March 20, 2006
The village board met at 9:20 p.m. in the conference room of the village hall on
Monday, March 20, 2006.
Village Board Staff
Bob Benton, Trustee Robert D. Franz, Village Manager
Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Robert Fialkowski, Finance Director
Michelle Feldman, Trustee Philip Kiraly, Asst. to the Village Manager
William Seiden, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works and
Matthew Wylie, Trustee Engineering
Bob Fialkowski distributed updated material reflecting changes since the last meeting on
March 20th. The board discussed the revised budget showing the General Fund transfers
of $3,400,000 to the Sewer and Infrastructure Replacement Funds for capital
expenditures in those funds. The proposed levy of $3,644,400 was also discussed. The
increases in the Refuse Fund ($171,000 or 21%) and General Fund ($79,400 or 4%) were
presented as providing revenues to offset increases in operating expenditures, especially
in the Refuse Fund, where the cost increase was due to the new hauling contract. An
alternative funding for this fund by raising user fees did not receive a positive response.
There was a consensus that an increase in the 2006 levy was not necessary due to the
fund balance available in the General Fund and that the additional funding for the
Infrastructure Fund could come from a further transfer from the General Fund. The
board indicated that the levy should be increased next year if the revenues do not
continue to grow at the same pace as they have for the past two years.
There was discussion regarding establishing a firm policy on fund balances. No specific
conclusions were drawn, but all agreed that healthy reserves are needed for unanticipated
projects and to maintain our Aaa Bond Rating.
The board authorized a 3.75% wage adjustment to non-union personnel. This matches
the amount authorized to patrol officers in their current union contract.
There was brief discussion regarding adding personnel in the public works department.
However, it was agreed to postpone any actual additions pending a decision by the
Illinois Labor Relations Board on the status of certain foremen within the department.
Committee of the Whole
March 20, 2006
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The board did authorize upgrading the position of public works clerk typist from part-
time (25 hrs.) to full time. The budget will be presented at a public hearing at the April
3rd board meeting. Ordinances relating to it will have first reading, and final approval
will occur on April 17th.
The board reviewed a report from its engineering consultant, V3, regarding the Stratford
Road street and utility project undertaken last summer. The contract was awarded in
March 2005 in the amount of $1,678,414.48. The total change orders amount to
$123,266.67. However, an engineering error, which V3 is willing to rectify, will result in
a reduction of $16,420, bringing the total adjustment in the contract to 6.4% over the
original contract.
After brief discussion, it was agreed to place this item on the April 3, 2006 agenda. V3
representatives will be present to answer questions.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
ROBERT D. FRANZ, Village Manager