R-79-12RESOLUTION R-79-12.
WHEREAS, two hundred and three years after the most energetic
Nation on the face of the globe was founded, that Nation finds itself
at an important crossroads due to the lack of sufficient energy; and
WHEREAS, we Americans are justifiably proud of our Independence
both as people and as a Nation - but we must acknowledge that in today's
world we are now dependent not only on our Federal Government but also
on other Nations for many of the things which are essential to our life,
liberty and our pursuit of happiness; and
WHEREAS, the life style of all developed Nations of the world is
now quite dependent upon the availability of energy; and
WHEREAS, the United States of America is no exception since
tremendous quantities of all types of energy are absolutely essential to
our survival as a free Nation:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, on Independence Day, 1979, that
the following DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE be adopted on behalf of all of the
residents of the said Village:
We call upon the elected leaders of our Federal Government to
adopt and implement forthwith a National energy policy, which
is long overdue.
We further call upon all of our elected Federal officials to
make certain that our Nuclear. Regulatory Commission is ade-
quately staffed and managed by the finest qualified profes-
sional talent in the world today and tomorrow.
We further call upon our Federal Government, at all levels,
to promptly get on with its responsibility to determine and
implement the safest possible method for the storage, ultimate
reprocessing and final disposal of all types of nuclear waste.
We urge the Nuclear.RegulatoryiCommission to grant the request
of Commonwealth Edison to expand the Zion spent fuel storage
capacity only if and when the Commission is certain - beyond
.a reasonable doubt - that the proposed expansion is safe and
PASSED this 2nd day of July , A. D_. 1979.
ADOPTED this 2nd day of July A. D. 1979.
ATTEST: -,� Village President
Village Clerk
RESOLUTION R- 79 -12..
WHEREAS, two hundred and three years after the most energetic
Nation on the face of the globe was founded, that Nation finds itself
at an important crossroads due to the lack of sufficient energy; and
WHEREAS, we Americans are justifiably proud of our Independence
both as people and as a Nation - but we must acknowledge that in today's
world we are now dependent not only on our Federal Government but also
on other Nations for many of the things which are essential to our life, T
liberty and our pursuit of happiness; and
WHEREAS, the life style of all developed Nations of the world is
now quite dependent upon the availability of energy; and
WHEREAS, the United States of America is no exception since
tremendous quantities of all types of energy are absolutely essential to
our survival as a free Nation:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, on Independence Day, 1979, that
the following DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE be adopted on behalf of all of the
residents of the said Village:
We call upon the elected leaders of our Federal Government to
adopt and implement forthwith a National energy policy, which
is long overdue.
We further call upon all of our elected Federal officials to
make certain that our Nuclear Regulatory Commission is ade-
quately staffed and managed by the finest qualified profes-
sional talent in the world today and tomorrow.
We further call upon our Federal Government, at all levels,
to promptly get on with its responsibility to determine and
implement the safest possible method for the storage, ultimate
reprocessing and final disposal of all types of nuclear waste.
....We urge.the Nuclear'Regul-atory!Commission to grant the request
of Commonwealth Edison to expand the Zion spent fuel storage
capacity only if and when the Commission is certain - beyond
a reasonable doubt - that the proposed expansion is safe and
PASSED this 2nd day of July A. D. 1979.
ADOPTED this 2nd day of July , A.:D. 1979.
ATTEST: Village President
Village Clerk