O-77-34ORDINANCE NO. 0_77 34
SECTION Portions of sidewalk shall be replaced in the
ONE: Village of Deerfield, Illinois in accordance
with the provisions of Article VI entitled
"Special Taxation for Sidewalk Construction and Repair" of
Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield,
Illinois 1975, as amended; the nature, character, locality and
description of said sidewalk replacement being as follows:
A Portland cement concrete sidewalk 4
inches in thickness (except for drive-
way openings where 6 inches of thickness
will be installed) and 3 feet in width,
along the West side of Pine Street for
an approximate distance of 55 feet in
front of and between the Lot lines of
Lot 62; in the Third Addition to Deer-
field Park, Unit 1, being a Subdivision
in the West half of the Southeast quarter
of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range
12, East of the Third Principal Meridian
in Lake County,.Illinois, and commonly
known as 318 Pine Street, Deerfield,
Illinois, respectively.
All of such replacement shall be in accordance with plans entitled
".Pine Street Sidewalk Improvements" and specifications - entitled
"Municipal Code of Deerfield, Illinois Specifications for Con-
crete Sidewalks ", both of which are attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference.
SECTION Notice to participate in a cost sharing side -
TWO: walk replacement program regarding the portions
of sidewalk to be replaced herein was previously
mailed to the property owner of property adjacent to the public
right -of -way across which said sidewalk is located on September
22, 1976, a copy of which Notice is attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference. Said property owner did not elect to
participate in the cost sharing program.
SECTION The owner or owners of any such lot fronting on,
THREE: touching upon, or adjoining the line of such
sidewalk or located adjacent to the public right -
of -way across which said sidewalk is to be replaced, shall,
within thirty (30) days after the mailing of notice of passage
of this Ordinance, replace such sidewalk so designated for
replacement opposite his land to conform in all respects to the
requirements of this Ordinance. Said work shall be done in a
workmanlike manner under the superintendence of the Director of
Public Works of the Village of Deerfield, and the Village Engineer.
In default of construction of said sidewalk by any of said owners,
the Director of Public Works is authorized and directed on behalf
of the Village of Deerfield to replace or cause to be replaced
said sidewalk, prepare a Bill of Costs therefor and spread the
cost pro -rata by frontage as is hereby deemed to be most equitable
and just, all in accordance with the provisions of Article VI of
Chapter 19 of The Municipal Code of Deerfield, Illinois, 1975.
SECTION Said sidewalk replacement shall be accomplished
FOUR: in accordance with the existing established grade of
sidewalk on Pine Street, and no part thereof
shall be so constructed or graded as to leave a step, sharp
depression or other obstruction in the sidewalk. The grade for
such replacement shall be as nearly as possible the same as and
level with that of the adjoining sidewalk.
SECTION Said sidewalk improvement shall be made and the
FIVE: whole cost thereof including the cost of construction,
engineering and supervision, together with an additional
amount to cover the cost of preparing a special tax list, levying,
and collecting such tax not to exceed 6% of the cost of the con-
struction, engineering and supervision of the improvement, and an
additional amount to be applied as a reserve for deficiency in
interest, not to exceed 6% of the cost of the construction, engin-
eering and supervision of theiimprovement, shall be paid by a
special tax levied in accordance with and pursuant to this
SECTION The aggregate amount herein ordered to be taxed or
SIX: assessed to pay the cost of said sidewalk improve-
ment against the property shall be divided into
five (5) installments in the manner provided by the said 11%luniciT-
pal Code in such case made and provided and each of said install-
ments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (_6 %) per.
annum, according to law until paid.
SECTION For the purpose of anticipating the collection of
SEVEN: the first and succeeding installments of said
special tax for the cost of the sidewalk improvement,
the Village of Deerfield shall issue vouchers payable out of said
installments, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6 %) per
annum, payable annually, signed by the President of the Village of
Deerfield, and attested by the Village Clerk of said Village under
the corporate seal of said Village.
SECTION The Director of Public Works of the Village of
EIGHT: Deerfield is hereby designated as the officer to
take charge of the construction of the sidewalk
replacement improvement herein and is authorized and directed to do
all acts and things necessary thereto, in accordance with said
Article VI of Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code of the Village of
Deerfield, Illinois, 1975. The Village Engineer is hereby designated
to undertake additional engineering and supervision services with
regard to any such sidewalk replacement work accomplished pursuant
to this Ordinance.
SECTION All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict
NINE: with this Ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby
SECTION This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
TEN: from and after its passage and the approval thereof
in accordance with law.
AYES: Blumenthal, Gavin, Heisler. Marty, Seidman, Swanson (6)
NAYS: None (0)
ABSENT: None (0)
PASSED this 16th day of May A. D. , 1977.
APPROVED this 16th day of May 1A:1D., 1977.
yQ ,
Village Clerk
�\ V . .
M I.4 =•i.•i ice/ _� � = _•._," rI S` Lvr�r��,j!.rJ.I'.
hlr. Paul E... Hamer
318 Pine Street
Deerfield, IL 60015
Dear Property Owner:
Windsor 5.5000
September 22, 1976
Pursuant to Article V, Chapter 11 of the D:unicipal Code of
Deerfield, we hereby notify you that a portion of the public side-
walk located along the parkway in front of your property has been
determined -to be in need of replacement.
Ile hereby offer you an opportunity to voluntarily join with
the Village of Deerfield in sharing the cost of replacing this 59
sidewalk on a 50 -50 basi-s.- Your share of the cost will be $/ --
based upon a cost of $1.63 per square foot. Your participation
with the Village in this cost sharing sidewalk replacement program
will avoid the necessity of having the Village incur the delay and
greater expense of accomplishing such replacement by a special
taxation proceeding.
In the event that you do not elect to participate in the
share -the -cost sidewalk replacement program, the Village will
perform this sidewalk replacement work by special taxation pro-
ceedings pursuant to Article VI of Chapter 11 of the Municipal
Code of Deerfield, and the entire cost thereof shall be levied
against the property owners, payable in five (5) annual install -
ments "'with interest at a rate not to exceed six percent (6g) per
annum until paid.
Accordingly, we invite you to participate in the share-the-cost
sidewalk replacement program by depositing the sum of $�1r._
with the Village Treasurer at the Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road,
Deerfield, Illinois, on or before the 11thday of October , 1976_
If this payment is made, the Village will commence replacement of
the sidewalk in front of your property.
Very truly yours,
Di- rcctor of Public 11or:cs
A.P.W.A. C1 -54
sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with these
and in conformity to the lines and grades shown on the
1. Cement: The type of cea,ient to be used shell be as specified
by the Engineer, and shall conform to the. ASTI.I Specifications for Air
Entraining Portlend Cement Designation C -175 (Type 1 -A) or Type 111 -A
for use when high early strength i8-required.
2. Admixtures: Air entraining admixtures which -are added to
concrete mixtures shall conform to the ASTII Specifications for Air
Entraining Admixtures for concrete Aggregates: Designation C -33•
3. Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to the
ASTM Specifications for Concrete Aggregates: Designation C -33•
4. Sub -base Material: Durable material such as, crushed stone,
bank -run gravel, blast furnace slag or steata- boiler cinders shall be
used in the preparations of sub -bases as May be required by the
5. 'Hater: The water used in mixing concrete shall be clean,
free from acid, alkali, vegetable, or other orgnnie matter.
6. Joint Filler: The joint filler shall be of a now.-Axtruding
joint material conforming to the ASTM Specifications for Preformed
Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete (Non - extruding and Resilient
Types). Designation D -544.
1. Method: The method of measuring the materials for the con-
crete or mortar, including water, shall be one which will insure
.separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times.
2. Proportions: The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions
which, when the proper amount of water is added, will produce a minimum
compressive strength of.eighteen hundred pounds per square inch after
seven days and a ;minimum compressive strength of three thousand pounds
per square inch after twenty -eight days when cured under field
3. Admixtures: Air Entraining Admixtures shall not be added to
concrete mixtures in the field without the approval of the Engineer.
If such approval is granted, the admixture shall conform to Section
11 -2, and shall be added in-the a -count and in the manner prescribed by
' ' 1
'Municipal Code-of Deerfiold, Ill. r
Specifications for Concrete Si dc�,�alks Page 2.
the manufacturer so that the air content of the concrete shall not be
less than three nor more than six percent.
1. Method: All concrete shall be mixed in a stationary batch
mixer or truck mixer unlens n nual mixing is authorized by the Engineer.
(a) If a stationary batch mixer is used the mixer drum shall
be of adequate size to accommodate the maximum batch and shall conform
to the Concrete Mixer Standards adopted by the Mixer Manufacturers
Bureau of the Associated General Contractors of America. The mixer
drum shall be rotated at the rate specified by its manufacturer. ,'hen
a stationary batch mixer is used for complete nixing, the,mini.milm
mixing time for mixers of one cubic yard capacity or less shall be oc:o
minute; for larger capacities of mixtures the mixing time shall be
increased at the rate of one - quarter minute for each additional cubic
yard or fraction thereof.
The mixing time shall begin when the correct proportions of
cement and aggregates are placed in the mixer. A portion of the water
shall be placed in the mixer in advance of the cement and aggregates.
The full amount of water required to produce a mix of the consistency
herein specified, shall be added to the cement and aggregates before
one - quarter of the mixing timne has elapsed. `she size of the batch
shall not exceed the maximura rated capacity as specified by the manu-
facturer of the mixer. The drum shell. be completely emptied before
receiving materiel for the succeeding batch.
(b) Truck mixers if used, shall bQ of the re•rolving drum
type. Yt1hen a truck mixer is used for mixing the nonuretc. the drum
shall be rotated at mixing speed for not less than fifty ncr more than
one - hundred revolutions after all of the ingredients of each baler are
placed in the drum. When a truck mixer is used for the complete nil.�nF
of the concrete, the :mixing operation shall begin within tiLirty minutes
after the cement has been intermingled with the aggregates. 'sale size
of the batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity az
shown on a metal rating plate which shall be attached in a prominent
place on the truck mixer. The drum shall be completely emptied before
receiving material for the succeeding batch.
. (c) The mixing time at stationary batch mixers may be reduced
to the minimum required (about thirty seconds) to intermingle the
ingredients when truck mixtures are used to deliver the mix to the site
of the work. 11hen this practice is followed each batch shall be
thoroughly mixed in the truck mixer by rotating the drum at mixing
speed for not less than fifty nor more than one hundred revolutions.
(d) If manual mixing is authorized by the Engineer, the
cement and aggregates shall be mixed dry on a water tight platform
until the mixture is of uniform color. The full amount of water
required shall then be added and the mixing continued until the mass
is of the consistency herein specified.
r .
• , 11unicip a 1 C ode of Jeer*field, I11. '
Specifications for Con.cr::tc Siae.ral�a Page 3'
2. Consistency: The aggregates, cement and water shall be
thoroughly mixed in accordance with these specifications to produce a
homogenous mass which can be deposited in the forms without separation.
The consistency of the mix'shall be such that the slump.shall not
exceed three inches.
3. Delivery: Concrete shall be delivered to the site of the
work with a satisfactory degree of uniformity alt the consistency
specified and shall be hauled in a water tight container in which
segregation will not take place and from which the concrete can be
discharged freely.
(a) Concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work and
discharged arom the hauling container within a. period of ninety minutes
after the introduction of the mixing water to the dry materials unless
otherwise specified by the Engineer.
(b) &lump tests of individual samples taken at approximately
the one - quarter end three- quarters points of the load during cl;.seha.rge
shall not differ by more than two inches.
4. Retempering: The retempering of mortar or concrete which has
partially hardRned, r•,il ;b or without additional materials or water, is
1. Sub - grade: The finished sub -grade shall have a transvorse
slope of not more than one -half inch per 1 %jt and shall be prepay &d. as
(a) All soft and spongy places shall be x•.m.oved and all
depressions filled with suitable material which shall be thoroughly
compacted in layers not exceeding six inches in thickness
(b) Vhen the concrete sidewalk is to be constructed -ver an
old path composed of gravel or cinders, the old path shall be emirely
loosened, the material spread for the full width of the sub -grade Z�.nd
thoroughly compacted. ,
(c) All fills shall be made in a manner satisfactory to the
Engineer. The use of muck, quicksand, soft clay, spongy or perishable
material is prohibited. The top of all fills shall extend beyond the
walk on each side for at least one foot, and the sides shall have a
slope of at least one or one and one -half to one.
2. Drainage: Suitable drainage systems shall be installed and
connected with sewers or other drains as indicated on the plans.
3. Sub -base: A sub -base may be required by the Engineer, if, in
his opinion, the soil in the sub -grade will swell or shrink with
changes in its moisture content to such an extent that the concrete mat
be damaged. If a sub -base is required, it shall consist of material
nici al Code of te e rfield Ill. Pau p Page' 4.
Specifications for Concrete Sidewalks
as hereinbefore specified, and shall be spread to a depth of at least
four inches, and thoroughly compacted. When a sub -base is spread on
fills, the side slope of the sub -base shall be the same as the side
slope of the fill. 16hile compacting the sub -base the material shall
be thoroughly wet, and shall be wet when the concrete is deposited but
shall shove no'-pools of water.
1. Size of slabs: The slabs shall have an area of not more than
one hundred square feet. Length of slab shall be equal to the width.
2.. Thicimess of '':'alk: Minimum thickness shall be four inches.
At driveway openings to dwellings, the minimum thickness of the walk
shall be not less than six inches. The minimum thickness of driveway
openings to alleys and commercial and industrial establishments shall
be not less than eight inches.
1. Materials: Forms shall be free from warp and of sufficient
strength to resist springing out of shape. All wood forms shall be
thoroughly wetted and metal forms oiled or coated with soft soap or
whitewash before depositing any material against them. All mortar and
dirt shall be removed from forms that have been previously used.
2. Setting: The forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to
the established lines and grades and their upper edges shall conform
to the established grade of the walk and shall be so aligned as to
provide a transverse slope toward the curb of one - quarter inch per
foot unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
1. Contraction Joints: Contraction joints shall be provided to
separate the slabs and shall be cut to a depth equal to at least one -
third of the total slab thickness.
2. Expansion Joints: A one -half inch expansion joint filled
with suitable material as specified in this article shall be provided
between all sidewalks and adjoining backs of curbs and between the
intersection of two sidewalks and between all sidewalks and adjoining
driveways. Sidewalks in business districts shall be separated from
abutting buildings by a similar joint.
1. Continuous Pouring: After mixing, the concrete shall be
handl ?d rapidly and the successive batches deposited in a continuous
operat ;on until individual sections are completed. Under no circum-
stances shall concrete that has partly hardened be-used. The forms
shall be filled and the concrete brought to the established grade_
• Municipal Code of Deerfield, 111. Page
Specifications for Concrete Side -�al4is g 5'
2. Cold !leather Pouring: Concrete shall not be deposited when
it appears likely that the air temperature may fall below 40 degrees
F. durin the pouring or within the following 24 hours unless prepa-
rations are made and precautions taken to prevent any damage to the
concrete resulting from the low temperature. t`then placing; concrete
in cold weather, the contractor shall plan and prosecute his work in
a manner which will assure satisfactory results. Any concrete
damaged by freezing shall be removed and replaced by the contractor
at his own expense.
Concrete when deposited in the forms shall have a temperature of
not less than 55 degrees F. nor more than 100 degrees F. The concrete
shall be maintained at not less than the minimum temperature of 55
degrees F. for at least seventy -two hours after placing, or longer if
necessary, until the concrete has thoroughly hardened. Concrete shall
not be deposited on a frozen foundation.
1. Method: After the concrete has been brought to the estab -.
lished grade by means of a strike - board, it shall be worked with a
steel trowel or wood float to give it a smooth, medium rough, or rough
surface, as directed by the Engineer. In no case shall dry cement or
a mixture of dry cement and sand be sprinkled on the surface to absorb
moisture or to hasten hardening. The type of finished surface required
by the Engineer shall be prepared as follows:
(a) Smooth Surface: The surface of the concrete shall be
troweled with a steel trowel to a smooth, even surface free from
depressions or irregularities of any kind. Excessive working of the
surface with the trowel shall be avoided.
(b) medium Rough Surface: The surface shall be floated with
a wooden float only, producing an even gritty finish. On wide side -
walks the finishing may be done with two applications of a canvas belt,
not less than six inches wide, and two feet longer than the width of
the sidewalk. For the first application, the belt shall be drawn a
.cross the surface with vigorous strokes at least twelve inches long,
and moved ahead very slightly with each stroke. The second applica-
tion shall be given immediately after the water glaze or sheen
disappears. The stroke of the belt shall be not more than four inches,
but the longitudinal motion shall be greater than during the first
(c) Rough Surface: The surface shall be floated with a
wooden float leveling all sags and producing; an even surface. After
being floated in this manner the roughening shall be done by slapping
the surface of the concrete with the face of the float. The float
shall be raised vertically from the concrete after each stroke.
2. Edges: Unless protected by metal, the surface edges of all
slabs shall be rounded to a radius of one -half inch. The edges of all
slabs which act as curbing shall be rounded to a radius of one. and
one -half inch.
Mlihici al Code of Deerfield Ill.
p ' Page 6.
Specifications for Concrc-ce S dev.!alks �'
3. Name Stamp: The contractor shall mark in the walk at each
end of every one hundred and fifty feet of walk or fraction thereof,
either by stamping or by inlaying an approved metal plate, his name
and year in which the walk-is constructed. The stamped letters shall
be one inch high and one - fourth inch deep. If a metal plate is used,
the top of the plate shall be flush with the top of the walk.
.1. Method: As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
prevent damage, the finished surface shall be sprinkled with water or
covered with sand or earth and, in either case, kept wet for at least
three days. When authorized by the Engineer, a chemical curing agent
may be used, provided it is applied in accordance with the manufactur-
er's specifications. When high early strength cement is used, the
minimum curing period shall be reduced to forty -eight hours. The
freshly finished surface shall be protected from hot sun and drying
winds until it can be sprinkled or covered as above specified. The
concrete surface must not be damaged or pitted by rain. The contract-
or shall provide and use, when necessary, sufficient tarpaulins to
completely cover all sections that have been placed within the
preceding twelve hours. The contractor shall erect and maintain
suitable barriers to protect the finished surface. Any section damaged
from traffic or other causes occurring prior to its official acceptance
shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his ovm expense in
a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The covering shall be removed
and disposed of by the contractor before the work is officially
accepted by the Engineer.
1. The Engineer may at his discretion, require the contractor to
submit representative samples of the materials he proposes to use
prior to delivery of the materials to the site of the work, and may,
during the progress of construction, take samples and make tests to
assure that the work is being performed in accordance with these
specifications. The contractor shall co- operate in the mating of such
tests to the extent of allowing free access to the work, for the
selection of samples.
2. All tests and samples shall be paid for by the contractor.
9.207 Alleys.) Where required, alleys shall be provided with a
right of way of twenty feet and a paved surface of sixteen feet. This
pavement shall be the equivalent of eight inches of gravel or crushed
stone and shall be held in place by metal or treated wood curbs.
The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected
and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield_, Lake and Cook
Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and correct copy
of Ordinance No. 0- 77 -34, entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE
IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ", passed by the Board of Trustees
and approved by the President of said Village at a regular meeting
thereof on the 16th day of May, 1977, and now in full force and effect,
all as appears on the records and files of my office.
Dated this 18th day of May, 1977.
Catherine B. Price
Village Clerk
i cover sheet
2 sidewalk repair
a t s
5c A, I '. 50,
--------- ------
-ryp ----olpt TYPICAL SE�Uf+'-4,1 "TTARU
Aom low—
TYPICAl 5ECT I CA,) 71-41- J
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