06/10/2002MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE June 10, 2002 The Village Board met as a Committee of the Whole in the board room of the Village Hall at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2002. In attendance were: Steven Harris, Mayor Robert D. Franz, Village Manager Jerry Kayne, Trustee John Sliozis, Chief of Police Derek Ragona, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works/Engineering Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Representatives of the Cook County Highway Department Bill Seiden, Trustee Bill Baltutis, Executive Director, TMA of Lake Cook Corridor Vernon Swanson, Trustee Lake Cook Road Intersection Improvements Wally Kos, Superintendent of the Cook County Highway Department, provided background information on the various studies and plans for improving Lake Cook Road within the corporate limits of Deerfield. He stated that his department has tried to work with the Village in its opposition to widening the road to six lanes. Instead, it has focused on intersection improvements at key locations along that route. The County is using 2020 traffic projections in planning these improvements. Since the last meeting with the Village Board in February 2001, the County has revised its plans to lessen the right-of-way impact on various businesses within the area. They asked for this meeting with the Board in order to show the proposed improvements, to get input from the Village and to begin formulating a plan for implementation. The County's engineering consultant, McDonough Associates Inc., presented findings on the following intersections: Wilmot Road • Six through lanes and dual left turn lanes (eastbound) are warranted on Lake Cook Road. • Eliminate the south leg (business campus access) which would substantially reduce the improvement needs on the north leg due to increased efficiency of the traffic signal. Essentially, the existing north roadway footprint could be retained and reconfigured to provide two receiving lanes and southbound left turn lane/right turn lane. Minor right-of-way would be needed at the intersection corners for improved radii. • Business campus access: Existing right -in access west of Wilmot would be maintained and enhanced to better facilitate internal circulation_ Outbound traffic would be redistributed to Huehl Road where a new traffic signal is proposed. Huehl Road • Existing traffic volumes do not warrant a traffic signal. • Closing south leg at Wilmot Road and redistributing traffic to Huehl Road will result in a signal being warranted. • South leg would need to be reconfigured to provide dual (outbound) left turn lanes. • Site circulation (business campus) would require reconfiguration due to proximity of internal intersection to Lake Cook Road. • Outbound access would need to ensure no through movement into residential area to the north. Committee of the Whole June 10, 2002 Page Two • Existing four lanes on Lake Cook Road at this location are sufficient for year 2020 traffic. • Interim improvement (install signal, reconfigure south leg for dual left/single right turn lanes) would be done with Wilmot Road intersection improvements. Pine Street • Existing geometry sufficient for year 2020 traffic. Consider need for left turn lane extension (westbound). Pfingsten Road • No improvements planned. Deer Lake Road • Existing geometry sufficient for year 2020 traffic. • Evaluate site circulation improvement needs for south leg. • Confirm need for eastbound/westbound right turn lanes with ultimate six lane cross-section. • Ultimate six lane improvement would include symmetrical widening. Lake Cook Plaza • Due to its proximity to Waukegan Road, this intersection would be improved as part of Waukegan Road/Lake Cook Road intersection (see below). Waukegan Road • Intersection requires immediate improvement. • Six lanes with left/right turn lanes proposed on Lake Cook Road. Widening on Lake Cook Road offset to the south to avoid parking impacts to the small strip commercial properties to the north between Lake Cook Plaza entrance and Waukegan Road. • Six lanes would extend one block east of Waukegan Road and then transition back to existing. • Median would be barrier. U-turns allowed at proposed median openings. • Right-of-way/parking impacts along north frontage of Lake Cook Plaza and north frontage of Borders Books. Borders Books parking can be reconfigured and proposed improvement will result in no net parking losses. Restaurant parking in southwest corner would lose a net 25 spaces after reconfiguration, but ample parking is available in the large shopping plaza parking lot. • Waukegan Road proposed four lanes with dual left turn lanes. • Northbound and southbound right turn lanes have been eliminated to minimize impact to gas station in northwest corner and parking losses for Borders Books (southeast corner). Median will be barrier adjacent to dual left turn lanes. • Waukegan Road, south leg, existing full access (Borders Books) restricted access (Deerbrook Mall) just south of Lake Cook Road is proposed to be restricted to right-in/right-out to accommodate dual northbound left turn lane storage tapers. Reconfigure existing access points and construct new access south of this location, including signalization to mitigate impacts. • Intersection lighting at Lake Cook Road/Waukegan Road will be included. Wally Kos advised that, due to the need to acquire ROW, construction would not begin until 2005. The County does not have quick -take powers, so the acquisition process takes considerable time. Committee of the Whole June 10, 2002 Page Three The Board showed particular interest in the improvements at Waukegan and Lake Cook Roads given the traffic congestion there now and additional cars projected when The Great Indoors opens next year. The County is not planning right -turn lanes for Waukegan Road traffic since it would dramatically impact the businesses on the northwest and southwest corners. Consequently, the intersection will not operate any better at rush hour after the improvements are completed. However, traffic is expected to flow better during non -peak hours. When asked what improvements were needed for the intersection to operate under acceptable conditions at all time, the Board was advised that a grade separation would be necessary. That level of improvement would require a large amount of ROW and cut off access to many businesses in the area. In addition to the Wilmot Road/Huehl Road project, the County asked the Village to comment over the next thirty days on the extent of the improvements they would like the County to pursue. The options are from Waukegan Road west to: ➢ The railroad bridge ➢ Deer Lake Road ➢ Pfingsten Road It was noted that improvements would have minimal impact on residential areas in that the curb line on the north side of Lake Cook Road would not be altered in those locations. All improvements would be to the south. The Board thanked the County for their thorough presentation and indicated that they would take a position on the proposed improvements in the near future. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Rob D. Franz, Village Mana er