O-87-09r I ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -09 AN ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE A CANVASSING BOARD FOR THE PURPOSE OF CANVASSING THE RESULTS OF A REGULAR CONSOLIDATED ELECTION WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND TO DEFINE ITS DUTIES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION Pursuant to the provisions of the Election Code of the ONE: State of Illinois Bernard Forrest, Village President, Harriet Rosenthal , Village Trustee and Naomi Clampitt, Village Clerk, are and each of them, is hereby designated to serve as the Local Canvassing Board for the purpose of canvassing the results of the Election to be held in the Village of Deerfield on April 7, 1987. SECTION The Village Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to TWO: said Canvassing Board all of the tally sheets and Certificates of Results (precinct returns) pertaining to said Election within the Village of Deerfield, within twenty four (24) hours after her receipt of such documents from the County Clerk of Lake County. SECTION It shall be the duty of the Canvassing Board to open THREE: and canvass the precinct returns and prepare an Abstract of the Votes received by candidates for each local office, within seven (7) days after the Election. Procedural requirements for conducting the canvass and the Proclamation of Results shall be in accordance with procedural requirements estab- lished by law for the canvass of votes and proclamation of Results of General Election. SECTION Immediately upon completion of the canvass, the Canvassing FOUR: Board shall transmit an original duplicate (or signed copy) of its Abstract of Votes to the County Clerk of Lake County, and in addition, the Board shall send two (2) correct copies of its Abstract of Votes to the State Board of Elections. SECTION This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon FIVE: its passage and approval in accordance with law. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 16th day of March APPROVED this 16th day of March ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK A.D., 1987. A.D., 1987. ILLAGE PRESIDENT '(ice -ems