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06/25/2002MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE June 25, 2002 The Village Board met as a Committee of the Whole in the board room of the Village Hall at 7:36 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15, 2002. In attendance were: Steven Harris, Mayor Robert D. Franz, Village Manager Jerry Kayne, Trustee Robert Fialkowski, Finance Director Derek Ragona, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works/Engineering Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Jeff Ryckaert, Principal Planner Bill Seiden, Trustee Diane Mikula, Assistant to Village Manager Matt Wylie, Trustee Cable System Transfer and Settlement Jesse Rotman, Chairman of the Cable & Telecommunications Commission, summarized his June 2e memo to the Village Board wherein he reported that the commission believes it has negotiated an agreement with AT&T regarding its merger with Comcast and resolution of franchise violations. The settlement would involve a cash contribution from AT&T and several pieces of communication equipment to be distributed to various government and institutional units within the community. It was noted that a side letter which had been mailed to AT&T was not distributed to the board. Copies were made and the board was given the letter that evening. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to place the merger/settlement matter on the July 1't Village Board agenda. AT&T is expected to confirm their end of the settlement prior to that date. Future Role of the VCDC Mayor Harris acknowledged and thanked several members of the Village Center Development Commission who were in attendance. He then asked Trustee Kayne to restate his proposal regarding the future of the VCDC. Trustee Kayne commented that he had raised the possibility of disbanding the VCDC because he felt that there were overlapping commissions making it difficult for business owners within the Village Center. He believes that the local merchants should have input in the VCDC objectives and that alliances should be formed between the groups. Discussion ensued about procedures that must be followed by all petitioners and the role of various boards and commissions. Some trustees welcomed the redundancy in that more input is beneficial even if one commission disagrees with another. Others preferred streamlining the process if possible to arrive at a consensus on objectives shared by the Village Board and its boards and commissions. Several comments were made and questions asked by those in attendance. The majority of the board made it clear that they believed the VCDC serves a valid purpose and wanted that commission to continue its function in reviewing and commenting on all matters pertaining to the Village Center. However, Mayor Harris directed staff to develop a matrix in hopes of clarifying both the petition process and the role of the various board and commissions in dealing with those petitions. Board and Commission Duties and Responsibilities Trustee Rosenthal raised concerns about appointments to various task forces and the need for board involvement and direction when such committees are established. She cited the recent Safety Council minutes wherein it noted that members of a Walkable Community Task Force intended to hold a meeting at Starbucks on Sunday morning. She emphasized that the Village Board ultimately is responsible for any final decisions resulting from board and commission activities and, therefore, it should sanction the formation of these groups before they undertake any tasks. Y Committee of the Whole Minutes June 25, 2002 Page 2 There was difference of opinion on whether perspective task force members should be contacted before or after the Village Board agrees to appoint them. There was agreement, however, that better communications between the board and its various boards and commissions would be beneficial in giving these groups a sense of direction. The manager reported that, in response to Trustee Kayne's concern with Plan Commission quorum problems, only one meeting had been cancelled in the past year due to lack of a quorum. Several meetings had been cancelled, but they were at the petitioners' request. Also, the Energy Advisory & Resource Recovery Commission wishes to change its name to Energy & Recycling Commission. To do so requires an amendment to the Deerfield Municipal Code. Their request will be on the July I' agenda. Geographical Information System This project was discussed by the board at an earlier committee of the whole meeting. Since then, Trustee Ragona submitted a memo raising questions about staff s GIS plans. He summarized his concerns, which dealt primarily with the financial commitment to be undertaken by the village. In response, Finance Director Bob Fialkowski commented that staff understood that there are other significant technology components that either exist or will need to be upgraded in the future, and that the needs analysis did not address these. There is a functional system in place in the police department, but finance and community development would need to acquire new information packages that would be substantial in cost but would have to be compatible with the GIS. The needs analysis for the GIS did present the fiscal requirements for this system and this amount was provided for in the current budget. Public works would be the primary recipient of the benefits of the GIS. The requests of the other departments for their specific data processing needs will be presented as part of future budgets, along with a plan for funding these requests. After further discussion, it was agreed that the contract between the Village and Municipal GIS Partners will be placed on the July I" Village Board agenda. Lake Cook Road Improvements The board was asked if it had any follow-up questions regarding Lake Cook Road construction plans proposed by the Cook County Highway Department as described by them in a committee of the whole meeting held on June 1 Oth. At that time, they asked the village for a position on the scope of the project as it relates to how far west of Waukegan Road should Lake Cook Road be widened. The alternatives are: Waukegan Road to the railroad bridge; Waukegan Road to Deer Lake Road; Waukegan Road to Pfingsten Road. Board consensus was that, given the need to improve several intersections and the relatively short distance between them, the improvements should include the entire section between Waukegan Road and Pfingsten Road. Staff was directed to prepare a report on the matter and to draft a letter stating village support for the project. Final action would be taken at the July 1st Village Board meeting The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Rob rt D. Franz, Village M er