or less
well - defined crown.
Topographic Survey: A plan prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer that
depicts the existing contour and ground elevations of a Site in accordance with the
Village Engineering Department's requirements.
Tree Emergency: The existence of any Tree within the Village that has become
an immediate danger or hazard to persons or property as a result of any tornado,
windstorm, flood, freeze, natural disaster or other sudden, unforeseen accident.
Tree Inventory: A listing by tag number of the existing Protected Trees on the
Site and on adjacent properties that are within ten feet (10') of the property line. of
the Site, or that have a critical root zone extending into the Site. The tree
inventory shall also include all Public Trees in the right -of -way adjacent to the
Site and all Public Trees that may be impacted by the construction. Data provided
shall include tag number, species, size in DBH, condition rating, form rating, and
any observed problems.
Tree Preservation Plan: A plan that provides all of the detail necessary as may
be required by the Village Manager or his/her designee to verify how the existing
Public Trees, Protected Trees and site features will be preserved.
Tree Removal Permit: The written permit issued by the Village to authorize the
removal of a Public Tree or Protected Tree pursuant to the provisions of this
Tree Removal Permit Application: The application required for issuance of a
Tree Removal Permit pursuant to Section 21.4 -10 of this Ordinance. A tree
removal application fee in the amount established in the Village Fee Ordinance
shall be submitted with the application.
Tree Replacement Plan: The written plan submitted by an Owner to the Village
pursuant to this Chapter under which the Owner becomes obligated to provide
mitigation for Protected Trees for which Removal is sought at a rate and subject
to such terms and conditions as shall be specified in the plan, as approved by the
Tree Survey: A document consisting of text and graphics that includes the tag
number and location of all live Protected Trees on the Site or on adjacent
properties that are within ten feet (10') of the property line of the Site or that have
a critical root zone extending into the Site. The tree survey shall also include all
Public Trees in the right -of -way adjacent to the Site and all Public Trees that.may
be impacted by the construction. The survey will contain a level of detail and
other pertinent information as may be required by the Village Manager or his/her
Village Fee Ordinance: Article 10 (Comprehensive Building Fee Schedule) of
Chapter 6 (Building) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield.
Village Forester: A qualified arborist employed or engaged by the Village of
Deerfield who is designated to act as Village Forester by the Village Manager.
The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply generally and uniformly to all Sites
in residential zoned districts and to all Public Trees as defined herein, except as
provided below:
A. Tree preservation on properties for which a specific landscaping or tree
preservation plan has been approved pursuant to the terms of an
annexation agreement, a special use permit, or another agreement of
ordinance in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be
governed by the terms of such agreement, permit or ordinance.
B. The ad hoc tree removal regulations contained in this Ordinance shall not
apply to privately owned recreational land with a special use in excess of
three (3) acres in size, except for that portion of such land that is located
within thirty feet (30') of a property line shared with a property or
properties containing residential dwelling units.
C. Tree Emergencies to the extent provided in this Ordinance.
D. Pruning of Trees in compliance with the pruning standards is not subject
to this Ordinance.
E. The removal of public nuisance trees identified in Section 21.4 -7 shall not
be subject to mitigation.
If any Public Tree or Protected Tree is damaged or destroyed prior to the
submission of a tree removal permit application, or a demolition, grading or
building permit application, and it is reasonable to infer that the damage or
destruction was effected so as to avoid the requirements of this Ordinance, the
Director may require mitigation for any such damaged or destroyed tree in
addition to compliance with any other applicable requirements of this Ordinance.
The following trees are hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be
pruned or removed and properly disposed of by the Owner within ten (10) days
following written notification by the Village:
A. Trees and limbs which overhang any sidewalk, street or other public place
that are hazardous to the public way, public property, or private roads with
public access.
B. Tree infected with Dutch elm disease, Oak wilt, Asian longhorn beetles,
Emerald ash borers or other insects and diseases that are a serious threat to
the community's trees.as determined by the Village Forester.
All such trees shall be removed and properly disposed of by the Owner within ten
(10) days of notification by the Village.
This Ordinance establishes the policy of the Village of Deerfield as it relates to
the preservation of existing trees, landscaping, and street tree planting. The
Village Manager or his /her designee shall administer and enforce this ordinance.
The Village Manager or his /her designee shall adopt and promulgate an
Administrative Manual to implement and promote the purposes and provisions of
this Ordinance consistent with good forestry practice. Without limiting the
generality of this authority, the Administrative Manual may, among other things,
A. The classification of tree species considering relative desirability,
hardiness and disease and pest resistance for tree preservation and
replacement purposes;
B. Specifications for protecting trees during construction activities;
C. Requirements for tree removal permits;
D. Procedures for permit and plan review and approval;
E. Requirements for tree replacement plans;
F. Requirements for tree protection, construction envelope and conservancy
area fencing;
G. A tree replacement formula considering the size, condition and species
value of the tree to be replaced;
H. Evaluation and assessment of construction sites.
21.4 -9. EXCEPTIONS:
It is the purpose of this Section to authorize relief from the mitigation
requirements of this Ordinance when some exceptional physical, environmental or
topographical condition affecting a Site poses practical difficulty or unnecessary
hardship in preserving or replacing a Protected Tree consistent with this
Ordinance and good forestry practice.
A. Applications for an exception to the mitigation requirements of this
Ordinance may be made by the Owner of a Site that is (i) seeking the
issuance of a demolition, grading or building permit that may affect a
Protected Tree or require mitigation of a Protected Tree, or (ii) approval of
an Ad Hoc Tree Removal permit.
B. Applications for an exception shall be filed with the Director and shall be
accompanied by: (i) Demolition Plan, a Lot Improvement Plan or a Lot
Redevelopment Plan, as applicable when the Tree removal is related lot
redevelopment or lot improvement; (ii) a Tree Inventory; (iii) a Tree
Preservation Plan; (iv) proof of ownership of the Site; (v) a filing fee as
established by the Annual Fee Ordinance; and (vi) a sworn statement
identifying the exceptional physical, environmental or topographical
condition affecting one or more Protected Trees that poses a practical
difficulty or unnecessary hardship in preserving or replacing a Protected
Tree consistent with this Ordinance and good forestry practices.
C. The Director shall have the authority to grant an exception to the
mitigation requirements of this Ordinance when the applicant
demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that an exceptional
physical, environmental or topographical condition affecting a Site poses
practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship in preserving or . replacing a
Protected Tree consistent with this Ordinance and good forestry practice.
D. An applicant may appeal any decision of the Director granting or denying
an exception by filing a written notice of appeal with the Village Manager
within twenty -one (21) days after the date of the Director's decision. Such
appeals shall be heard and decided by the Village Manager, or his
designee, who shall give the applicant written notice of his decision. The
decision of the Village Manager may be further appealed to the Village
Board of Trustees, whose decision shall be final. Any appeal to the
Village Board of Trustees shall .be initiated by filing a written notice of
appeal with the Village Clerk within fourteen (14) days after the date of
the Manager's decision.
Unless otherwise specifically authorized in this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any Owner to
damage or remove any Public Tree or any Protected Tree without a Tree Removal Permit from
the Village. Any Owner that removes or damages one or more Protected Tree or Public Trees
without a Tree Removal Permit shall be required to prepare, submit and obtain approval of a
Tree Replacement Plan and to mitigate the removal of or damage to such trees.
As a condition to the issuance of a demolition permit, grading permit, or a building
permit, the Owner shall submit a Demolition Plan, Lot Redevelopment Plan, or Lot
Improvement Plan that includes the information and detail specified herein.
A. Upon receipt of the permit application for the removal of Public Trees or
Protected Trees, the Village Forester shall visit the Site as well as contiguous and
adjoining lands to investigate Site conditions and the condition and location of
Protected Trees and Public Trees in relation to the proposed Demolition Plan, Lot
Redevelopment Plan, or Lot Improvement Plan, and make recommendations
concerning measures to preserve trees on the property, to mitigate those Protected
Trees which must be removed to reasonably effectuate Owner's Demolition Plan,
Redevelopment Plan or Lot Improvement Plan, and to preserve or replace Public
Trees affected by the construction.
B. If the Village Manager or his /her designee shall, based on the
recommendation of the Village Forester, determine that the construction will
cause no more Protected Trees to be removed than are reasonably necessary to
achieve the applicant's objectives, and the method for preservation of other
Protected Trees is appropriate, the permit application shall be approved subject to
the provisions of this Ordinance; otherwise the application shall be denied or
approved subject to such conditions as the Village Manager or his/her designee
shall determine to be necessary to protect the public welfare, achieve the purposes
of this Ordinance, prevent the undue destruction of trees and encourage tree
replacement and the planting of additional trees.
C. An Owner that submits a Demolition Plan, Lot Redevelopment Plan, or
Lot Improvement Plan that requires that a Public Tree or a Protected Tree on a
Site to be damaged or removed shall be required to submit the plan review fee
established in the Village Fee Ordinance and, if applicable, the mitigation fee
required by this Ordinance.
As a condition to the issuance of a demolition permit, grading permit, or a building
permit, an Owner is required to submit a Tree Inventory and Tree Preservation Plan that
includes the following information and detail as specified by the Village Manager or
his/her designee:
A. All Protected Trees on the Site and all Public Trees in the public right -of -way
adjacent to the Site which are to be preserved shall be protected from
unreasonable damage by the use of acceptable tree protection measures in
accordance with a Tree Preservation Plan approved by the Village Forester. Such
fencing shall remain in place during construction, and removed as authorized by
the Village Forester at the completion of construction.
B. All Protected Trees on property adjacent to the Site that are within ten feet
(10') of a property line shared with the Site, or that have a critical root zone
extending into the Site, shall be protected from unreasonable damage by the use
of acceptable tree protection measures in accordance with a Tree Preservation
Plan approved by the Village Forester.
C. For purposes of this section, acceptable tree protection measures are those
measures designed and implemented to reasonably limit the damage to such
Protected Trees while enabling lawful construction activity consistent with best
construction practices as determined by the Village. Acceptable tree protection
measures include:
(1) The installation of tree protection fencing along the perimeter of the
critical root zone located within construction site, which shall remain
in place during construction and removed only when construction is
complete or as authorized by the Village Forester. The fencing shall
be wood slat fencing, or such other fencing as approved by the Village
Forester. The proposed location of tree protection fencing shall be
shown on the Demolition Plan, Lot Redevelopment Plan, or Lot
Improvement Plan. Tree protection fencing shall be placed along the
perimeter of the critical root zone of each tree to the extent practical.
Such fencing shall be contained within the limits of the Site and within
the limits of the adjacent public parkway. Such fencing shall not
encroach on to public streets or sidewalks.
(2) The installation of security fencing for the Site as provided in Section
6.11 -3 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, which shall
remain in place during construction and removed only when
construction is complete or as authorized by the Village Forester.
(3) Tree protection measures recommended by a professional arborist and
approved by the Village Forester to reasonably involve the least
amount of damage to Protected Trees.
D. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as effectively prohibiting
otherwise lawful construction that conforms to the zoning ordinance and building
codes of the Village.
A. Unless otherwise specifically authorized in this Ordinance, it shall be
unlawful for any Owner without a Tree Removal Permit from the Village to
damage or remove any Public Tree or any Protected Tree.
B. Any Owner that damages or removes, or authorizes anyone to damage or
remove, any Protected Tree located on such Owner's land, or any Protected Tree
located on adjacent property and within ten feet (10') of a lot line shared with the
Owner's land or that has a critical root zone extending onto the Owner's land,
shall also be responsible for the damage or removal of such Protected Tree,
notwithstanding that the damage or removal was performed or caused by another
person acting under the authority of such Owner.
C. An Owner that seeks to remove a Public Tree or a Protected Tree on a Site
must complete a Tree Removal Permit application and shall be required to submit
the application fee established in the Village Fee Ordinance and, if applicable, the
mitigation fee required by this Ordinance; provided, however, that no tree
removal application fee, permit fee or mitigation fee shall be required if an
application is approved for removal of a Protected Tree for the following reasons:
1. The Protected Tree must be removed because it is dead, dying or
2. The Protected Tree is weakened by disease, age, fire, storm or
other natural causes such that it is likely to die or become diseased.
3. The Protected Tree constitutes a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular
4. The Protected Tree constitutes a hazard to a building.
5. Removal of the Protected Tree is consistent with good forestry
6. The Protected Tree is causing or is likely to cause a public
nuisance as a result of root invasion into public utility lines or
private utility services on the Owner's property.
D. Upon receipt of the Owner's application, the Village Forester shall visit and
inspect the Owner's property and contiguous and adjoining lots in order to
evaluate the application. Subject to compliance with other applicable provisions
of this Code, the Village Forester shall approve the application and issue a Tree
Removal Permit subject to such conditions as may be required for the
preservation of Protected Trees and /or for mitigation of necessary removal of
Protected Trees.
E. Prior to the removal of any Protected Tree authorized for removal, the tree
shall be clearly marked by the Village Forester.
A. An Owner receiving an Ad Hoc Tree Removal Permit shall have a duty to
remove the Trees identified in such permit within ninety (90) days after the date
of the Tree Removal Permit. An Owner receiving a Tree Removal Permit shall be
authorized to remove the Tree(s) identified in such permit in accordance with the
terms and conditions set forth in the Tree Removal Permit Application as
approved by the Village Forester.
B. Any permit issued by the Village for demolition, lot development or lot
improvement permit as provided in this Ordinance is subject to stop work order,
suspension or revocation by the Director if the permit holder violates the terms of
the permit or any other provision of this Ordinance.
C. Any building permit issued for a single - family residence expires one (1) year
from the date of issuance thereof and no construction, alteration or removal shall
take place after such expiration. A building permit may be extended for a period
not exceeding six (6) months only upon the approval of the Director of Building
and Zoning and only in the event that the plans for construction comply with all
aspects of this Code and all other ordinance in effect at said time. If granted, such
an extension shall also extend the Demolition, Lot Development or Lot
Improvement Permit issued under this Ordinance for a like period of time.
A. An Owner receiving a Permit for the removal of Public Trees or Protected
Trees on the subject property shall have a duty to provide mitigation of the
Protected Trees as specified in the Tree Removal Permit issued by the Village
B. An Owner that removes a Public Tree or a Protected Tree without a Tree
Removal Permit or in violation of a Tree Removal Permit shall provide mitigation
of such Tree(s) in accordance with a Tree Replacement Plan approved by the
Village Forester.
C. An Owner that has damaged a Public Tree such that the tree is dying or
diseased or is likely to die or become diseased shall replace such tree(s) in
accordance with a Tree Replacement Plan approved by the Village Forester.
D. An Owner that has damaged a Protected Tree such that the tree is dying or
diseased or is likely to die or become diseased shall provide mitigation of such
tree(s) in accordance with a Tree Replacement Plan approved by the Village
E. The removal of Protected Trees and Public Trees requires mitigation as
determined by the Village Forester. Protected Trees and Public Trees shall be
mitigated by either planting replacement trees or by payment of a mitigation fee at
the rate specified in the Annual Fee Ordinance, considering the size, condition
rating and species rating of the trees requiring mitigation. The Village Forester
shall determine the replacement rate for Protected Trees and Public Trees
requiring mitigation pursuant to the following formula utilizing. the Species
Rating Guide set forth in Appendix E to the Administrative Manual, and the Tree
Condition and Rating Guide set forth as Appendix D of the Administrative
Manual which are adopted and incorporated herein by this reference.
Species Group
Replacement Rate
D.B.H. Removed No. Caliper Inches Replaced
1.0" caliper
0.6" caliper
0.3" caliper
A. When required by this Ordinance, a Tree Replacement Plan shall be submitted
providing for the planting of new trees of species, caliper and at locations
approved by the Village Forester and for a program of watering and maintenance
to ensure that the new plantings will become established for the replacement of
Protected Trees and /or Public Trees removed or damaged by the Owner.
B. Any Owner required to make replacements for a Protected Tree shall make all
such replacements with a new tree or saplings of not less than two inches (2 ")
caliper or eight feet (8') in height when deciduous ornamental trees in clump form
or evergreens are used (an eight foot (8') tree is considered equivalent to a 3"
caliper tree). The total aggregate caliper of all such trees and/or saplings used as
replacements based on good forestry practices as approved by the Village Forester
shall equal or exceed the DBH of the Protected Tree(s) so removed.
C. A cash tree replacement fee shall be submitted with the Tree Replacement
Plan as a guarantee that Protected Trees will be replaced pursuant to the plan. The
total fee shall be the replacement cost per inch at breast height as established in
the Village Fee ordinance times the replacement rate specified in Section 21.4 -15
of this Ordinance.
D. Replacement of Protected Trees shall be made within twelve (12) months of
the date of issuance of the Tree Removal Permit. The Village Forester upon
request may grant an extension of not more than twelve (12) months time. Upon
the planting of the mitigation trees and after the inspection and approval of the
mitigation trees by the Village Forester, the amount of cash tree replacement fee
guarantee equal to the number of inches planted will be refunded to the applicant.
21.4 -17. INSPECTIONS:
A copy of the Tree Removal Permit or approved Tree Preservation Plan shall be
kept at the Site during the time that work is underway, and the Village Forester
shall make whatever inspections are required to ensure compliance. The Director
is authorized to issue a stop work order for all construction work on the Site-if the
Owner fails to comply with the requirements of Tree Removal Permit or Tree
Preservation Plan.
A. If a Tree Emergency shall occur such that there arises a risk of imminent
danger or hazard to persons or property from any Protected Tree which ought to
be cut or removed immediately or with as little delay as possible (e.g., Protected
Trees which threaten to fall or have fallen on houses or power lines or impede
safe passage of streets or have become uprooted or unstable as a result of severe
weather, floods or high winds), then it shall be lawful for the Owner to remove
such Protected Tree to the extent necessary to avoid immediate danger or hazard
without a Tree Removal Permit provided that within fourteen (14) days after
taking any such action the Owner shall submit an after - the -fact Tree Removal
Permit Application describing the Tree Emergency and the actions taken.
B. If the Village Forester upon his review of the Tree Removal Permit
Application concurs that a Tree Emergency existed and that the Owner's actions
were warranted in response to the Tree Emergency, an after - the -fact Tree
Removal Permit shall be issued without fee and no further action under these
regulations shall be necessary. If the Village Forester determines that no genuine
Tree Emergency existed to justify the cutting or removal or the Protected Tree(s),
then such actions by the Owner shall be deemed a violation of these regulations
and the Owner shall be required to provide mitigation as provided in Section 21.4-
21.4 -19. PENALTY:
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of
not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and not more than One Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) for each such violation. A separate and distinct violation
shall be deemed to have occurred for each Protected Tree or Public Tree unlawfully
damaged, removed and/or not replaced in violation of this Article, and a separate and
distinct violation shall be deemed to have occurred for each day that such violation exists
or continues. Any penalties imposed are in addition to any required mitigation.
21.4 -20. FEES:
Fees for tree removal permit applications, tree removal permits, and plan reviews shall be
paid as provided in the Village Fee Ordinance.
21.4 -21. APPEALS:
Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, an applicant may appeal in writing to the
Village Manager any decision made by the Director or Village Forester within thirty (30)
days of the decision being rendered. If not satisfied with the decision of the Village
Manager, the applicant may appeal in writing to the Village Board of Trustees within
thirty (30) days of the decision rendered by the Village Manager, but the Board of
Trustees is not obliged to consider any such appeal.
Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to impose any liability upon the Village or
upon any of its officers or employees nor to relieve the owner of any private property
from the duty to keep trees and shrubs upon private property or under his control in a safe
and healthy condition.
SECTION 2: That Section 6.11 -4 (Tree Protection) of Article 11 (Construction
Management) of Chapter 6 (Building) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and
the same is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3: That Section 6 -10 -3 (Schedule of Chapter 6 Fees, Charges and Rates) of
Article 10 (Comprehensive Building Fee Schedule) of Chapter 6 (Building) of the Municipal
Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended to add the following:
(U) cash tree replacement fee
(V) Tree Preservation Plan Review:
i. Lot Redevelopment,
without demolition
ii. Lot redevelopment,
with demolition
iii. Demolition with no
building permit
$125 per caliper inch
iv. Lot Improvement (no demolition)
(a) Room additions
(b) Driveways
(c) Pools and tennis courts
(d) Fences, sheds and
accessory structures
(e) Decks and patios
(f) Irrigation systems
(W) Ad Hoc Tree Removal
i. Permit Application $75
ii. Permit $125
iii. Permit for dead, hazardous
and nuisance trees $ 0
Section of the
Municipal Code
21.4 -16
21.4 -11C
21.4 -13C
SECTION 4: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative
act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain
terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b)
legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the
intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of
this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall
supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction.
SECTION 5: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.
PASSED this 21st day of March , 2005.
AYES: Benton, Kayne, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6)
NAYS: None (0)