R-80-01IRESOLUTION NO. R -80 -01 I WHEREAS, the counties of Lake and McHenry, together with the many municipalities contained therein, have for many years cooperated in local efforts to improve the law enforcement and criminal and juvenile justice systems in said counties and municipalities through, -the Lake - McHenry Law Enforcement Commission; and WHEREAS, through that association the aforesaid counties and munici- palities have determined that there is a need to plan and coordinate the efforts of the numerous public and private agencies involved in said systems; and WHEREAS, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 already provides for the active consultation with and participation of local governments and private agencies in the development of both local and state plans for the improvement and coordination of the juvenile justice system; and WHEREAS, by means.of the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, the Congress of the United States has determined that local efforts to achieve such improved planning and coordination for law enforcement and criminal justice systems should be expanded and strenghtened through a program commonly known as the "entitlement" program; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission has passed certain resolutions,regulations and guidelines implementing the aforesaid entitle- ment program in Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield has determined that the aforesaid entitlement program is one which would benefit said municipality, as well as the various other counties and municipalities within the Lake - McHenry Law Enforcement Region, and one in which the aforesaid Region should participate, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT,RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION The Village of Deerfield hereby authorizes the Lake - McHenry ONE: Law Enforcement Commission to serve as a "local criminal justice advisory board" as defined in the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 and agrees to cooperate with said Region so.that it may fulfill the duties imposed upon such boards by federal or state law. SECTION The Village of.Deerfield hereby,-agrees, through the agency TWO: of Lake - McHenry Law Enforcement Commission with each other participating unit of government within said Region to cooperatively promote improvements in the law enforcement and criminal.and juvenile justice systems within said Region, particularly those which transcend the departments, agencies or geographical boundaries of any single such unit, all as more fully set out in the by -laws of the Lake - McHenry Law Enforcement Commission. SECTION- The Village of Deerfield hereby endorses the authorized THREE: services and activities of Lake- McHenry Law Enforcement Commission, as set out in its.by.laws, which said Region proposed to provide to'its constituent units of government upon request, as beneficial to said municipality; and more generally as in the best interest of all units of local government situated within said Region. SECTION The Village of Deerfield hereby authorizesthe Lake - McHenry FOUR: Law Enforcement Commission to apply for, receive, utilize and expend -such federal or state funds as might be available to it, to assist.it in performing services and activities, all in accordance with applicable law. AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 7th day of January A.D., 1980. APPROVED this 7th day of January A.D. , 1980. VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK (Deputy) I 305 GEORGE W. DUNNE President, Board of Cook County Commissioners JOHN H. STROGER, JR. Chairman of Committee on Public Service 1 ` goo+ C O ,4 O 1 G W Fit � 1 Y N O`h ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE COUNTY OF COOK RICHARD J. DALEY CENTER ROOM 310 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60602 443 -7681 March 20, 1981 ALEX R. SEITH Chairman of Zoning Board of Appeal s NICHOLAS A. PHILLIPS Secretary of Zoning Board of Appeal s Schain, Burney and Kenny Robert Kenny, Attorney 180 N. LaSalle St.. Suite #2327 Chicago, Illinois Re: William & Kathleen Sellas Docket #3615 & #3618 Z.A. #SU -80 -41 & #V -80 -84 a C.B. #103467 Dear Mr. Kenny: The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, at its meeting held on March 16, 1981, has'denied.your application for a Special Use permit in the C -7 Office /Research Park District for a Restaurant. The Zoning Board of Appeals has ruled that the variation request was not necessary since the subject property is a lot of record and therefore variation is being withdrawn. Very truly yours, NAP /dk Nicholas A.- Phillips-Secretary C.C. William F. Harris, COMissioner Lena Bruno, Zoning Administratrix Village of 'Northbrook Village of Deerfield (Clerk) Village of Riverwoods 305 GEORGE W. DUNNE President, Board of Cook County Commissioners JOHN H. STROGER, JR. Chairman of Committee on Public Service C00'. � C t0 IItC; C. W Sr -• 1 0`h ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE COUNTY OF COOK RICHARD J. DALEY CENTER ROOM 310 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60602 443 -7681 Schain, Burney and Kenny Robert Kenny, Attorney 180 N. LaSalle St. Suite #2327 Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Kenny: March 20, 1981 ALEX R. SEITH Chairman of Zoning Board of Appeals NICHOLAS A. PHILLIPS Secretary of Zoning Board of Appeals Re: William & Kathleen Sellas Docket #3615 & #3618 Z.A. #SU -80 -41 & #V -80 -84 C.B. #103467 The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, at its meeting held on March 16, 1981, has denied.your application for a Special Use permit in the C -7 Office /Research Park District for a Restaurant. The Zoning Board of Appeals has ruled that the variation request was not necessary since the subject property is a lot of record and therefore variation is being withdrawn. Very truly yours, NAP /dk Nicholas A.- Phillips Secretary c.c. William F. Harris, Commissioner Lena Bruno, Zoning Administratrix Village of Northbrook Village of Deerfield (Clerk) Village of Riverwoods ]05 GEORGE W. DUNNE President, Board of Cook County Commissioners JOHN H. STROGER, JR. Chairman of Committee on Public Service cook t C p p, p ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OR THE COUNTY OF COOK RICHARD J. DALEY CENTER ROOM 310 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60602 443 -7661 Schain, Burney and Kenny Robert Kenny, Attorney 180 N. LaSalle St.. Suite #2327 Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Kenny: March 20, 1981 ALEX R. SEITH Chairman of Zoning Board of Appeal s NICHOLAS A. PHILLIPS Secretary of Zoning Board of Appeals Re: William & Kathleen Sellas Docket #3615 & #3618 Z.A. #SU -80 -41 & #V -80 -84 C.B. #103467 The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, at its meeting held on March 16, 1981, has denied your application for a Special Use permit in the C -7 Office /Research Park District for a Restaurant. The Zoning Board of Appeals has ruled that the variation request was not necessary since the subject property is a lot of record and therefore variation is being withdrawn. NAP /dk c.c. William F. Harris, Canmissioner Lena Bruno, Zoning Administratrix Village of Northbrook Village of Deerfield (Clerk) Village of Riverwoods Very truly yours, Nicholas A.-Phillips Secretary UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE SENDER INSTRUCTIONS USE TO AVOID PAYMENT Print your name, address, end ZIP Code in the space below. OF POSTAGE, S= u®mnm • Complete items 1, 2, and 3 on the ray ma. eqm m • Attach to front of article if space permit% otherwise affix to back of arddL • Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" ed aeent to number. RETURN TO (Name Of der) Street Or P.0 ) I�D& 1 �10 0 t5 (City, State, and ZIP Code) 0 G ® SENDER: Complete items 1. 2, and 3. Add your address in the "KETITAN TO" space on reverse 1. a11 owing service is requested (check one.) Show to whom and date delivered............ —4 ❑ Show to whom, date and address of delivery...—a ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered ............ .4 ❑ RESTRII CTLD DELIVERY. 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UNABLE TO DELIVER:SECAUSEi 'ERK`S iN37IAl.S *V00:497101300-459 t ' PROCLMATION VEEPF.AS, the Village of Deerfield has more than 50 licensed Amateur Radio operators who continually demonstrate their skill and ability in dedicated volunteer public service in the interest of the community, state, and national welfare; and WHEREAS, these operators have given freely, without personal gain or recognition, many benefits to the citizens of the world through the operation of the stations and the development of new techniques and equip- i ment; and i WHEREAS, these operators are prepared to give of their time and resources in aiding others to communicate with their families from many inaccessible points throughout the world and from ships at sea; and WHEREAS, these operators represent the Village of Deerfield before the citizens of the world, and they have done much in the promotion of international understanding and goodorill; and WHEREAS, these operators are on a continual alert to furnish vital emergency communication facilities in periods requiring civil defense Treasures, in time of natural disasters, accidents, need for medical assistance, and WHEREAS, these operators conduct effective'education.and training for prospective operators and for the general_ public, and WHEREAS, the ccntinuing presence of these operators is of great benefit to the Village of Deerfield in hours of need and a service of humanity,- NOW, =EFORE, I, BERNARD FORREST, Mayor of the Village of Deerfield; Illinois, do hereby proclaim the week of June 22 -28, 1980 to be in the Village of Deerfield, and call upon all citizens to pay appro- priate tribute to the amateur radio operators of our Village. PROCLAIMED this 2nd day of June, A.D. 1980. ter• - • �� `. Sj �r g_ HER:`1A.RD FORREST, MAYOR i WHEREAS, the Bohb'Y Faith was established in the Village of Deerfield twenty -f ive years ago, in the spring of 1955; and WHEREAS, members of the Bahb'iCommunity of Deerfield are working to strengthen the bonds of understanding among people of all religions, races and nationalities to provide the means for establishing order in the world; and WHEREAS, members of the Band r Community of Deerfield have served Deerfield in the areas of education, human relations, village services and the arts; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bernard Forrest, Mayor of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, do hereby proclaim the week -of May I I to May 17, 1980 to be BAHA'I WEEK and I urge all residents of the Village of Deerfield to join me in the recognition and honoring of the Twenty -Fifth Anniversary of the Bohb'l' Community of Deerfield. PROCLAIMED this 21st day of April, 1980. Bernard Forrest, Mayor .•*�.,,��'�� Jai. y,. Ct t� s I P R 0 C.L A M A T 1 0 N WHEREAS, many of our convalescing aged and chronically ill citizens spend varying periods of time in long term care facilities; and WHEREAS, long term care facilities in our community have dedi- cated themselves to providing quality care to those entrusted to them; and WHEREAS, the long term care profession has forcefully demon- strated its dedication by continually striving to upgrade standards of care and improve services; and WHEREAS, Brentwood North Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and the Illinois Health Care Association are sponsoring many activities in observance of National Nursing Home Week, beginning Mother's Day, May 11th: NOW, THEREFORE, I, BERNARD FORREST, Mayor of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, do hereby proclaim the week of May 11 to May 17, 1980, to be NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK, and I urge all residents of Deer- field to join in.this observance and participate in a demonstration of recognition, support and encouragement, and appreciation for the high standard of care that long term care facilities are providing in our community. PROCLAIMED this 21st day of April, 1980. BERNARD FORREST, Mayor j i - - •, e -- - - ��, .T --=-n .- — -- t _ tom- r - PROCLAMATION :' WHEREAS, our society has become increasingly dependent on household chemicals to perform labor- saving, time - saving miracles for us; and on dangerous drugs to provide health - giving, life - sustaining benefits; and WHEREAS, these products, when not used as intended or directed, can be hazardous; and WHEREAS, innocent children too often gain access to them; and WHEREAS, accidental poisonings among children continue at the rate of more than 100,000 annually, despite new packaging techniques; NOW, THEREFORE, I, BERNARD FORREST, Mayor of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, do hereby proclaim March 16th through 22nd, 1980, to be Poison Prevention Week in Deerfield. Further I direct the appropriate agencies of the Village government,and invite local organizations and indivi duals,to participate in programs which will alert our citizens to the potential dangers of misusing medicines and household substances and promote effective safeguards against accidental poisoning. PROCLAIMED: This 5th day of March, A.D. 1980. RNARD FORREST, Mayor a n i 9 f n