O-85-571! i ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -57 ABATEMENT-OF-TAX-FOR 1985 LEVY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the'County Clerk of Lake County and the County ONE: Clerk of Cook County are hereby authorized and directed to abate the amounts set forth below of the tax hereto- fore provided for and levied in Ordinance No. 0 -85 -39 passed August 19, 1985, a copy of which is filed with the respective County Clerks, providing for a levy for the following accounts of the Debt Service Fund of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Bonds to be Abated Amount of Abatement Corporate Purpose Bonds 1982 $ 68,525 ' Corporate Purpose Bonds 1983 124,250 Sewer Improvements 1973 25,000 Sewage Treatment 1973 165,385 TOTAL ABATEMENTS $383,160 SECTION That the Village of Deerfield has on hand sufficient TWO: funds from tax proceeds to pay the total tax levied by the above - decribed Ordinance for said purpose for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 1986, therefore, a reduced tax levy is appropriate. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file THREE: certified copies of this Ordinance with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FOUR: from and after its passage and approval, -as provided by law. AYES: MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (5) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: MAROVITZ (1) PASSED this 16TH day of DECEMBER A.D., 1985. APPROVED this 16TH day of DECEMBER A.D., 1985. ATTEST: VILLAGE CL RK l P ; 7 ?5 694' 964 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED.MAIL NONOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAILED (See Reverse) Sent to °v Street and No. C iA P.O., State and ZIP Code O d $ ra Postage Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered NReturn receipt showing to whom, w Date, and Address of Delivery a TOTAL Postage and Fees $ m LL c Postmark or Date E' U. N CL 0 °v cb O d fJ H 6 C" e s a U C C C, E i U Q 0 P 735 694 963 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent t Street and P. ., fate and ZIP Code Postag7Fee $ Certifie Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered Return receipt showing to whom, Date, and Address of Delivery TOTAL Postage and Fees $ Postmark or Date V V) 0 3 I sit SENDER: Complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address In the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1. Tire toltywing service Is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered ............... i ❑ Show to whom, date, and address of delivery .. s 2. ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY ........................... C I'M msftW de owy W Is cAarpeo In addition (o Me return recelpr tee.) TOTAL S 3! ICLE AD RESSED,TO:J �o ello� 4. TYPE OF SERVICE:' ARTICLE NUMBER ❑®RE D ❑INSURED %1,3 �H"Rt M ❑COD ❑EXPRESS MAIL (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE 1:1 Addressee ❑Authorized agent >DATE OF DELIVERY POSTMARK (may to on reverse side) DEC 19 1985 B. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (ony n mquesmd) 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. EMPLOYEE'S INITIALS A QPa 1982379- 583 UNITED STATES POSTAL. SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS print Your Dart+ ,address, alld >7P Codo le thq apaeo bMow. �aa® • Com tt�mt 1, Y, 8, lad 411 iha reggne, U.S MdIL • AMA to hoot d ortich I speco pormlb, otCarw u oft to bUk d ardele. • Fndans II *b "Ra ffa Qacalpl Reported" PENALTY FOR PRIVATE • adjsoara to dumber. USE. SM RED ®RN 2 (� (Name of Send ) d (Street or P.0 x) "/" o�{ y * ( O all (City, Stat , and ZIP Code) T y 0 .c 3 e SENDER: Complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address In the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) I. The toll ping service Is requested (check one). Mlhow to whom and date delivered ............... 9 ❑ Show to whom, date, and address of delivery— s 2. ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY ........................... 9 (The restrkW deurery fee Is 6Ae W In addition ID ve retum mcaw fee.) TOTAL 3 TICLE ADDRESEDrTp nS: / �- 4. TYPE OF SERVI& ARTICLE NUMBER ❑REGSTERED ❑INSURED ❑COD 7 TIFIED ❑EXPRESS MAIL (Ahveye obtain ignature of addrea :ee or agent) I have received the article described b. SIGNATURE ❑Addressee Js, 5' DATE OF DELIVERY q O� POjST '1 6. ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (Onryn 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. EMPLOYEE'S INITIALS * GPO: 198237 9-593 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUNWSS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Prlat your name, tddr"s. and ZIP Code In the space b0cw. • ComploM hems 1, 2, 8, and Can tltr reverts. • Atltsb to treat of trticb d tpor's pbrmlb, otdormba of to back of ortlsur. • Endone trtkb "fle3um Qeealpt Regvasbd" • lQturd to oambtr. U® PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, M RETURN TO ame of Sender) . .(Street orCE . sow (City, Statet and ZIP Code) CERTIFICATE AS KEEPER OF RECORDS AND FILES —Half Sheet Size 445 (FORM 59) STATE, OF ILLINOIS, � a8, COUNTY OF COOK I, STANLEY T. KUSPER, JR., County Clerk of Cook County, in the State aforesaid and keeper of the records and files of said Cook County, do hereby certify that ` �w -rte' all of which appears from the records and files of my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said County at my office in the City of Chicago in said County, this �q day of . D. 19 LS Comty aak.