O-80-08ORDINANCE NO. 0 -80 -08 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT KRAFT RESUBDIVISION OF TATS 98 AND 99 Published in pamphlet form this 18th day of February , 1980, Ty- the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -80 -08 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT KRAFT RESUBDIVISION LOTS 98 AND 99 WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of MAURY LIPOWICH and BIRCHWOOD DEVELOPMENT CORP. for the approval of a single- family residential planned development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered the recommendation of the Plan Commission, the absence of street improvements to serve the proposed resubdivision of Lot One, and, as a result thereof, the desire of the Applicant to remove Lot One from the proposed Planned Development and resubdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed single - family planned development of the real ONE: estate legally described as follows: Lots 2 and 3 in Kraft Resubdivision of Lots 98 and 99 of the Subdivision of J. S. Hovland's first addition to Deerfield, a subdivision of the Southwest one - quarter (except the Northwest one - quarter thereof) of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, as shown on the Plat of said subdivision, recorded November 17, 1924, as Document number 248380, in Lake County, Illinois. and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and pre- liminary plat of resubdivision, amended to remove Lot One as set forth in the foregoing recitals, which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the planned development is conditioned upon TWO: the owner dedicating the portion of the subject property depicted as a dedication for street purposes in the preliminary plat of resubdivision to the Village of Deerfield as and for street purposes and restricting driveway access to Lot 2 from improved portions of the dedicated street. . ' - SECTION That the approval of the planned development hereby given is THREE: subject to the further conditions that (a) the owner submit for approval a final plat of resubdivision of the real estate described in Section One hereof, and (b) except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of 'said final plat, and (c) that the owner shall deposit sufficient funds in escrow or make other provisions satisfactory to the Village to insure the payment of the cost of the street improvements within the area to be dedicated. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this ordi- FOUR: nance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and FIVE: after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 18th day of February A.D., 1980. APPROVED this 18th day of February A.D., 1980. ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK b Y, '1� - Q!!i_� DEPUTY CLERK VILLAGE PRESIDENT PRO TEM RECEPT FOR (CERTOf ED Rf ML NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) a Q MC G L, w° a SENTTJ STREET AND NO. 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