O-00-35ORDINANCE NO. 0-00- 3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE Published in pamphlet form this 16thday of October , 2000 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 0-00- 3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE WHEREAS, the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission adopted the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan on June 11, 1990 and the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield adopted Ordinance No. 0 -92 -38 adopting said Plan as the "Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code ", which Ordinance was subsequently amended by Ordinance No. 0 -93 -31 and 0- 94 -34; and WHEREAS, the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission has amended and restated the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan by Ordinance adopted by the Lake County Board on October 10, 2000 and has determined that uniform and consistent enforcement of stormwater management will be enhanced by municipalities adopting the amended and restated standards of the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the adoption of an amended and restated stormwater management code encompassing the current Lake County stormwater management standards; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ( "FEMA ") has recently completed a revision to the Flood Insurance Study ( "FIS ") and Flood Insurance Rate Map ( "FIRM ") for Lake and Cook Counties which are attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the adoption of an amended and restated stormwater management code to include the material described in the immediately preceding recital. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That there is hereby adopted by the President and Board of Trustees for the ONE: purpose of establishing stormwater management standards, that certain Code attached hereto and the material set forth on Exhibit A and made a part hereof to be known as the "Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code, of which not less than three copies have been and are now filed in the Office of the Village Manager and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions hereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield. As 284567 Q October 10, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 0-00- 3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION That the Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater TWO: Management Code, including Exhibit A adopted hereby, shall be enforced by the Village Manager. SECTION That nothing in the Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater THREE: Management Code, as hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding now pending in any court, or an y rights acquired, or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of actions accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby, nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this Ordinance. SECTION That the invalidity of any section or provision of the Amended and Restated FOUR: Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code, as hereby adopted shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof. SECTION That Chapter 20 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, as FIVE: amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: That there is hereby adopted by the President and Board of Trustees for the purpose of establishing stormwater management standards, that certain Code attached hereto and made a part hereof to be known as the "Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code," of which not less than three copies have been and are now filed in the Office of the Village Manager and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions hereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in SIX: pamphlet form. JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 - 2 - ORDINANCE NO. 0 -00 -3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, SEVEN: approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0 ) ABSENT: None (0 ) PASSED: This 16thday of October , A.D., 2000. APPROVED: This 16thday of October , A.D., 2000. ATTEST: F ,ill - � 0 VILLAGE PRESIDENT JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 - 3 - DISCUSSION AGENDA - WDO AMENDMENTS 11:36 AM, 09/26/00 Article V.B. Pg. 58 B. APPEALS 1, Any person aggrieved by an ordinance based decision, , of this Ordinann by a Certified Community's Enforcement Officer may request review thereof by the Certified Community's board of elected officials or the appropriate body. 2. Any person aggrieved by a -Manse an ordinance based decision, , by the SMC Chief Engineer may request review thereof by the SMC Director. 3. Any person aggrieved by an ordinance based decision, , ##+s by the SMC Director may appeal it to the SMC by written notice filed with the SMC Director within 30 days of the determination. AMENDMENT # 1. Reason for change: The changes shown above are implied but are obviously not worded consistently. The changes create consistency in wording and the appeal process. Article IV.13.1.b.(3) and (4) page 12 (3) Rainfall data as presented in Appendix I of this Ordinance shall be used for rainfall volume, storm distribution, return frequency and event duration. (4) Runoff calculations for all off -site drainage area may be based on anticipated future land use conditions or existing land use conditions. Anticipated future land use conditions will be based on future land use and existing storage facilities. Future detention facilities may be used for anticipated future land use conditions if approved by the SMC Chief Engineer or for tributary drainage areas less than 100 -acres in a Certified Community, the Enforcement Officer. Existing land use conditions will be based on existing land use and existing storage facilities. For each frequency storm event, runoff calculations will be based on the critical duration, for all durations presented in Appendix L AMENDMENT # 2. Reason for change: The changes shown above clarify that Appendix I is to be used for critical duration analysis through all durations presented. Article IVY. Pg. 54 F. . PUBLIC ROADWAY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Authority and Enforcement a. The SMC shall be responsible for the review, enforcement, and issuance of all Public Road Development Permits. b. The performance standards of this Ordinance shall apply to all Public Road Developments. The release rate performance standard of Article IV, Section B.1.c. shall apply only to additional impervious surface . areas or in the case of new road construction, the hydrologically disturbed areas. This release rate requirement shall be used unless watershed specific release rates have been adopted or it is determined by the Enforcement Officer that other site conditions, including analysis of adequate downstream capacity, warrant further analysis and modification from this standard. Detention requirements shall be applied only to those projects described in Article IV, Section A.1.g. AMENDMENT # 3. Reason for change: The changes shown above are recommended due to the difficulty in strict application of the standard release rate analvsis to public road and other development due to its linear nature. APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS Page 69 public road development: Any development activity which takes place in a public right -of -way or part thereof that is administered and funded, in whole or in part, by a public agency under its respective roadway jurisdiction. Rehabilitative maintenance and in -kind replacement are considered to be a public road development if located in a Regulatory Floodplain. A public road development located within a Regulatory Floodway and which has been approved by the Illinois U: \WPDATA\Ordinance\WDO AMENDMENT PROCESS 2000.doc DISCUSSION AGENDA - WDO AMENDMENTS 11:36 AM, 09/26/00 Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (IDOT /DOH), Bureau of Local Roads and Streets is exempt from the hydraulic analysis requirements of this Ordinance. Individual recreational trail systems being constructed that are not part of another development project and linear railroad development projects shall be considered public road developments with respect to the requirements of this ordinance. AMENDMENT # 4. Reason for change: The changes shown above are recommended due to the difficulty in strict application of the standard release rate analysis to public road and other development due to its linear nature. Article IV.F. Pg. 54. h. Water Quality Treatment (1) The water quality treatment requirements of this ordinance shall apply to any development within the total land area of the ownership parcel that results in creation of more than 0.5 acres of new impervious area, where "new" is defined in Article IV.A.1.f. of this ordinance. (2) Prior to discharging to Waters of the United States or adjoining property, all development shall divert and detain at least the first 0.01 inches of runoff for every 1 % of impervious surface for the development with a minimum volume equal to 0.2 inches of runoff (e.g. 20% or less impervious = 0.2 ", 50% impervious = 0.5 ", 90% impervious = 0.9 "); or provide a similar level of treatment of runoff as approved by the Enforcement Officer and consistent with the Best Management Practices guidance contained in the Technical Reference Manual. AMENDMENT # 5 Reason for change: The changes shown set a low end threshold criteria on when to apply water quality treatment provisions. This is needed because Article IV.B. provisions specifically apply to all development needing a permit. APPROVED BY TAC 8/25/00 Article IV.C.2.d.(3) - page 40 (3) Upon approval of the Enforcement Officer, shorelines or streambanks that have experienced erosion may be restored to their condition as of the effective date of the first FIRM map in that community without the need to provide compensatory storage or pay a fee -in -lieu of for the fill used to restore the eroded area according to the following criteria. (a) The restoration fill shall meet existing grades and within riverine areas the current effective regulatory floodplain and regulatory f/oodway conveyance shall be maintained. aad (b) The amount of eroded property being restored reMeratien (fill) allewed shall be documented able and submitted by the applicant as part of the permit process. Proper documentation shall be either as —field survey information or photo documentation of the erosion that has occurred for the property being restored. (c) For rivers, lakes and streams where no f/oodway has been designated, no documentation of past shoreline erosion is required if the applicant does not exceed 1 cubic yard of fill per lineal foot for a maximum of 200 feet. In this case the placing of the till shall not significantly alter the alignment of the shoreline with adjacent properties as determined by the Enforcement Officer. Non - documentable fills are a one time allowance on a per property basis and all fills exceeding 200 cubic yards shall be regulated as specified in Articles IV.B.1.f. and IV.C.2.d. of this ordinance. AMENDMENT # 6 Reason for change: The changes shown sets a time criteria for which to apply this provision and an acceptable fill volume for individual property erosion restorations. This criteria is consistent with IDNR procedures and is a logical reference point to when floodplain fill activities should have started to require compensatory storage. U: \WPDATA \Ordinance \WDO AMENDMENT PROCESS 2000.doc 2 DISCUSSION AGENDA - WDO AMENDMENTS 11:36 AM, 09/26/00 Article IV.C.1.b.(5) - page 39 shall be deteFFniRed by the FEMA Septembw 25, 1997 Reed !RsufanGe RegulateFy Fleedway beuRdaFy :shall be deteFFRORed by the FEE—. SeptembeF 3, 1997 Peed lR6WFaRGe Study and Fnaps as d9Reted in AMENDMENT # 7 Reason for change: The change shown deletes the interim provision previously approved and will become, effective simultaneously with when the new maps.become effective in Appendix C. Appendix A Definitions page 65 fee -in -lieu of on -site detention stormwater storage: A fee assessed to a permit applicant used to contribute to the cost of a basin plan or floodplain study components; or other stormwater system improvements, "in- lieu -of' constructing on -site detention or for compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration fills of less than 200 cubic yards. AMENDMENT # 8 Reason for change: The change shown allows for minor fills where comp stormwater storage is impractical and requires that the certified community put the funds collected into projects that provide some type of watershed benefit. Article IV.B.1.f. - page 17 Fee -In -Lieu Of On -Site DetentfoR Stormwater Storage (1) The SMC may require, as part of an adopted basin plan or floodplain study, the payment of a fee -in -lieu of on -site detention stormwater storage to fulfill all or part of the on -site detention stormwater storage requirement for a development. The adoption of a floodplain study or basin plan is per Appendix E (D) of this Ordinance. (2) The following fee -in -lieu of detention stormwater storage procedures apply to communities with adopted procedures for requiring and collecting fee -in -lieu of revenues for detentieR stormwater storage requirements below the Fni threshold set in this Ordinance: (a) The Enforcement Officer may require, or the applicant may submit a written request, for the payment of a fee -in -lieu of on -site detent-ien stormwater storage to fulfill all or part of the on -site detention requirement below the detention threshold minimum limit set by this Ordinance Article IV, Section A.M. and g. and for compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration rills of less than 200 cubic yards. A request for fee -in -lieu of on -site deteRti0R stormwater storage shall be either rejected or approved within forty five (45) days of the written request unless additional engineering studies are required. (b) Approval of a request for fee -in -lieu of on -site detention stormwater storage on a development site below the detention threshold in this Ordinance Article IV, Section A.M. and g. and for compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration fills of less than 200 cubic yards shall be determined by the Enforcement Officer. U:\WPDATA \Ordinance \WDO AMENDMENT PROCESS 2000.doc DISCUSSION AGENDA - WDO AMENDMENTS 11:36 AM, 09/26/00 k. (c) Fee -in -lieu of on -site detefltieR stormwater storage shall be the lesser of: 1) the fee computed for each acre -foot or cubic yard or part thereof of detentieR stormwater storage approved in accordance with the procedures and schedules as approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community or 2) the estimated construction cost as approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community of the applicant's proposed and approved on -site detention stormwater storage, including land costs. (d) A fund will be maintained by the Certified Community or the SMC for Non - Certified Communities for each of the four major Lake County watersheds for the purpose of identifying and controlling all revenues and expensesditures resulting from fee -in -lieu of on -site deteRtiGA stormwater storage approvals. All fee -in -lieu of on -site deter stormwater storage revenues received from each watershed shall be deposited in these funds. for use within that watershed. A Certified Community may opt to allow SMC to administer fee -in- lieu -of revenues and expenditures through execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement specifying that arrangement. (e) The following requirements must be met before a fee -in -lieu of on -site deteRtiAR stormwater storage will be approved: (i) The downstream stormwater management system has "adequate downstream stormwater capacity' (see definitions); and (ii) The SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community has an adopted fee -in -lieu of deteRtiAR stormwater storage program. (f3 Fee -in -lieu of on -site detentiea stormwater storage revenues fRWR . may be used to plan, design or construct an upgrade to existing or future stormwater management systems if the upgrade is consistent with a basin plan, floodplain study or stormwater system improvement that has been approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community. AMENDMENT # 9 Reason for change: The change shown allows for minor fills where comp storage is impractical and requires that the certified community put the funds collected into projects that provide some type of watershed benefit. Article IV.13.1.e.(8) page 21 (8) Impounding berms for stormwater retention and detention facilities shall be designed and constructed to withstand all expected forces, including but not limited to, erosion, pressure and uplift. Impounding berms designed greater than 3 feet in height above existing grade shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer. AMENDMENT # 10 Reason for change: The changes shown tries to avoid problems experienced lately with regard to berms being breached due to design and construction deficiencies. Article IV.B.1.g.(1)(a) page 19 (a) The 10 -year design storm shall be used as a minimum for the design of storm sewers, swales and appurtenances. Stormsewers shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches with the exception that U:\WPDATA \Ordinance \WDO AMENDMENT PROCESS 2000.doc 4 J DISCUSSION AGENDA - WDO AMENDMENTS 11:36 AM, 09/26/00 stormsewers servicing a single parcel may be excused from this requirement upon approval of the Enforcement Officer. AMENDMENT # 11 Reason for change: The changes shown put the pipe size requirement into the appropriate section and allows for variation of this in approved areas. Article IV.B.1.g.(1)(b) page 19 (b) Development shall not connect to sanitary sewers or existing agricultural stormwater management systems (tiles) as an outflow for the stormwater. management system. Field file systems disturbed during the process of development shall be reconnected by those responsible for their disturbance unless the approved drainage plan includes provisions for these. AMENDMENT # 12 Reason for change: The change replaces a section of the previous WDO that was inadvertently deleted. This covers situations where any drain tile is cut and would therefore need to be reconnected. Article IV.B.1 J.(1)(d)(ii) page 27 (ii) Areas or embankments having slopes greater than or equal to 3H:1V shall be stabilized with staked in place sod, mat or blanket in combination with seeding. AMENDMENT # 13 Reason for change: The change removes the use of sod on slopes steeper than 3:1 where we have seen many problems with this practice. Article IV.B.2.a.(4) page 31 (4) A site drainage plan locating drainage features, overland flow paths, stormwater management fasil+ties system components, flood -prone areas, Regulatory Floodplains, wetlands boundaries, buffer areas, existing or proposed septic systems and wells AMENDMENT # 14 Reason for change: The change makes this section consistent with the definition of stormwater management system in the WDO. Article IV.B.2.a.(9) page 31 (9) The federal, state and local permit requirements of Article IV.B.2.b.(13) and (14) are required when applicable to the development site and Article IV.B.2.b.(9) and (10) shall be required when requested by the Enforcement Officer. AMENDMENT # 15 Reason for change: The change is in the minor development submittal requirements and includes allowance for maintenance plans, PE signoff, NRI's, and NPDES permit submittal if necessary or deemed needed by the EO. This situation may be desired for minor development sites with detention needed. Article IV.E. WETLAND PROVISIONS page 54 E. WETLAND PROVISIONS In order to further the goal of no net loss of the County's wetland resource, all wetland impacts occurring in Lake County that exceed the mitigation threshold of the United States Army Corps of Engineers regulatory program shall be mitigated er- sempeRsated for in Lake County at the mitigation ratio specified by the Corps for that development impact. Existing isolated regulatory wetlands or Waters of the United States on or adjacent to a development site shall not be excavated, unless the activity is part of a United States Army Corps of Engineers approved permit. In cases where Corps approval is not required, wetland restoration or maintenance activities requiring excavation are exempt upon approval by the Enforcement Officer. AMENDMENT # 16 The changes shown clarify interpretation of the Lake County mitigation requirement. U: \WPDATA \Ordinance \WDO AMENDMENT PROCESS 2000.doc 09/26/2000 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 75 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY EFFECTIVE MAP LAKE COUNTY DFIRM FIS STUDY COMMUNITY NAME MEMBER (OR MAP INDEX) PANEL NUMBERS DATE ANTIOCH 170358# SEP 03, 1997 17097COO10 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO026 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO027 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO028 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO029 F. SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO032 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO034 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO035 F SEP 03, 1997 BANNOCKBURN 170359# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO259 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO267 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO278 F SEP 03, 1997 BARRINGTON HILLS 170058B SEP 03, 1997 17097CO215 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO216 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F SEP 03, 1997 BARRINGTON j 170057# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO216 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO219 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV O6, 2000 17097CO238 G SEP 03, 1997 BEACH PARK 171022# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO059 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO067 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO078 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO085 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO086 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO087 F SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO088 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO089 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO095 F SEP 03, 1997 BUFFALO GROVE 170068# SEP 03, 1997. 17097CO253 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO261 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO262 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07,2000 17097CO263 H SEP 07, 2000 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO264 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO270 G SEP 07, 2000 DEERFIELD 170361C SEP 07, 2000 17097CO267 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO278 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO287 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO288 G SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO289 G SEP 03, 1997 DEER PARK 171028# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F SEP 03, 1997 I SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO237 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO238 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO270 F SEP 03, 1997 FOX LAKE 170362# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0005 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097COO10 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO015 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO019 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO020 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO110 H SEP 07, 2000 FOX RIVER VALLEY GARDENS 170478# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO205 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03, 1997 GRAYSLAKE 170363# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO043 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO127 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO129 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO131 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO132 G SEP 07,2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO133 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO134 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO141 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO153 F SEP 03, 1997 GREEN OAKS 170364# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO158 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03,1997 17097CO167 F SEP 03, 199 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 75 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 09/26/2000 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 76 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY EFFECTIVE MAP LAKE COUNTY DFIRM FIS STUDY COMMUNITY NAME MEMBER (OR MAP INDEX) PANEL NUMBERS DATE SEP 07, 2000 17097CO168 G SEP 07, 2000 GURNEE 170365# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO044 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO063 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO064 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO068 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000' :.. SEP 07, 2000 . _ 17097CO132 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097COI53 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO154 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO155 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO156 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO157 G SEP 07, 2000 HAINESVMLE 171005# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO127 F SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO129 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO131 F SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO133 F SEP 03, 1997 HAWTHORN WOODS 1703664 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO139 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO140 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO143 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO226 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO227 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO228 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO229 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO231 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO232 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO234 F SEP 03, 1997 HIGHLAND PARK ' 170367# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO278 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO279 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO283 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F I SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO287 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 17097CO289 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO291 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO293 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO295 F ! SEP 03, 1997 HIGHWOOD 171033# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO277 F SEP 03, 1997 { SEP 03, 1997 17097CO279 F SEP 03, 1997 f SEP 03, 1997 17097CO283 F SEP 03, 1997 ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO285 F SEP 03, 1997 INDIAN CREEK 170369# SEP 03, 1997 1709700251 F SEP 03, 1997 ISLAND LAKE i 170370# SEP 03, 1997 17097COI 12 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO114 F SEP 03, 1997 i SEP 03, 1997 17097COI16 F SEP 03, 1997 J SEP 03, 1997 17097COI 18 F SEP 03, 1997 KILDEER 170371# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO234 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO237 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE BARRINGTON 170372# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO205 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO208 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO209 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO215 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO216 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE BLUFF 170373# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO186 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO188 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO190 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# DFIRM PANEL NUMBERS LISTED SEPARATELY AT END OF APPENDIX LAKE FOREST 170374# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO188 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO190 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO257 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700259 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO276 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO277 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO278 F SEP 03, 1997 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 76 09/26/2000 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 77 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY EFFECTIVE MAP f LAKE COUNTY DFIRM FI TUDY COMMUNITY NAME MEMBER (OR MAP INDEX) I PANEL NUMBERS DATE SEP 03, 1997 17097CO279 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO285 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE VELLA 170375# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO029 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700035 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700036 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997. 1709700037 F SEP 03, 1997 . SEP 03, 1997 17097CO038 F SEP 03,1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO039 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO041 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE ZURICH 170376# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO228 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO229 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO237 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKEMOOR 170915# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO105 H SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097COI 10 H SEP 07, 2000 LIBERTYVILLE 170377# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO134 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO161 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO162 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO164 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO168 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO252 G SEP 07, 2000 LINCOLNSHIRE 170378# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO258 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO259 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO262 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 LINDENHURST 170379# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO041 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO042 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO044 F SEP 03, 1997 LONG GROVE 170380# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO231 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03,1997 17097CO232 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO234 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700242 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700253 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO261 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO263 H SEP 07, 2000 METTAWA 170381# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO164 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO168 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO252 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO256 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO257 F SEP 03, 1997 MUNDELEIN 170382# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO139 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO141 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO143 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO161 F SEP 03, 1997 No map panel revision issued SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 No map panel revision issued SEP 3, & DEC 17,1997 17097CO232 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 No map panel revision issued SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 NORTH BARRINGTON 170383# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO208 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO209 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO226 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO228 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP U3, 1997 NORTH CHICAGO 170384# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO159 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1 7097C 167 F SEP 03, 1997 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 77 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 09/26/2000 1) Bold Information Indicates an update has occurred 78 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE L NS I FI COMMUNITY NAME OAPI EX PANEL NUMBERS AE SEP 03,1997 17097C0180 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0186 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0190 F SEP 03,1997 OLD MILL CREEK 170385# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0034 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0042 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700044 F SEP 03, 1997. SEP 07, 2000 .. 17097C0055 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0061 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0062 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0063 F SEP 03, 1997 PARK CITY 170386# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0156 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 1709700157 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0159 F SEP 03, 1997 RIVERWOODS 170387# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO259 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO267 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO270 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP 03, 1997 ROUND LAKE BEACH 170389# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0038 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0039 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0043 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0126 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0127 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 1709700131 G SEP 07, 2000 ROUND LAKE HEIGHTS 170390# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0038 F SEP 03, 1997 ROUND LAKE PARK 170391# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0127 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 1709700129 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0133 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0137 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0141 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 1709700142 F SEP 03, 1997 ROUND LAKE 170388# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0110 H SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0126 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO127 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0128 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0129 F SEP 03, 1997 THIRD LAKE 170392# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0044 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0132 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0155 G SEP 07, 2000 TOWER LAKES 170393# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 VERNON HILLS 170394# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0163 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0164 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO252 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO253 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO256 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO258 G SEP 07, 2000 VOLO SEP 07, 2000 17097C0105 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000. 17097C0I 10 H SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0116 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0117 F SEP 03, 1997 WADSWORTH 170395# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0055 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0056 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0057 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0058 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0059 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0062 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0064 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0066 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0067 G SEP 07, 2000 WAUCONDA 170396# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0116 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0117 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097COI 18 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 1709700119 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0140 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 WAUKEGAN 170397# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0066 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0067 G SEP 07, 2000 1) Bold Information Indicates an update has occurred 78 09/26/2000 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 79 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY EFFECTIVE MAP LAKE COUNTY DFIRM FIS STUDY COMMUNITY NAME MEMBER (OR MAP INDEX) PANEL NUMBERS DATE SEP 07, 2000 1709700068 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO086 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO087 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO088 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997. 17097CO089 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03,1997.. 17097CO095 F SEP 03,199.7 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0154 G SEP 07, 2060 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO156 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO157 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO158 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO159 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO177 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO180 F SEP 03, 1997 WINTHROP HARBOR 170398# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO076 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO077 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO078 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO081 F SEP 03, 1997 WHEELING 170173# NOV 06, 2000 17097CO264 G SEP 03, 1997 ZION 170399# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO057 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO059 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO076 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700077 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO078 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO081 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO085 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO086 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO087 G SEP 07, 2000 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097C0005 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097C0010 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO015 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO019 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO020 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO026 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO027 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO028 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO029 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO032 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO034 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO035 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO036 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO037 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO038 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO039 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO041 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO042 F ' SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO043 F SEP 03, 1997. 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO044 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO055 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO056 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO057 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO058 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO059 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO061 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO062 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO063 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO064 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO066 G SEP 07,2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO067 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO068 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO076 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO077 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO078 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 1) Bold Information indicates an update has occurred 79 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES 09/26/2000 + COMMUNITY NAME COMMUNITY ME(ORMAP DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE � )PANEL LAKE E NUMBERS EFFECTIVE FISST DATE 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO086 G SEP 07,2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 1709700088 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO105 G SEP 07, 2000 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097COI 10 H SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997. 17097CO112 F SEP 03, 1997 .170357 #: SEP 03,1997 17097COI 14 F. SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO116 F . SEP 03;1997 ._ 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO117 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO118 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097COI19 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO126 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO127 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03,1997 17097CO128 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO129 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO131 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO132 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO133 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO134 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO137 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO139 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03,1997 17097CO140 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO141 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO143 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO153 F SEP 03, 1997 1703574 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO154 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO155 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07,2000 17097CO156 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO157 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO158 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO159 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO161 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO162 G SEP 07, 2000 No map panel revision issued 170357# SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO164 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO167 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO168 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO180 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO186 G SEP 07, 2000 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO188 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO190 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO205 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO208 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 .17097CO209 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO215 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO216 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# NOV 06, 2000 17097CO219 G SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO226 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO227 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 1709700228 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO229 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO231 F SEP 03, 1997 No map panel revision Issued 170357 #. SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO232 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO234 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO237 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO242 F SEP 03, 1997 1) Bold Information Indicates an update has occurred 80 4 09/26/2000 APPENDIX C FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES COMMUNITY NAME COMMUNITY MEMBER DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP + (OR MAP INDEX) LAKE COUNTY DFIRM PANEL NUMBERS EFFECTIVE FI TUDY DATE No map panel revision issued 170357# SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO252 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03,1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO256 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO257 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO258 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17007CO259 F. SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO261 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO262 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO263 H SEP 07, 2000 170357# NOV 06, 2000 17097CO264 G SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 17097CO267 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 07,2000 17097CO270 G SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO278 F SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# NOV 06, 2000 17097CO288 G SEP 03, 1997 1) Bold Information Indicates an update has occurred 81 n 0 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) 4598968 Filed for Record in: LAKE COUNTY IL MARY ELLEN OANDERVENTER - RECORDER On Oct 24 2000 At 9:20am Receipt #: 256031 Doc /T pe : ORD Deputy - Cashier #2 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance No. 0-00 -35 entitled "An Ordinance Amending and Restating the Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code" as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village Clerk. Dated this October 17, 2000 , :It's A, J' Ni ✓ �vF. F• .l�l 1 ROB D. FRANZ, Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -00- 3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE Published in pamphlet form this 16thday of October 52000 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 45:3898 9-11 Lv ORDINANCE NO. 0-00-135 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE WHEREAS, the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission adopted the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan on June 11, 1990 and the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield adopted Ordinance No. 0 -92 -38 adopting said Plan as the "Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code ", which Ordinance was subsequently amended by Ordinance No. 0 -93 -31 and 0- 94 -34; and WHEREAS, the Lake- County Stormwater Management Commission has amended and restated the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan by Ordinance adopted by the Lake County Board on October 10, 2000 and has determined that uniform and consistent enforcement of stormwater management will be enhanced by municipalities adopting the amended and restated standards of the Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the adoption of an amended and restated stormwater management code encompassing the current Lake County stormwater management standards; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ( "FEMA ") has recently completed a revision to the Flood Insurance Study ( "FIS ") and Flood Insurance Rate Map ( "FIRM ") for Lake and Cook Counties which are attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by-the adoption of an amended and restated stormwater management code to include the material described in the immediately preceding recital. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That there is hereby adopted by the President and Board of Trustees for the ONE: purpose, of establishing stormwater management standards, that certain Code attached hereto and the material set forth on Exhibit A and made a part hereof to be known as the "Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code," of which not less than three copies have been and are now filed in the Office of the Village Manager and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions hereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield. JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 4598968 3 ORDINANCE NO. 0-00- 3 5. . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION That the Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater TWO: Management Code, including Exhibit A adopted hereby, shall be enforced by the Village Manager. SECTION That nothing in the Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater THREE: Management Code, as hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding now pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of actions accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby, nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this Ordinance. SECTION That the invalidity of any section or provision of the Amended and Restated FOUR: Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code, as hereby adopted shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof. SECTION That Chapter 20 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, as FIVE: amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: That there is hereby adopted by the President and Board of Trustees for the purpose of establishing stormwater management standards, that certain Code attached hereto and made a part hereof to be known as the "Amended and Restated Village of Deerfield Stormwater Management Code," of which not less than three copies have been and are now filed in the Office of the Village Manager and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out in length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions hereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in SIX: pamphlet form. JKS 284567 Q October 10, 2000 -2- 45;38968 s i ORDINANCE NO. 0 -00 -3 5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CODE SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, SEVEN: approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson. (6) NAYS: None (0 ) ABSENT: None (0 ) PASSED: This 16th day of October , A.D., 2000. APPROVED: This 16th day of October , A.D., 2000. ATTEST: UNP VILLAGE PRESIDENT 11CS 284567 v2 October 10, 2000 _ 3 _ 4598968 5 APPENDIX C - COOK COUNTY Community Name Community Number Effective Date of FIRM Cook Cty. DFIRM Panel Nos. Effective FIS Study Date Deerfield 170361C November 6, 2000 17031 C0088F November 6, 2000 17031 C0089F Unincorporated Cook County 170054C November 6, 2000 17031 C0069F November 6, 2000 Includes: Chicago River, North Branch, Middle Fork Chicago River, North Branch, West Fork 1 ') C!1 I'm ' FENIA FLOOD INSURANCE APPE \DIY C-- („ce,L'o.G.i..1, STUDY NLAPS AND PROFILES SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1991 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE COMM UN'ITl' , EFFECTIVE .I.V LAKE COUNTY DFIR%,I I HS STUDY CO.%(MUNITY \'A,'.IE MEMBER (OR SIAP INDEX) PANEL NIAMBERS DATE ►NTIOCH 1703iSJ SEPO, 107 17097COO10F SEP 03.1997 1700570 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 1709'CO026F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP03.1997 17097C0027 SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06. 2000 SEP 03.199" 17097COOIS F ! SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 1709 7CO029 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO032F ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO089 F I SEP 03. 1997 17097CO034 F ; SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1991 _ 17097CO035 F _ ! SEP 03. 1997_ - A1NnCKnCR�- 1703590 - SEP 03, 1947 17097CU1i9 F SEP 03. 1997 BARRI%'GTOli HILLS BAM XG TON SEP 0', 2000 17047CO267 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1991 _ 17097CO278 F SEP 03. 1997 1100588 SEP 03. 1997 1709700213 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 1709"CO216 F j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 _ 17097CO2I I F I SEP 03, 1991 1700570 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO216 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO217 F I SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06. 2000 17097CO219 G ! SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO236 F SEP03, 1997 NOV 06, 2000 1709 iCO219 G I I SEP 03, 1997 ,ARK - -- 1710220 SEP 07.2000 ! 709700059 G I SEP 07, 2000 ALO GRO% DEER PARK LAKE FOX RJVER VALLEY GARDENS 170478# SEP03, 199,' 17097CO205 F SEP 03, 1997 1 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03. 1997 1703630 1 SEP 03. 1997 I SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 —SEP 03. 1997 170J6.44 V67. 2000 SEP 07. 2000 SEP 03. 1997 1709 "COOJ3 F ! SEP 07, 2000 17097CO067 G SEP 07, 2000 17097CO129 F y SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP O7, 2000 17097CO132 G I SEP 03. 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03. 1997 j SE003, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 17097C0153 F SEP 03. 1997 17047CO09i F i SEP 03, 1997 i SEP 07, 2000 17097CO086 G I SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO087 F SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO089 F I SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03. 1997 17097CO089 F SEP 03, 1997 I SEP 03, 19_97 17097CO095 F SEP O3_ 1997 _ — 170068N _ SE703, 199' - -- 17097CO251 F SEP 03,199' SEP 03.199- 17097CO254 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO261 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP03. 199? 17097CO262 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07.2000 1709700263 H SEP 07, 2000 NOV 06, 2000 1 ?097CO264 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 0'. 2140 17097CO270 G_ _ � SEP 07, 2000 _ - -- -- 170J61C - ^SEP u7, 2uuu - �_- I7097CO26.' G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO2 78 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO297 F SEP 03. 1997 y NOV 06, 2000 1709700298 G SEP 03, 1997 ! NOV 06, 2000 17097CO239 G SEP 03. 1997 - - -� 1710260 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F TSEP 03, 1997 1 SEP 03.1997 17097CO236 F i SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CD237 F SEP 03, 1997 NOV 06.2000 1709700238 G ( SEP 03, 1997 I i SEP 03, 1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 I 17097CO270F I SEP 03. 1997 1703620 SEP 07, 2000 1709700005 G SEP 07, 2000 1 ( I SEP 03, 1997 17097CO010 F i SEP 03, 1997 I SEP07.2000 17097COO13 G i SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097COO19 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO020 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097COI 10 H ` i SEP 07, 2000 FOX RJVER VALLEY GARDENS 170478# SEP03, 199,' 17097CO205 F SEP 03, 1997 1 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO206 F SEP 03. 1997 1703630 1 SEP 03. 1997 I SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 —SEP 03. 1997 170J6.44 V67. 2000 SEP 07. 2000 SEP 03. 1997 1709 "COOJ3 F ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO127 G SEP 07, 2000 17097CO129 F y SEP 03, 1997 17097CO131 G SEP 07. 2000 17097CO132 G I SEP 07, 2000 17097CO133 F SEP 03. 1997 17097C0131 F I SEP 03, 1997 17097CO141 G SEP 07, 2000 17097C0153 F SEP 05. 1997 - - -- 17097COISS G — SEP 07. 2000 1709700166 G SEP 07, 2000 17097C0167 F I SEP 03. 1997 4598968 APPENDIX C- La� MMA WOO. - INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES LAKE BLUFF 170373M SEP 03. 1997 DATE OFCURRE,T SEP 03. 1997 I EFFECTIVE SEP 03, 1997 i COSiS1L'NTIY EFTECTIVE MAP LAKE COUNTY DRk%.i ; FIS STI:DY CO ISILNITY `ASIE MEMBER (OR SUP INDEX) PANEL NUMBERS BAIT. _ -- SEP 03, 1097 ISLAND LAAIi SEP 07. 2000 1709;C0163G 07, 2000 UMEE 170365m ';EPn3, 1997 1709700044 F _SEP SEP03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO116 F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO063 F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO113 F_ SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO064 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 07, 2000 1709700068 G I SEP 07, 2000 i SEP 03. 1997 I SEP 07.2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000 I SEP 03. too, SEP 07, 2000 17097CO132 G SEP 07, 2000 . SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO153 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO154 G I SEP 07. 2000 17097CO251 F SEP 07, 2000 17097CO135 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO205 F SEP 07, 2000 17097CO156 G SEP 07, 2000 07, 2000 17097CO137 G SEP 07, 2000 111ESVILLE 171005A _SEP SEP 07.2000 17097C0127 F _ SEP 07, 2000 17097CO207 F j SEP 03, 1997 17097CO129 F j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 i SEP07,2000 17097COt31 F I SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO133 F i SEP 03, 1997 INtTHORx WOODS 170366; SEP 03. 1997 17097CO139 F I SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO140F SEP 03, t997 17097CO216F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO143 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO226 F I SEP03, 1997 SEP03, 1997 17007CO227 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO228 F j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO229 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO231 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO232 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP03. 1997 17097CO233 F SEP03, 1997 SEP03. 1997 —_ F SEP 03, 1997 :HI.A \13 PART: 170367;+ SEP 03, 1997 _17097CO234 — 17097CO378 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO279 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP03. 1997 1709700:83 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097C0.37 F SEP 03, 1991 ,NOV 06, 2000 1709 7CO289 G SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17007CO291 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO293 F SEP 03, 1997 -005 SEP 03, 1997 — 17097CO295F SEP 03, 1997 4IV SEP 03. 1997 17097(.'0277 F _ SEP 03,1991 LAKE BLUFF 170373M SEP 03. 1997 17097CO279 F SEP 03. 1997 I SEP 03, 1997 17097CO133 F SEP 03, 1997 — _SEP 03. 1997 _ 17097CO285 F — SEP 03, 1997 170369!_ _SEP 03. 194? _1 704 700 2 5 1 F _ -- SEP 03, 1097 ISLAND LAAIi ; 1703700 SEP 03. 1907 1709 ?C0112 F - -. SEP 03. 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO1 14 F SEP 03, 1997 17097COISS F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO116 F SEP 03, 1997 1709700190 F SEP 03. 1997 i 17097CO113 F_ SEP 03, 1997 I SEP 03, 1997 _ KILDEFR 1703710 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03. 1997 I ! 7097CO234 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 I SEP 03. too, SEP 03. 1997 It7097CO237 F SEP 03, tool SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 I 17007CO241 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO251 F i SEP 03, 1997 LADE BAARLVCTON 1 1703720 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO205 F _ seP o3, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 I 1709 ?CO 206 F I SEP 03. 199% ' SEP 03. 1997 1 17097CO207 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 i 1709 ?CO208 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO209 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 170977CO215 F SEP 03, 1997 ( SEP 03 1997 17097CO216F SEP03 1997 LAKE BLUFF 170373M SEP 03. 1997 17097CO169F SEP 03. 1997 I SEP 07, 2000 17097CO186 G SEP 07.2000 SEP 03, 1997 I7097COISS F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 19_97 17097CO190 F SEPOl, I99? LAKE COUNTY UMNCORPOR.ILTED AREAS 1703i7m —I __ _I, D_FI_R_M PANMI. NVMBERS LISTED SEPAKATELY AT END OF APPENDLX LAKE FOREST 1703720 — SEP O3. 1997 17097CO169 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097COISS F SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03, 1997 1709700190 F I SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO237 F SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 l %0970 -0'_i9 F SEP 03. 1997 j SEP 03. 1997 17097CO276F SEPO).1"7 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO277 F I SEP 03. too, SEP 03, 1997 17W7CO278 F SEP 03, tool 4598968 i �• AAPPENDIX C q -�- FEMA FLOOD iVSL'RANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. t997 SEP 07.2000 1703799 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 I ! SEP07,2000 17097CO254 F ! SEP 03, 1997 DATE OFCURRE\T SEP 07, 2000 1 EFFECTIVE I SEP 03. 1997 CO.'`V-lVN'!TY EFFECTIVE MAP LAKE COC\TY DFM' f FIS STUDY CO.%(�(L11TY NA>IF MV IBER (OR �LaP (NDF.X) PA.N:EL `L-?IBERS DATE SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F SEP 03. 1997 1709ICO279 F SEP 03, 1997 17091CO232 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 _ 1 ?09 ?CO295 F SEP 03, 1997 LAKE371L.i 17037Sa SEP 03, 1997 17097CO024 F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1991 17097CO035 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 1709700261 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO036 F SEP 0).1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO037 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO038 F SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1497 17097CO039 F SEP 03, 1997 -- -- _ SEP 03. 1997 17097CO041 F SEP 03, 1997 .AIiE ZGRICH 1703761! SEP 03. 1997 17097CO22A F .._ -._ SEP 03, 1997 SEP03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO229 F SEP 03, 1997 `o map panel revision Issued SEP 03, 1997 17097CO333 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 3, do DEC 17, 1997 No map panel revlslon Issued$ SEP 03, 1997 17097CO236 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 3, A DEC 11, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17091CO237 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO251 F 1 SEP 03, 1997 _17097CO241 F 03. 1997 ,AKE.**t00R 17091Sa SEP 07, 2000 17097CO105 H _SEP SEP 07, 2000 _ _•• _ SEP 07, 2000 _ 17097COI 10 H SEP 07, 2000 1BERTIVTLLE 1703778 SEP 03, 1997 170Y7CO134F SEP 03, 1997 SEP OJ. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 ' SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO161 F SEP 03, 1997 ` SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0162 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1991 - - -- - SEP 03, 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 03, 1997 ! SEP 03. 1997 vORTll c HlC.aGO SEP 07.2000 17097CO164 G SEP V. 2000 I SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 07.2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 01, 1997 SEP 07.2000 1709 7C 168 G SEP 07, 2000 i SEP 07, 2000 17097CO232 G SEP 07.2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. t997 SEP 07.2000 1703799 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 I ! SEP07,2000 17097CO254 F ! SEP 03, 1997 I'097CO259 G SEP 07, 2000 17097CO259 F I SEP 03. 1997 17097CO262 F SEP 03. I997 _ 17097CO266 G ' SEP 07, 2000 17097C0041 F _ SEP 03, 1991 17097CO042 F 1 SEP 03.1997 17097C0044 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F _ _ ;- SEP 03. 1997 1709-CO-21', F SEP 03. 1997 17091CO232 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO234 F SEP 03.1997 17097CO241 F SEP 03. 1997 1709' CO2 4 2 F SEP 03. 1997 17097CO251 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO233 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO254 F SEP 03. 1997 1709700261 F j SEP 03, 1997 17097CO263 H SEP 07, 2000 HETTAWA i 17038111 E SEP 07, 2000 17097CO164 G SEP 07, 2000 t SEP 07,1000 17097CO168 G ; SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17091C0169 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 1709100232 G I SEP 07, 2000 1 SEP 07, 2000 11097CO256 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO257 F SEP 03, 1997 .'#R;�'DELEIN i 1703824 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO139 F SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1991 17007CO141 F SEP 03, 1997 ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO142 F SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 03, 1997 17097CO143 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO144 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP03, 1997 17097CO161 F SEP 03, 1997 `o map panel revision Issued SEP 3, & DEC 17. 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 3, do DEC 17, 1997 No map panel revlslon Issued$ ( SEP 3, & DEC 17, 1997 17097CO231 F SEP 3, A DEC 11, 1997 iro ma anel revlslon Issued - SEP 3. do DEC 17, 1997 17097CO251 F 1 SEP 3. A DEC 17. 1997 nOKTH B.aKR1.NGT0,( 1703838 _ SEP 03. 1977 - -- 1709700207E - SEP 6, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO208 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP03. 1997 17097CO109 F I SEP OJ. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO217 F ' SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17091CO216 F ` SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO228 F SEP 03, 1991 - - -- - - SEP03,1997 17097C0136 ! SEP 03. 1997 vORTll c HlC.aGO 170)814 - - - SEP 03. 1991 17097CO159 F I SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO167 F SEP 01, 1997 IN • '• • APPENDIX C --G'� FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE CONL-ILtiITY EFFECTIVE `MAP LIKE COLVTY ORKM I F15 STUDY CON INIUMTY N.0. E MEMBER (OR NIAP INDEX) PA..NiEL M, ;M. BERS DATE TH1 SEP 03, 1997 1 17097C0129 F i S SEP 03. 1997 17097CO180 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1991 SEP 03. 1997 1 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO186 G SEP 07, 2000 - -- - _ SEP 03. 1997 - -- - -SEP -- 17097CO190 F SF.P03. 1997 OLD �1(LLCREEw 170381+1 03, 1997 17097CO034 F -- SEP 03, 1097 -- SEP 03, 1997 SEP 0 ?, 2000 1 SEP 03, 1997 17097CCO42 F SEP 03, 1997 17097CO128 F S SEP03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO022 F SEP 03, 1997 _SEP 0 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO055 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO061 F I SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO062 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP_03, 1997 17097CO063 F _ SEP 03. 1997 _ PARK C(Tl' 1703860 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0156 G j SEP 07, 2000 j SEP 07, 2000 17097CO157 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 1709700159 F i S_EP 01. 1497 _ Rl13: OR ►t ►� pUS , 170387x1 SEP 03, 1997 - 17097002 59 F �- SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 07, 2000 17097CO266 G SEP 07, 2000 j SEP 07, 2000 17097CO267 G 1 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 1709700270 G SEP 07.2000 ! SEP 03, 1997 17097CO286 F SEP03,-1997 - ROUND LAKE BEACH 1703692 SEP03, 1991 1709700038 F SEP 03, )997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO039 F I SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO043 F SEP 03. 1997 I i SEP O3, 1997 17097CO126 F SEP 03, 1997 1 SEP 07.2000 17097CO127 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 0 ?. 2000 17097CO131 G SEP 07, 2000 ROI!,%Tl I.AWF III•IrI(TS ! 170390++ SEP03, 1997 17097CO033 F _- - _ _ -SEP O3, l94'. ROC�O CA A! CARti j 1703914 SEP 07.2000 170970012) G SEP 01,1000 TH1 SEP 03, 1997 1 17097C0129 F i S SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1 17097CO133 F ! S SEP 03, 1991 SEP 03. 1997 1 17097CO137F ; S SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 1 17097CO141 G S SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997_ 1 17097CO142 F S SEP 03, 1997 D LAKE T 1703880 SEPO', 2000 - -- 1 17097CO110 H - SEP 07. 2000 SEP 03, 1997 1 17097CO126 F S SEP 03, 1997 SEP 0 ?, 2000 1 1709700117 G S SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 1 17097CO128 F S SEP03, 1997 03. 1997 -_ - - _ 17097CO129 F ^_ I S SEP 0331997 _SEP 0 YER30\ HILLS - 110]91.1 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO163 F SEP 03, 1991 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO164 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1991 17091CO23 I F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 i 17097CO252 G SEP 07, 2000 j SEP 03, 1997 1709X0253 F SEP 03, 1997 ! SEP03. 1997 17097C0134 F SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 07, 2000 17097CO256 G SEP 07, 2000 I _SEP 07, 2000 _ _ 17097CO233 G i SEP 07, 2000 POLO ! SEP 07, 2000 I 17097CO103 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097COI 10 H SEP 07, 2000 i I SEP 03, 1997 17097CO116 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 _ ! 17097C0117 F _ SEP 03, 1997 _ WADS11'0 RTH 170395] SEP 07, 2000 17097COOSS G SEP 07, 2000 - t SEP 07, 2000 17097CO056 G SEP 07, 2000 i SEP 07, 2000 17097CO057 G SEP 07, 2000 j SEP 07, 2000 17097CO059 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO059 G SEP 07, 2000 i SEP 07, 2000 17097CO062 G j!j SEP 07, I000 SEP 07.2000 1709700062 G I SEP 07, 2000 i SEP 07, 2000 , 17097CO066 G j SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0067 G _� SEP 07, 2000 %VACCON'DA ( 1703964 SEP 03, 1997 j 17097CO116 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 1709700117 F j SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 03, 1997 17097C01 IS F ? SEP 03, 1947 SEP 07, 2000 i 1709;001 19 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 199? 1709 ?C0120 F SEP 03, 1997 _ _... _. SEP 03_1997 17097CO207 F SEP 03. 199_ K'EC.a 1703971 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0066 G SEP 07.2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097C0067 G SEP 07, 2000 4598968 10 4598968 10 a • , NOV 06, 20_00 1 6�g APPENDIX G-koj& _, CA a.- FEMA FLOOD RNSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES DATE OF CURRENT I EFFECTWE i CONIMLN(TY , EFFECTIVE DL-k? LAKF COUNTY DFIRNI FIS STUDY COMMUNITY NAME 161E`MF.R (OR MAP INDEX) PANEL N MBERS DATE SEP 07, 2000 17097CO068 G SEP 07.2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO069 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO036 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO087 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03.1997 1709100088 F SEP 03.1997 SEP 03, 1997 1709700039 F j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO093 F SEP 03, 1997 iSEP 07, 2000 17097CO154 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO156 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO157 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 ; 17097CO153 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 1709700159 F SEP03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 17097CO166 G SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 17097COI77 F I SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 03, 1997 17097CO180 F SEP 03, 1997 WL',TtiROP HARBOR 1703989 SEP 03. 1997 17097CO076 F SEP 03, 1997 I SEP 03. I997 17097CO077 F SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 17097CO078 F SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 03, 1997 17097CO079 F SEP 03, 1997 1 SEP 03, 1991 1709700081 F SEP 03. 1997 I f I i I TED AREAS , 170173. _ N NOV 06, 20_00 1 17097CO264 G I t 1 I 1 1 1 t I I l I l t l 1 l i t 1 I 1 t l t 1 1 1 1 I i SEP 07.2000 � SEP 07, 2000 ! SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1991 � SEP 03, 1991 � SEP03, 1997 � SEP 03, 1991 i SEP 03, 1907 i SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SE.V 07, 7000 I SEP 03. 1997 � SEP 07, 2000 SEP03, 1991 SEP 03, 1997 � SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1947 SEP OJ, 1997 � SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 199? SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP OJ, I991 SEP Ol. 1997 SEP W. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07.2000 SEP 07, 2000 I SEP 07,1000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP O3, 1997 � SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 sEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SFP0.1, 1997 SEP 01, 1997 , SEP 03, 1497 SEP 03, 199 7 APPENDIX C G(-`' FE�tA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY MAPS AND PROFILES DATE OF C1;RREN7 CO.NI�IL \ITY EFFECTIVE.MAP CO\I\IL•�IITY NA \IE MEMBER (OR NIAP INDEX) 170357# SEP07, 2000 170137M SEP 03. 1997 1703579 SEP 07, 2000 (LAKE COUNTY VNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357# SEP 07, 2000 1703574 SEP 03,1997 1703579 SEP 03. 1997 ! 170357M SEP 03, 1997 1703574 SEP O3, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SCP 07, 2000 ' 1703S7# SEP 03, 1997 ' 1703S74 SEP 07, 2000 170357# SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP O3, 1997 1703579 SEP 01, 2000 170357d SEP07,2000 ! 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP O3, 1997 170357M ; SEP 03, 1997 1703574 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP 63.1997 1703S7# SEP07,2000 1703574 SEP 03. 1997 COUNTY CNINCORPORkTED AREAS 1703S7@ SEP 03.1997 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 1 1703370 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP 07. 2000 1703570 SEP07,2000 1703570 i SEP 07. 2000 170357@ SEP 07, 1000 1703570 SEP 07, 2000 1703574 SEP 03, 1997 1703579 SEP 03, 1997 1703519 SEP 07, 2000 No map panel re%klan hsued 170357@ SEP 3, & DEC 17, 199? 170357# SEP07.2000 170357# SEP 07, 2000 1703570 SEP 03.1997 17035'9 SEP 07. 2000 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 1703574 SEP 07 2000 LAKE COLNEY V�1*%CORPORATED ,%RH..S 1703370 SEP 03,1997 i 1703570 SEP 01, 1997 1703574 SEP 03. 1997 i 1703379 j SEP 03,1997 170)574 SEP 03, 1997 170357M SEP 03, 199? 1103579 SEPO3, 1997 I 170357# SEP 03, 1997 ; 1703570 SEP 03. 1997 170337# SEP 03. 1997 NOV 06, 2000 I1703579 1701579 SEP 03, 1997 i 1703379 I SEP 03, 1997 1703579 SEP 03. 1997 J 170337# SEP 03. 199 7 I 1703374 i SEP 03, 1997 No map panel revision ISSUCd 1703579 SEP 3. & DEC 17, 1997 1703374 SEP 03, 197 1701374 SEP 03 1997 17035 74 SEP 03. 1997 ...kKECOU'Ni\ UNINCORPORATED AREAS 170357h SEP 03, 1997 170357# SEP 03, 1997 1703574 SEP 03. 1097 LAKE COUNTY DFIRA PANEL NVMBERS 1709700036 G 17097COOS8 F 17097CO10S G 17097CO110 H 1709 ?CO112 F 17097CO114 F 17097CO116 F 1709:CO117 F 17097COI19 F 17097CO119 G 17097CO126 F 17097COI27 G 17097CO123 F 17097CO129 F 17097CO131 G 17097CO132 G 17097CO133 F 17097CO13iF 17097CO137 F 17047CO139 F 17097CO140 F 17097CO141 G 17097CO142 F 17097CO142 F 17097CO143 F 17097CO141F 17097CO153 F 17097CO15-1 G 17097CO153 G 17097CO136 G 17097CO157 G 17097CO159 G 17097COIS9 F 1709700161 F 17097CO162 G 1707CO163 F 17097CO164 G 17097CO166 G 17097CO167 F 17097,C0168 G 17097CO169 F 17097COISO F 17097CO186 G 17097CO166 F 17097CO190 F 17097CO205 F 17097CO206 F 17097CO207 F 17097CO208 F 17097CO209 F 17097CO215 F 17097CO216 F 17097CO217 F 17097CO219 G 17097CO226 F 17097CO227 F 17097CO228 F 17097CO129 F 17097CO231 F 1709700232 F 17091CO233 F 17097CO234 F 17097CO236 F 17097CO237 F 17097CO241 F 17097CO212 F FIS;TI Y DATE ' SEP 07, 2000 1 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 i SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 i SEP 03, 1997 i SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07.2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP). & DEC V. 1997 SEP07,2000 SEP 07.2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07.2000 SEP OJ. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 1 SEP03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP03.1997 SEP 03, 1991 SEP 03, 1997 ' SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 I1 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 j SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03. 1997 SEP J. & DEC 17. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997 SEP OJ. 199' SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03. 199? SEP 03, 1997 APPENDIX C AIL FE MA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY �i.�PS AND PROFILES i DATE OF C1:RRE.%7 CO.%(.V(LN. TTY EFFECTIVE .MAP CO-M-MUNi1TY NAME J (OR MAP [y'DEX) APPENDIX C AIL FE MA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY �i.�PS AND PROFILES LAKE COLN'TY DFIR.1-I PANE 1. \Z ?('HERS 17097CO231 F 17097CO232 G 17097CO254 F 17097CO256 G 1709700257 F 17097CO2S8 G 17097CO250 F 17097CO261 F 1709700262 F 17097CO263 H 17097CO264 G 17097CO266 G 17097CO267 G 1709700270 G 17097CO273 F 17097CO286 F 17097C0 ?88 G Fog� 8 i EFFECTIVE FIS STUDY DATE SEP 3, do DEC 17, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03.1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997, SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07,.2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07,1000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 i SEP03, 1997 4598968 13 i DATE OF C1:RRE.%7 CO.%(.V(LN. TTY EFFECTIVE .MAP CO-M-MUNi1TY NAME MENDER (OR MAP [y'DEX) No map panel revision Issued 1703S70 SF.P 3, & DEC 17, 1997 1103378 SEP 07, 2000 1703570 SEP 03. 1997 110357d SEP 07, 2000 1703574 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP 07.2000 • 1703570 SEP 03; 1997 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 1703570 SEP 03, 1997 1703578 SEP 07, 2000 1703570, i NOV 06, 2000 1703370. ! SEP 07, 2000 1703570 SEP 07, 2000 1703570 ; SEP 07, 2000 1 1703578 SEP 03,1997 1703570 I SEP 03.1997 COG--'TY U.M. CORPORATF.D AREAS ? 1703570 YOV 06, 2000 LAKE COLN'TY DFIR.1-I PANE 1. \Z ?('HERS 17097CO231 F 17097CO232 G 17097CO254 F 17097CO256 G 1709700257 F 17097CO2S8 G 17097CO250 F 17097CO261 F 1709700262 F 17097CO263 H 17097CO264 G 17097CO266 G 17097CO267 G 1709700270 G 17097CO273 F 17097CO286 F 17097C0 ?88 G Fog� 8 i EFFECTIVE FIS STUDY DATE SEP 3, do DEC 17, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03.1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 03, 1997, SEP 03. 1997 SEP 07,.2000 SEP 03, 1997 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 07,1000 SEP 07, 2000 SEP 03. 1997 SEP 03, 1997 i SEP03, 1997 4598968 13 EXHIBIT A--4, AMENDMENTS TO WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Amend Article V.B. to read: B. APPEALS 1. Any person aggrieved by an ordinance based decision by a Certified Community's Enforcement Officer may request review thereof by the Certified Community's board of elected officials or the appropriate body. 2. Any person aggrieved by an ordinance based decision of the SMC Chief Engineer may request review thereof by the SMC Director. 3. Any person aggrieved by an ordinance based decision of the SMC Director may appeal it -to the SMC by written notice filed with the Director within 10 days of the determination. Amend Article IV.B.I.b.(3) to read: Rainfall data as presented in Appendix I of this Ordinance shall be used for rainfall volume, storm distribution, return frequency, and event duration. Amend Article IV.B. l .b.(4) by changing the last sentence of the section to read: For each frequency storm event, runoff calculations will be based on the critical duration for all durations presented in Appendix I. Amend Article IV. F.1.b by adding the following sentence before the last sentence of the section: This release rate requirement shall be used unless watershed specific release rates have, been adopted or it is determined by the Enforcement Officer that other site conditions, including analysis of adequate downstream capacity, warrant further analysis and modification from this standard. Amend Appendix A DEFINITIONS - public road development Change the first sentence to read: .administered and funded in whole or in part by a public... 459898 I, �1. _ N 'A W Change the last sentence to read: ...Roads and Streets is exempt from the hydraulic analysis requirements of this Ordinance. Add the following after the last sentence of the section: Individual recreational trail systems being constructed that are not part of another development project and linear railroad development projects shall be considered public road developments with respect to the requirement of this ordinance. Article IV.C.2.d.(3) Delete the section in its entirety and add the following: (3) Upon approval of the Enforcement Officer, shorelines or streambanks that have experienced erosion may be restored to their condition as of the effective date of the first FIRM map in that community without the need to provide compensatory storage or pay a fee -in -lieu of for the fill used to restore the eroded area according to the following criteria. (a) The restoration fill shall meet existing grades and within riverine areas the current effective regulatory flood plain and regulatory floodway conveyance shall be maintained. (b) The amount of eroded - property being restored shall be documented and submitted by the applicant as part of the permit process. Proper documentation shall be either field survey information or photo documentation of the erosion that has occurred for the property being restored. (c) For rivers, lakes and streams where no floodway has been designated, no documentation of past shoreline erosion is required if the applicant does not exceed 1 cubic yard of fill per lineal foot for a maximum of 200 feet. In this case, the placing of the fill shall not significantly alter the alignment of the shoreline with adjacent properties as determined by the Enforcement Officer. Non - documentable fills are a one -time allowance on a per property basis and all fills exceeding 200 cubic yards shall be regulated as specified in Articles IV.B. l .f. and IV.C.2.d. of this Ordinance. 4558568 15, 1 • Article IV.C. I.b.(5) Delete section in its entirety. Appendix A Definitions fee -in -lieu of on -site detention Change to read: fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage: a fee assessed to a permit applicant used to contribute to the cost of a basin plan or floodplain study components; or other stormwater system improvements, "in- lieu -of ' constructing on -site detention or for compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration fills of less than 200 cubic yards. Article IV.B. Lf, i.(1)(a). Delete section in its entirety. Article IV.B. Lf, i change to read: i. Fee -In -Lieu Of On -Site Stormwater Storage (1) The SMC may require, as part of an adopted basin plan or floodplain study, the payment of a fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage to fulfill all or part of the on -site stormwater storage requirement for a development. The adoption of a floodplain study or basin plan is per Appendix E (D) of this Ordinance. (2) The following fee -in -lieu of stormwater storage procedures applies to communities with adopted procedures for requiring and collecting fee -in -lieu of revenues for stormwater storage requirements set in this Ordinance: The Enforcement Officer may require, or the applicant may submit a written request, for the payment of a fee-in-lieu of on -site stormwater storage to fulfill all or part of the on -site detention requirement below the detention threshold minimum limit set by this Ordinance Article IV, Section A. Lf. and g. and for the compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration fills of less than 200 cubic yards. A request for fee -in- lieu of on -site stormwater storage shall be either rejected or approved within forty five (45) days of the written request unless additional engineering studies are required. (a) Approval of a request for fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage on a development site below the detention threshold in this Ordinance Article IV, Section A.11 and g. and for compensatory storage requirements for streambank and shoreline restoration fills of less than 200 cubic yards shall be determined by the Enforcement Officer. ON 4598968 I 3 (b) Fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage shall be the lesser of: 1) the fee computed for each acre -foot or cubic yard or part thereof of stormwater storage approved in accordance with the procedures and schedules as approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community or 2) the estimated construction cost as approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community of the applicant's proposed and approved on -site stormwater storage, including land costs. (c) A fund will be maintained by the Certified Community or the SMC for Non - Certified Communities for each of the four major Lake County watersheds for the purpose of identifying and controlling all revenues and expenditures resulting from fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage approvals. All fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage revenues received from each watershed shall be deposited in these funds for use within that watershed. A Certified Community may opt to allow SMC to administer fee -in- lieu-of revenues and expenditures through execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement specifying that arrangement. (d) The following requirements must be met before a fee -in- . lieu of on -site stormwater storage will be approved: (i) The downstream stormwater management system has "adequate downstream stormwater capacity" (see definitions); and (ii) the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community has an adopted fee -in -lieu of stormwater storage program. (e) Fee -in -lieu of on -site stormwater storage revenues may be used to plan, design or construct an upgrade to existing or future stormwater management systems if the upgrade is consistent with a basin plan, floodplain study or stormwater system improvement that has been approved by the SMC for Non - Certified Communities or the community elected board of officials in a Certified Community. 4s98s�8 �'� y Article IV.B.I.e Add a new (8) (8) Impounding berms for stormwater retention and detention facilities shall be designed and constructed to withstand all expected forces, including but not limited to, erosion, pressure and uplift. Impounding berms designed greater than 3 feet in height above existing grade shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer. Article IV.B.I,h Water Quality Treatment Add a new (1) which reads: i. The water quality treatment requirements of this Ordinance shall apply to any development within the total land area of the ownership parcel that results in creation of more than 0.5 acres of new impervious area, where "new" is defined in Article IV.A.I.f.of this Ordinance. Renumber the existing "(1)" as "(2)" and change the section to read: ..divert and detain at least the first 0.01 inches of runoff... Article IV.B.I.g.(1).a Add the following to the section: Stormsewers shall have a minimum diameterof 12 inches with the exception that stormsewers servicing a single parcel may be excused from this requirement upon approval of the Enforcement Officer. Article IV.B.I,g.(1)(b) Add the following to that section: Field tile systems disturbed during the process of development shall be reconnected by those responsible for their disturbance unless the approved drainage plan includes provisions for these. Article IV.B.I.j.(1)(d)(ii) Change "(ii)" to read as follows: Areas or embankments having slopes greater than or equal to 3H:1 V shall be stabilized with staked in place sod, mat or blanket in combination with seeding. Article IV.B.2.a.(4) Change to read: A site drainage plan locating drainage features, overland flow paths, stormwater management system components, flood -prone areas, Regulatory Floodplains, wetlands boundaries, buffer areas, existing or proposed septic systems and wells 1Z 5 A Article IV.B.2 a Add a new (9) which reads as follows: ii. The federal, state and local permit requirements of Article IV.B.2.b.(13) and (14) are required when applicable to the development site and Article IV.B.2.b.(9) and (10) shall be required when requested by the Enforcement Officer. Article IV.E Change the first paragraph of that section to read: In order to further the goal of no net loss of the County's wetland resource, all wetland impacts occurring in Lake County that exceed the mitigation threshold of the United States Army Corps of Engineers regulatory program shall be,mitigated for in Lake County at the mitigation ratio specified by the Corps for that development impact. 1.. e