O-86-64ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86-f4 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD Published in pamphlet form this 15th day of DPrPmhPr , 1986, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of Mary Sayre for the approval of a single - family residential planned development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed single - family residential planned ONE: development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this.Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the planned development is .TWO: conditioned upon the owner removing a frame shed and the concrete area surrounding the shed currently on the Subject Property prior to the Village of Deerfield issuing a building permit. SECTION That the approval of the planned development hereby THREE: given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, the Owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. 1116 Rosewood Avenue ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FOUR: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FIVE: from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenbaum, Seidman, Swanson, York (6)! NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None ( 0 ) PASSED this 15th day of December A.D. , 1986. APPROVED th i s 15th day o f December A.D. , 1986. VILLAGE PRESIDEN ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK - r 2426-063. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) RECORDER LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS 1987 JAN 14 A14 .9 tE 0 . VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) Iva The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 ENTITLEDi "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD" passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on DECEMBER 15. 1986 , and now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the office of the JANUARY 13. 1987 � Naomi S. C1 mpi� Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of Mary Sayre for the approval of a single - family resident,i,al planned development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and . WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed single - family residential planned ONE: development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the planned development is TWO: conditioned upon the owner removing a frame shed and the concrete area surrounding the shed currently on the Subject Property prior to the Village of Deerfield issuing a building permit. SECTION That the approval of the planned development hereby THREE: given is subject to the further condition that except . as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, the Owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. RT 252G663 SECTION That FOUR: this SECTION That FIVE: from as p 1 116 Rosewood Avenue ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish Ordinance in pamphlet form. this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its passage, approval and publication rovided by law. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenbaum, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED thisl5th day of December A.D., 1986. APPROVED thisl5th day of December A.D. , 1986. VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLE K - 252GO63 Exhibit A Legal The East 230.0 feet of the South 170.0 feet (except the East 60 feet thereof and except the South 30.0 feet.thereof) of the NW1 /4 of the NW1 /4 of the SW1 /4 of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. ;MG3063 I � 252603 { STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) COUh'TIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) Pr F'i1 l t''� ap 10 F�y�•pi.'3 j %4 ALE&+• M cCG'sZ1�E� The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 ENTITLED+ "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD" passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on DECEMBER 15, 1986 , and.nov in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village Clerk. Dated this JANUARY 13, 1987 . Naomi S. C1 mpit/ Village Clerk 0 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 1516 ROSEWOOD a WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of Mary Sayre for the approval of a single - family residential planned development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and . WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed single - family residential planned ONE: development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof '...and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the planned development is TWO: conditioned upon the owner removing a frame shed and the concrete area surrounding the shed currently on the Subject Property prior to the Village of Deerfield issuing a building permit. SECTION That the approval of the planned development hereby THREE: given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, the Owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. SECTION FOUR: SECTION FIVE: ' 1x16 Rosewood Avenue ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -64 That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Marovitz, Marty, Rosenbaum, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 15th day of December A.D. , 1986. APPROVED this 15th day of December A.D., 19 86 . VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK - Exhibit A Legal The East 230.0 feet of the South 170.0 feet (except the East 60 feet thereof and except the South 30.0 feet thereof) of the NW1 /4 of the NW1 /4 of the SW1 /4 of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION Jzun. SA Yl?�E_ SUSDI V15101V C$ ' d I -1 _Z�, 5&;4 _,I 4 'logo Aol_ "o_id z ? 17�7e 12 e /G7 d/? /,-7 5 R 1, Mary M. Sayre, do he -eby cert f y that I am the f& the propert V described above and I h. �vf, Causf--,4 the said pro)gievty to thf", user~ and purposes as shown hereon. Dated this Q�Vday of /V By: t a t e of, Ckiuy tit' L ak e a CltaPy PULAAC in �and for tfw 1 okjnt� ;W-1 N hereby ert b i tit a te Oresaid, do h ify that Mai-v M. , iy��e personaily kno r, t,) t t) 1, i.-j [, j n s "7 rh..c' ame person,--reb -me i s t (i b who�enajmt subscribed to tht' who acknowledged that at the time of such appearance she was the Owner of proporty desevibed therein and that She signed said Certificatf, of her owil free and voluntary Het for the uses and PUPPOseS AS s1­I,)wT1 hwreor',. Given _W) arial seal this r a c #a of 11441 b tat I, Raymond f, Decker, a registered 11 linois and 01- do heri,b,y ct:-i that I t1ave surve ed and Resubdivided the above descllhed t'),,-opertv and ttiat the pl,jt hereon d'Pawn is a correct representation of sa J)i.mvnsio,ns shown here(..)j-i are in feet and Decimal part,--, thef,eof and Erf 'it a temperature of 680 fahrenheit, 1 further Clertif� that no p8l't of the W propt4rty covered by this plat Of Restibdivisi,ol) is sittiated withiin -)00 f f�ot of a stirfa6e drain or Water cour-se se�rvinq a tribi�,jtary of 640 or moie Alai fjf�j,o;, ,C.)n t t (� (4 14t tht�, pl-op-rf t�- $-tKOW" W1 tl-ze 01 j WIMLT� the L, mits of a Village whii�h har� adupted 9 C,i 0 ial powers authorize<,] by Division 12 of Article, 11 of the 111irvAj111S` and hereafter, awended 1 MA41 code as heretofore state of Illinois CotiriLy of Lake) Ss and L,ziok) ry Approved by the President and Board or Trustees of the- Village of Deerfield, I ake aric Cook Counties, Illinois, 170• .0 Z, Presiri EG rr) Attest: Village Clerk State of lllinois)S5 County of Lake) and cook) APpru­ved b the plan (ommission cv!'unf e nis at a meeting of the Vi f DL erf if held this dad' 2- A L t t cx(,, r -e, t a y ti tllinois) ount y: of L ake) 5S And Clook Cut Ic'etor for thf, Vr2larae of Deerf, lelfj, Illinois do hereby certify that I find no ii-eferred installments of outsti-Irldintj ojr1paj(j !1pec i a assessnif-'!nt's agairr-it the land included in the above plot. Dated it is da 0 A.D. 19 e -o r `Mate o f Ll.Iinois (,ake) 'ind Co ok U hY the V111-1 -4 Fnqineer Of the Viiln� Doel _)e ot, f d t ,,ike iirid Cot* this r (j "_C41 T1 L IL 77.2e _T T_ 7L 3e lit 64 30 1, Mary M. Sayre, do he -eby cert f y that I am the f& the propert V described above and I h. �vf, Causf--,4 the said pro)gievty to thf", user~ and purposes as shown hereon. Dated this Q�Vday of /V By: t a t e of, Ckiuy tit' L ak e a CltaPy PULAAC in �and for tfw 1 okjnt� ;W-1 N hereby ert b i tit a te Oresaid, do h ify that Mai-v M. , iy��e personaily kno r, t,) t t) 1, i.-j [, j n s "7 rh..c' ame person,--reb -me i s t (i b who�enajmt subscribed to tht' who acknowledged that at the time of such appearance she was the Owner of proporty desevibed therein and that She signed said Certificatf, of her owil free and voluntary Het for the uses and PUPPOseS AS s1­I,)wT1 hwreor',. Given _W) arial seal this r a c #a of 11441 b tat I, Raymond f, Decker, a registered 11 linois and 01- do heri,b,y ct:-i that I t1ave surve ed and Resubdivided the above descllhed t'),,-opertv and ttiat the pl,jt hereon d'Pawn is a correct representation of sa J)i.mvnsio,ns shown here(..)j-i are in feet and Decimal part,--, thef,eof and Erf 'it a temperature of 680 fahrenheit, 1 further Clertif� that no p8l't of the W propt4rty covered by this plat Of Restibdivisi,ol) is sittiated withiin -)00 f f�ot of a stirfa6e drain or Water cour-se se�rvinq a tribi�,jtary of 640 or moie Alai fjf�j,o;, ,C.)n t t (� (4 14t tht�, pl-op-rf t�- $-tKOW" W1 tl-ze 01 j WIMLT� the L, mits of a Village whii�h har� adupted 9 C,i 0 ial powers authorize<,] by Division 12 of Article, 11 of the 111irvAj111S` and hereafter, awended 1 MA41 code as heretofore state of Illinois CotiriLy of Lake) Ss and L,ziok) Approved by the President and Board or Trustees of the- Village of Deerfield, I ake aric Cook Counties, Illinois, this (lay of Presiri Attest: Village Clerk State of lllinois)S5 County of Lake) and cook) APpru­ved b the plan (ommission cv!'unf e nis at a meeting of the Vi f DL erf if held this dad' 'd Cox* A . A L t t cx(,, r -e, t a y ti tllinois) ount y: of L ake) 5S And Clook Cut Ic'etor for thf, Vr2larae of Deerf, lelfj, Illinois do hereby certify that I find no ii-eferred installments of outsti-Irldintj ojr1paj(j !1pec i a assessnif-'!nt's agairr-it the land included in the above plot. Dated it is da 0 A.D. 19 e -o r `Mate o f Ll.Iinois (,ake) 'ind Co ok U hY the V111-1 -4 Fnqineer Of the Viiln� Doel _)e ot, f d t ,,ike iirid Cot* this r (j "_C41 T1 kASf_.WNT PROV15II(INS An ease merit is hereby reserved and granted to the Vltt At. ,C Of f')f_-ERf and to those PUBI, IC UTIl I COWANIF.S operating under frqnchjse.,� from the VIIIAGE OF DEERE ILto jrjcludirjq but not limited to the It INOIS EL f. MEPHOv COMPANY, COMMONW AL_ TH EDISON COWAM, Ell NICOM Of ILLIN015, Aft NORTH SHORU i'IAS COWANY AND THEIR RUSPECTIVf' SMTE.SSORS AND ASSIGNS for tfie perpkttual right, privileq.e and authqrity to construct, recunstrwt, re.0air, rt-move, lrlr4)e t,..maifYta,jn and Operate variqu.- utility, transmission and distribution, S%Igt Ms jf-jvjit(jirtrt i'ttf ^,,t 14 if A f o it- *,v 6 geth er r sallary sf, r to W ith &,nv 40, d a riecessary mapohples,,. catch basins, iryle"., vaolt$., t�tectpi day of Z2,Azl or " 416 1 t �Pans* o'P"W r Cat i-ans , conduits., cAb1ts-, *ir,", rwde ot and -0- 1"Iry es appurtenancIes, a"d all other equipment and applivtenances -is may he clef me d necessary by said village over, upon. al•nq, under and Raymond E. Decker through said indicated easem -)is t and 1)uvv(.;,.Yor No ents, toqetheIr with right Of &Ccess, across the Reuistered I11in4 21 j'7 pronertv for necessary men and equipment to do any of the above work. location of utility installations withirl the shalt State of Illinois) I be subject to the approval SIS Of the VII AGF Of DEERFIFt D,a_- to design and locaition. All instal, I at i ona are L;oun of take', ­,ub je-et to the ordiroafices of the VIIIAGI (Y 1_kERfIft:D. I. County Clerk Of take COun' 111inosis, do it I ty, e rV I t y that4olhe delinquent qe�neral taxpb, no Fs unpaid current general 'taxes, rw unpaid special, taxes, no unpaid forfelteci tayeti and no redeemable to sales against any of the land incloded in the annexed plftt,. I further certify that, I have rec6ived all -statutory fees in c.bn "r of) 1) Wi t i t the annexed plat. GiveAner my hand 1 rf the County Cl < at Waukeqa n, day of 19 , 47 .0-