01/25/2010Page 1 of 2
January 25, 2010
The Village Board met in the Board Room of the Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January
25, 2010. In attendance were:
Village Board Staff
Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor Kent Street, Village Manager
Robert Benton, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works & Engineering
Alan Farkas, Trustee Robert Fialkowski, Director of Finance
Thomas Jester, Trustee John Sliozis, Police Chief
Mary Oppenheim, Trustee Robert Phillips, Asst. Village Engineer
William Seiden, Trustee John Guccione, Engineering Inspector
Brad Fink, Asst. Director of Public Works
Absent Dan Busscher, Superintendent of Public Works
Barbara Struthers, Trustee Frank Cisek, WRF Superintendent
Capital Project Overview
Ms. Little introduced Bob Phillips who presented a power point presentation on the proposed
2010-11 Capital Improvement Plan. Tools to evaluate conditions and develop the proposal were
described including the water main replacement study and the infrastructure management system
used for roadway conditions. The impact of $3 and $5 million in annual roadway funding for
three years was presented. It was noted that there was not much difference in the rating outcome
for the additional $6 million invested over 3 years in the $5 million/year program.
Repairs for the Central and Juniper bridges through the federal cost sharing (80% federal)
program are being designed now for construction in FY 2010-11. Carriage Way and Carlisle
Avenue infrastructure and pavement rehabilitation projects are designed and ready to go to bid if
The bid climate was discussed as several Village and neighboring community projects have
come in well below engineer’s cost estimates. Mr. Phillips concluded the report highlighting the
investments over the last five years, resulting in 5.5 miles of water main (6%) being replaced and
15.4 miles of streets (24%) repaired. Staff will develop a recommended CIP and funding options
for further consideration by the Board.
Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration Study (RJN Consultants)
Catherine Morley and Karol Giokas from RJN Consulting Engineers reviewed a power point
presentation on the Sanitary I/I study to date. Smoke testing and manhole inspections have been
completed for the North East Quadrant along with those serving Waukegan Road in conjunction
with IDOT’s overlay project of last year.
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Data collected from the study is being incorporated into the Village’s GIS system for accuracy
and consistency. Approximately 40% of the storm water getting into the sanitary system is from
identified sources. The number would be higher if the Village had not completed a downspout
disconnection program in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Village staff is presently reviewing
modifications to the municipal code to clarify the responsibility of property owners to minimize
storm water connections to the sanitary sewer system. A follow up report on recommended
action steps will be presented in the next few months once additional analysis is performed.
Deerfield Road Rail Road Pedestrian Underpass Project Update
Mr. Phillips presented a power point presentation prepared by the Village’s engineering
consultant McDonough Associates on the proposed pedestrian underpass of the railroad along
the south side of Deerfield Road. Ms. Little noted that a supplemental funding request has been
forwarded to CMAQ as Metra now requires a jacking construction method adding approximately
$700,000 and fiber-optic lines need to be relocated adding approximately $500,000 to the
project. Anticipated for 80% federal funding, this 5 month construction project could take place
in 2010 if all necessary approvals are granted. The ARC is being asked for an advisory review
of certain elements of the design as well.
Deerfield Road Safety Sidewalk – Rosemary east to Village Limits
Ms. Little reported that IDOT has yet to approve of documents necessary for the land acquisition
in keeping with federal requirements. As a result, the project, if all approvals are received, will
likely be constructed in 2011. Splitting the project into phases was discussed, but not seen as
advantageous enough to pursue. This project also has been approved for an 80% federal cost
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. following unanimous approval of the motion to adjourn
made by Trustee Oppenheim and a second by Trustee Farkas.
Minutes prepared by:
KENT S. STREET, Village Manager