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t 1 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1425 GORDON TERRACE Published in pamphlet form this 20TH day of APRIL , 1987, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1425 GORDON TERRACE WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of OLD ORCHARD BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, not personally but as Trustee of trust No. 7827 and GLORIA Z. KRAFT for the approval of a Special Use - Single- Family Residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned residential development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Single - Family Planned ONE: Residential Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Subject Property ") and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the said planned development is TWO: conditioned upon the area in Lot 2 in the Subject Property to not be less than 10,780 square feet in area. SECTION That the approval of the said planned residential THREE: development hereby given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FOUR: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FIVE: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 20TH day of APRIL A.D. , 1987. APPROVED this 20TH day of APRIL A.D. , 1987. IVILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: '4 r VILLAGE CLERK s - z X25653 i-2 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF. LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of . ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1425 GORDON TERRACE"' passed by the President and Board of Izustees of the said Village at a regular neeting thereof held on APRIL 20, 1987 and.now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the cff ice of the Village Zlerk.� tl � 256531'2 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1425 GORDON TERRACE WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of OLD ORCHARD BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, not personally but as Trustee of trust No. 7827 and GLORIA Z. KRAFT for the approval of a Special Use - Single- Family Residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned residential development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Single - Family Planned ONE: Residential Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Subject Property ") and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the said planned development is TWO: conditioned upon the area in Lot 2 in the Subject Property to not be less than 10,780 square feet in area. SECTION That the approval of the said planned residential THREE: development hereby given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. 61,1 ; /;� 14 2565312 Lot 1 in Kraft's Resubdivision being a subdivision in . . J.S. Hovland's first addition to Deerfield, a subdivision of the southwest quarter (except the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter thereof) of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said Kraft Resubdivision recorded March 28, 1978 as Document No. 19606312, in the Village of Deerfield, in Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -87 -16 SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FOUR: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FIVE: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0 ) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 20TH day of APRIL A.D. , 1987. APPROVED this 20TH day of APRIL A.D., 19 8 7 . ..mil., VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: � � r VILLAGE CLERK c3D TT rn Q OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION 1% /41? 4E5U8D . /VISION IVO 3 KRA F IS 0 ac 4 OP7- I /!V KRAFT". 'e'E'suazwv1s10,v &Ar1Nx:F.'4 Ss"/wO/1/46/0A/ x'.,V J . S. 110V.ZAALPS c-1,eS7- ,4,0,017-101V 7-0 A Se-49ZSIIVIS10AI 01c- 7-145- 501-17,ykVW-67- aCIAZ7A-5 ' 7?V&1V0R7?Vw.,lFST Q&We72Ze OF 7-,41 NOeZ,yPVE7,57 aZ1,4&7,,5-,C 0/= 32, 7(!:lWA1-lVV11° 4w9 AIOC71V� e4A/04-F ' 12, 6:-;#4S7 C�� 7/-/,gff 411 77VbW A CCOR,511A10 7-0 7-HE- 4'1-4 7- 0,= -5AIP , A-7rAF 7- RArSI-IBA01 VIS /O/V R,.=-.00A0,F0 A- 4R `1_1 /A/ 7XI.6' VILI-AaE 0,,C* /A/ f-AA4er Z9, IY78 -4-6 /Vo .5CA1-,E / k o 04-cR4- 7, 0, ZOR-c 4weA4%9llllW /0•4 of jp 00 r 00 -7- - 1 2 x-4 -,! T. IW7-21c- Z00AI R1,0,gF,47,44Z- Wl" CA'IRN.E25 ZINZ-oES25 Cl7,-q,6RW1:6-= 5/40WA/. NO .011WEIVSIO*,VS SHq4l- BE dq3541A-fdW Agr SCALE 4/,0l::lvV r/71/S cll-Ar. 0 w STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK )SS -APPROVED BY THE PLAN COMMISSION OF TwE VILLAG= nF PF-ERFTBLr' LAKE 4-roow DAY OF A.D A MEETING MOLD TMIS214', PY * 4. (.411111, 4 _:ell ATTEST: STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTIES OF LAKE ANr COOK )SS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED 7Y THE "ILLAr-= OF r)2-:=-RFIELn, LAK=�A*Nn COny COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AT A MEETING 1 ;4= ID THIS -AY CF A. D iq sp 4116- 7y: PRFSIDFNT w LC E: AT,iTES; co, & w r - A6Nv V I 1126AG17 t,PPP0VF7 BY THE %'. L" GP FNG,INf7FP (lF -rHr VILL.A(7,F CIF DrEF r F I FLD LE,KF p.,k.,p rOOK C-litfTIES, ; TLL ,10 1 S T 4 1 S DAY 1) F VILLAGE 11 GTN -E STATE OF ILLINOIS) CO'l,J,NTIES OF LAI:7 AND COOK )SS AL COLL=C'rOR FOR TH-- VI! LAGS OF r)z:=RFIrLr), L446 c..oiiat'I ail -NIT OR UMPAIrl CURRENT OF FORFEITED ILLINOIS, DO HzRr--r'Y CERTIFY TTIAT Tt-!FPc- ARE NO r"L I NO J �l - SP=CIAL ASSFSSM=-NTS OR ANY Di;--F"-;zRR-zD INSTALLM"ENTS THF-RT--()F THAT HAVE NIT r=-EN APPORTION. =D AGAINST THE TRACT OF LAND INCLUDrl) IN TPE- ANN-X=',) PLAT. nAT-;;:D AT DEERFIELD. ILL!"o"S, 4p A.,). ln lk-i D t-', P I I STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF LAK- ,,, c, ` �S I L I nct fx --L2"m u'Z-! 4Z". Cr',?'J'r" (7: - �PK ')r- LAK9� C-11,17,7Y, il-LIN-IS, -0 HIERERY C=-RTIFY THAT THEP-'- ARE '1r) TAXES, -!IRR D�7LTl4(-,!Jl='l!T -� I �- 4T (,EN ERAL TAX7--S, NO UNPAID F0PFEIT.,-:D A,','-' .•40 TAX SAL-EcS AGAINST AA!Y OF T;-,::: LAN' INCLIff ),: D Ito THE ANNEXED PLAT. I FURTHER CERTIFY T:,AT I HAV-,: Rl"IVET) ALL STATt.,TORY FE=-S I ri C -10N N 4,' I T H THE ANNEX-ED PLAT. GIVEN UND-EP, MY HAND A"D T4= C nIANTY AT- E6AA) ILLI"OTS, THIS,31�� DAY OF _h4A,(� - , A. D. I - -q'7 - .4'M f a OF t L4_j0*jj OL-p 0jKC_KA" W^44K ^t4o -MLt-VT wup"*9w 17497--? Eb" 1510 crwovw 0111t L4ff I J sj&c.6p-"r -f". V-ssp'vLl"- -1" rotor;, n mile I Usaolrl L%4 W1%.*4rr or ILd'U4*ViVlSLVl4jp L46*0 "O'UA14 Ak,b Zoo-0 z I" v-pjkpc-r,.# ma S44601 W'54C1►14 W40- "%.# AMD 040MOSP He"15-1 CAW S49MA"r -rV DX-T&? 1 at 6*7 c3 LA d lei V, Apo -voaw-r camrsoav, Pep- -so *04 ^$.L-.-f &4 V zcz TAT` nF lLt- P!ClS) U roijill ry OF S 1, A NOTARY Pb*ffLIC IN AND FOR THLNtPVWY AND STATE A IrSAI D DO moorivy T, HA T. i!j ltagj� Tev:j AND fte 00i To ML- T4=*f-*0W*m*ftl At i(; PeRSONALILY, 0 PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME TO BE " THE SAME PERSONS SSE NAMES ARE SURSCRIBED TO THIF -FO*E- GOING INSTRUMENT AND WHO ACKiNGWLEDGED T"AT AT THE TIME OF SUCH APPEARANCE THEY WERE THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY 0 AND THAT THEY .,ESCRIP=D THFREIN SIGNED SAIL! CERTIFICATE AS THEIR OWN FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE USES.ANn P6-*PnSW-S AS SHOWN HEREON. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL THIS DAY OF HAe4,t+ A.D.19 17 NOTARY W, STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF COOK )SS 1, ROqERT Ez. PIEDERMANN, A REGISTERED ILLINOIS LAND-SURVEYOR, DO HFRERY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED AND SUBDIVIDED: LOTS 1, IN KRAFT REESUBDIVISION, BEING A SUPDIVISION IN J.S. HOVLAND'S FIRST ADDITION TO A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (EXCEPT THE NORTHWEST QUART-::R OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER THEREOF) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THIF PLAT OF SAID KRAFT RESUB- DIVISIOdd RrCORnED MARCH 2F,,, 1'17P AS DOCUMENT #19rW312, IN THE VILLAGE Of DEE*fIELD, IN LAK'r (7nUNTY. 1!-'-1'001S. IN THE MANNER *EPR!:S=-NTED ON THE PLAT 14EREON DRAWN. CONTAINING 0. --,tq ACRES MORE OR LESS. I FURTHER C-zRTIPY THAT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON IS SITUATED IN THE VILLAGE OF DEHERFIELir"), •AKE AND 'COOK CO!jNTIWS, ILLINOIS, AND NO PART OF THE PROPERTY COVERED By THIS PLAT OF SURDIVISION IS SITUATED WITHIN 530 FEET OF A SURFACE DRAIN OR WATER COURSE SE-RVIN0 A TRIPUTAPY AREA OF ACPES OR MORE. DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF AND ARE CORRECTED TO A-TFMPTRATURc- OF t20 FAHRE-NHEIT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DATED: Jp�" -YOR ILLINOIS LAND SURVEYOR • 1439 V- EL 93 0 "111## 11110", AN EASEMCEW"r f4p 14F-mgWi Ri55SMvev A 3 4%tA04j-" -ro "f vii u-A4s of vesm )e. L-C> 4�3e- UW09PIR, A>3V "rg� "rk%c�%ASS PuP5,Lolc- Lj`Tkt-IT�Y e- r-rze>m ",s4* \nu-A46 cp ptW,-jzv=q5L4D IWCILQDINC, P-*u"r 0©' ('• LLM17" orlca -r4,g if- �L4-- 761-6POf->06 Ccx"P^)0y, 6PLC--le>W C40MPIA43y, ILL-lWcx4.wj "r tk,>F•lT14 ez:q�yZ.S Go►-5, <:C>A^p^Wy Ab3Vl -fVeW- M5,Sp%5c--rtV5 APP A e G.tiJ3 fbg -rb06 F0-P6TuA"- IZ,4*lrl PP-tv'L,*4eL A4)n cs\.j-rt4op-j-rY -re> cz os-Mucrr) M^4t,.rr^ii4 Am. cflefz-&w-M \f*jzl-0Lttp L4-rlL-I,ry,, 5YVTE"-&,. we-iwpiO& swr Perr L-L"I-r&v -rle> tl"Tblzm ^+)p/4cm- -Tvds9jVd*- wt'T" Awy A AL-L os4s's3A►2'y VAAJL--M, I5mLe---Mle-AL eo*S MAdktWS, I W -TIft- L-l0C-`0> Athw"V AFrUjZlT&V3A,,V4e404,.o, A' *W ^U-4d>jVfV- A.1.3p AP-,, PAAvj 10.74 P60"OV jjf-e-6's'sA*W-y JW 44h-lP \hl-VA46 "pc)tjl AL &P&j "I.3vem -r,"fEaue-b4 l4v wvle-wTav r&"jvfvz- toi-ru 7" fszvP(ev--ry) per- wee,605k^xy t%ww E;OalPmgh, ' To -M6 #t05S6\/S Wow-K. L*cjlkt-Tle>l-J ep u`"rlLITlly fwS'TAb,LLAh,'rl009& -r*6 SM^L-L MiS 5t4l06jlE:4--T" -rft, A*rriz,c>v^A- OF 'rft VtLt-A46. cr- Afew ooro V65,lelw A AL-L IWS-TA, L-L-&-r i rnws, AF-G. :s eQf6r,-r To -T*Cw -rv)rw va-I-Adla REM - w.) % (eplla Av I =-:' C, O.eo" A14o ea 7/ -,r4%/- 17, /',Ot'p