03/15/2004MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE March 15, 2004 The village board met at 9:12 p.m. as a committee of the whole in the conference room of the village hall following the regular board meeting on Monday, March 15, 2004. In attendance were: Villa a Board Steven Harris, Mayor Robert Benton, Trustee Jerry Kayne, Trustee Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee William Seiden, Trustee Vernon Swanson, Trustee Matthew Wylie, Trustee 2004-05 Proposed Bud et Staff Robert D. Franz, Village Manager John Sliozis, Chief of Police Barbara Little, Director of Public Works/Engineering Robert Fialkowski, Director of Finance Ellasion Phillips, Assistant Director of Finance Diane Mikula, Assistant to the Village Manager The purpose of the meeting was to review budget issues identified but not discussed in detail at the first budget meeting on March 8th. Bob Fialkowski summarized his March 12th memo on revised pages to the proposed budget and a possible capital project funding scenario for the next three years. This program would fund an estimated $13 million of projects from a variety of sources, including a $5 million bond issue in 2005, general reserves and existing capital project monies. A $5 million bond issue over a ten-year debt service schedule would require approximately $575,000 per year in principal and interest. Of the funding options available, there was support for a home rule sales tax in the amount of 0.50%. this would generate approximately $1.2 million in revenue. The board was also receptive to an increase in the property tax rate, which would bring the rate back to what it was in 2001. Discussion ensued on whether or not there should be a "sunset provision" on 0.25% of the sales tax whereby it would expire in five years unless extended by the board at that time. Some disagreed with the idea in that they felt that the sales tax should be fixed in order to reduce confusion on the part of retailers. They felt that the board has more flexibility with respect to the annual real estate tax levy. No consensus was reached on the matter. It was also agreed that commuter fees should be increased by $.50 per day. Staff was directed to prepare a report on the matter for board action as part of the new budget. Bob Fialkowski reviewed an updated projection of revenues and expenditures for the Village Center TIF District. This budget includes the village hall expansion project that would relocate the department of community development into the main building. An amount of $2 million is budgeted, but it is only an estimate at this point. The board agreed to begin planning for this project recognizing that work may have to be delayed until after the township vacates the annex. The board revisited staff s request to fill the two sewer division positions which were intentionally left vacant in the current budget. After discussing the matter, it was agreed that the maintenance position in sewer operations should be filled but the treatment plant position should remain vacant and reconsidered after the study of that facility is completed. Committee of the Whole March 15, 2004 Page 2 The board discussed the capital item proposing a remote meter reading system at a cost of $125,000. After reviewing it, the board elected to remove it from the budget. Entertainment events in the downtown were discussed. Last year, the village committed $10,000 to the Thursday night concerts in Deerfield Square. It is unknown if CRM Properties will continue the events this summer. The board was inclined to contribute to them and to promotional events elsewhere in the village center provided the owners are willing to share costs. It was agreed that the board would meet in executive session following the April 7th meeting to discuss personnel issues. The public hearing on the budget is scheduled at the April 19th village board meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Franz,