O-88-46I I ORDINANCE 0 -88 -46 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1988, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 1989, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: SECTION 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1988, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 1989. BUDGETED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -1111 51111 Salaries $ 658,250 51130 Overtime 7,900 51141 Part Time 105,000 Benefits 51151 Health and Hospitalization 87,000 51153 College Tuition Reimbursement 3,000 51160 Apparel 300 Travel, Training Dues 52121 Travel Expense 8,500 52122 Dues 4,000 52123 Publications 2,000 52124 Training Expense 3,000 Printing, Advertising, Subscription 52131 Detales 4,500 52132 Legal Notices 2,500 52134 Printing 4,000 52135 Other 1,000 Communications 52141 Telephone 8,500 52142 Postage 13,500 52143 Other 1,000 5315 Insurance 71,600 Professional Services 53161 Prosecution Services, 32,000 53162 Traffic Engineering 3,000 53163 Engineering Services 10,000 53164 Appraisal 5,000 53167 Corporate Counsel 110,000 53168 Medical Exams 2,000 TO BE LEVIED it P' 310 147 361 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL I t NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) v Ser�Y t ,h Str et and No. Of P State and ZIP Code V7 Postage S * Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered w Return Receipt showing tow r m. Date. and Address of Delive d j TOTAL Postage and Fees S 0 Postmark or Date o (/1 N y CL i n a 0 a v Ul of C 7 0 0 co M E li rd P 3:10.140 359• RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) 5- *SENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete Items 3 and 4. Put your address In the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return receipt fee will Provide you the name of the person delivered to and the date of dallypry, For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box es for additional service(s) requested. 1. ❑ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery t (Extra charge) t 1(Extra charge) t 3. A4ticle Addressed to: 4. Article Number 7 �� , �.�i� ir/� ate•/ Cp'G 5. Signature —Addressee X 6. Signature — Agent X 7. Date of Delivery PS Form 3811, Mar. 1987 to 1v * U.S.G.P.0.1987- 178.268 Type of Service: ❑ Registered ❑ insured Certifiec}� COD ❑ lExpress iI Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT •SENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address In the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the Person delivered to and the date of delivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es) for additional services) requested. 1. ❑ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery t (Extra charge) t t (Extra charge) t 3. �cletcdlcdlressed,:�_ 4. Article Number x°3,0 J45i As Type of Service: El Registered El Insured Certified ❑ COD ,� Q�� p ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature — Addressee X 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) 6. Signature — Agent X 7. Date of Delivery I 5cN. 1 %LI U PS Form 3k311, Mar. 1987 * U.S.G.P.O. 1987 -178 -268 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. • Complete items 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article if space permits, otherwise affix to back of article. • Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. u �® PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 RETURN Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. • Complete items 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the reverse. • Attach to front of article if space permits, otherwise affix to back of article. • Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. tLS.MAIL PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 RETURN Print name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. TO C — v4o BUDGETED AMOUNT A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT (Cont.) 53169 Other 31,000 Account Contractual 53173 Equipment Maintenance & Repair 12,000 53178 Computer Services 20,000 53179 Other 23,000 52166 Utility Services 2,000 541.90 Petroleum Products 2,000 52110 Repairs & Maintenance 64,500 5510 Equipment Rental 0 52156 Rental Property Repairs 3,000 5424 Miscellaneous 25,000 54243 Dog Pound 5,000 531890 Housing Assistance 10,000 531891 Senior Assistance, Park District 15,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 6,000 5434 Supplies 20,000 5428 Materials 2,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 11000 61110 Equipment 15,000 Office Equipment and Furnishings 3,500 Office and Computer Furniture 2,500 54120 Motor Vehicles 16,000 54130 Land Acquisition 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT $1,411,050 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account Number 10 -6040 through 10 -6048 51111 Salaries $1,742,700 51130 Overtime 95,450 51141 Part Time .60,920 Benefits 5115 Health & Hospitalization 199,352 51153 College Tuition Reimbursements 3,800 51160 Apparel 20,650 Travel, Training, Dues 52121 Travel 10,350 52122 Dues 1,850 52123 Publications 800 52124 Training 19,690 Printing, Advertising 52135 Advertising 600 52134 Printing 5,800 Communications 52141 Telephone 15,000 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ -0- BUDGETED AMOUNT B. POLICE DEPARTMENT (Cont.) 52142 Postage 11000 52143 Communication, Other 18,700 5315 Insurance 141,300 Professional 5316 Legal and Other 3,500 5316 Medical 2,400 5317 Contractual Services 65,590 54190 Petroleum Products 29,000 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 21,200 5218 Miscellaneous 7,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 33,040 5434 Supplies 27,730 52134 Equipment 2,800 61110 Closed Circuit TV Expansion 3,000 52141 Chairs 11000 Copy Machine 4,000 Communication Furnishings 2,000 Lobby Furniture 1,000 Computer Hardware 12,000 Administration Furnishings 3,000 Equipment for Squad Cars 700 Video Camera 2,000 Mobile Date Terminals 10,000 Furnishiings for Investigations and Youth Services 3,250 Equipment for Additional Squad Car 4,900 54120 Motor Vehicles 40,000 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $2,614,272 C. WATER DEPARTMENT Account Number 30 -2224 through 30 -2227 51111 Salaries $ 199,150 51130 Overtime 19,240 51141 Part Time 20,270 Benefits 5115 Health and Hospitalization 27,490 Apparel 51160 Uniforms 1,800 Travel, Training and Dues 5212 Travel, Training 420 52122 Dues 70 52123 Publications 110 Printing and Advertising 52134 Printing 2,800 Communications 52141 Telephone 6,300 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ -0- BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED C. WATER DEPARTMENT (Cont.) 52142 Postage 2,850 52143 Other 700 5315' Insurance 36,900 Professional Services 53163 Engineering Services 5,000 53168 Medical Exams 200 53169 Other 3,000 Contractual Services 5317 Equipment Maintenance Valve Exercising Program 13,000 Leak Survey 5,500 Repairing Valves 2,000 Repair Fire Hydrants 7,500 Air Pump and Intake Fill Valve 2,200 Repair Broken Mains 5,000 Controls 2,000 Repairing Meters 2,200 Alarm Stations 2,000 Miscellaneous 3,800 5216 Utility Services 85,500 5419 Petroleum Products 4,600 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 15,700 5210 Equipment Rental 1,000 5221 Occupancy 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 2,300 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 10,000 5434 Supplies 1,350 5426 Chlorine 1,000 5427 Aggregates 6,000 5428 Materials 25,700 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 600 5432 Purchase of Water 1,250,000 61110 Equipment Water Meters 16,500 1500 Watt Generator 1,000 Pipe Cutter 1,400 3" Pump 1,450 2" Pump 1,230 6415 Improvements - Not Buildings 180,000 7116 Bond Principal 45,000 7217 Bond Interest 2,000 7317 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 30,000 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT $2,068,830 $ - 0 - BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED D. SEWER DEPARTMENT Account Number 21 -2328 through 21 -2331 51111 Salaries $ 454,920 $ - 0 - 51130 Overtime 15,230 51141 Part Time 8,080 Benefits 5115 Health and Hospitalization 67,250 Apparel 51160 Uniforms 3,200 Travel, Training and Dues 5212 Travel, Training 800 52122 Dues 50 52123 Publications 250 Printing and Advertising 52134 Printing 1,100 5214 Communications 8,430 5315 Insurance 90,300 Professional Services 53163 Engineering Services 23,000 53168 Medical Exams 200 5317 Contractual Services Sludge Removal 34,500 TV Sewers 10,000 Emergency Repairs 5,000 Miscellaneous 1,200 5216 Utility Services 205,300 5419 Petroleum Products 11,200 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 177,300 5210 Equipment Rental 5,000 5221 Occupancy 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 5,700 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 13,400 5434 Supplies 31,300 5426 Chlorine 7,000 5427 Aggregates 8,500 5428 Materials 25,000 5429 Street Signs 300 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1,000 6111 Equipment One Ton Crain 5,500 Fiberglass Utility Box 4,200 Two Root Cutters 3,000 Sewage Sampler 4,000 I Beam Trolley 10,000 2 H.P. Air Compressor 1,800 Band Saw 1,000 7316 Depreciation 68,500 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 31,000 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT $1,358,510 $ - 0 - E. VILLAGE GARAGE Account Number 23 -2732 51111 Salaries 51130 Overtime 5212 Benefits 5115 Health and Hospitalization 51160 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, Dues 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 53169 Professional Services 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 5218 Miscellaneous 5434 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment Tire Changer Heavy Duty Battery Charger Brake Lathe 5/8 Ton Engine Hoist Differential Adaptor Plasma Cutter Two Way Drill 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement TOTAL GARAGE F. YOUTHBOUND Account Number 16 -6749 51111 Salaries BUDGETED AMOUNT $ 69,990 5,570 10,030 500 500 400 1,100 6,800 50 100 1,600 800 5,000 200 53,700 500 1,500 1,600 375 1,165 500 125 1,900 400 500 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ 164,905 $ - 0 - $ 0 0 1,100 1,600 650 3,500 900 200 1,000 5,200 $ -0- Benefits 5115 Health and Hospitalization 5212 Travel, Training, Dues 5214 Communication 5315 Insurance 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 53179 Housing 5434 Supplies BUDGETED AMOUNT $ 69,990 5,570 10,030 500 500 400 1,100 6,800 50 100 1,600 800 5,000 200 53,700 500 1,500 1,600 375 1,165 500 125 1,900 400 500 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ 164,905 $ - 0 - $ 0 0 1,100 1,600 650 3,500 900 200 1,000 5,200 $ -0- F. YOUTHBOUND (Cont.) 6111 Equipment TOTAL YOUTHBOUND G. REPLACEMENT FUND Account Number 75 -7565 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles TOTAL REPLACEMENT FUND II.SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account Number 20 -2110 through 20 -2123 51111 Salaries 51130 Overtime 51141 Part Time Benefits 5115 Health and Hospitalization 51153 College Tuition Reimbursement Apparel 5116 Uniforms Travel, Training, Dues 5212 Travel Expense Printing, Advertising 52134 Printing Communications 52141 Telephone 5214 Postage and Other 5315 Insurance Professional Services 53163 Engineering Services 53168 Medical Exams Contractual Services Street Lights & Signals Thermo Plastic Marking Tree Removal Tree Planting Sidewalk & Curb Replacement (50/50) Dumping Fees Clean Bridge Railroad Station Maintenance Tree Trimming Program Miscellaneous 5216 Utility Services BUDGETED AMOUNT 1,500 $ 15,650 $ 74,800 0 $ 74,800 $ 238,330 24,820 16,270 36,470 0 1,800 1,000 4,400 2,800 2,630 48,600 2,000 200 31,000 10,000 9,000 4,200 50,000 4,200 2,200 8,300 6,000 2,200 65,400 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ 200,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 B. EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY Account Number 13 -5108 5212 Travel, Training and Dues BUDGETED TO BE 5214 Communications AMOUNT LEVIED A. STREET AND BRIDGE (Cont.) 600 600 5419 Petroleum Products 17,000 300 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 49,800 100 5210 Equipment Rental 8,500 200 5218 Miscellaneous 2,700 500 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 28,600 800 5434 Supplies 9,400 500 5425 Salt 32,000 500 5427 Aggregates 38,100 $ 5,000 5428 Materials 50,800 40,000 5429 Street Signs 6,500 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 800 6111 Equipment Heat Wand 3,000 Fork Lift Adaptor for Loader 3,500 Chain Saw 500 Lawn Mower 500 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 61,000 TOTAL STREET AND BRIDGE $ 884,520 $ 330,000 B. EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY Account Number 13 -5108 5212 Travel, Training and Dues $ 600 $ 600 5214 Communications 1,400 900 5315 Insurance 600 600 5317 Contractual 300 300 5216 Utility Services 100 100 5419 Petroleum Products 200 200 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 800 500 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,300 800 5434 Supplies 500 500 6111 Equipment 500 500 TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICES & $ 6,300 $ 5,000 DISASTER AGENCY C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Account Number 12 -1707 Pension Expenditures - Village Pension Expenditures- Library $ 158,712 13C 000 TOTAL I.M.R.F. $ 195,000 $ 153,712 36,288 $ 190,000 E. DEBT SERVICE (Bond & Interest Fund) Account Number 79 -7968 General Obligation -Sewer Improvement Principal and Interest, 1973 BUDGETED TO BE General Obligation- Sewage Treat. Plant AMOUNT LEVIED D. F.I.C.A. FUND 149,375 149,375 Account Number 12 -1707 8,000 0 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures - Village $ 164,000 $ 164,000 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures- Library 36,000 36,000 5215 TOTAL F.I.C.A. $200,000 $ 200,000 E. DEBT SERVICE (Bond & Interest Fund) Account Number 79 -7968 General Obligation -Sewer Improvement F. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42 -6851 Pension Expenditures Principal and Interest, 1973 $ 85,625 $ 85,625 General Obligation- Sewage Treat. Plant $ 721,000 $ Principal and Interest, 1973 149,375 149,375 General Obligation- Corporate Purpose (T.I.F.) 8,000 0 5213 Principal and Interest, 9/30/82 84,275 84,275 General Obligation- Corporate Purpose 8,000 0 5215 Principal and Interest, 12/30/82 70,750 70,750 General Obligation- Corporate Purpose 6,000 0 5217 Series 1986 1,035,612 1,035,612 Miscellaneous Bond Fees 15,000 0 11,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $1,440,637 $1,425,637 F. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42 -6851 Pension Expenditures $ 721,000 $ 150,000 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND $ 721,000 $ 150,000 G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account Number 60 -9090 5111 Salaries, Professional $ 219,561 $ 170,000 5114 Salaries, Non - Professional 295,419 205,000 5115 Benefits 30,000 7,020 5212 Education, Travel, Dues, etc. 8,000 0 5213 Printing 5,000 0 5214 Communication 8,000 0 5215 Insurance 12,000 6,000 5216 Professional Services 6,000 0 5217 Contractual Equipment Rental, Maintenance & Xerox 11,000 11,000 Special Library Programs 5,000 3,000 Data Base 1,500 1,500 Cataloging Service 5,000 0 H. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND Account Number 11 -1206 Village CPA Services $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Library Audit 11000 11000 TOTAL MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND $ 12,000 $ 12,000 I. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40 -4050 MFT Street Maintenance Program $ 180,000 $ - 0 - Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program 59,000 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 239,000 $ - 0 - J. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26 -2837 5215 Insurance $ 1,000 5217 Contractual Services 1,000,000 $ 545,000 5223 Occupancy 15,000 5531 Miscellaneous 2,000 TOTAL SCAVENGER SERVICE $ 1,018,000 $ 545,000 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND (Cont.) 5218 Utilities 700 0 5221 Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment, Building Supplies 39,000 35,000 5221 Binding 11000 0 5224 Miscellaneous 400 0 5324 Supplies (Library and Office) 21,000 21,000 5324 Periodicals 26,000 15,000 5324 Books 86,000 86,000 5324 Audio - Visual 18,000 18,000 5411 New Equipment 35,000 30,000 5415 Improvements -Other Than Bldgs. 90,888 41,497 Sub Total $ 924,468 $ 650,017 Automation Project 72,000 72,000 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $ 996,468 $ 722,017 H. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND Account Number 11 -1206 Village CPA Services $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Library Audit 11000 11000 TOTAL MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND $ 12,000 $ 12,000 I. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40 -4050 MFT Street Maintenance Program $ 180,000 $ - 0 - Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program 59,000 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 239,000 $ - 0 - J. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26 -2837 5215 Insurance $ 1,000 5217 Contractual Services 1,000,000 $ 545,000 5223 Occupancy 15,000 5531 Miscellaneous 2,000 TOTAL SCAVENGER SERVICE $ 1,018,000 $ 545,000 N. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Account Number 14 -1309 5516 Principal $ - 0 - $ - 0 - TOTAL PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND $ - 0 - $ - O_ r BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED K. TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Account Number 35 -4135 Contractual Services $ 6,500 $ - 0 - TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM $ 6,500 $ - 0 - L. PARKING LOTS- COMBINED FUNDING Account Number 28 -2534 51111 Salaries $ 4,000 $ - 0 - 5115 Benefits 190 5215 Insurance 40 5218 Utilities 2,300 5221 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 5222 Property Rental 7,500 5324 Supplies 500 5327 Aggregates 500 5328 Materials 800 5411 Equipment 500 Railroad Station Maintenance 15,000 TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LOTS $ 32,330 $ - 0 - M. COMMUTER PARKING LOTS- VILLAGE CONSTRUCTED Account Number 28 -2533 51111 Salaries $ 4,100 $ 0 - 5115 Benefits 180 5215 Insurance 340 5218 Utilities 6,800 5221 Repairs and Maintenance 11000 5324 Supplies 500 5327 Aggregates 200 5328 Materials 11000 5411 Equipment 100 Railroad Station Maintenance 15,000 TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE FUNDED $ 29,220 $ - 0 - N. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Account Number 14 -1309 5516 Principal $ - 0 - $ - 0 - TOTAL PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND $ - 0 - $ - O_ SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1988, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 6th day of September 1988. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenthal,NAYS: None (1) ABSENT: None (1) Seidman, Swanson, York (6) ATTEST: APP ED: .VillAge CTerk Village President 1988 SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. Administration Department $ 1,411,050 B. Police Department 2,614,272 C. Water Department 2,068,830 D. Sewer Department 1,358,510 E. Village Garage 164,905 F. Youthbound 15,650 G. Replacement Fund 74,800 SUBTOTAL $ 7,708,017 II.SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge $ 884,520 $ 330,000 B. Emergency Services & Disaster Agency 6,300 5,000 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 195,000 190,000 D. F.I.C.A. Fund 200,000 200,000 E. Bond and Interest Fund 1,440,637 1,425,637 F. Police Pension Fund 721,000 150,000 G. Village Library Fund 996,468 722,017 H. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 12,000 12,000 I. Motor Fuel Tax Fund 239,000 J. Scavenger Service 1,018,000 545,000 K. Transportation Program 6,500 L. Parking Lots - Combined Funding 32,330 M. Commuter Parking Lots - Village Constructed 29,220 N. Public Benefit Fund 0 SUBTOTAL $ 5,780,975 $3,579,654 TOTAL $13,488,992 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $3,579,654 SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1988, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 6th day of September 1988. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenthal,NAYS: None (1) ABSENT: None (1) Seidman, Swanson, York (6) ATTEST: APP ED: .VillAge CTerk Village President