O-03-27VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0-03-27 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ARTICLE 10, SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE, OF CHAPTER 6, BUILDING, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WHEREAS, the construction of buildings, structures and impervious surfaces, including excavation, earthmoving and grading activities associated therewith, can unreasonably increase the burden of stormwater drainage upon adjacent and neighboring property by decreasing the amount of pervious surface area or by failing to provide proper and sufficient means for managing the resulting changes in surface water drainage; and, WHEREAS, the Residential Redevelopment Review Task Force has submitted its report and recommendation to the President and I Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield recommending, among other things, that the Village of Deerfield adopt certain drainage regulations and requirements applicable to the redevelopment of existing residential lots in the Village, to the construction of new residential buildings and structures, and to the construction of substantial building additions, structures and impervious surfaces that may adversely increase the burden of stormwater drainage upon adjacent and neighboring property; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village of Deerfield will be served by adoption of the drainage regulations and requirements set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 6, Buildings, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended to add the following as Article 10 thereof entitled "Site Grading and Drainage," to wit: Article 10. Site Grading and Drainage 6.10 -1 Definitions: For purposes of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) As -Built Grading Survey: A survey by a licensed surveyor of actual grades at critical areas of the site, made following the completion of work and grading activities at the site, which is sufficient in the opinion of the Village Engineer to demonstrate drainage of stormwater runoff from the site in accordance with the approved stormwater drainage plan for the site. (2) Engineer's Certificate of Completion: A certificate by a licensed engineer, following the completion of work and grading activities at the site, that the' engineer has inspected the site following completion of the work and that future stormwater runoff from the site will be contained, routed and released in accordance with the approved stormwater drainage plan for the site. (3) Grading: Any excavation, clearing, filling or grading of a site that results in a change in elevation or a change in the overland flow of stormwater runoff. (4) Grading Survey: A survey by a licensed surveyor of actual grades at critical areas of the site sufficient in the opinion of the Village Engineer to demonstrate drainage of stormwater runoff from the site. A grading survey shall also show the top of foundation elevation of structures adjacent to the site and the actual grades at critical areas on property 2 abutting the site as necessary in the opinion of the Village Engineer to establish existing drainage patterns that may be affected by the work. (5) Impervious Surface Improvements: A driveway, sidewalk, patio or other surface improvement that is constructed with materials rendering the same practically impervious to surface waters. (6) Site: Any lot block, tract or parcel of land in the R -1, R -2, R -3, R -4 or R- 5 residential zoning districts, or in a residential planned unit development, where work or grading is proposed or performed. (7) Stormwater Drainage Plan: A plan for containing, routing and releasing stormwater runoff from a site approved by the Village Engineer. A Stormwater drainage plan shall be consistent with the final engineering plans and drainage system, if any, approved for the subdivision in which the site is located and shall conform with all applicable laws and best engineering practices. A stormwater drainage plan shall address that portion of the site affected by grading activities or by the construction of impervious surface improvements. (8) Stormwater Runoff.- Water that results from precipitation that is not absorbed by soil or plant material before draining from a site. (9) Work: Any work on an existing or proposed residential building, structure or site which changes, or proposes to change, the exterior dimensions at grade level of the building or structures on the site. 6.10 -2 Drainage Plans Required With.Building Permit Applications: No building permit shall be issued for a site until the owner of the site or his authorized agent has submitted a Stormwater drainage plan, together with all other submissions required under Village ordinances. Required stormwater drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approved prior to the start of construction work or grading activities. Stormwater drainage plans shall be required for all work on any site requiring a building permit except the following: (1) Interior work; (2) Roof maintenance or repair; (3) Any other work that does not make, or propose to make, any change to the exterior dimensions at grade level of the structures on the site. 3 All stormwater plans must reflect conformance with all applicable laws and best engineering practices. Such plans must be approved by the Village Engineer before any demolition or construction work may commence. Grading permits are required as provided in Section 6.10 -3 for any re- contouring or grading work to be done even if no demolition or construction work is contemplated. All plans must be prepared and sealed by a licensed engineer. 6.10 -3 Grading Permits Required: (1) No grading of a site shall be performed until the owner of the site has been issued a grading permit. A stormwater drainage plan is required for the issuance of a grading permit. (2) A grading permit shall not be required for routine and ordinary landscape activities, provided that such grading or landscape activities do not result in a material change in the pattern of stormwater runoff from the site. (3) A separate grading permit is not required when a stormwater drainage plan is approved with a building permit issued for a site 6.10 -4 Stormwater Drainage Plan Components: Required stormwater drainage plans must address both existing and proposed stormwater drainage conditions and drainage channels on the site and the location on the site of excavated soil to be stockpiled during construction. In particular, surface drainage patterns on the site during and after construction must be shown. The following is required at a minimum: (1) A grading survey which shows the existing stormwater runoff patterns and the location of any Special Flood Hazard Areas prior to demolition of any habitable building and before any grading of the site. (2) An engineered stormwater drainage plan that shows the proposed drainage patterns during and after construction. Site drainage conditions during and after construction may not be any worse than before construction, or impose a greater burden on downstream or upstream property owners than existed before construction. (3) Sufficient information to substantiate the stormwater drainage patterns proposed including spotted elevations or topographic lines as necessary indicating: rd (a) The slope of the property; (b) The location of any dry wells or storm sewer intakes; (c) The grades for the top of foundation; (d) The property lines; and, (e) The location of all downspouts and their connection to the storm sewer serving the property. (4) An excavated materials plan showing where the stockpiling will occur, how stormwater water runoff will be accommodated and the facilities to be provided to prevent soil erosion or silting of downstream areas. 6.10 -5 Downspouts and Sump Discharges: (1) All new and existing residential buildings whose additions increase the amount of property covered by buildings must connect all downspouts and sump discharges to the available storm sewer system, unless the Village Engineer determines that a direct connection of downspouts to the available storm sewer system is not necessary to prevent an increased burden upon adjoining property by reason of stormwater runoff in accordance with applicable laws and best engineering practices. (2) Direct connection of downspouts to the storm sewer system is not required if the public storm sewer system is more than two hundred feet (200 ft.) from the site, is not within easements or street right -of -way, or if applicable laws prohibit the direct inflow of stormwater. (3) Direct downspout and sump discharges shall be released onto the site in a manner that provides positive drainage without adversely affecting adjacent property. 6.10 -6 Stockpiled Materials: Material stockpiles may not be located in areas where they might erode onto adjacent properties, public streets, or sidewalks. Stockpiles and excavated materials may not be placed in areas where potential damage to trees may occur or may cause root suffocation. 6.10 -7 As Built Grading Survey; Certificate of Completion: (1) An "as built" grading survey shall be provided after completion of the following construction work and grading activities for which a stormwater drainage plan was required: E (a) The construction of a new single- family residential building; (b) Any work or grading activity which, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, will result in a material change in the existing drainage pattern on the site; (c) Any work or grading activity within a drainage easement or swale. (2) The owner of the site shall provide a certificate of completion by owner's contractor, or 'by a licensed engineer or surveyor, after completion of all construction work and grading activities not described in Section 6.10 -7(1) above for which a stormwater drainage plan was required. (3) ' The Village Engineer shall approve the "as built" grading survey or certificate of completion if the Village Engineer determines that the approved stormwater drainage plan for the site has been implemented as required by this Article. No occupancy permit of any kind shall be issued until such survey or certificate has been approved by the Village Engineer and is on file with the Director of Community Development. (4) All "as built" grading surveys shall include public record easement information for the site. "As built" grading surveys shall be provided to the Village in reproducible and electronic formats. 6.10 -8 Waiver of Grading Survey Requirement: The Village Engineer, upon a written appeal by the property owner, may, for good cause shown, waive or modify the requirement for a grading survey prior to construction or grading activities, and /or the requirement for an "as- built" grading survey after the completion of construction and/or grading activities. For purposes of this Article, "good cause" shall be deemed to be evidence satisfactory to the Village Engineer that compliance with the requirements and intent of an approved stormwater drainage plan can be determined without the full topographic survey information otherwise required by this Ordinance. 6.10 -9 Duty of Property Owner: (1) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any site that has been improved or graded in accordance with stormwater drainage plan approved pursuant to this Article to alter or change any structure, grade, contour line, drainage channel or stormwater storage area in contravention of such approved drainage plan, or to allow the site to remain in a condition which does not conform to such approved stormwater drainage plan. (2) It shall be the duty of the owner of any site required to be improved and maintained in conformance with an approved stormwater drainage plan to bring such site into compliance with said engineering plans within fourteen (14) days following written notice from the Director of Community Development that said site does not conform to the approved stormwater drainage plans for such property. SECTION 2: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 19th- . day of Ma 2003. AYES: Benton, Kayne, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (5) NAYS: None .:'('0) ABSENT: Rosenthal (1) ABSTAIN: None (0 ) APPROVED this 19th day of May , 2003. ATTEST: illage Clerk 7 . �pvy.e ry Village President