O-75-421, 1 ORDINANCE 0-75-42 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1975, AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1976, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois that: Section 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1975, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1976. BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -301 O1 Salaries 299,905 04 Part Time 37,570 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 18,000 College Tuition Reimbursement 3,000 06 Professional Services Medical Services 1,000 Consultant Services 8,000 Legal Services 44,000 07 Apparel 100 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense 3,500 Dues 1,250 Registration Fees 500 Training Expense 1,750 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 3,000 Advertising, Legals 1,100 Periodicals 100 13 Communications Postage 2,400 Telephone 5,600 Radio. Service 1,000 Administrative Department, Continued 14 Insurance 11,800 15 Contractual Services CBD Tree Planting 15,000 Copying & Duplication 7,000 Village Hall Remodeling 3,000 Northwest Quadrant Revitalization 4,000 Other 2,000 16 Utility Services 2,500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 2,200 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 1,800 23 Repairs and Maintenance 4,000 31 Supplies 10,000 51 Motor Vehicles 6,000 52 Equipment Collator 500 Mobile Partitions 700 Two Printing Calculators 400 Aerial Map 1,400 Portable Calculator 250 One Mobile Radio 450 Four Book Cases 700 I -D Camera 600 Four Files 800 Micro Fich. Reader 400 Slide Projector - Screen Camera 900 Two Desks 575 Three Chairs 450 Two Typewriters 1,200 Dictaphone- Transcriber 500 Credenza 375 53 Land Acquisition Rosemary Lot 5,393 Axel Petersen Property 4,952 54 Annex Remodeling - 71 Bond Principal - 72 Bond Interest - 81 Election Board 1,500 82 Advisory Boards 6,000 83 Dog Pound 5,000 99 Miscellaneous 3,000 537,120 -2- B. P POLICE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -351 through 355 O1 S Salaries 5 562,517 02 O Overtime 5 50,000 03 I Incentive 9 9,741 04 P Part Time 4 41,690 05 B Benefits Health and Hospitalization 4 43,554 06 P Professional Medical 3 3,400 R Records Study 3 3,000 07 A Apparel 1 10,449 11 T Travel and Dues Travel 2 2,000 D Dues 9 919 Training 7 7,50-0 1 12 P Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing 2 2,600 A Advertis ing 6 600 1 13 C Communications Postage 7 700 Radio Service 2 2,000 T Telephone 4 4,500 LEADS 2 2,900 14 I Insurance 1 16,897 15 C Contractual Services 7 7,000 2 21 M Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1 14,800 22 M Motor Vehicle Supplies 1 16,267 23 R Repairs and Maintenance T T, 850 31 S Supplies 8 8,400 51 M Motor Vehicles 1 18,030 52 E Equipment Chair 1 175, Filing Cabinet 3 350 Films 6 600 Manual Typewriter 2 250 Car Consoltrols 1 1,710 C Chair 1 150 Speed Guns 2 2,000 Filing Cabinet with Locks 1 185 Qonaar Burglar Alarm Attachments 4 400 Cover Custom Fit for Teletype Machine 470 Roof Antenna Mounted for Scanner in Radio Room 7 75 Portable Radio with Undercover Capabilities 9 900 Portable Flood Light for Crime Scene Search 8 80 Night Vision Equipment 5 5,000 Railroad Depot Camera 1 1,400 300,000 -3- Police Departmenj Continued - 61 Equipment Rental 82 Advisory 2,250 e 847,309 C. WATER DEPARTMENT Account No. 22 -452 through 454 O1 Salaries 64,905 02 Overtime 8,100 04 Part Time 5,500 0,5 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 4,080 06 Professional Services Medical 100 Consultant 1,510 07 Apparel Uniforms 300 11 Travel.-,and Dues Dues 75 Registration Fees 75 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 350 Advertising, legal 50 13 Communications Postage 1,400 Telephone 750 Radio Service 175 14 Insurance 3,335 15 Contractual Services 13,915 16 Utility Services 15,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,700 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 1,150 23 Repairs and Maintenance 6,000 31 Supplies 800 33 Chlorine 500 34 Aggregates 4,000 35 Materials 11,150 37 Water Purchases 320,000 51 Motor Vehicles - 52 Equipment 10,000 61 Equipment Rental 500 62 Occupancy 5,000 71 Bond Principal 25,000 72 Bond Interest. 21,325 99 'Misceilaneous' (Safety Fund) 1,250 530;895 300,000 -0'= -4- 326,986 -0- -5- D. SEWER DEPARTMENT Account No. 21 -441 through 444 O1 Salaries 150, 200-'? 02 Overtime 8,000 04 Part Time 3,500 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 10,200 06 Professional Services Medical 300 Consultant 1,400 07 Apparel Uniforms 500 Protective Gear 200 11 Travel and Dues Registration Fees 100 Training Expense 300 12 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing 100 Advertising, legal 100 13 Communications Postage 1,140 Telephone 300 14 Insurance 8,711 15 Contractual Services 34,400 16 Utility Services 20,500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 5,700 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 2,125 23 Repairs and Maintenance 11,100 31 Supplies 4,600 33 Chlorine 15,000 34 Aggregates 4,500 35 Materials 13,000 36 Street Signs 200 51 Motor Vehicles 10,500 52 Equipment 2,125 61 Equipment Rental 800 62 Occupancy 5,000 71 Bond Principal 10,000 72 Bond Interest 275 73 Bond Reserve 1,000 74 Depreciation 110 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 1,000 326,986 -0- -5- E. VILLAGE GARAGE Account No. 23 -741 O1 Salaries 27,700 02 Overtime 2,700 04 Part Time 200 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 1,632 06 Professional Services 50 07 Apparel 140 11 Travel and Dues 100 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 75 14 Insurance 664 15 Contractual Services - 16 Utility Services 1,400 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance - 23 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 31 Supplies 30,000 35 Materials 500 52 Equipment 1,500 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund), 500 Postage 69,661 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account No. 20 -411 O1 Salaries 94,500 02 Overtime 12 , 420 04 Part Time 8,350 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 6,121 06 Professional Services Medical 200 07 Apparel Uniforms 400 Foul Weather Gear 100 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense 200 Dues 400 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 1,000 Advertising, legal 200 Periodicals 100 13 Communications Postage 400 Radio Service 200 -0- 90,000 10,000 SPECIAL TAX FUJS - Street and Bridge - Continled 14 Ins ura nce 6,213 15 Contractual Services 11 Street Cleaning 500 13 Drainage Structures 4,000 15 Curb Replacement 2,000 31 Safety Walk 4,000 52 50/50 Sidewalk Replacement 4,000 Street Maintenance 9,000 Leaf Removal 1,000 Tree Removal 17,000 Tree Planting 2,000 16 Utility Services 17,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance Truck Maintenance 16,000 Street Sweeper Maintenance 3,600 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 4,800 23 Repairs and Mai ntenance 15,425 31 Supplies 1,250 32 Salt 13,000 34 Aggregates�� 23,700 20,000 35 Materials 17,175 36 Street Signs 5,000 51 Motor Vehicles - One Truck 15,000, 52 Equipment Salt Spreader - 61 Equipment Rental 1;100 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 1,000 308,354 120,000 B. CIVIL DEFENSE Account No. 13 11 Travel and Dues 250 13 Communications 300 15 Contractual Services 300 31 Supplies 500 52 Equipment Warning Sirens 15,000 5,000 16,350 5,000 -7- EXHIBIT I • SPECIAL TAX FUND - Continued ' C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 102,000 Prior Year's Deficit 2.10,000 122,000 D. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Yous Property Costs Principal and Interest, 1960 52,200 Principal and Interest, 1973 76,275 General Obligation - Sewage Treatment Plant Principal and Interest, 1973 120,087 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue 78,835 Principal and Interest 192,250 General Obligation - Land Acquisition 05 Principal and Ir#erest, 1974 126,875 Miscellaneous 200 567,887 E. POLICE PENSION FUND Village's Contribution 86,000 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 13,995 G. INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT -8- AMENDED 102,000 20;000 122,000 52,200 76,275 120,087 192,250 126,875 567,.6b7 56, 000. WE 3.,281 70,000 70,000 Yous Property Costs 3,281 H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account No. 60 -601 01 -1 Salaries, Professional 78,835 01 -2 Salaries, Non - Professional 76,402 05 Benefits 2,756 06 Professional Services 2,000 11 Travel and Dues 2,200 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 100 13 Communications 2,550 14 Insurance 2,492 15 Contractual Services 9,265 16 Utility Services 200 -8- AMENDED 102,000 20;000 122,000 52,200 76,275 120,087 192,250 126,875 567,.6b7 56, 000. WE 3.,281 70,000 70,000 SPECIAL TAX FUNDS - VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND - lontinued 23 Repairs and Maintenance 8,600 31 Supplies 10,000 40 Books 70,000 41 Periodicals 7,000 42 Audio - Visual 7,000 43 Binding 1,100 99 Miscellaneous 8,500 99 -A Computer Service 1,000 99 -B Working Cash Fund 10,000 300,000 ACCOUNT NUMBER 61 -601 61 Completion of Expansion 75,000 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 375,000 L. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND Village CPA Services 9,000 Library Audit 1,000 10,000 J. `r'MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS MFT Street Maintenance Program 88,000 Street Overlayment Program MET Contract Maintenance 15,000 Resurface the CBD portions of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads 50,000 Installation of Mid -Block Pedestrian Light on Wilmot Road, Between Hackberry and Wego Trail 18,000 Construction of Carriageway Bridge 60,000 Right of Way for Carriageway Bridge 20,000 Install Pedestrian Crossing Gates at North Side of Hazel Avenue Railroad Crossing, and Ancillary Sidewalk 11,000 Install Additional Traffic Signal Indication for Kenton on Deerfield -Kipling System 15,000 Reconstruct Commuter Parking Facilities at Railroad Station as a Federal Aid Urban Project 28,000 59,000 199,000 199,000 9,000 1,000 10,000 305,000 -0- K. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account No. 481 15 Contractual Service 62 Occupancy (Billing charge) 99 Miscellaneous C 432,000 5,000 1,000 438,000 250,000 250,000 -10- EXHIBIT II -11- SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES AMENDED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. Administrative Department 537,120 - B. Police Department 847,309 300,000 C. Water Department 530,895 - D. Sewer Department 326,986 - E. Village Garage 69,661 56,000 F. Sub Total $2,311,971 $300,000 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge 308,354 120,000 B. Civil Defense 16,350 5,000 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 12;2,000 122,000 D. Bond and Interest Fund 567,887 567,6$7 E. Police Pension Fund 86,000 56,000 F. Public Benefit Fund 13,995 - G. Installment Purchase Contract 3,281 3,281 H . Village Library Fund 375,000 199,000 I. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 10,000 10,000 J. Motor Fuel Tax Projects 305,000 - K. Scavenger Service 438,000 250,000 Sub .Total $2,245,867 $1 ;1332, -968 TOTAL $41557, 838 $1 , 332 ,968 ` TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $1,02,968 Section 2, That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1975, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 18th day of August 1975. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PROVED: rA ATTEST: tVILLAGE PRESIDENT VILLAGE CLERK � 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS ' _VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake.and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance - .entitled :'AN ORDINANCE-- _LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE,_CURRENT FISCAL-YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1975, AND,ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1976, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD.-LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ", passed by.the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on--the-18th day of August, 1975, all as appears on.the records and-files of my office. Dated this 19th day of August, 1975. Catherine B. Price _ Village -Clerk SEAL iC• a" rWindsor 5.5000 DEERFIEIDI I L L I N 0 1 S 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIEID, ILLINOIS 60015 September 5, 1975 Mr, Stanley.T. Kusper Jr. County Clerk of Cook County Chicago IL 60602 Dear Sir: Attached is a certified copy;of the.Ordinance levying taxes for the fiscal year 197.5 -76 for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk 4 VY • Windsor 5-5000 D E E R F I E L D I, I L L I N O I S 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 September 5, 1975 Grace Mary Stern County Clerk of Lake County Waukegan IL 60085 Dear Madam:.. Attached is a Certified Copy of the Ordinance levying taxes for the fiscal year 1975-76 for the Village of Deerfield, Lake anc Cook Counties,*Illinois. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk I 0 SENDER: Complete items 1 2# 2. Add your address fft the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. 1. The following service is requested (check one). ® Show to whom and date delivered ............ 150 Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 350 Fj DELIVER ONLY TO ADDRESSEE and show to whom and date delivered ............ 650 F1 DELIVER ONLY TO ADDRESSEE and show to whom, date, and address of delivery........... ... ........ . .. .. .... ................ 850 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Grace Mary Stern County Clerk of Lake County Waukegan IL 60085 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. i 206617 I . (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE �s >4. DAYE OF 'DELIVERY 'E POSTMARK a K 1 5. ADDRESS (�Cvomplete only if requesfikd) 9 �r 6. UNMLE 76 'ELIV R aEk E: CLERK'S z6 _, INITIALS t, GPO : 1974 0 - 527 -803 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT SENDER INSTRUCTIONS OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. • Complete items 1 and 2 on reverse side. • Moisten gummed ends and attach to back of article. RETURN TO 1W Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield IL 60015 F.�c u ta• 0 SENDER: Complete items 1 aj 2. Add your address # the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. 1. The following service is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered__- ; ------- 150 " Show to whom, date, & addr s� i)ivery_. 350 DELIVER ONLY TO ADhllt`SE and show to whom and date delivered ............ 650 E] DELIVER ONLY TO ADDRESSEE and show to whom, date, and address of delivery-------• ......... ............................... 850 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Stanley T. Kusper Jr. County Clerk of Cook County Chicago IL 60602 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. 1206616 (Always gfAaln signature of addressee or agent) I have rece' ed the a Me described a ve. SIGNAT r� 4. DATE OF DELI POSTMARK pj 5. ADDRESS (Complete only if requested) 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S INITIALS a GPO : 1974 0 - 517- 803 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL f3USIN�SS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE —1 TO°911MENT SENDER rt1LSh9ISTPO��S Print your name, address, d ZIP Code ' to space below — • Complete items 1 an on- averse side. • Moisten gummed ends and attach to back of article. RETURN TO '` Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield TL 60015 ti ago