O-74-27ORDINANCE 0- 74 --2t AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CAIR ORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1974, AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1975, FOR THE. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD- LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as maybe authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1974, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1975. I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account -No. 10 -301 01 Salaries 04 Part Time 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization College Tuition Reimbursement 06 Professional Services Medical Services Consultant Services Legal Services 07 Apparel 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense Dues Registration Fees Training Expense 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing Advertising,, Legals Periodicals 13 Communications Postage Telephone Radio Service 14 Insurance 15 Contractual, Services 16 Utility Services 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 23 Repairs and Maintenance 31 Supplies 51 Motor Vehicles 52 Equipment - Miscellaneous BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 2620090' 39,645 15,000. 3,138 1,500 3,500 40,000 100 3,500 1,000 500 1,500 21500 800 100 2,400 5,600 1,000 5,431 149250 2,000 1,700 1,600 4,000 8,500 4,275 250 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -351 through 355 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 03 Incentive 04 Part Time 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 06 Professional Medical 07 Apparel 11 Travel and. Dues Travel Dues Training 12, Prin'ting, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing Advertising 13 Communications Postage Radio Service Telephone LEADS -2- 1,500 450 150 1,000 500 350 250 850 576 800 1,020 395 525 900 5,393 4,952 2,500 10,000 300 39000 8,200 5,000 2, 500' 476,990 521,597 43,000 8,672 34,300 37,520 3,400 8,349 2,000 500 7,500 2,600 600 .600 2;000 4,500 2,900 -0- �$ 52 Equipment Mobile Partitions Printing Calculator Testing Equipment Base Station and Antenna One Mobile Radio Four Book Cases $tencil File Five Files Ditto Machine Two Sump Pumps Three Desks Five Chairs Typewriter Dictaphone-Transcriber' 53. Land Acquisition Rosemary Lot Axel Petersen Property 54 Annex Remodeling 71 Bond Principal 72 Bond Interest 81 Election Board 82 Advisory Boards 83 Dog Pound 99 Miscellaneous B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -351 through 355 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 03 Incentive 04 Part Time 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 06 Professional Medical 07 Apparel 11 Travel and. Dues Travel Dues Training 12, Prin'ting, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing Advertising 13 Communications Postage Radio Service Telephone LEADS -2- 1,500 450 150 1,000 500 350 250 850 576 800 1,020 395 525 900 5,393 4,952 2,500 10,000 300 39000 8,200 5,000 2, 500' 476,990 521,597 43,000 8,672 34,300 37,520 3,400 8,349 2,000 500 7,500 2,600 600 .600 2;000 4,500 2,900 -0- �$ Police Department, Continued 14 Insurance 139600 15 Contractual Services 79000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 131,000 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 13, 000 23 Repairs and Maintenance 41050 31 Supplies 80000 51 Motor Vehicles 13p200 52 Equipment Radio for Cruiser 1, 200 Light Bar and Speaker Unit 500 07 Call Recorder 19000 Portable Stake -out Alarm 11000 11 Document Shredder 300 Two Typewriter Replacements 400 Five File Cabinets 600 12 Five Pagers 500 Video Recording Tape 300 Telephoto Lens for Video Unit 500 Door Locks (Replacement) 300 Portable Flood Light 300 Dictaphone Tapes 500 Films 600 61 Equipment Rental - 82 Advisory 2,250 762,138 C. WATER DEPARTMENT Account No. 22 -452 through 454 01 Salaries 499400 02 Overtime 79000 04 Part Time 4P500 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 39700 06 Professional Services Medical 100 Consultant 19000 07 Apparel Uniforms 300 11 Travel and Dues Dues 50 Registration Fees 50 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising P rioting 250 Advertising, legal 50 -3- �� } SEWER DEPARTMENT Water Department, Continued. Account No. 21 -441 through 444 13 . Communications Salaries 134,180 Postage 11200 11,000 Telephone 700 2,000 Radio Service 100 14 Insurance 31000 15 Contractual Services 14,200 16 Utility Services 13,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,600 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 900 23 Repairs and Maintenance 7,000 31 Supplies 700 33 Chlorine 400 34 Aggregates 3,000 35 Materials 10, 000 37 Water Purchases 325,000 51 Motor Vehicles 41000 52 Equipment 13,000 61 Equipment Rental 500 71 Bond Principal 25, 000 72 Bond Interest 22,540 98 Contingency (Not Funded) (20, 000) 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) _ 1,000 17,000 16 515,440 D, SEWER DEPARTMENT Account No. 21 -441 through 444 01 Salaries 134,180 02 Overtime 11,000 04 Part Time 2,000 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 91332 06 Professional Services Medical 275 Consultant 19000 07 Apparel Uniforms 510 Protective Gear 300 11 Travel and Dues Registration Fees 100 Training Expense 300 12 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing 100 Advertising, legal 125 13 Communications Postage 650 Telephone 250 14 Insurance 5,100 15 Contractual Services 17,000 16 Utility Services 152300 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance f2500 -4- -0- SPECIAL TAX FUNDS - Street and Bridge - Continued. 06 Professional Services B. CIVIL DEFENSE Account No. 13 11 Travel and Dues 13 Communications 15 Contractual Services w6" 200 350 225 Medical 500 07 Apparel Uniforms 1 Foul. Weather Gear 400 100 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense 80 Dues 120 12 Printing, Subscription; Advertising Printing 600 Advo-rtising, legal 200 Periilc�cals 50 13 Communications Postage .300 Radio .Service 200 14 Insurance 5,000 15 Contractual Services Street Cleaning 500 Drainage Structures 49000 Curb Replacement 10, 000 Safety Walk 4,000 50/50 Sidewalk Replacement 4,000 Street Maintenance 14,500 10,000 Leaf Removal 12500 ;Tree Removal 5,000 Tree Planting 29000 16 Utility Services 16,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance Truck Maintenance 16,000 Street Sweeper Maintenance 2, 300 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 2,950 23 Repairs and Maintenance 13j325 31 Supplies 500 32 Salt 129000 34 Aggregates 23,200 '20,000 35 Materials 19,125 36 Street Signs 5,000 51 Motor Vehicles - One truck 11,000 52 Equipment Salt Spreader 5, 500 61 Equipment Rental 10100 99 Miscellaneous. (Safety Fund) 1,000 288,430 1200000 B. CIVIL DEFENSE Account No. 13 11 Travel and Dues 13 Communications 15 Contractual Services w6" 200 350 225 V ■ Sewer Department, Continued. 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 800 23 Repairs and Maintenance 91500 31 Supplies 4, 500 33 . Chlorine 8,000 34 Aggregates 4,500 35 Materials 8, 000 36 - Street Signs 200 51 Motor Vehicles 61000 52 Equipment 21,000 61 Equipment .Rental 600 71 Bond Principal .10, 000 72 Bond Interest 415 73 Bond Reserve 13,000 74 Depreciation 110 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 2=000 31 Supplies 280,647 E. VILLAGE GARAGE Account No. 23 -471 01 Salaries 239220 02 Overtime 2, 500 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 1s728 06 Professional Services - 07 Apparel 140 11 Travel and Dues 150 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 75 14 Insurance 11000 15 Contractual Services 29000 16 Utility Services 900 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance - 23 Repairs and Maintenance 19000 31 Supplies 26t000 35 Materials 500 52 Equipment 6,000 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 500 65,713 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account No. 20 -411 01 Salaries 819927 02 Overtime 10, 489 04 Part Time 7, 700 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 6, 264 -5- 10 -0- • SPECIAL TAXkUNDS - Civil Defense - Contilued, 31 Supplies 500 52 Equipment 1,175 2,450 -0- C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 939100 93, 000 D. BOND AND INTEREST FUND H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND General Obligation -Sewer Improvement Account Noe 60 -601 Principal and Interest, 1960 48, 800 48, 800 Principal and Interest, 1973 57,168 579168 General Obligation - Sewage Treatment Plant Salaries, Non Professional Principal and Interest, 1973 121, 550 1219550 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue 29200 Principal and Interest 202,750 202, 750 430,268 430,268 E. POLICE PENSION FUND 12 Village's Contribution 539750 539750 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 13, 615 -0- G. INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT -7- Yous Property Costs 3, 281 39281 H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account Noe 60 -601 01 -1 Salaries, Professional 51,100 519000 01 -2 Salaries, Non Professional 72,162 66,000 05 Benefits 29200 06 Professional Services 20000 11 Travel and Dues 2,000 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 1, 500 13' Communications 3,200 14 Insurance 4,000 15 Contractual Services 90000 16 Utility Services 150 23 Repairs and Maintenance 11P400 31 Supplies 89000 40 Books 839000 83,000 41 Periodicals 6,000 42 Audio - Visual 39500 -7- t i H. VILLAGE LIBRARY I� UND - Conttaued .43 Binding 98 Contingency Fund 99 Miscellaneous 99 -A Computer Service 99 -B Working Cash Fund 3,000 4,338 6,300 1,100. 10,000 283,950 ACCOUNT NUMBER 61 -601 61 Completion of Children's -Room, etc. 49,000 Completion of Construction 52000 54,000 200,000 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 337,950 ' 200,000 I. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND Village CPA Services 7,800 7,800 Library Audit 700 700 8,500 81500 J. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Pedestrian crossing light at Waukegan Road and railroad crossing at Telegraph Road 15,000 MFT Maintenance, Street and Bridge 83,000 MFT Street overlayment and repairs 40,000 Pedestrian crossing light on Wilmot Road mid block between Hackberry and WeGo 15,000 Kenton- Kipling- Deerfield traffic lights 15,000 . 1689000 -0- K. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account No. 481 15 Contractual Service 444,390 2209000 62 Occupancy (Billing charge) 2z459 446,849 220,000 -8- N Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A. D. 1974, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED :.. This 29th day of April, A.D. 1974. FIVE (6) • N' 6 AYES. NAYS. NONE'` (0) ATTEST: Village Clerk -9- D: ABSENT: NONE (o) SUMMARY-OF TAX LEVIES - I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A.. Administrative Department 476,990 B.* Police Department 7621138 300, 000 C. Water Department 515,440 -- D: Sewer Department 280,647 E. Village Garage 65,713 - - Sub Total $291009928 $3000000 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge 288,430 120;000 B . Civil Defense 2, 450 -- C. Illinois Municipal Retirement 93,100 93,000 D . Bond" and Interest Fund 430,268 4309268 E . Police Pension Fund 53,750 53P750 F. Public Benefit Fund 13t615 -- G, Installment Purchase Contract 3v281 31281 H. Village Library Fund 337,950 200,000 I. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 8, 500 8, 500 j. Motor Fuel Tax Projects 168;000 K. Scavenger Service 446t849 220,000 Sub Total $1, 846,193 $1,128, 799 TOTAL $3,9479121 $19 428, 799 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $1,428,799 N Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A. D. 1974, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED :.. This 29th day of April, A.D. 1974. FIVE (6) • N' 6 AYES. NAYS. NONE'` (0) ATTEST: Village Clerk -9- D: ABSENT: NONE (o) ORDINANCE 0 -74 -127. AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY., 1974, AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1975, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE, IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for.the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1974, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1975. BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -301 01 Salaries 262,090 04 Part Time 39,645 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization. 159000 College Tuition Reimbursement 3,138 06 Professional Services Medical Services 10500 Consultant Services 3:P500 Legal Services 40,000 07 Apparel 100 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense 39500 Dues 11000 Registration Fees 500 Training Expense it 500 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 2t500 Advertising , Legals .800 Periodicals 100 13 Communications Postage 2, 400 Telephone 5, 600 Radio Service 11000 14 Insurance 5;431 15 Contractual .Services 14,250 16 Utility Services 2,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1 9 700;1 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 11600 23 Repairs and. Maintenance qakpy 4,000 31 Supplies 8.9500 51 MS otor Vehicles 4$275 /� . �� SPECIAL TAX FUNDS - Civil Defense - Continued. 31 Supplies 500 52 Equipment 1,,175 21450 -0- C.- ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL. RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 92,000 92,000 D, BOND AND INTEREST FUND General-Obligation- Sewer Improvement Principal and Interest, 1960 489800 489800 Principal and Interest, 1973 57, 1.68 579168 General Obligation - Sewage Treatment Plant Principal and Interest, 1973 121,550 121,550 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue Principal and Interest 202 750 202r750 430,268 4309268 E. POLICE PENSION FUND Village's Contribution 53,750 53,750 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 13,615 -0- G. INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT -7- Yous Property Costs 3,281 39281 H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account No. 60 -601 01 -1 Salaries, Professional .519100 51,000 01 -2 Salaries, Non Professional 72,162 669,000 05 Benefits 2, 200 06 Professional Services 29000 11 Travel and Dues 29000 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 1,500 13 Communications 3, 200 14 Insurance 49000 -� 15 16 Contractual Services Utility Services 9,000 1 . 150 23 Repairs and Maintenance 11,400 31 Supplies 8,000 40 Books 83,000 41 Periodicals 6o000 42 Audio- Visual 3,500 -7- Tot Msyor4 Board of Trustees, Village C brki Village Attorney Froms Marjorie Emery Dates May 28, 1974 SubjectT TAX LEVY ORDINANCE Attached you will find a corrected Tax Levy Ordlio =e„ The ordiaaace contained two typograpbfcal errors, one on page I and one on page 7, wbia were called to Ur.. Vale=iWs attention by Mrs .f Price. These errors were mine, and I can only apologize. I aim happy to be able to tell you that the errors did not affect the totals, .a I had omitted . 0250 in 'Administrative Fquipmeut but it was in the total., and 383,004 in library books, but this too was ImIuded and the total was correct, The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and,' acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and'Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy:of an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES.::. .'- FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 19749-!. AND ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL, 1975- THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD', . LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ", passed by the President and Board'.'`; ~. of Trustees of the said Village at at a regular adjourned meeting there of on the 29th day of,April, 1974, all as appears in the records, and files of my office. Dated this 4th day of June, 1974. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk " SEAL L0 M CIO (n E SEN�O POSTMARK OR DATE j STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CO OPTIOUAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIO14AL FEES RETURq I. Shows to whom and data delivered ............ 15Q RECEIPT With delivery to addressee only ............ 654 2. Shows to whom, date and whore delivered .. 350 SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 850 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ....................... ............................... 504 SPECIAL DELIVERY (otttra foe required) ............................... ra worm 3000 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — (Sao other side) Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL a GPO ;'1973 O - 460 -749 0' aECEPT FOR CEG°3TMED ML -300 Wus postage) SENT Tr POSTMARK. OR DATE STREET AND/NO. (� P.O., STATE ANCUZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURN t. Shows to whom and data delivered ............ 150 RECEIPT With delivery to addressee only ............ 65Q 2. Shorts to whom, date and where delivered .. 350 SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ $50 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY SPECIAL DELIVERY (o ra rorm 3000 Apr. 1971 tttre 60o required) ............... : .................... ' --- i NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (See other side) � NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL . a G10: 1972E 0 - 460 -749 June 6, 1974 County Clerk of Cook County County Building, Chicago, Illinois 60602 Re* Tax Levy Ordinances for 1974 -75 Dear Sir.. Enclosed are certified copies of the ordinance levying taxes for corporate purposes and the ordinance pei. "training to levies for street and bridge purposes for the year '4,j.v 1, 1974 to April 30, 1975 for the Village of Deerfield, Lake- and Cot'�k Counties, Illinois. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk op r. It Windsor 5 -5000 DEERI:IEL0 ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 June 5, 1974 County Clerk of Lake County County Building Waukegan, Illinois 60085 Re: Tax Levy Ordinances for 1974 -75 Dear Madam: Enclosed are certified copies of the ordinance levying taxes for corporate purposes and the ordinance pertaining to levies for street and bridge purposes for the year May 1, 1974 to April 30, 1975 for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. /Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk 'r