O-89-26ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89 -26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 Published in pamphlet form this 5th day of June , 1989, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89 -26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That Article 2 and 3 of Chapter 7 of the Municipal ONE: Code of the Village of Deerfield of 1975, as amended, be and the same are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION That Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code of TWO: the Village of Deerfield of 1975 shall hereinafter be as follows: "Sec. 7 -14. Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings, and are hereby defined, as follows: PEDDLING means the sale or offering for sale of property, for immediate delivery from other than a fixed place of business on private property. Peddling, commercial solicitation and itinerant vending shall not include the sale of goods by local not - for - profit organizations organized for educational, religious or charitable purposes. PEDDLER means a person who engages in peddling. SOLICITING or SOLICITATION shall include any of the following: (a) COMMERCIAL SOLICITING. The selling or offering for sale of property for future delivery from other than a fixed place of business on private property or the soliciting of funds not involving the sale of property. (b) NON- COMMERCIAL SOLICITING. 'Soliciting support for political, charitable or other causes. SOLICITOR means a person who engages in soliciting. Sec. 7 -15. License of Peddlers and Commercial Solicitors. Every person engaging in the business of peddling or commercial soliciting must obtain a license from the Village of Deerfield as hereinafter provided. The application shall set forth the following: ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89 -. 26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 Application for License. Application for a license shall be made upon a form provided by the Village Clerk. The applicant shall truthfully state in full the information requested on the application, to wit: (a) Name and address of.present place of residence and length of residence at such address; business address if other than residence address; also social security number; (b) Address of place of residence during the past three (3) years, if other than present address; (c) Physical description of the applicant; (d) Name and address of the person, firm or corporation or association by whom the applicant is employed or represents, and the length of time of such employment or representation; (e) Name and address of employer during the past three (3) years, if other than the present employer; (f) Description sufficient for identification of the subject matter of the peddling or soliciting in which the applicant will engage;. (g) Period of time for which the license is sought; (h) The date, or approximate date, of the latest previous application for license under this Article, if any; (i) Whether a license issued to the applicant by the Village of Deerfield or any other municipality has ever been revoked; (j) Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Article or ordinance of any other Illinois municipality regulating soliciting or peddling; ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89 -26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 (k) Evidence that the applicant is authorized to solicit for the organization represented; (1) Whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony within the preceding ten (10) years, or convicted of a misdemeanor or ordinance violation within the preceding five (5) years, and the nature of the offense. Sec. 7 -16. Issuance of License. The application for license shall be investigated by the Village Clerk and the Police Depa.rtment. If the investigation or the application discloses a conviction of a misdemeanor or a felony, the prior revocation of a license or a conviction of any ordinance regulating peddlers or solicitors, and if the conviction of a felony has occurred within the last ten (10) years and if the conviction of a misdemeanor or ordinance violation or revocation of a license has occurred within the last five (5) years, and if the conviction bears a reasonable relationship to the peddling and soliciting activities by the licensee, then the license shall not be issued. In all other cases, upon payment of the license fee and upon compliance with the provisions of this Code relating to business licenses, the license shall issue within five (5) business days of the application. Sec. 7 -17. Regulation of Non - Commercial Solicitors. Solicitors shall register with the police department each day during which said non - commercial solicitation is to take place prior to beginning solicitation. Each such non - commercial solicitator will submit evidence of identification and residence and the name and location of the organization which the solicitor represents. Sec. 7 -18. Regulations Applicable to All Soliciting and Peddling: (a) No person shall engage in solicitation or peddling upon any private property after having been asked by the owner or occupant thereof to leave such property. it ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89- 26'1­­.-'.._' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in. peddling or solicitation upon any private premises or residence or business located thereon if such premises or residence is posted against solicitation or peddling by means of a notice, prominently displayed upon which is printed the legend:.. "NO SOLICITORS OR PEDDLERS" For purposes of the preceding sentence, a private property shall be deemed to be posted against solicitation or peddling if there is exhibited, on or near the main entrance to the property or on or near the main door to any structure located thereon, a sign at least three inches (3 ") by four inches (4 ") in size and with letters at least one -third inch (1/3 ") in height, which bears the above legend. Signs complying with the foregoing requirements shall be made available at cost at the office of the Chief of Police to persons requesting the same. (c) No person who engages in solicitation or peddling shall use any plan, scheme or ruse or make any statement which indicates or implies that the purpose of such person's solicitation is other than to obtain orders for or to make sales of goods or services. (d) 'No person who engages in solicitation or peddling shall misrepresent the right of a buyer to rescind or cancel a sale under the provisions of applicable law. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in commercial solicitation or peddling at any time prior to nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. or after five o'clock (5:00) P.M. local time, Monday through Saturday, or at any time on Sunday, or on a State or national holiday. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in non - commercial solicitating at any time prior to nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. or after nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. local time, Monday through Friday or after six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on Saturday or at any time on a Sunday or a State or national holiday. ORDINANCE NO. 0- 89 -26- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 (f) It shall be unlawful for any peddler or solicitor to cheat, deceive or fraudulently misrepresent any product or the price thereof, whether through himself or through an employee, while acting as a peddler or solicitor in the Village, or to barter, sell or peddle any goods, merchandise or wares other than those specified in his application for a license. (g) No solicitor or peddler shall interfere with either vehicular or pedestrian traffic on the public right of way. (h) No peddler or solicitor shall peddle or solicit by shouting or by using any sound device in connection with peddling or soliciting, including bells or amplifying systems. Section 7 -19. Exception for Local Charitable Solicitations. (a) The registration requirements of Section 7 -17 may be waived by the Chief of Police in those instances where the Chief of Police has determined, following an investigation made upon receipt of an application by an organization complying with all of the conditions of this Section, that the proposed solicitation is to be a single solicitation conducted for or on behalf of a charitable or non - profit association, organization, corporation or project solely by residents of the Village who shall not be compensated for conducting said solicitation and who have not violated any provisions of this Article which would otherwise cause a revocation of a registration certificate. (b) This Section shall in no way modify the notice provisions of Section 7 -18 and no solicitations pursuant to this Section shall be made of those residents displaying the notice described in said Section 7 -18. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -89 -26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OF 1975 Sec. 7 -20. License Revocation. Any license issued to a peddler or solicitor according this Article may be revoked because of any violation of this Article or of any other ordinance of the Village, of any State or Federal law, or whenever the registrant shall cease to possess the qualifications and character required in this Article for the original registration. Sec. 7 -21. License Fees. to or A license fee of fifty ($50.00) shall be payable by each Peddler or Commercial Solicitor for each two -week period of solicitation." SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish THREE: this ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect FOUR: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 5th day of June A.D., 1989 APPROVED this 5th day of June A.D., 1989 VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VI GE CLERK