March 22, 2007
The village board met in the conference room of the village hall at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March
22, 2007. In attendance were:
Village Board Staff
Robert Benton, Trustee Robert D. Franz, Village Manager
Michelle Feldman, Trustee* Robert Fialkowski, Director of Finance
Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works and Engineering
William Seiden, Trustee
Barbara Struthers, Trustee
*arrived at 7:25 p.m.
2007-08 BUDGET
Bob Fialkowski reviewed with the board a summary of the major projects for fiscal year 2008
and plans to finance them as discussed at the previous budget meeting. The board again
acknowledged that the Capital Improvement Program is rather ambitious but necessary to
address our infrastructure needs.
The board was updated on efforts to evaluate the Lake Cook Road 36” Force Main (North Shore
Sanitary owned line), and briefly discussed the options for relocating the sidewalk alon g the
south side of Deerfield Road between Rosemary and Deerfield’s eastern limits. It was agreed
that as much parkway as possible should be created to separate pedestrians from vehicular
traffic. This may result in an uneven parkway width, depending on the physical impediments
along the route.
A wage adjustment of 3.25% is planned, with no changes in fringe benefits. Although seriously
considered, staff is not recommending a full time forester. The experience with Urban Forest
Management has been favorable and cost effective. The board agreed to continue with that
Several specific projects were discussed:
• New cemetery fence estimated at $30,000. The Cemetery Association is looking at options
for a maintenance free ornamental aluminum fence.
• Public works garage interior improvement budgeted at $150,000. This work is needed to
create office space, within the existing square footage, to accommodate the additional
engineering and administrative staff added over the past several months. Trustee Feldman
questioned the need for this work, citing the expanded village hall as an option. Staff
emphasized the importance of maintaining public works and engineering in one building.
• Some animal control services will be shifted to the police department due to Jim Creighton’s
retirement in public works. Community Service officers will respond to animal-at-large
calls, while public works will continue to pick up dead animals. This will require retaining a
vehicle that would otherwise be traded in.
• Deerfield/Chestnut Entrance Feature. Staff recommended, and the board agreed, to defer the
northeast corner landscaping/retaining wall improvements ($40,000) to see if the changes
made last fall and spring plantings are acceptable to the board.
• Viaduct Warning Device. The board directed staff to study/design a warning system at a cost
of $10,000. Based on those findings, they will decide on whether to proceed with this
• Pedestrian Tunnel adjacent to Deerfield Road viaduct. The village has received preliminary
approval of a grant for tunnels adjacent to Deerfield Road. It was agreed that the project
should proceed to the next step, but no commitment made on the local share until more
details are known.
• Acts of Kindness Project. The board is not inclined to continue funding for consultant
services for the Community Relations Commission’s Acts of Kindness Project. They would
like to see the program continue, but through volunteer efforts.
• Deerfield Road Refuge Island. The possibility of removing the pedestrian island west of
Jonquil was discussed briefly, with the majority of those in attendance expressing support to
remove it.
The board agreed to meet in Executive Session following the April 4th board meeting to discuss
personnel matters relating to the 2007-08 budget.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
ROBERT D. FRANZ, Village Manager