O-04-36VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0-04-3 6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WAGE AND SALARY PLAN AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 -05 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 21st day June 2004. Published in pamphlet form By authority of the President And Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 22nd day of June , 2004. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0-04-3 6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WAGE AND SALARY PLAN AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 -05 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the Village of Deerfield Wage and Salary Plan is hereby amended By substituting the attached pages in lieu.of the corresponding pages in the Village of Deerfield Wage and Salary Plan heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 0- 44 -17. SECTION 2: That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES:Benton, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (5) VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Salary Schedule - 2004/05 amended 6/21/2004 ANNUAL ANNUAL POSITION STARTING SALARY F.Q.E. SALARY F.Q.E ICMA 110% ADMINISTRATION Village Manager 180,000 16,000 Finance Director 99,320 116,847 1,000 128,532 Assistant to the Manager 55,006 64,713 1,000 71,184 Director of Community Development 87,424 102,851 1,000 113,135 Building & Coding Enforcement Supervisor 73,525 86,500 95,150 Assistant Village Engineer / Utilities 69,275 81,500 89,650 Assistant Village Engineer / Streets 69,275 81,500 89,650 Assistant Finance Director 67,508 79,421 87,363 Executive Secretary 49,855 58,653 64,518 Financial Secretary 42,809 50,363 55,399 Secretary III 42,809 50,363 55,399 Computer Systems Coordinator 66,230 77,918 85,710 Principal Planner 68,765 80,900 88,990 Planner 1 51,576 60,678 66,746 Building Inspector 56,824 66,851 73,536 Custodian 40,887 48,102 52,912 Principal Accounting Clerk 40,761 47,954 52,749 Accounting Clerk 37,587 44,220 48,642 Secretary II 38,177 44,914 49,405 Cashier - Receptionist 33,533 39,450 43,395 Financial Secretary (Part Time) 22.10 hr 26.00 hr 28.60 hr. Secretary Boards & Commissions III (PT) 18.70 hr 22.00 hr 24.20 hr. Secretary Boards & Commissions II (PT) 16.15 hr 19.00 hr 20.90 hr. Administrative Intern (Part Time) 14.45 hr 17.00 hr 18.70 hr. Fiscal Clerk (Part Time) 18.70 hr 22.00 hr 24.20 hr. Secretary I (Part Time) 14.45 hr 17.00 hr 18.70 hr. General Clerk (Part Time) 15.30 hr 18.00 hr 19.80 hr. Secretary Boards & Commissions (PT) 12.75 hr 15.00 hr 16.50 hr. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION /ENGINEERING Director 97,986 115,277 1,000 126,805 Public Works Secretary 45,730 53,800 59,180 Clerk Typist (Part Time) 14.24 hr 16.76 hr 18.44 hr. UTILITIES MAINTENANCE Utilities Foreman 68,687 80,808 88,889 Water Distribution Supervisor 59,011 69,425 76,368 Maintenance Operator III 47,853 56,297. 61,927 Maintenance Operator II 44,278 52,091 57,300 Meter Reader And Animal Warden 41,956 49,360 54,296 Maintenance Operator 1 41,469 48,787 53,666 Temporary Sewer Worker 17.00 hr 20.00 hr . 22.00 hr. Page 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Salary Schedule - 2004/05 amended 6/21/2004 POSITION ANNUAL STARTING SALARY ANNUAL SALARY F.Q.E ICMA F.Q.E. 110% SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 65,716 77,314 85,044 Foreman 65,716 77,314 85,044 Operator III 49,944 58,757 64,633 Maintenance Operator III 47,853 56,297 61,927 Operator II 44,278 52,091 57,300 Operator 1 41,469 48,787 53,666 Laboratory Director 46,698 54,939 60,433 Operator Trainee 35,318 41,550 45,705 . _:= Foreman Mechanic 64,169 75,493 83,042 51,113 60,133 66,146 STREET AND BRIDGE Foreman 65,716 77,314 85,044 Maintenance Operator 111 47,853 56,297 61,927 .Maintenance Operator II 44,278 52,091 57,300 Maintenance Operator .1 41,469 48,787 53,666 TEMPORARY 17.00 hr 20.00 hr 22.00 hr. POLICE ADMINISTRATION Chief of Police 98,241 115,577 1,000 127,135 Deputy Chief of Police 79,468 93,493 102,841 Commander 71,318 83,904 92,293 Sergeant 66,978 78,798 86,677 Youth Director 61,017 71,785 78,963 Social Worker 57,144 67,228 73,951 Managerial Secretary 42,809 50,363 55,399 Secretary II 38,177 44,914 49,405 Records Clerk 40,023 47,086 51,795 Communication Supervisor 66,978 78,798 86,677 Senior Dispatcher 53,643 63,109 69,420 Dispatcher 44,315 52,135 57,348 Community Service Officer 39,618 46,609 51,270 Dispatcher (Part Time) 15.29 hr 17.98 hr 19.78 hr Secretary I (Part Time) 14.45 hr 17.00 hr 18.70 hr Intern 5.95 hr 7.00 hr 7.70 hr Cadet 12.75 hr 15.00 hr 16.50 hr Parking Warden 14.45 hr 17.00 hr 18.70 hr Crossing Guard 12.12 hr 14.26 hr 15.68 hr Page 2 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Salary Schedule - 2004/05 amended 6/21/2004 ANNUAL ANNUAL POSITION STARTING SALARY F.Q.E. SALARY F.Q.E ICMA 110% POLICE PATROL OFFICERS (Based on 5/1/02 to 4/30/04 contract) Hire to One Years 47,638 One to Two Years 51,282 Two to Three Years 54,584 'Three to Four Years 57,711 Four Years and Over 65,889 SEASONAL FIRST YEAR 6.50 hr SECOND YEAR 7.00 hr THIRD YEAR 7.50 hr FOURTH YEAR 8.00 hr Page 3