R-79-17RESOLUTION NO. 0 -79 -17 WHEREAS, on July 3, 1978, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield approved an Agreement assuming certain management responsibilities as a part of the 208 Water Quality Plan as prepared and presented by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Agreement approved by the Corporate Authorities provided that said management responsibilities were to remain in force and effect unless and until withdrawn by the Village of Deerfield or unless amendments to the 208 Water Quality Plan necessitated modifications thereof; and WHEREAS, on April 5, 1979, the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission transmitted to the Village of Deerfield certain revisions to the 208 Water Quality Plan as previously approved; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield have determined that said revisions are in keeping with the goals and objectives of the 208 Water Quality Plan and that their approval will serve the best interests of the Village of Deerfield. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, as follows: SECTION That the revisions to the 208 Water Quality Plan as attached ONE: hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A are hereby adopted and approved and shall hereinafter be a part of the 208 Water Quality Plan. SECTION That the President and the Village Clerk are hereby directed and TWO: empowered to take such other action as may be required from time to time to achieve the implementation of said revisions to the 208 Water Quality Plan. AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this. 17thday of December A.D., 1979. APPROVED this 17th day of Decemberr A.D., 1979. V LLAGE PRESIDENT .t ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK (Deputy 7 i L- REVISIONS TO 208 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AGENCY IMPLEMENTATION STATEMENT FILED BY: THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD The following revisions to the Water Quality Management Agency Implementation Statement reflect amended provisions of the 208 plan as it was adopted by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission on January 4, 1979. Management agencies which agreed to accept designation under the earlier statement are requested to consider amending their acceptance to include these revisions. Only those sections of the management statement which have been revised are referenced below. I. RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CONTROL OF POINT SOURCES A. Implementation of 201 Facilities Plans DELETE: It is agreed that expansion of service to development in projected year 2000 service areas will be done according to the schedules contained in the grant agreement between the USEPA and the Village of Deerfield and in the five -year NPDES permit issued by the IEPA. INSERT: Any planning which remains to be completed, and any future amendments or modifications to the 201 facilities plan, should be closely coordinated with local government plan- ning and decision - making with respect to growth and develop- ment. In any application for issuance or amendment of an.NPDES permit, each management agency will delineate its projected five -year service area for which treatment capacity is in place or under construction consistent with agreed regional population forecasts. DELETE: The USEPA will provide 75 percent of the costs for facilities construction, expansion, or upgrading by the Village of Deer- field as provided in the 201 plan for the facilities planning area and in the grant agreements between the Village of Deer- field and the USEPA. INSERT: Construction, expansion, or upgrading of facilities may be eligible for 75 percent federal funding depending on their compliance with federal requirements and on the priority listing of projects prepared by IEPA. Plans for controlling combined sewer overflows should be developed by July 1, 1980. C. [dater Conservation INSERT: Municipal governments that furnish potable water to industries or other large users should study the possibility of the reuse of the effluents from the municipal wastewater treatment plants as a sub:.stitute for part of the furnished water. P� D. Phosphate Detergent Ban DELETE: The Village of Deerfield agrees to enact an ordinance banning the sale of high phosphate detergent for domestic use within the Village of Deerfield boundaries. INSERT: The Village of Deerfield will consider enactment of an ordi- nance banning the sale of high phosphate laundry detergent for domestic use within its boundaries. E. Pre - Treatment Standards INSERT: The Village of Deerfield will ensure that reports required by USEPA regulations (40 CFR 403.12(b) are submitted to it by industrial users of the public system, and should main- tain current inventories of all significant industrial wastes conveyed to its plants for treatment. II. RESPONSIBILITES FOR CONTROL OF NON -POINT SOURCES B. Implement Measures to Reduce Pollution From Non' -Point Sources Other than Stormwater Runoff INSERT: Regulation of On -Site Disposal Systems The Village of Deerfield will strengthen its permit requirements for the installation and repair of septic systems as necessary. Sufficient inspections will be required and provided so that potential problems caused by improper design or by compaction, smearing, or puddling during construction can be avoided. The Village of Deerfield will make better use of data on soils and surficial geology in evaluating septic system locations. Zoning officials will give consideration to the types of soils which are present in proposed subdivisions before authorizing their platting. Innovative type on -site disposal systems should be required in new developments where problems may result from the installation of individual septic systems. The Village of Deerfield will not approve a subdivision of land which is intended to be served by on -site disposal systems within the five -year projected service area of a designated waste -water treatment or collection authority until the authority has been given an opportunity to review and comment upon the proposed subdivision. The Village of Deerfield will adopt an ordinance prohibiting installation or renovation of any on -site disposal system within a specified distance from a sewer with available capacity. Continued use of malfunctioning or illegally- connected on -site systems will be prohibited when a sewer is extended to the property line. The preferred method for the disposal of septage is through land application and this method will be encouraged and used whenever possible. Schedule for Implementation: Continuation of current programs. Inspection of properties at time of transfer will be initiated by July 1, 1980. 3 Costs and Financing: Additional costs of administration and enforcement are estimated by county area in Chapter 9 of the 208 plan. Inspection costs may be recovered by fees. Le al Authorit 1112 Ill. Rev. Stat. 20c et. seq.; 24 Ill. Rev. Stat. - 0 -5; 34 Ill. Rev. Stat. 414, 422, 3116. INSERT: Replacement of On -Site Disposal Systems Where large -scale solutions such as innovative type on -site wastewater disposal or effluent transfer systems are needed to replace individual malfunctioning systems outside of iden- tified five -year wastewater service areas, the Village of Deerfield will establish special service areas to aid in financing. The Village of Deerfield should consider taking steps to cover situations where mandatory elimination of existing septic systems may cause serious economic hardships on property owners who are elderly or living on fixed incomes. Schedule for Implementation: Any necessary special service areas should be create by -July 1, 1983. Cost and Financin : Costs of replacement systems have not been estimated. USEPA is authorized to provide 75.percent of the cost of eligible systems. Local share of costs will be generated through the special service area mechanism. III. RESPONSIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE DELETE: The Village of Deerfield agrees to participate in the organi- zation and operation of the local area water quality committee and assist the committee in fulfilling its responsibilities, including the preparation of an annual implementation program, the coordination of local water quality efforts, and partici- pation in the continuing planning program. Schedule for Action: The local area water quality committee will a establis e within three months after certification of the plan by the governor. INSERT: The Village of Deerfield will participate in the formation and operation of a countywide water quality committee or other local area coordinating body as provided in Chapter 8 of the 208 plan, and will assist the committee in fulfilling its responsibilities. These responsibilities include prepar- ation and annual review of a three -year implementation pro- gram, coordination of local water quality management efforts, assistance in resolution of issues and conflicts, and parti- cipation in continuing water quality planning. Committees will be established by intergovernmental agreement. Schedule for Impl�e�mentation: Local area water quality committees will bee established wit` hin nine months after certification of the management portions of the plan by the governor. Costs and Financing: A portion of each committee's activities may supported y federal continuing planning funds granted to the region through NIPC.