O-88-602695T ORDINANCE NO. 0 -88-60 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - BUSSCHER PROPERTY Published in pamphlet form this 17thday of October , 1988 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield - -t 2`V83278 2695T1100688 f ORDINANCE NO. 0 -88 -60 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - BUSSCHER PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of RICHARD BUSSCHER for the approval of a Special Use - Single - Family Residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned residential development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Single - Family Planned ONE: Residential Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Subject Property ") and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the said planned residential TWO: development hereby given is subject to the condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the owner comply with all applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Village Code of the Village of Deerfield, including those necessary for the approval of said final plat. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to Publish THREE: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -88 -60 s AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - BUSSCHER PROPERTY SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FOUR: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0 ) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 17th day of October A.D. , 1988. APPROVED this 17th day of October A.D. , 1988. 'VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK i EXHIBIT A a Lot 109 (Except the east 25 feet thereof) in J.S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield, a subdivision of the southwest quarter (except the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter thereof) of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat dated November 7, 1924, as Document No. 248380, in Book "N' of plats, Page 56, in Lake County, Illinois. 01 .,.� or .�....�.,.$ 73-:3278 do'J2.. T' or LA= jim ioor, ) ss RECORDER LAVE C?L .141 Y.1? ° ih0l 1988 OCT 24 AN 1:1-- 08 The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the Tillage Clerk of the Tillage of Deerfield, rake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINANCE NO. 0 -88 -60 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - BUSSCHER PROPERTY" passed by the President and Board of 71rustees cf the sa.ic Z "rage at a regular . . meeting Cherecf held on October 17. 1988 and.nog: in f:al ,•mac Fc ar and effezt, .21 as appears in the records and f--'.es cf the cffice cf the .� d his October 21, 1988 LL jY•A yt��`y� 1� �i.. y�J ~'jArsS•r y v.� Gi V•1 1 \a..�r� S. }��'��o ,� >�;r`' j' � / � L' • .Z'i_' lag£ CIErF: lrF +,i 0o 5 NI MG- rg OVER SIZE DOCUMENT �pULLEB FROM TIHS LOCATION) BUSSCHER'S RESUBDIVISION n OF �. LOT 108 (EXCEPT THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF) IN J. S. HOVL 'S FIRST ADDITION 70 DEERF'IEL.D, A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (EXCEPT THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER THEREOF) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCI'AL. _LACDI A-ii Arrnanuda VA r►W LX ,r nAircr ►rn tr►fr= z: I OOA kAO nnr+r'AAd dr UA rJAO'246A Al 0nnte Oki An easonwit Is herd reserved and, Granted to the VIW of ad to � N& Chi=n CR6$S 34.4 W &ST .}' cuss 3.0' (NEST r tropr� PfPE mass to My wider fry from of but not to the Seta M.� s 5. 0_1 (t ' F45,1 #IS , C wrl� E Coinpany, in t% of and North wry tars s A x ow t Otte s;. and .. �IlN PIPE r�F'�IPf ► � Perpow 9mie a and a tltt�rity toconstruct, . ' reconstructs rr+ � remove, It and t t>r optu ate Various fr tin + system ubt t no= tta s� andl sailary sewers sail logsber i aw Od d necessary try a i and s .tt. 16,648.50 sq.ft. comntwtlons, rcia#ar UJ V .Q 1, { ].. ga¢ Ines and l w a nosy and a eta►` eiPi�trr ad appurnmencez d ! as may be. doorned wessery by sold vlage over, -•— I L0 ►! �M mgr ad t ad "se- �� � = NORTH ►n/vts, together tt rtgM of across the pro- SCALE 1' = 40' L-- `- / J l ' --. i o I Q ,tut t6essy rater► and to do ss►► $, "' w 4 at tt above WWW Lac of a inst „ 4 with( tote easement be t to the approval �o' z4' zo` ts' zs' Z' �' "j _ of Me V'Svge of Doortioldt as to and location. : W ' �` ',' IFM PIPE 10' sapu prvE �' { o' S0' t0o' �° •`*� WEST : ra ca AD Installations are t to the ort;hmces of the °� I ' °oa VILLAGE OF DEEf2 1. �. 138.72 138.72 CUSS 30.0 WEST 277. "' � � MOW NIPS tt{0t�t PIPE 19 MOSS 24 " EAST 6�'.. , ........ CUSS 3.0' WLST NW5 Z5 mow 3- STATE OF ILLINOIS S.S. COUNTY OF LAKE c3 13 A' Richard Busscher, do hereby certify that I am the Tit Owner of Record of proper- c , ty described hereon, and that I have caused the some to be s veyed for the purpose of resubdividing it into two (2) Lots, as shown hereon drawn. STATE OF ILLINOIS S4. Dated this�day of r. A.D., 1988. COUNTIES OF LAKE 8 COOK Approved this . .. day of A.D., 1988, by the Village Engineer r of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Countle, Illinois. 5 her ! � ., Village Engin er STATE OF ILLINOIS S.S. COUNTY OF LAKE 1, a Notary Pubic, in and for sold County, In the State oforesold, do hereby certify that A. Richard Bussch+er,, personalty known to me to be the some person whose name Is subscribed to the forego* Instrument as Owner, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said Instrument as his own free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and Notarial seal, this .slay of A.D. 1988. ota#t, u c STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE & COOK I S.S. Approved by the Plan Commission of the Vlloge of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, at a meeting held this ay of siea4 r,• Acl? , A.D., 1988. Dated this �ay of 9, A.D., 1988. Attest, 6yl n Chairman STATE OF ILLINOIS S.S. j STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE A �OOK,- COUNTIES OF LAKE $ COOK S.S. I,>>�� , %,°,� ; Collector for the Village of Deerfield, do Approved by the President and the Board cf Trusteqp of the Villa g of Deerfelld, hereby certify4hat there are no delinquent or unpaid current or forfeited Special Assessments Lake and Cook Counties, lhlnais, at a meeting held this ay of d , or any deferred Installments thereof that'' have been ^apportioned against the tract of land Inclu-. A.D. t 988_ _ _______ ________ ________ ______ _____ ______ .______ __- .___________ ____ ______ _. ,___ ____.._ del _ heren___swn__ -s dram. _______ _ ______ _____ ________ ________ _ Dated at Deerfield, Illinois, thlsay of ; A.D.11988. Attest= _ By t -�, President f .• Village Cofactor j STATE OF ILLINOIS S.S. COUNTY OF LAKE it 1nA#4L County Clerk of `Lake County, tlfinols, do hereby certify that there are no delinquent general taxes, no unpaid current taxes, and no redeemable tax sales against any of the land included In the annexed plat. Given under my hand and seal of the County Clerk at Waukegan, Illinois, thls 5' day Of ; A.D., 1988. 3 County C 2'7332'7& STATE OF ILLINOIS Evanston, 5e.r4*r" S.- ?3; 1988 COUNTY OF COOK J S.S. It Herbert R. Smith, an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that 1 have surveyed the above described property for the purpose of resubdividtrng It into two (2) Lots as shown on the plat hereon drawn. Per F.I.R.M.(Flood insurance Rate Map), Village of Deerfield, 1111nols, Community Panel No.170361 C 0010, effective date Is September 30, 1977 and revised August 4t 1988, (no Panel printed). Property Is located In Zone 'C', area of minimal flood hazard risk. I further certify that the property shown on the pint thereon drawn is situated within the Village of Deerfield which has adopted a Village plan and which is exercising the Special Powers authorized by Division 12 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code as heretofore and hereafter amended. Herbert R. Smith 1L.LInof- Reg. Land Surveyor tin. 148 7 B. �1. SUHR S COMPANY 1415 SHERMAN AVE. EVANSTON ._LINOIS 60201 Tel. Naas. 273 -5315 864-6315 Ordered by, A. RICHARD BUSSCHER Order No. 88 - 098 Date, SEPT. 71 1965 i