March 8, 2004
The village board met as a committee of the whole in the conference room of the village hall at 7:30
p.m. on Monday, March 8, 2004. In attendance were:
Village Board
Robert Benton, Trustee
Jerry Kayne, Trustee
Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee
William Seiden, Trustee
Vernon Swanson, Trustee
Matthew Wylie, Trustee
2004-05 Proposed Budget
Robert D. Franz, Village Manager
John Sliozis, Chief of Police
Barbara Little, Director of Public Works/Engineering
Robert Fialkowski, Director of Finance
Diane Mikula, Assistant to the Village Manager
Ellasion Phillips, Assistant Director of Finance
Rick Wilk, Deputy Chief
Bob Franz opened the meeting with brief remarks regarding the overall budget indicating that, with
few exceptions, it continues the current programs and service levels. Bob Fialkowski then described in
detail the projected revenues for each of the funds noting that a 3% increase is projected in sales tax,
but decreases are expected in the hotel room tax, state income tax and in interest earnings. A major
initiative with the budget proposed by staff is a 0.25% home rule sales tax. As part of this
recommendation, staff is proposing elimination of the vehicle license fees which would result in a net
gain of $277,000 per year.
The 2004 Real Estate Tax Levy is projected at $2,467,000, aproposed 3.2% increase from current
year. It was noted that there would be no debt service component to the levy due to the retirement of
the 2002 bond issue.
The board reviewed the fee and tax survey compiled by staff comparing Deerfield to neighboring
communities. Also, briefly discussed was a report recommending increases in various building and
zoning fees. There was agreement that commuter parking fees should be raised with a suggested
increase of $.50 per day. There was no support from the board for eliminating the vehicle sticker fee,
whether a Home Rule Sales Tax was adopted or not.
Total operating expenses for the General Corporate Fund are proposed at $11.7 million. There will be
no increase in personnel. The department of community development would like to add an inspector,
but must wait until the space needs in the annex building are addressed. The police department budget
is proposed at just under a 2% increase over current year. The department is currently at full strength —
40 sworn and 15 civilian full-time positions.
Bob Fialkowski noted decreases in the water and sewer budgets made since the proposed budget was
submitted to the board. The water fund reflects a rate increase from Highland Park to be effective on
May I". Staff proposes filling the two authorized positions in the sewer department that were left
vacant last year. The board discussed the matter; but no decision was made.
Considerable time was spent on the capital budget with the board reviewing each project scheduled for
the next fiscal year. Staff noted that, while the Infrastructure Replacement Fund is currently healthy,
major street/utility projects like Stratford, Rosemary and Crabtree cannot proceed without a bond issue
Committee of the Whole
March S, 2004
Page 2
to finance them. The board was inclined to agree and directed staff to develop for further review a
plan for financing them with alternative funding sources. It was noted that some of the utility work
would involve service lines on private property. Rights to access the property and residents'
contributions to that portion of the work must also be resolved as part of the overall project plan.
There was discussion about the village hall expansion to accommodate the department of community
development. It was recommended that $100,000 be budgeted from TIF II to begin planning that
project, recognizing that comprehensive plan issues must be resolved before any design work can be
Diane Mikula reported on Cable & Telecommunications Commission discussions regarding cellular
antennas on the water tower, which would serve as a new revenue source to the village. There were no
objections from the board on pursuing the matter.
Trustee Wylie advised the board that at the next board meeting he. intends to propose that the village
offer to make up the shortfall (not to exceed $40,000) in fundraising efforts to erect lights at the
Deerfield High School football stadium. Some board members expressed concern with the proposal.
It was agreed that the board would meet again on -the budget following the March 15`h regular meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
N , J
Rob D. Franz, Village Manager