O-75-13ORDINANCE NO. 0 -75 -13 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, MAY 1, 1975 TO APRIL 30, 1976 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year, beginning May 1, 1975 and ending April 30, 1976, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 3, 1975 for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 21, 1975, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was revised by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tenta- tive Annual Budget, as so revised, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of.Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of ONE: Deerfield beginning May 1, 1975 and ending April 30, 1976, as revised, a'copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect TWO: from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 21st day of April A.D., 1975 APPROVED this 21st day of April , A.D., 1975 .� i VILLAGE PRESIDEN ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK (1) The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. M Page 3 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELI) 1975 - 1976 BUDGET SUMMARIES Estimated Proposed Classification Revenues Expenditures_ General $1,3701,900 $12341,011 Scavenger 440,000 4382000 Street and Bridge 312,000 3032391 Sewer 332,200 3223,736 Water 549,500 5273137 Debt Service 571,687 567,887 $325762287 $3,500,162 Revenuesand Funds(1) Estimated Classification on Hand in Treasury Expenditures Municipal Audit Fund $ 10.000 $ 10,000 IMRF 102,000 1003,000 Civil Defense 18,000 161,350 Public Benefit 68,000 13,995 Special Tax 3,281 3,281 Motor Fuel Tax 367.000 347,000 Federal Revenue Sharing 158,000 -0- Police Pension Fund 86,000 86,000 Village Garage 67,500 67,681 (1) $ '879,781 $ 644,307 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS (1) $42456,068 $4,144,469 (1) The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. M Page 3 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT 1975 - 1976 Account 1975 -76 1974 -75. .Increase Perceni Number Description Proposed Budget (Decreased Change 10- 301.01 .02 .04 10- 301.05 .06 .07 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .21 .22 .23 .31 .51 .52 .53 .54 .71 .72 .81 .62 .83 .99 Salaries Benefits Professional Apparel Travel and Dues Printing, Advertising Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicles Equipment Land Acquisition Annex Remodeling Bonded Debt Interest Election Board Advisory Boards Dog Pound Miscellaneous Total Administration Per Capita Page 4 $325,285 $301,735 $232550 21,000 183138 2,862 531,000 452000 83,000 100 100 -0- 7,000 62500 500 43,200 3,400 800 93,000 9,000 -0- 111,800 5,,431 6,369 31,000 142250 162750 22500 2,000 500 2,200 12700 500 13,800 12600 200 4,000 4,000 -0- 10,000 8,500 1,500 6,000 4,275 1,725 10,200 9,516 684 10,345 10,345 -0- -0- 23,500. (22500) -0- 10,000 (10,000) -0- 300 (300) 1,500 32000 (12500) 6,000 81,200 (22200) 52000 5,000 -0- 3,000 2,500 500 199,645 $175,255 $24,390 $524,930 $4762990 $472-940 $27.41 $25.27 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD G DG - POLICE DEPAJENT OPERAIIN B U ET 1975 - 1976 Account Number Description 10- 351 -355 .01 .02 .03 .04 10 -351 -355 .05 .06 .07 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .21 .22 .23 .31 .51 .52 .82 Salaries Benefits Professional Apparel Travel, Training, Dues Printing, Advertising Communications Insurance Contractual Motor Vehicle Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicles Equipment Advisory Boards Total Police Per Capita 1975 -76 1974 -75 Increase Percent Proposed Budget (Decrease) Change $637,720 $614,236 $23,484 3.8 432554 37,784 51,770 15.3 3,400 331400 -0- - 8,449 8,349 100 1.2 10,419 10,419 -0- - 3,200 3,200 -0- - 10,100 102000 100 1.0 16,897 132833 3,064 22.2 7,000 7,000 -0- - 14,800 132000 1,800 13.9 16,267 13,000 3,267 25.1 1,850 4,050 (2,200) (54.3) 8,400 8,000 400 5.0 18,030 13,200 4,830 36.6 13,745 9,200 42545 49.4 -2,250 2,250 -0- - $1-TE-3,3-61 $156,685 $2-4;676- 15.8 $816,081 $770,921 $45,160 5.9 $42.62 $40.84 Fag e 5 r ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIL OPERATING BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1975 - 1976 Account 1975 -76 1974 -75 Increase Number Description Proposed Budget (Decrease) •:•.01 Salaries $3422504 $308,196 $342308 .02 .04 .05 Benefits 202401 19,296 1,105 .06 Professional 3,510 22875 635 .07 Apparel 1,500 12610 (110) .?_1 Travel and Dues 1,150 700 450 .12 Printing and Advertising 12900 1,375 525 .13 Communications 4,265 32400 865 .14 Insurance 1852.59 13,100 55159 .15 Contractual 91,815 765700 15,115 .16 Utility Services 522500 44,300 8,200 .21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 30,000 281,600 1,400 .22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 85075 42650 3,425 .23 Repairs and Maintenance 32,525 29,825 2,700 .31 Supplies 6,650 5,700 950 .32 Salt 13,000 125000 1,000 .33 Chlorine 15,500 8,400 .7,100 .34 Aggregates 325200 30,700 1'soo .35 Materials 41,325 372125 4,2.00 .36 Street Signs 53,200 55200 -0- .37 Purchase of Water 320,000 325,000 (5,000) .51 Motor Vehicles 2.51,500 21,000 4,500 .52 Equipment 12,125 39,500 (27,375) .61 Equipment Rental 22400 22200 200 .62 Occupancy 102000 -0- 10,000 .71 Bond Principal 35,000 35,000 -0- .72 Bond Interest 21,600 22,955 (1,355) .73 Bond Reserve 1,000 1,000 -0- .74 Depreciation 110 110 -0- .98 Contingency (Not Funded) -0- (30,000) -•0- .99 ,LIiscellaneous 3,250 4,000 (750) 810.5760 $7765321 $343,439 Total Per Capita Cost Pag e 6 $].:,153,264 $1,084,517 $68,747 $60.22 $57.45 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND Administration General 10 -301 Account Number Actual Budget Estimate Proposed and Classification 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 O1 Salaries $175,296 $259,090 $244,080 $286,997 02 Overtime 23,515 3,000 3,000 3,500 04 Part Time 16,977 39,645 32,400 342788 05 Benefits 8,903 18,138 13,000 21,000 06 Professional 453,508 453,000 42,000 53,000 07 Apparel 252 100 100 100 11 Travel and Dues 3,856 6,500 6,500 7,000 12 Printing, Advertising 4,055 3,400 3,700 4,200 13 Communications 6,904 9,000 82000 9,000 14 Insurance 32466 52431 102000 11,800 15 Contractual 5,153 143,250 16,000 31,000 16 Utility Services 966 22000 12000 22500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,003 1,700 22000 22200 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 593 13,600 12600 1,800 23 Repairs and Maintenance 5,402 4,000 3,500 4,000 31 Supplies 12,054 8,500 92000 101,000 51 Motor Vehicles 2,250 4,275 52000 61,000 52 Equipment 6,195 9,516 9,000 10,200 53 Land Acquisition 72610 10,345 .10,345 10,345 54 Annex Remodeling 112811 22500 2,000 -0- 71 Bonded Debt -- Principal 10,000 10,000 10,000 _ -0- 72 Interest 600 300. 300 -0- 81 Election Board -0- 3,000 3,000 1,500 82 Advisory Boards 806 8,200 6,000 6,000 83 Dog Pound 4,165 52000 4,500 5,000 99 Miscellaneous 12611 2,500 2,000 3,000 TOTAL $337,951 $476,990 $448,025 $5242930 Per Capita Cost $25.27 $27.41 Sec. - 1 Page 15 f EXPENDITURES ' DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF ALL FUPICTIONS Police Account Number Actual and Classification 1973 -74 O1 Salaries $451,954 02 Overtime 46,288 03 Incentive 8 Merit 5,551 04 Part Time 37,565 05 Benefits 16,921 06 Professional 762 07 Apparel 7,312 11 Travel, training, dues 11,723 12 Printing Advertising 813 13 Communications 8,896 14 Insurance 14,488 15 Contractual Services 5,761 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 20,344 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 9,518 23 Repairs 8 Maintenance 1,350 31 Supplies 9,851 51 Motor Vehicles 10,676 52 Equipment 4,666 82 Advisory Boards 1,272 TOTAL $665,711 98 Contingency (Not funded) Per Capita Cost FUND General Budget Estimate Proposed 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975,76 $528,264 $513,477 $543,354 43,000 44,363 42,935 8,672 6,083 9,741 34,300 31,817 41,690 37,784 26,975 43,554 3,400 3,125 3000 8,349 8,417 8,449 10,419 10,419 10,419 3,200 3,200 3,200 10,000 8,705 10,100 13,833 16,969 16,897 7,000 7,000 7,000 13,000 11,604 14,800 13,000 10,771 16,267 4,050 5;170 1,850 8,000 8,000 8,400 13,200 13,200 18,030 9,200 10,070 13,745 2,250 2,250 2,250 $770,921 $741,615 $816,081 10,000 $40.84 $42.62 0 Sec. - 2 Page 2 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS FUND Public Works Street Account Number Actual Budget Estimate Proposed and Classification 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 01 Salaries $ 69,300 $81,927 $7.9 -,622 $902457 02 Overtime 11,213 10,489 14,615 11,500 04 Part Time 6,873 7,700 4,332 8,350 05 Benefits 2,894 6,264 5,065 6,121 06 Professional 451 500 400 200 07 Apparel 379 500 500 500 11 Travel and Dues 182 200 600 600 12 Printing and Advertising 539 850 850 1,300 13 Communications 174 500 450 600 14 Insurance 4,754 5,000 4. 435 6,213 15 Contractual 475913 45,500 56,497 43,500 16 Utility Services 16,919 16,000 17,500 17,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 26,355 18,300 19,475 19,600 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 3,209 2,950 3_,725 4,800 23 Repairs and Maintenance 6,003 13,325 142088 15,425 31 Supplies 717 500 1,100 1,250 32 Salt 13,219 12,000 9,000 13,000 34 Aggregates 20,873 23,200 18,800 23,700 35 Materials 16,391 19,125 18,730 17,175 36 Street Signs 3,168 5,000 2,500 5,000 51 Motor Vehicles 19,698 11,000 11,000 15,000 52 Equipment 1,795 5,500 7,500 -0- 61 Equipment Rental 1,030. 1,100 800 1,100 62 Occupancy 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 99 Miscellaneous 321 1,000 1,000 11000 TOTAL $275,870 $288,430 $292,584 $303,391 98 Contingency (not funded) 10,000 Per Capita Cost $15.28 $15.84 Sec. - 3 Page 7 I I EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS FUND PubZic Works Server Account Number and Ctassication Actual 1973 -74 Budget 1974 -75 Estimate 1974 -75 Proposed 1975 -76 01 Salaries $100,366 $134,180 $113,000 $146,350 02 Overtime 10,819 11,000 11,900 7,600 04 Part Time 1,752 2,000 980 3,500 05 Benefits 4,116 9,332 5,700 10,200 06 Professional 246 1,275 12200 1,700 07 Apparel 611 810 810 700 11 Travel and Dues 272 400 400 400 12 Printing 135 225 200 200 13 Communications 916 900 1,200 1,440 14 Insurance 42378 51100 4,950 8,711 15 Contractual 11,829 17,000 142000 34,400 16 Utility Services 21,520 15,300 19,000 202500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 6,712 62500 9,300 5,700 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 1,292 800 1,725 2,125 23 Repairs and Maintenance 9,333 9,500 14,100 11,100 31 Supplies 3,838 4,500 3,250 4,600 33 Chlorine 8,771 8,000 15,200 15,000 34 Aggregates 2,432 4,500 2,200 4,500 35 Materials 141,712 8,000 1.6,700 13,000 36 Street Signs -0- 200 -0- 200 51 Motor Vehicles -0- 6,000 4,000 10,500 52 Equipment -0- 21,000 20,650 2,125 bl Equipment Rental 594 600 1,425 800 62 Occupancy -0- -0- -0- 5,000 71 Bond Principal 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 72 Bond Interest 700 415 415 275 73 Bond Reserve 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 74 Depreciation 110 110 110 110 99 Miscellaneous _ 937 2,000 2,000 1,000 TOTAL $217,391 $280,647 $275,415 $322,736 Per Capita Cost $14.:87 $16.85 Sec. - 4 Page 7 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS FUND Public Works Water r Account Number Actual Budget Estimate Proposed and Classification 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 01 Salaries $ 583,328 $ 49,400 $ 47,800 $ 61,747 02 Overtime 10,007 7,000 8,820 7,500 04 Part Time 1,603 4,500 1,800 5,500 05 Benefits 23,180 3,700 23,665 4,080 06 Professional 243 1,100 1,650 1,610 07 Apparel 223 300 300 300 11 Travel, Training, Dues 25 100 150 150 12 Printing, Advertising 165 300 400 400 13 Communication 923 2,000 1,300 2,225 14 Insurance 23,694 3,000 2,250 3,335 15 Contractual Services 13,795 14,200 14,200 13,915 16 Utility Services 11,776 13,000 14,000 15,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 5,345 3,800 4,000 4,700 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 794 900 11200 1,150 23 Repairs and Maintenance 6,939 7,000 5,000 6,000 31 Supplies 800 700 775 800 33 Chlorine 2,069 400 400 500 34 Aggregates 2,248 3,000 3,500 4,000 35 Materials 8,339 10,000 13,025 11,150 37 Purchase of Water 308,095 325,000 320,000 320,000 51 Motor Vehicles -0- 4,000 6,000 -0- 52 Equipment 9,402 13,000 9,500 10,000 61 Equipment Rental 595 500 1,000 500 62 Occupancy 5,000 -0- -0- 5,000 71 Bond Principal 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 72 Bond Interest 23,510 22,540 22,540 21,325 98 Contingency (not funded) -0- (20,000) -0- -0- 99 Miscellaneous 778 1,000 1,775 1,250 TOTAL $495,876 $515,440 $509,050 $527,137 Per Capita Cost $27.31 $27.53 Sec. - 5 Page 7 SCAVENGER SERVICE REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ActuaZ and Projected 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1974 -75* 1975 -76 1976 -77 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Refuse Billing $311,759 $2265849 $244,575 $210,000 $2251,000 $225,00 Penalties -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Property Tax Levy 2059331 220,000 2151,000 2302000 230,000 230,000 TOTAL REVENUE $5175090 $4469849 $4595575 $4405000 $4555000 $455,000 Expenditures: Salaries* 3,574 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Contractual Services 307,776 444,930 4203,000 432,000 435,000 435,000 s v� Other 59762 459 13,000 1,000 15000 19000 m • Interdepartmental bill Change 65000 23,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 o� TOTAL EXPENDITURES $323,112 $4475389 $4235000 $438,000 $4413,000 $441,000 ,b A �Q �. *No attempt is made to take into account the cost of living increase due the contractor September 1, 1975 or the new service January 1, 1976. EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND. Public Works Garage Garage 23 -471 Account Number 1973-74 1975 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 and Classification ActuaZ Budget Estimate Proposed 01 Salaries $19,587 $23,220 $25,000 $252920 02 Overtime 43,421 2,500 4,000 23,500 04 Part Time 368 -0- 250 200 05 Benefits 767 1,728 1,200 1,632 06 Professional 30 -0- 35 50 07 Apparel 186 140 140 140 11 Travel and Dues -0- 150. 100. 100 12 Printing and Advertising 6 75 -0- 75 14 Insurance 686 1,000 800 664 15 Contractual -0- 22000 2,700 -0- 16 Utility Services 13,206 900 1,200 1,400 23 Repairs and Maintenance 2,917 1,000 - 1,500 2,500 31 Supplies 19,162 26,000 30,000 30,000 35 Materials 254 500 250 500 52 Equipment 4,648 6,000 10,000 1,500 99 Safety Fund 367 500 200 _ 500 Per Capita Cost Sec. -7 Page 2 $54,605 $65,713 $77,375 $67,681 $3.48 $3.53 MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTED USAGE Projected Cash Balance 5/1 Estimated Motor Fuel Tax Receipts — �ntere*st— TOTALS Expenditures: MFT Street Maintenance Program Street Overlayment Program MFT Contract Maintenance Resurface the CBD portions of Deerfield and 1,;aukegan Roads Installation of Mjid -Block Pedestrian Light on Wilmot Road, Between Hackberry and Wego Trail Construction of Carriageway Bridge --Right of Way for Carriageway . Bridge Street Connection Between Carlisle and Carriageway Design and Construct Cul -de -sac at Forestway and Fairview Design and Construct a 5' Wide Portland Cement Sidewalk on Lake Cook Road (west side) from Wilmot Road to East Boundary Install Pedestrian Crossing Gates at North Side of Hazel Avenue Railroad Crossing, and Ancillary Sidewalk Install Additional Traffic Signal Indication for Kenton on Deerfield- Kipling System Reconstruct Commuter Parking Facilities at Railroad Station as a Federal Aid Urban Project Sec. - 8 Page 2 1975 -76 1976 -77 $150,000 $ 62,000 202,000 205,000 — 1-5,0-00 10, -000 $3672000 $277,000 1977 -78 $ 9,000 210,000 $219,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 15,000 402000 40,000 50,000 18,000 60,000 20,000 30,000 10,000 50,000 11,000 15,000 28,000 MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTED USAGE 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 Raze Buildings on Pierson Property and Prepare for Street Construction $ 5,000 Construct Park Avenue -Corinect,ion on ,Piefsoii - _ - ---- Property to Deerfield Road 45,000 Construct Hoffman Lane Relocation and buy right of way 45,000 (1) Reconstruct Deerfield Road Railroad Underpass 46,000 (2) YEAR TOTAL $3053,000 $268,000 $2195000 ENDING BALANCE $ 62,000 $ 9,000 -0- (1) Total amount of Hoffman Lane relocation and right of way is estimated at $325,000. The remaining amount must come from other funds. (2) The Village portion of the underpass is estimated at $375,000. The remaining amount must come.from other funds. Sec. - 8 Page 3 y P •o A try POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED N 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 Source ActuaZ Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected .�.. Property Tax Levy $42,698 $535750 $53,750 $60,000 $63,000 $65,000 Interest 235927 25,000 265000 26,000 303,000 33,000 TOTAL REVENUE $665625 $78,750 $793,750 $865000 $935000 $98,000 Pension $285546 $29,000 $255000 $255000 $272000 $28,000 Miscellaneous 25 250 25 250 250 250 Pension Fund Reserve 381,054 49,500 5443,725 60,750 65,750, 69;750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $663,625 $783,750 $793,750 $86,000 $93,000 $98,000 ILLINOIS. MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED Source 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 Actual Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected Property Tax Levy $622976 $932000 $93,000 Sewer Contr_.butions -0- -0- -0- Interest Income , 1,397 -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE $64,373 $93,000 $939000 Retirement Payments $712020 $905000 $90,000 $102,000 $105.9000 $1102000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $102,000 $1053,000 $110,000 $1002000 $1035000 $1052000 CAPITAL BUDGET - PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITIONi BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5000 TIME FRAME PROJECT 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS .1. Continuation of 50/50 + Street and Bridge Fund Safety Sidewalk Program 82000 2. MFT Street Maintenance Program 3. Street Overlayment Program MFT.Contract Maintenance 4. Continuation of Water System Improvements: Leak Survey Cathodic Protection Clean Elevated Storage Tank Hydrant Replacement Valve Re- packing and Repair Meter Testing and Replacement c� 6. �o i p 7. ca Insert Valve at Deerfield and Heather Resurface the CBD Portions of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads 88,000 15,000 5,000 615 2,000 3,500 5,000 11,000 3,000 50,000 Installation of Mid -Block Pedestrian Light on Wilmot Road, Between Hackberry and Wego Trail 18,000 Motor .Fuel Tax Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds- 5,000 5,000 5,000 59000 650 675 700 725 5,000 Water Department Funds Water Department Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds ti co n c CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS b CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 P ts� to AND TIME FRAME N PROJECT 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS 8. Rehabilitation of the Briarwood Vista Lake -Cook Sanitary Sewer 802000 9. Special Assessment #112 Street Improvements on Gordon Terrace 217,000 10. Construction of the Cranshire- Hampton- Deerpath Storm Sewer Improvements 11. Construction of Carriageway Bridge 12. Street Connection Between Carlisle and Carriageway 13.• Design and Construct Cul -de -sac at Forestway and Fairview 14. Design and Construct a 5' Wide Portland Cement Sidewalk on Lake Cook Road (west side) From Wilmot Road to East Boundary Right of Way 77,000 ffiliffirs 20)000* 30,000 10,000 50,000 Revenue Sharing Funds Special Assessment Funding Bond Issue Funds M.F.T. and Bleitz Funds Motor Fuel Tax Fur" Motor Fuel Tax Funds Motor Fuel Tax- .Funds CAPITAL BUDGET-PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 TIME FRAME PROJECT 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS 15. Renovation of Railroad Station as a Historic Building 72,000 16. Construct Commuter Parking Lot on Peterson and Favelli Properties 152,000 17. Expand and Improve Sewage Treatment Plant, East Lift Station and in Addition Renovate East and West Trunk Sewers 6,2472500 18. Install Pedestrian Crossing Gates at North Side of Hazel Avenue Railroad Crossing, and Ancillary Sidewalk 112000 19. Dutch Elm Program Sanitation Removal and Disposition of Dead Parkway Trees 15,000 20. Widening of Hazel Avenue at Waukegan Road 122000 21. Renovation of 1,200 feet of Sanitary Sewer on Osterman Avenue 152000 22. Joint Grouting of Sanitary Sewers to Reduce Infiltration 15,000 /mile Urban Mass Transit Funding State and Federal Grant (No Village Funds.Req.) 75% Federal Grant Funds 25% S.T.P. Bond Issue Funds State Crossing ,,.,. Protection Funds and MFT Street and Bridge Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds Sewer Department Funds (Only Upon Special Designation by Mayor and Board for Use of Special Sewer Funds) co n 0 R CAPITAL BUDGET - PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5000 TIME FRAME PROJECT 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS] `Q .4 23. Sewer Line Inspection by T.V. and Smoke 82000 Sewer Department Funds 24. Installation of 43 Trees in the Downtown Business District as a Bicentennial Project 153,000 25. Install Additional Traffic Signal Indication for Kenton on Deerfield- Kipling System 15,000 26. Reconstruct Commuter Parking Facilities at Railroad Station as a Federal Aid Urban Project 276,000 (10% Village Funding) 27. Raze Buildings on Pierson Property.and Prepare for Street Construction 5,000 28. Construct Park Avenue Connection on Pierson Property to Deerfield Road 45,000 General Fund .. Motor Fuel Tax Federal, State and Village MFT Fundana MFT or Street and Bridge Funds MFT 29. Install Civil Emergency Warning Sirens 182000 Civil Defense Funds CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $51000 TIME FRAME PROJECT 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS i30. Construct Hoffman Lane Relocation and Buy R.O.W. 325,000 Village Funds* � 31. Reconstruct Deerfield Road Village Funds* Railroad Underpass 22500,000 375,000 Lake County 1,750,000 Fed. Aid Urba 32. Additional Space for . Police Department *Motor Fuel Tax Funds allocation, $45,000; remainder of funds from'other Village sources. '*Motor Fuel Tax Funds allocation, $46,000; remainder of funds from other Village sources. ti c� n 0 b A w fo All sir FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING STATE AND LOCAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1972 Authorized Use of Funds 1. Ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses for: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Public Safety (including law enforcement, fire protect -ion- and— bu- lding -- code — enforcement) - - -- ---- Environmental protection (including sewage disposal, sanitation, and pollution abatement) Public transportation (including transit systems and street and roads) Health Recreation Libraries Social services for the poor or aged Financial administration 2. Ordinary and necessary capital expenditures authorized by law. The Village has to this point spent or obligated the following Revenue Sharing funds: 1. Right -of -way acquisition for Park Avenue Relocation -- $56,376. 2. Contribution toward the.purchase of a trauma unit by the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Prevention District-- $15,Od0. 3. Construction of Briarwood Vista-Lake-Cook Road sanitary sewer including engineering anticipated cost of $705000. i Sec. - 11 Page I 19.75 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 Projected Balance 5/1/75 $86,000^ Unobligated Estimated Receipts $72,000 $56,000 �x ^1. This envisions the obligation of $'70,000 for the construction and engineering of the Briarwood Vista - Lake -Cook Road sanitary sewer during the 1974 -75 fiscal year. * *2. The enabling legislation expires 12/31/76: The Village has to this point spent or obligated the following Revenue Sharing funds: 1. Right -of -way acquisition for Park Avenue Relocation -- $56,376. 2. Contribution toward the.purchase of a trauma unit by the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Prevention District-- $15,Od0. 3. Construction of Briarwood Vista-Lake-Cook Road sanitary sewer including engineering anticipated cost of $705000. i Sec. - 11 Page I DEBT SERVICE COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT (ActuaZ and Projected) TOTAL REVENUE $585,932 $433,268 EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest $5732020 Miscellaneous 200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $573,220 $430,268 200 $430,468 $575,456 $.564,456 200 $564,656 $571,687 $567,687 200 $567,887 $527,675 $523,675 200 $523,875 $533,663 $529,663 200 $529,863 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 ActuaZ Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $389,417 $430,268 $442,906 $567,687 ,$5239675 $5295663 Receipts from Other Funds 187,592 -0- 121,550 -0- -0- -0- Interest Earned 8,923 31000 113,000 41000 49000 43,000 TOTAL REVENUE $585,932 $433,268 EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest $5732020 Miscellaneous 200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $573,220 $430,268 200 $430,468 $575,456 $.564,456 200 $564,656 $571,687 $567,687 200 $567,887 $527,675 $523,675 200 $523,875 $533,663 $529,663 200 $529,863 PUBLIC BENEFIT COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT (Actual and Projected) EXPENDITURES: Contractual $9,032 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9,032. $13,615 $13,615 $10,840 $10,840 $13,995 $13,995 $13,926 $13,926 $13,275 $13,2„ 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 Actual Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected REVENUE: Property Taxes -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Rebates $3,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Interest 3,890 $35000 $3,500 $31,000 $3,000 $35000 TOTAL REVENUE $6,890 $33,000 $35500 $39000 $3,000 $31,000 EXPENDITURES: Contractual $9,032 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9,032. $13,615 $13,615 $10,840 $10,840 $13,995 $13,995 $13,926 $13,926 $13,275 $13,2„ MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT (Actual and Projected) 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 ActuaZ Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected.. REVENUE: Tax Levy $ 71923 $ 85500 EXPENDITURES: Contractual $ 85500 8,500 $ 85500 $ 10,000 $ 10,500 $-111000 92250 $ 102000 $ 10,500 $'11,000 j " . EXPENDITURES. FUNCTION Civil Defense Preparedness FUND Civil Defense 13 Account Number 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 and Classification Actual Budget Estimate Proposed 11 Travel,Training,Dues $ 148 $ 250 $ 200 $ 250 13 Communciations -0- 300 250 300 15 Contractual Services -0- 225 -0- 300 31 Supplies -0- 500 200 500 52 Equipment -0- 1,175 300 _ 15,000 Sec. -15 Page 2 $ 148 $ 22450 $ 950 $163,350 y fo f� SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT b A SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED N 1973 -74 1974 -75 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 19 77 -78 ActuaZ Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projectelf PROPERTY TAX LEVY EXPENDITURES $ 3,281 $ 35281 $ 32281 31281 32281 32281 $ 3,281 3,281 $ 3,281 3,281 $ 3,281 3,281 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (Not IncZuded in MunieipaZ Budget) EXPENDITURES Account Number 60 -601 Account Number and C1a8aification 1972 -73 AetuaZ 1973 -74 ActuaZ 1974 -75 Budget 1974 -75 8 months 1975 -76 Proposed 01 -1 Salaries, Professional $43,269 $45,194 $51,100 $33,963 $78,835 01 -2 Salaries, Non -pr fessional 5731070 64,131 72,162 43,320 76,402 05 Benefits 878 1,252 2,200 1,178 2,756 06 Professional Services 500 21000 211000 1,155 2,000 11 Travel, Training Dues 982 2,000 2,000 1,526 21200 12 Printing; and Adv rtising 304 700 1,500 38 100 13 Communications 1,988 3,300 3,200 1,559 2,550 14 Insurance 21305 5,000 42000 13,460 22492 15 Contractual Services 63,437 8,400 9,000 6,392 9,265 16 Utility Services 83 250 150 108 200 23 31 Repairs and Main�enance Supplies (librar ) 6,296 4,060 i 12,800 '; 5,000 11,400 83,000 4,358 6,859 8,600 40 Books 49,355 i 83,000. 83,000 49,202 10,000 701,000 41 Periodicals 3,784 4,805 6,000 4,059 42 Audio- Visual 3,660 31500 33,500 2,475 .7,000 71000 43 Binding 1,015 ,, 2,000 3,000 783 13,100 98 Contingency Fund 13,000 4,338 99 Miscellaneous 9,375 3,400 6,300 702 8,500 Computer Service - - 1,100 417 13,000 Working Cash Func 10,000 10,000 102000 '10,000 TOTALS $191,361 $257,732 $283,950 $169,554 $300,000 Account Number 61 -601 61 Completion of Expansion Completion-of Co struction 14,762 1,000 41900 49,000 53,000 75,000 TOTALS $14,762 $5,900 $543,000 $75,000