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STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) 42977 2 1 Filed for Record in: LAKE COUNTY IL MARY ELLEN WDERVENTER - RECORDER On Feb 10 1999 At 11:08am Receipt #: 153726 Doc /Type : ORD Deputy - Cashier #1 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance No. 0 -98 -55 entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing an Amended Special Use at 700 Lake Cook Road (On the Border Mexican Restaurant)" as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village Clerk. Dated this December 22, 1998 SEAL Village Clerk ROMRT D Submitted by: Village of Deerfield - 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 1 , ORDINANCE NO. 0-98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) Published in pamphlet form this 21 siday of December, 1998 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. JKS 210817.1 December 2, 1998 429 7"(�: >� E ORDINANCE NO. 0 -98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of .Brinker International (hereinafter the "Applicant ") to authorize an amendment. to an existing Special Use - Planned Unit. Development, all in. accordance with Articles 5.02- C,I,d, 12.05 and 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, as amended, to permit the operation of a restaurant; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly .published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield after considering and reviewing the evidence adduced, including the Site Plan dated September 1, 1998 prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. and a Site Landscape Plan dated September 15, 1998 prepared by Ives/Ryan Group, Inc., a Signage Plan prepared by Heath & Company LLC dated September 14, 1998 and Building Elevations prepared by Applicant dated October 9, 1998 (all such exhibits collectively described as the "Development Plan"), made written findings of fact and recommended that. said amendment to the Special Use of said real estate be approved and authorized subject to certain conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the findings and recommendations of the Plan Commission are ONE: concurred in and adopted as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees and the amendment to the Special Use of the real estate legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof to approve the operation of a restaurant in accordance with Applicant's Development Plan attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B, be and the same is hereby authorized and approved. SECTION That as part of the approval for amended special use the Applicant is TWO: granted the following variations form the strict provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield: (i) parking spaces shall be 18 feet 6 inches in length; (2) the existing landscaping at the north end of Deer Lake Road shall be permitted to remain. as depicted on the Landscape Plan component of the Development Plan; (3) sign modifications shall be approved as depicted on the Signage . Plan component of the Development Plan; (4) applicant may delete patio depicted on the Building Elevation component of the Development Plan at its discretion. JKS 210817 . I December 2, 1998 429"772. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) SECTION That the approval and authorization of said amendment to Special Use is THREE: hereby given subject to the requirement that all use shall be in accordance with all exhibits, testimony, representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees,, specifically including the Development Plan and is also subject to compliance by Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION That all approval and authorization of said amendment to Special Use FOUR: hereby given is subject to the requirement that this Ordinance shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois, and all fees for such recordation and expenses incurred therefor shall be paid by the Applicant. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish,this Ordinance in FIVE: pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its SIX: passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson (5) NAYS: None (0 ) ABSENT: Swartz (1) PASSED: This 21 stday of December APPROVED: This 21 stday of December ATTEST: As 210817. 1 December 2, 1998 .A. X29 r 7w +2 A.D., 1998. A.D., 1998. VILLAGE PRESIDENT FEM N WM ii: Lot 2 in Flodstrom's Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the South East 1/4 of Section 32 and the South West 1/4 of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded October 5, 1982 as Document 2179958 in Lake County, Illinois. 429`7'�<2.i. N CD r� D!Wi . 0 t O Y O O V SITE AREA foo."S BF. ( O• __..8__ _ _..1Oa��>d._. —.._ _ ._.,;.jam_— 'ODDS - -- DEERLAKE ROAO BUBDSIO AREA 6.6117 8i. ENCLOSED PATIO AREA LOU S.F. COOLER /FREEZER AREA M S.F. t TOTAL BUILDRIO AREA 0,077 BF. PARKRIO REONRED UB SPACES PARKMD PROVIDED US SPACES HANDICAPPED PROVIDED B SPACES GEWALT HAMILTON -_ SITE PLAN -- __ _'_ ,, "` 1 BROKER AT10NAl ___ __ A S S 0 C I A I E S. 114 C: _ - — .- •— ..• —.-�- BO DER R ON TME'SORDER'RESTAWANT ' - a 20 :¢iaM'mc oa ®. s�a�m - DEERFELD,.S181018 m fs ID •'I SSE S"-'E ISM -1� L- �F�BUi�aN �ocl�LL••� .� sROS I, 1 +.s n •AS RE[CED 0 I 1 CDRI ON THE no 1 BORDER 1 bi I 1 ' � c - �� I 1 SEE SNCEIS L -1 R L - J rOR BUILDING CEIA/L Li �^ � � REUD�•E CX/SnNC - -��- '� O lei SEC SNCEI L-1 FOR PLANT AND WIERUL L/SIS SOO 0 SSOO C)WAA�'� p Im W u� W d IW� s�YYM� �� dw. r 4MUr rW. H1d� ur �d r W REVISIONS ON THE B DtK DEERFIELD ILLINOIS � INTERNATIONAL ER E RNKR I SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN —I RO.: — — L6498 4862A an, a -�s -se SHEET 1 0' /YIIROI "T L -1 uAm R: MT OQC� TO gSTINC SSOO CHOArCBERRY HEDGE I,• 0• — - ^00009— — EY' —'4 — — — — M.N.ER SREOEi0An0RS aMRRER ROLES LNOSCME ROTES Zl- O lei SEC SNCEI L-1 FOR PLANT AND WIERUL L/SIS SOO 0 SSOO C)WAA�'� p Im W u� W d IW� s�YYM� �� dw. r 4MUr rW. H1d� ur �d r W REVISIONS ON THE B DtK DEERFIELD ILLINOIS � INTERNATIONAL ER E RNKR I SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN —I RO.: — — L6498 4862A an, a -�s -se SHEET 1 0' /YIIROI "T L -1 uAm R: MT OQC� ,N^ W PLANT LEGEND &O m.oe ...... O�. 0 NOTE: SEE SHEET L -4 FOR LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE DETAILS NOTE: SEE SHEET L -5 FOR,LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS o� ploae Iti/Rro F+wrp.Toc. tanner rwa r.�/q.. ow. REVISIONS ON B��R « ,....,.�......, .,o_ DEERFIELD a.... ., ._... .., �.._. .. ILLINOIS - ,. IN LERNAf10NAl „.,r.es Cavo.. �• nnnwa,. ce_ LANDSCAPE 'E LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE "" PLAN o "'•`� L6498 4862A SHEET NT L -2 IMP. F..?a M :.w .4W as orx.n can.tra . •• •, • L4 �.: a.gR.ta� a 07 L. NOIE: SEE SHEET L -4 FOR LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE DETAILS NOTE: SEE SHEET L -5 FOR LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS ROCK MULCH (SEE MATERIALS LIST) SHREDDED 11R, OR CONPO51 MULCH Soo DIM �pjm. w ww�M REVISIONS 1 ON IM BwAM DEERFIELD ILLINOIS 1_ STINKER IN1iRNA DONAL HARDSCAPE PLAN 1 L6498 4862A 9-)5-08 SHEET NT PYwll m: NT L -3 ��� �• ;s I� Elm :.w .4W as orx.n can.tra . •• •, • L4 �.: a.gR.ta� a 07 L. NOIE: SEE SHEET L -4 FOR LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE DETAILS NOTE: SEE SHEET L -5 FOR LANDSCAPE /HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS HARDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS ROCK MULCH (SEE MATERIALS LIST) SHREDDED 11R, OR CONPO51 MULCH Soo DIM �pjm. w ww�M REVISIONS 1 ON IM BwAM DEERFIELD ILLINOIS 1_ STINKER IN1iRNA DONAL HARDSCAPE PLAN 1 L6498 4862A 9-)5-08 SHEET NT PYwll m: NT L -3 eEIAGSIOII DETAIL P- 111111 MEMO @ 1111 KA11-111111101 SEAI I'll- SECTION ROCK MULCH AT SIDEWALK I W I N ' @11TRI WALK '11Y CONCRETE CONTRACTOR NOT LANDSCAPER Oil willi I 4 Imal I OROMM 11011111 Ohl m 1 41 TREE PLANTING DETAIL Mmognmim t �MIIIMIIIMII�Ii M @ DECOMPOSED CRINIII PIT, DER, SIC I,- STEEL EDGING DEI.L IN, IA !Tis-1oNs DEERFIELD ILLINOIS AV. IVBRINKER INTERNATIONAL DETAILS &498 4862A - 1=28 SHEET N" MT wT L-4 SKRU f WNXOWR XtA-L IN, IA !Tis-1oNs DEERFIELD ILLINOIS AV. IVBRINKER INTERNATIONAL DETAILS &498 4862A - 1=28 SHEET N" MT wT L-4 WN - KA7 a Im I—/R7AA REVISIONS DEERFIELD ILLINOIS BRINKER INTERNATIONAL r- ..: - - L6498 4862A ons: --I� �- SHEET iff L-5 CKKM - W T ka LlqL T-O' I'Id- 0/F MONUMENT ELEYAnoN - OTBR5-32 -M y4•el•O' END VIEW RAOfD9EQ?'RKY A/W AfK�'PCfiONNAl NaL1R:lA1rKArL:! 11WIO.LKi .N /ISF�OGYlt1'F tA[LK IAIW AIl1.Ol O1! 6M[!• /� ia.OY.tm..EOI M ONMA. OM[tAACtO A.f a/ra/rQ• / //ICl! !t?rOW(TInID.fA /10E6 ?fA/E Lw W OE V=SrfLAD[9 Aff a aMI O"WALS NYAGAfN.SarA10'£MI NEVI afARRMWMMNAarrnWaV /EW- CV Sf:1 s lcE &AXr.a re.araawa �warre aAa. TWarre Iarawaaswwn Nauaamw aAOIAdrrAAQtRU . AMM LLr.lIAM44W 49WXtMAWM `.MWMtNMOAI'VWOMAM W MWn AMW AnMWA12 .a IAILWWnCL .noowttr.tt.EMmwzvNnrAalav aAac nevw. anew GOKrIP@. SMALL RlAQ A.fAYAlO OIEAOI¢ffM,7 ffRA MJ OdWO masNmwwAY/IO/ffn m e Vlla/wd AIIxSXD.IHV1muA/ ADC�OfAap[/FI/LM' wR7[rO�bVf AKAW/FD MAr,NU�A�raaeol A4 A.dE! A.[.Mrr£ IKW°) atswrMi kft101.mm.aOrA/uswra JIM 403403 pyda LWiHfAOKO£R D.Wb. SWDRI Ri ft 2A .r.... s.MOem I aW �b 311 nµx 1O /s � s /a.w mr -%74x mw onn . is we • e•a • euw • bea - Wio OEEAi£LO. rc S-- RNAWN D—,, IIMAIEI ;^w. f ,- i - FRONT ELEVATION fi O-N THE ]501WD. ;t � -T WV&VUAL LETTER afWWN M — LEFT ELEVATION —11 RIGHT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION —11 ©x THE RrEMsawn.Irwv.r WACW CWY w ft� Sr� 4 OW Eft. Fl.• (96.0) 04', L C.'s K— OM 2-MA (M) WPWWLK a7ng afyAnoN Oiww Ern.. Ifb M— ntswomc- FVASW-S ARE TO BE N rM FRONT ENTRY PROJECTING 56N SECTION (M.EX Ma) - V L stom 1 a., .r ®I� ®uum�lmumli :QP OF pmo E .J EL : - . � s ��It� fr'� Illaiuihru��ll •� ® r 801 OF Petp OvEmuNC' —EL 09'-2 III Ilihll' • �'llllill ilillh�i'�'tl,l�`1�I pIq TOP OF SLAB' ., {♦�YI� ®��i♦ _Vill ® �llli° z . Ld0MN TOP OF Fe mE. .�.t J.i Ill IIII�'�'lIB�4ihilllll''�ii'ill� I �IIIIININININI' � -- _._ _ -- l d , NIIIINININIIIiI IIIII!IIIIIIN!III ;, IINIIII! z II! {INN °°° ° °° ° ° °a � : f r �� r■ :LI Ron, re:r : e ® rr: r e : : err r : ;_ r■r r rere e r = u a ;;!s€ .!� � � ®■® ■ ti: I .J: �� I1� 1111 III I'r9F p � I�'IY�' IIIII'IYYIII Ii� ' U /1�. Illh�l !II�� &i041i��i111�di�'�ii1 J III Ii� I 114 r'u L IIh4lb��II1LLl��}ld�lllI � IIl �II � :� � :.=� = a IIIII!INNIIIIII!!lillllll S �® ® ®��® rr ■r er `����-�- . I: IVI4' �Illi�i'® Nllllflhl��hl�l' j��j���iNNl�Ili�j�I�I��N��ll�jl {�jj��h� {� ^ - - -fL • /���� ®I� ®uum�lmumli :QP OF pmo E .J EL - 801 OF Petp OvEmuNC' —EL 09'-2 ® ®)µ TOP OF SLAB' ., i TOP OF Fe mE. I l d , z ED top o 9ne i; EL ,00 B' ORDINANCE NO. 0-98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) Published in pamphlet form this 21 stiay of December, 1998 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. JKS 210817 . 1 December 2, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public he on the application of Brinker International (hereinafter the "Applicant ") to authorize an amendment to an existing Special Use - Planned Unit Development, all in accordance with Articles 5.02- C,l,d, 12.05 and 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, as amended, to permit the operation of a restaurant; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield after considering and reviewing the evidence adduced, including the Site Plan dated September 1, 1998 prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. and a Site Landscape Plan dated September 15, 1998 prepared by Ives/Ryan Group, Inc., a Signage Plan prepared by Heath &Company LLC dated September 14, 1998 and Building Elevations prepared by Applicant dated October 9, 1998 (all such exhibits collectively described as the "Development Plan"), made written findings of fact and recommended that said amendment to the Special Use of said real estate be approved and authorized subject to certain conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND ' COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the findings and recommendations of the Plan Commission are ONE: concurred in and adopted as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees and the amendment to the Special Use of the real estate legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof to approve the operation of a restaurant in accordance with Applicant's Development Plan attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B, be and the same is hereby authorized and approved. SECTION That as part of the approval for amended special use the Applicant is TWO: granted the following variations form the strict provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield: (i) parking spaces shall be 18 feet 6 inches in length; (2) the existing landscaping at the north end of Deer Lake Road shall be permitted to remain as depicted on the Landscape Plan component of the Development Plan; (3) sign modifications shall be approved as depicted on the Signage Plan component of the Development Plan; (4) applicant may delete patio depicted on the Building Elevation component of the Development Plan at its discretion. JKS 210817 . I December 2, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 0-98- 5 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED SPECIAL USE AT 700 LAKE COOK ROAD (ON THE BORDER MEXICAN RESTAURANT) SECTION That the approval and authorization of said amendment to Special Use is THREE: hereby given subject to the requirement that all use shall be in accordance with all exhibits, testimony, representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees,' specifically including the Development Plan and is also subject to compliance by Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION That all approval and authorization of said amendment to Special Use FOUR: hereby given is subject to the requirement that this Ordinance shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois, and all fees for such recordation and expenses incurred therefor shall be paid by the Applicant. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in FIVE: pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its SIX: passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson (5) NAYS: None (0 ) ABSENT: Swartz (1) PASSED: This 21 stday of APPROVED: This 21 stday of ATTEST: December December -Irk�hl JKS 210817 . l December 2, 1998 2 A.D., 1998. A.D., 1998. VILLAGE PRESIDENT