Annual Financial Report For Year Ended April 30, 1980VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 COMBINED OVERVIEW FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 2 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - All Governmental and Fiduciary (Expendable Trust) Fund Types 3 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budgeted and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types 4 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balance - All Proprietary and Fiduciary (Pension Trust) Fund Types 5 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary and Fiduciary (Pension Trust) Fund Types 6 Notes to the Financial Statements 7-14 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES GENERAL FUND Financial Statements Balance Sheet 15 Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual, Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual and Changes in Fund Balance 16 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS All Funds Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet 17 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (CONT.) Municipal Audit Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Emergency Services Disaster Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Youth Bound Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Library Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Street and Bridge Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Public Benefit Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual, Expenditures - Appropriatedand Actual and Changes in Fund Balance Page 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (CONT.) Motor Fuel Tax Fund Financial Statements Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual and Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual, Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual and Changes in Fund Balance CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES IENTERPRISE FUNDS Page 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet 33 Combined Statement of Income, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings 34 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Page PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (CONT.) Water Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet 35 Statement of Income and Expense - Budgeted and Actual and Changes in Retained Earnings 36 Statement of Changes in Fixed Assets 37 Sewerage Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet 38 Statement of Income and Expense - Budgeted and Actual 39 Statement of Changes in Contributions, Reserves and Retained Earnings 40 Statement of Changes in Fixed Assets 41 Refuse Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet 42 Statement of Income and Expense - Budgeted and Actual and Changes in Retained Earnings 43 Commuter Parking Lot Financial Statements Balance Sheet 44 Statement of Income - Budgeted and Actual and Changed in Retained Earnings 45 Statement of Fixed Assets and Depreciation 46 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Garage Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet Statement of Income and Expense - Budgeted and Actual and Changes in Fund Balance 47 Statement of Changes in Financial Position 48 1 I I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Page TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet 49 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 50 Police Pension Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet 51 Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual, Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual and Changes in Fund Balance 51 Dial -A -Ride Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet 52 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 52 ACCOUNT GROUPS GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT 53 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Auditors' Report on Supplementary Data 54 Combined Statement of Cash Invested and on Deposit 55-58 Schedule of Interfund Accounts 59-60 Debt Requirements to Maturity 61-67 Real Estate Tax Extensions 68 Statement of Revenues - Estimated and Actual - General Fund 69 Statement of Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual - General Fund 70-72 Statement of Expenditures - Appropriated and Actual - Street and Bridge Fund 73-77 Statement of Expenditures - Budgeted and Actual - Water Fund 78-79 Statement of Expenditures - Budgeted and Actual - Sewerage System Fund 80-81 Statement of Expenditures - Budgeted and Actual - Commuter Parking Lot Fund 82 Statement of Expenditures - Budgeted and Actual - Garage Fund 83 Statement of Legal Debt Margin 84 1 I a 1 I a 1 I i AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I 1 1 ' ICertified Public Accountants The Honorable Bernard Forrest, Mayor Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield, Illinois We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois for the year ended April 30, 1980, as listed in the foregoing table of contents, except for Special Assessment Numbers 3 - 84. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Except for the Enterprise Funds (See Note 5) the Village does not keep, records of General Fixed Assets and, accordingly, a Statement of General Fixed Assets is not included in this report. The records of the Special Assessments Numbers 3 - 84 (issued prior to 1930) were incomplete as to assessments receivable and bonds payable. In our opinion, except for the effects on the financial statements of the preceding paragraphs, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the various funds and account groups of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois at April 30, 1980 and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Enterprise Fund for year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. MON The accompanying supplemental schedules and related information presented -on pages 54-84 are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. This information has been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examination of the financial statements mentioned above and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. KyD7aer;s.` 'o L/J 0( Karrison & Byrne August 15, 1980 Bank of Wheaton Building a 211 South Wheaton Avenue • Wheaton, Illinois 60187 • (312) 665-4510 Geneva Professional Offices o 206'/, West State Street 9 Geneva, Illinois 60134 9 (312) 232-9404 I,, 11 �j I I I Fi [I 1 COMBINED OVERVIEW FINANCIAL STATEMENTS P1a o.a�nO.NPf O'i O 0.O O. 0. N mC .OWN O O 0, O P 1 a a e n n. 0 m O m 0. P1 .•� .0 .0aOn O.O Jm 0. P7 0 0 . 0 N N Al Nv1 .+ n.n N O� n .. N O v�mm.0 0. .+ eT � n l d .0 P1 0 •-� N P1 P1 d l .r •••� I '+ m en n .O _ .n a O m ... •.+rnnN� Nea�f na•. .p N �n n O O N O Nn N n a O N N man0. 0. a .D S! .•a cn .r .0 cn ti a a a y m 4 g OO cc Omm O.On 0.00 n Pin OJ N0..00- mo. .O .am cn n m ao N O. o. n O.+en .. On O P1 V1 m n 0. P1 en P1 .ONO m m nm----m-- N m m .0 n .0 n C. n 0 --2p 2 a o..r P1 m v O N ti O O n N P 1 n .0 .•• ./ 1 n N t m .O P .O m n .0e V 0. _• .. 1rl O N .+ n n N P1 N d N J a mr d .0 N s .0 Pf 0. n m •••. Pf ...-� d v a .r d •• 10 P1 n Pi a n (.O. a b) N Ol (? (? 000 O p O O Yyy O O O .0 .p .0 O O .0 .0 7 7 Y K G n en O e O h N u 1O. G r 0 6 p a P1 d l+1 .0 m o J P1 O. !�1 1 1 J P1 a O rs n7 0 � N Hf P1 E. yr v+ ar ar m ^• O n .0 "'. V1 O d m .. P1 n O T m •O Pt 0. •.01 jr e V .O m ^. ' 0. 0 .+ O. m J N m 1 0. 7 •O m m go {V -• N N J ~ a .D J W W p+ N N N N N J 0 m c V m N P1 N 0. N m P1 n .Na N C 4 •M m .p N ..a Pfti r 7 W u 1>•4 M CA .••. v N .ar _ (A N eA (? M u m en In O N P7 n m P1 co co O 00 :2 n m :2 On m O J d O �0 O m .0 ... d a O n 4 M 0. v1 e!1 m .. O. a P a-. y1 m 1 10 N d y `•' N H M tme .n. .mp O v, W � y ti � y eIl e0 N m O. 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Billings Property Taxes Interest Earned Contributions Other Total Operating Expenses Administration Operations Depreciation.... Benefits and Refunds Other Total Operating Income Non -Operating Revenues (Expenses) Interest Earned Property Taxes Interest Net Income Retained Earnings/Fund Balance May 1, 1979 Increases April 30, 1980 COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type Totals Internal April 30, April 30, Enterprise Service Pension 1980 1979 $1,532,842 $100,703 $1,633,545 $1,485,867 $ 124,968 124,968 106,082 86,824 86,824 73,221 60,225 60,225 55,345 112,643 $100,703 3,195 275,212 115,838 $2,021,400 91,317 1,811,832 1,645;485 $ 106,840 $ 106,840 $ 97,925 1,617,670 $104,732 1,722,402 1,491,138 71,956 71,956 39,221 $ 25,261 25,261 45,403 12,651 25 12,676 15,418 $1,809,117 $104,732 $ 25,286 $1,939,135 $1,689,105 $ (163,632) $ (4,029) $ 249,926 $ 82,265 $ 122,727 62,579 62,579 32,619 300,628 300,628 264,064 (16,287) - - (16,287) (17,713) $ 183,288 $ (4,029) $ 249,926 $ 429,185 $ 401,697 $ 914,815 $0 5,483) $1,141,801 $2,041,133 39,362 39,362 954,177 15,483) 1,1 1,801 $2,080,495 $1,137,465 $0 9,512) $1,391,727 $2,509,680 T VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ALL PROPRIETARY AND FIDUCIARY PENSION TRUST) FUND TYPES ' COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Sources of Cash Net Income (Loss) Add Non -Cash Items Increase in Liabilities Contributions Uses of Cash Increase Current Assets Purchase Fixed Assets Pay Bond Principal Decrease Current Liabilities Net Increase. Cash Balance May 1, 1979 April 30, 1980 I I Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type Internal Enterprise Service Pension Total $183,288 $ (4,029) $ 249,926 $ 429,185 71,956 71,956 $255,244 $ 4,029) $ 249,926 $ 501,141 86,987 86,987 329,530 329,530 $671,761 $ (4,029) $ 249,926 $ 917,658 $218,002 $ 2,926 $ 11,915 $ 232,843 410,190 410,190 30,000 30,000 629 629 $658,192 $ 3,555 $ 11,915 $ 673,662 $ 13,569 $ (7,584) $ 238,011 $ 243,996 506,396 (30,698) 1,001,578 1,477,276 $519,965 $(38,282) $1,239,589 $1,721,272 I 71 1. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Financial Statements - The financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to state and local governmental units. These basic principles have been promulgated by the National Council on Governmental Accounting, and are detailed in their publications entitled "Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting" and in "Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles - NCGA Statement 1"; these principles are also embodied in "Audits of State and.Local Governmental Units" as published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Funds - For governmental units the basic accounting and reporting entity is a "fund". A fund is defined as an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self -balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations. The following fund types and account groups are used: GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS The General Fund - to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trust, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds - to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Capital Projects Funds - to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds, Special Assessment Funds, and Trust Funds). Special Assessment Funds - to account for the financing of public improvements or services deemed to benefit the properties against which special assessments are levied. 7 1 Pi 8 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) Funds (Cont.) PROPRIETARY FUNDS 1 Enterprise Funds - to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including ' depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis may be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. Internal Service Funds - to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the governmental unit, or to other governmental units, on a cost -reimbursement basis. FIDUCIARY FUNDS Trust and Agency Funds - to account for assets held by a governmental unit in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. These include (a) Expendable Trust Funds, (b) Nonexpendable Trust Funds, (c) Pension Trust Funds, and (d) Agency Funds. ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Account Group - to account for all fixed assets which are not accounted for in Enterprise, Internal Service or Trust Funds. General Long -Term Debt Account Group - to account for all long-term debt not accounted for in Special Assessment, Enterprise, Internal Service or Trust Funds. Bases of Accounting General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Special Assessment, and Expendable Trust Funds The modified accrual basis of accounting has been utilized. Revenues are recognized when received in cash except for material and/or available revenues which are accrued to properly reflect earnings for the period. Such revenues accrued at the end of the accounting period are those which are both measurable and available; that is, the item is a resource that can be used to finance the governmental operations dur- ing the year. Expenditures are recognized when the fund liability is incurred. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 , 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) Bases of Accounting (Cont.) General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Special Assessment and Expendable Trust Funds Cont. Revenues considered to be susceptible to accrual are: Taxes Charges for Services ' Property Garbage Billings Sales Income Intergovernmental Revenues utility Motor Fuel Tax Allotments Federal Revenue Sharing Fixed assets are not capitalized but rather are charged to current expen- ditures. Fixed asset acquisitions are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group and are valued at historical cost; no depreciation is required to be recorded. Public domain (infrastructure) fixed assets are not capitalized. The long-term portion of general obligation debt has been reflected in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. Enterprise, Internal Service, Nonexpendable Trust, and Pension Trust Funds The accrual basis of accounting has been utilized. Revenues are recognized when earned and expenditures recognized when incurred. En- terprise and Internal Service Funds account for their own fixed assets, which are valued at historical cost (contributed fixed assets are valued at market value on the date donated), and for current and long-term debt. , Depreciation is recorded. Depreciation on all fixed assets is closed to retained earnings. Investments - All investments are carried at par value, less any unamortized discount or premium, which approximates market, unless otherwise noted. Inventories - All inventories are carried at the lower of cost, on a first - in, first -out basis, or market. The Village records inventories on the basis of physical counts. Encumbrances - the Village utilizes an encumbrance system; commitments are recorded as expenditures and reported as "Encumbrances Outstanding" on applicable balance sheets. Budgetary Data -.The Village prepares its budget on the same bases of accounting as that used for the applicable funds, as stated previously under "Bases of Accounting". 1 I 10 I 1 1 I I I 1 'I VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) Reserves - The Village uses the term "Reserve" only in the Waterworks and Sewerage Fund to designate that portion of fund equity which is restricted by bond ordinance. 2. Property taxes receivable which are delinquent more than one year have been written off; subsequent collections of such taxes are reflected as "prior years' taxes" revenue in the period received. 3. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) 1. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund a) The Village is a participating member of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (Statewide plan) which covers all of its employees wh o : a) occupy a job normally requiring 600 hours or more per year; b) are paid on a regular payroll from Village funds; c) were under age sixty when first entering employment; and d) are not covered by another state created retirement system for the same service. b) The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund's (Chicago) actuary estimated that as of December 31, 1979, the present value of currently accrued retirement obligations of the Village of Deerfield was $1,373,032. The Village had accumulated assets of $492,439 on the date. Therefore, the balance of $880,593 remains to be financed by future contributions payable by the municipality on behalf of its present employees. The normal cost portion of the Village's contribution rate is expected to provide $249,721 of this amount and the prior service portion of the rate is expected to provide $630,872. The latter amount is considered to be unfunded at this time; it is sometimes referred to as the "actuarial deficiency." As required by Section 7-172, Chapter 108-1/2, Illinois Revised Statutes 1979, municipality contribution rates are fixed at levels, certified by the Fund actuary, sufficient to meet the entire cost of benefit payments ultimately to be made. 11 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 3. Retirement Commitments (Cont.) 2. Police Pension Fund , a) Chapter 108-1/2, Sections 3-125 and 127 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1979, provides that municipalities shall establish and maintain a reserve fund of not less $10,000.00 for each police- ' man and each beneficiary; provided that the accumulated reserve shall not exceed the estimated total actuarial requirements of the Fund. In municipalities having less than the actuarial requirements of the Fund, the Board of Trustees of the Fund shall designate the propor- tionate amount needed annually to insure the accumulation of such actuarial reserve over a 40 year period ending in 1999. The total actuarial requirements at December 31, 1979 (the date of the latest computation) amounted to $1,894,852, as determined by the ' Illinois Department of Insurance. Net present assets $1,139,916 Unfunded accrued liability 754,936 $1,894,852 This is a single -employer plan. b) Tax Levy Requirements Amount necessary to provide the normal cost based on the annual payroll of active , participants as of December 31, 1979 $ 69,995 Amount necessary to amortize the unfunded accrued liability of $754,935, as determined by the State of Illinois De- partment of Insurance over the remaining 20.2137 years as contemplated by Section 3-127 of the Illinois Pension Code 60,207 Total amount of tax levy necessary to ar- rive at the annual requirements of the Fund as required in Section 3-125 of the Illinois.Pension Code $ 130,202 1 12 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 1 4. Waterworks and Sewerage Fund 1. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis. Estimated useful ' lives are as follows: Water and Sewer System 40 Years 1 Equipment 5-10 Years Trucks 5 Years ' 2. Inventory is valued at lower of cost or market. 3. The ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Water Revenue Bond Series of 1959 and the subsequent Water Revenue Bond Issue of 1960 provided for the creation of separate accounts designated as "Operations and Maintenance Account," "Principal and Interest Account," "Depreciation Account," "Bond Reserve Account," "Surplus Account," "Improvement and Extension Account," and "Bond Redemption Account" into which accounts there shall be credited as of the first day of each month except as hereinafter provided for the Improvement and Extension Account and the Bond Redemption Account, all moneys of the system in accordance with the following priority. Operation and Maintenance Account - an amount sufficient to cover the estimated operating and maintenance expense of the water system for the current month. Bond Principal and Interest Account - an amount at least equal to the sum of one -sixth of the interest becoming due on the next interest payment date, and one -twelfth of the aggregate yearly amount of principal due on the next principal maturity date. Depreciation Account - the sum of $250 each month until such account aggregates the sum of $15,000. Funds accumulated shall be used for replacements or unusual repairs for which funds are not otherwise available. I 1 13 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLIN01S NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 4. Waterworks and Sewerage Fund (Cont.) 3. (Cont.) Bond Reserve Account - an amount of $950 each month until such account aggregates the sum of $52,000. Funds accumulated shall be used for the payment of bond principal and interest, should the amount available in the bond principal and interest account be insufficient to meet the payments when due. Surplus Account - any moneys remaining each month after providing for the credits to the above listed accounts shall be credited to the surplus account. At the end of each fiscal year, funds in this account shall be used to make up deficiencies in the prior accounts, 50% of the remaining amounts be transferred to an Improvement and Extension Account accumulated up to a maximum of $100,000, and all money then remaining in the surplus account may be used for the following purposes: A. Create a Bond Redemption Account B. Accelerate the accumulation of funds in aforementioned accounts C. Used for any lawful corporate purpose The moneys in the various accounts may be invested from time to time and the interest earned thereon credited to the account from which the investment was made. 4. Supplemental information required under bond ordinance provisions, not subject to audit: A. Number of metered customers B. Number of unmetered customers C. Gallons of water pumped during fiscal year D. Gallons of water billed during fiscal year E. Number of properties connected to the system F. Number of hydrants 5,356 905,080,000 805,596,000 5,281 756 5. Fixed Assets in the Water and Sewerage System funds and the related depreciation expense thereon are based on fixed assets financed by the 1959 and,1960 Water Revenue Bond Issues, and by revenues subsequent to April 30, 1972. 1 1 1 1 11 I I 1 1 1 14 IVILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I APRIL 30, 1980 1 6. Purchase of Property ' The Village has purchased 733 Osterman for Senior Citizens Housing. The purchase price of $175,000.00 may be refunded to the Village at a future date and has been recorded in the General Fund as an advance. ' 7. Contributed equity in the Sewerage System Fund arose principally from the construction of a new sewerage treatment facility. Construction m.onies were furnished from sources other than financing and operations of the Sewerage System Fund. The sewerage treatment facility has been completed and will be transferred from construction in process to the sewer system upon inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency. 8. Contingent Liabilities In fiscal year 1975, the Village received a $250,000 grant from the State of Illinois (recorded as revenue in the Land Acquisition Fund) to be used for the purchase of certain property for the construction, operation and maintenance of a floodwater retarding structure and associated recreation developement. under the terms of the contribution agreement, if the property has not been used for construction of the floodwater retarding structure on or before November 18, 1979, the Village must return the money to the State. 1 Upon mutual agreement between the Village and the State, the expiration date has been extended to November, 1984. 9. Subsequent Events The Village exercised their option to purchase 710-714 Osterman for $155,000 in May of 1980. The Village exercised their option to purchase ' 730 Central for $153,000 in June of 1980. I Ci I 1 1 I I 1 1 P, r 11 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES C� 1 ►] k GENERAL FUND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 Totals April 30, April 30, 1980 1979 ASSETS Cash and Investments (Page 55) $ 652,176 $ 406,728 Property Taxes Receivable 407,172 423,677 Sales Tax Receivable 73,422 83,244 State Income Taxes Receivable 37,172 31,405 Fines Receivable 24,000 5,262 Interest Receivable 14,260 3,947 Other Receivables - 21,085 Due from Other Funds (Page 59) 44,803 74,381 Other Assets 43,355 86,169 Advance to Senior Citizen Housing (Note 6) 175,000 $1,471,360 $1,135,898 LIABILITIES, ENCUMBRANCES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Payable $ 45,144 $ 48,675 Accrued Payroll 41,356 Due to Other Funds (Page 59) 219,650 78,414 Total Liabilities $ 306,150 $ 127,089 Encumbrances 13,941 15,419 Total Liabilities and Encumbrances $ 320,091 $ 142,508 Fund Balance (Page 16) 1,151,269 993,390 15 16 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL, EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues (Page 69) Property Taxes Municipal Sales Tax State Income Tax Interest Earned Licenses and Permits Fines Services Other Revenue Expenditures (Pages 70-72) Administrative Department Police Department Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Before Other Sources and (Uses) Other Sources (Uses) Transfer to Youth Bound Fund Transfer to Police Addition Fund Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Balance May 1, 1979 Prior Year Adjustment April 30, 1980 (Page 15) April 30, April 30, 1980 1979 Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual Actual $ 425,000 $ 429,500 $ 431,360 920,000 1,018,734 866,640 305,000 320,542 290,046 25,000 97,240 35,174 102,500 86,442 108,704 110,000 100,663 103,158 79,000 62,388 30,000 54,500 64,252 102,349 $2,021,000 $2,179,761 $1,967,431 $ 700,930 $ 654,166 $ 585,483 1,317,818 1,219,677 1,108,054 $2,018,748 1,873,843 $1,693,537 $ 2,252 $ 305,918 $ 273,894 $ (12,000) $ (12,000) (140,000) $ 12,000) $ 152,0000 $ (9,748) $ 153,918 $ 993,390 3,961 997,351 $1,151,269 u I it 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T NN 0 c .4 ol GD O.A CN �O OO J N O .•i P N N 1'1 �O M1 CO N O V 1 POO r J m n N • haf o J P CO O P��O ••+ J J O J PP V� J rn n A P P n n '~ .••� N 1'1 u1 CL m< N N N N m O P J J N •••� V1 V1 CD CD J O h F O P .•� N �O �p dp �O v1 �'1 1•'1 P �O J V1 N J O ,O O r P O J V1 p �t•'1N N 1 o J J N N in J .+ a0 M P O V1r N .•a N r•1 s~ N N N N 0 J o J 4 F �D w1 �O •O �O �O Y .A �O N CD n 1 1 r •ni lu I I I N a �� R1I NCI W+ K�I u mi .•� c P m • m d 0 0. 6 PNN N •O Al V1 �l^ nO n C O O r O OG V1 V1 COI N 'U b V1 O N n PIN N r •••� •A •A v r�•1 r N N N Y1 n sa v an d a N �O •O P P P J ao �O N r n ao '� �f1 n n of n J J a0 y� ti O .A N P P1 GO .•� d ma 4 •�i r n�i N J u VI N N N ih W Nn P O V1 nN n P Cc /. 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ADO H O rvp� v vvO �D O 000 A rU O �O UN r OeU OU n m N N N N N r m E ^ r n r �T r �Wt rY' N000F V Y �O OO �p �p W N �O m OD V 00 0 A �O OO r N V IA IA OD W 0DU OOD ODrmN CwO4 W 00 W .D .-• V W r0 W O N r.O 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Prior Years Taxes Expenditures Village CPA Services Library Audit Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $10,500 $10, 5 00 181 $10,500 $10,681 $ 9,500 $ 9,450 1,000 1,000 $10,500 $10,450 20 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS EMERGENCY SERVICES DISASTER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Prior Year Tax Collections Expenditures Travel, Training and Dues Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Equipment Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $4,800 $4,800 (61) $4,800 $4,739 $ 400 $ 353 400 233 600 750 300 - 100 23 1,000 2,127 100 24 200 299 200 119 1,500 2,267 $4,800 $6,195 21 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS YOUTH BOUND FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues ILEC Grant Village Share Expenditures Salaries Benefits Travel, Training and Dues Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Lodgings Equipment Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $15,055 $10,781 12,000 12,000 $27,055 $22,781 $11,800 $13,153 250 291 380 591 1,275 965 1,200 1,523 3,315 1,992 350 - 5,285 4,781 2,200 2,150 1,000 618 $27,055 $26,064 22 ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS LIBRARY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Prior Year Tax Collections Non -Resident Fees Fees, Fines and Penalties Gifts Reciprocal Borrowing Xerox Interest Construction Fund Transfer Film Insurance Expenditures Salaries - Professional Salaries - Non -Professional Employee Benefits Professional Services Education, Travel, Dues, Etc. Communication Insurance Contractual Services Utilities Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment Building Supplies Miscellaneous Supplies (Library and Office) Books Periodicals Audio -Visual Binding Special Library Programs Working Cash Fund Computerized Circulation System _New Equipment Computer Service Estimated Revenues or Appropriations $394,223 4,000 11,000 900 6,500 9,200 2,000 46,464 $474,287 $ 96,215 148,315 4,500 1,000 2,500 4,320 8,000 8,000 350 36,100 400 12,000 7 0, 000 13, 5 00 7,000 2,000 500 5,000 70,000 27,000 $516,700 Actual $394, 223 3,719 4,179 12,371 3,039 8,478 12,052 10,542 49,406 515 $498,524 $ 94,084 131,214 3,942 446 3,020 3,833 9,743 6,607 338 39,095 33 12,659 68,314 11,697 7,942 2,010 559 4,668 , 23,300 686 $424,190 ' 1 1 23 r] VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Prior Year Tax Collections Anti -Recession Funds Interest Earned Vehicle Licenses Motor Fuel Tax State Highway Maintenance 5 0/50 Sidewalk Miscellaneous Train Station Maintenance Transfer to General Expenditures - Public Works Administration Cleaning Traffic Marking Pre -Mix Patching Tarring Cracks Drainage Structure Street Lights and Traffic Signals Miscellaneous Maintenance Snow and Ice Control Weed Control Leaf Removal Tree Removal Tree Planting Railroad Station Maintenance Transfer to General Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $160,000 $160,000 14,112 1,500 - 2,000 540 185,000 191,728 104,000 104,000 11,500 11,432 4,500 3,723 6,000 4,839 1,500 1,500 $476,000 $491,874 $ 35,677 $ 41,262 41,952 44,580 25,573 27,895 73,409 70,734 10,527 12,610 15,021 18,255 61,302 70,801 32,958 28,376 1029434 100,267 8,229 4,512 17,710 19,813 17,344 11,374 10,272 6,109 9,035 14,144 33,000 33,000 $494,443 $503,732 24 ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS j ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 0 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Prior Year Tax Collection Replacement Tax Expenditures I.M.R.F. Payment Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $165,000 $157,225 1,258 4,062 $165,000 $162,545 $165,000 $172,880 25 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy $10,000 $10,000 Prior Year Tax Collections 108 Rebates 10,000 1,126 Interest 3,000 - $23,000 $11,234 Expenditures Public Benefit $25,000 $14,990 Revenues Allotments Earned Interest Earned Expenditures Police Building 26 ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ' FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL, EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual $112,000 $108,274 5,000 . 4,613 $117,000 $112,887 $136,679 $560,000 1 , ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL AND EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 r. r Estimated Revenues or ' Appropriations Actual Revenues Allotments Earned $240,000 $230,855 Interest Earned 10,000 25,290 Other Income 34,579 ' $250,000 $290,724 i Expenditures Street Maintenance $104,000 $104,000 Street Resurfacing and Renovation Program 60,500 50,224 �• Pine and Deerfield Intersection Widening 26,000 25,775 Wilmot and Deerfield Roads 8,000 1,800 Traffic Signal - Participation for Waukegan Road Reconstruction 22,000 300 $220,500 $182,099 1 r r r i i 27 1 1 H I d DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 11 1 28 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ASSETS Cash and Investments (Page 55) Property Taxes Receivable Interest Receivable Replacement Tax Receivable Due from Other Funds (Page 59) LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Bonds Payable Interest Payable Due to Other Funds (Page 59) Notes Payable Total Liabilities Fund Balance (Page 29) BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 Totals April 30, April 30, 1980 1979 $3179823 326,141 594 16,177 100,000 $760,735 $267, 926 309,182 7,052 $584,160 $345,000 $390,000 228,736 254,011 4,590 41,742 $615,478 $648,601 145,257 (64,441) $760,735 $584,160 i 29 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL, EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Estimated Revenues or Actual Appropriations 1980 1979 Revenues Property Taxes - 1979 Levy Replacement Tax Interest Earned Transfer from Sewerage Fund Expenditures Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal Interest Sewer Treatment Facility Bonds Principal Interest Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal Interest Land Acquisition Bonds Principal Interest Police Addition Contract Principal Interest Yous Contract Other Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Balance May 1, 1979 Prior Period Adjustment for Bond Principal and Interest April 30, 1980 (Page 28) $452,805 $ 344,855 $ 311,043 28,281 12,000 20,795 13,781 307,500 464,805 $ 701,431 $ 324,824 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 42,125 47,600 125,000 125,000 76,875 85,374 - 45,000 2,700 100,000 100,000 30,525 39,124 15,000 26,742 3,280 3,280 1,776 1,700 454,805 496,323 524,778 $ 10,000 $ 205,108 $0 99,954) $ 579,571 (639,422) $ (59,851) $ 145,257 I 1 I n I I CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 30 O �O •••� N J e+1 V1 N go cn O� J G •••� O J J .••� O+ of J �G N 00 V1 — N n N r .-I .•� �O r M .y N — 0) '•1 CO N .••� 91 r .r CO A � d W. y all H 415 rti m .� m u FO V1%0 NN V1 en GN O v1 V1eDJO+ r �V1J0 n n e•1 ep a0 "O eT e•f �O C K) e+f O ,•+ 00 ••+ J J Vi .d O� eV N V1 J J .. O en J eT J .•r cn d~ N 4M, NJ~� �., O N G N rs m N W O co r 0 V1 ••+ n e» 10 .11 U ••4 ...I Q P1 P1 rf C V1 u'1 r -1 W 'C N ...i N e+1 cn m e1 W u W O, V1 N O' V1 I J C •-� V1 as C•� .ne'1Jall en IfrOr O m e0 W C, m O rn er1 e+1 W u .•+ i W •,e 0 eh .•..•+ O e•f e+1 O rncn C C O O� O N .•r fA m WC, a.,.•a N N~ 05 <p m ►. u W C J eh a0 N N cO a0 O N cn encn O N N N ns w 1-�i 0 .2 v1 u1Ai c o 0 •O •,4 n ID It d d ca . 0 >� L W 1 I I I A~ a a cQ T u C arp °a w F U O 0 u � u�i y a6a a W W o A V1 m a a w o0 p% cn In m aW+ 'A�. e"1 cn 4j d d W mo a to W ." OWo >w 0 H =1A , a 6. omi 'd a�i —4 "e r a >, r" .4 .. > us > a >,a W.O W Rota 8r 1-4 wat.3 a m u 8O N It}1 m u v co r 0 0 d w M a 0 m O q 00 $4 W W V w L aJ ' m u C u W Wy C W7 E� V►�GA d�A w m C W 6 W u u u C m a 44 0 w w a m F+ tw W c c W 1M m u C 8 cc W Ca a+ N cc m u C 0 C w W 4j 0 u m W i eo C e m 6 0 u co W 1e f � _ M 4 0. 'd m m m 7? ? Ib m m R W? P.p0 m m ?? m m G. ??? m? ? m m �1 R I...• m m R M m m I•+ G.� MM M R M M m m rom W m r• ty fD m f] C G 10 m m '1 R m^ A M 0 V r• R R R W. Co MI M m • oomp "'c o mM 4a 0 0 r m Ix Q ro a m .. ~ vl r? R '1 M m W y m ' 00 M m < 71 lb lb C .Mp < N m O a� m a m m l a 00 i A 0 vs w r m t I 1 P C CLpi 7OD C a rn a a r•� xHr+ D MAy 9C9) n vs to +n 7Zt1 HO tOi v v m• t��11• t�i� V I a OH ro [M M 2 OC.� 70 O O O O O' o• C7� ? YyyCC A[�1 N rp O '�N 'co N r�ra+vvN 0 Li �M O V W w W OZ[+1 I N g m A x Z O. r N N N n •1 C C y hyyN H � N yy � '( •C•p r i•. N W W A m m M1 VJ O• r m t �O V1 lJ� r V V m W r �•' R m r• M W w �D OD to W aD OD R m m m O� W v I••• O W OD 41 r• ? 'JO m R m CA N y N N p.. , 9 o. ro 1 W MGD rra* rO r•r V V b W t r V O O V O � to VI O� V.O NOO NO frl�• O m ? W W OD y~j FOO tO co N +IlfA N W O� N In W �-• �Q N �••• to �••• j� �O La t. o W W V O O w w 0 O O OD V O Wr-4 OOO Co O V to OD IR OONN V OOOD co O H O lA v V OTODw NOO ODrO n m m iR fp N � V O lA to to r• r ' i£ I I L SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS I V1 BOO N O. aC N 2 .O nJ O� J p d r 1 0 n .~? In �O ,, �O O a �n u'1 00 V1 O. �O G J V1 e�/ ' O. n : P 0 P1 O t+1 n CO 0 fq N V/ .-1 (? N N (? 0 Y F In iN•. OC."O v1N O N �O Jo1 P1 CO C OI r 0 J n O.. O �' 1 G• •' � � O n O 10^ J O O ..i P co m r O .r v� 1? a'. r �D J O• of v1 vNi P N N h N N N N I Ir•. �I 1f11 Vl tl)II 1�' yll �I hIl III I I I y N1I NII 000 OI J C J O OO G n .�i .�i .fir v� O u1 I-_ .�i .tilN CD yI yI1I IfL•,• \ ,0-0 P1 CO N P. P'1 r n V1 0) n O I N-II O. O O O. C C C G J O� J J O �C O J " O O O. O O P O.It cl� co I� J IC N I N I Y1 �� -INN wmm N-I N� N V O C V� N C N 1+1 Y1 y W O .O l�1 m O� Al m P1 r1 n 1+1 N O a �O ac J P a a0 o: W ^� 10 .. J n ao J p .�.I OD n u1 I al N N r+ N Z a O f? N N way i (A O P W 1-1 �O P1 O• O� .Pi .Pi .Pi ^ z w I.•c_ .O w f+ I I I'=C---1 a r1 a O N NII 1`�' vll z W h yl U. Z 0. n n n n n w Z a ^ ^ I I oW u .]ace Do 00 co I I I I I � .rl NN I NII f"r al ?I[ y JI ?II III I I I CI I �1 ~I N NM Imo' ��I y III III III I O= .OryI V1 �O .r n1 n I I III m c0 J cc G� O N I NII Nm III III �I N NII 0 t� Cc d oCi 00 m m d v O v d> v m 6 C ya i 0 rM •M 0 u y d •p m •O u a d m m O O p T •> d v y> p> m •p v c m m d M a u W 6 .•di G►lN p p aOD F d m w d u w M rCa — i1 W Y m C d m y y wtyy Nm 0- TI+ d .3 Y 0 m I m•N d w >a Ty d V C d w u OG y P I.r Q m 0 Pan . IC K Y d u w u d d Y -- O d W Z M T �+ m m 8 m m d m d 7 m F 7 u d d M w •.I O 'O m -0 S d m g S O m C d .•� C u mq uty O u> an d% T M m •mow m m0 m t u F q pCp 6N U % U W 6 d U.aa O d C >�••�61"Io CX w 32 1 fl I n I PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES 1 u �l It �i 1� ENTERPRISE FUNDS H rl 31 O U a q q q 0 u O N n en OD en 1n O O e0 0D O G n N O O to C-4 Cli 00 O p .r CID OO C Nn len00 n OI O C V C C n en en o� n en �O �O en 0 o` a' O en Op en .tOO O� en 1n � � .Q .••� In .r N .••� v q q q q 00 00.4 d O 0 OON O�n �n .14 •� O n O O rn en N1 eT ^ .+ •.� 0.4 %O .t -a in 00 en cn a •o 6 q - q '03, ~ q y n olol O— C n en �D 0(. C •.di d d41 Y .Y OD O� 0D OD R1 In O� eh P7 n n 1 V'1 en P i d •u e"1 P1 N .1 � �� � yjd f•� 0. VY q v to t0 A� C N N V1 P1 d OD H C.e^i •may � �i � 0 06 0). q .~i q 6 to H C p p O In O wo O u •m en aD aD u•l � qC u q q q a ^ o ..� o 0 0 0 v u Ll 00 q q O U OC C •� M M d Ld N O d O • d 7 W � F N W ^ C 04 7 a 0y1 PG eh ro G�7 o C eb .3 Gl OC.�! o a d �o ►bi o o O O �. ta7 ww y o w+� wQy 7 u� ^• en . 10 O W d m W W a0i M e� w w e•� 'O .p•� d u y d O •d Y 4 m d yCy 0 O ^•� •Mp, p p 4 u y� b C Cp ty d yr 0. >. ZG w r $ o 'A O • p <np >'n• np w n• • O (� 6 n q rw n n • O C q q• q• r r� W • p p 0 n� � • �� ni{ n pp • °p r d• A Q o• : IT•o 00 o.1 • • O. 9 • n n o • I so Is • nn a O p e n n • °Ora a: n a • n o V rp�j n•• ■ � r•+ p 1^f v � � ? lM7 p1 I,M ►d� �j � mm A i n e �i jr tit Im IT nnn cto Iri a • t~i °' C IF • c oe 13 r ,e • r• r • e • m e a y1 • • v u u �• M v v r.--a `AI IN cc II41 IP i i I I 11m. IP II� I P y� O rCz > y rs� s [' IV W r N •1 z np� I AO-W . I N S O N A (P (A N N 04, �uNdI111. LW IL N N W N �' N ILF O N r I 1I � Ilm O m m F 1V1 W �10 N I� �' S O� 1W J 00 W O T O A O 00 � IIF IA � III I Ir IIA IP I'I III � `� III 1= I11 I11 III ilNO to III I IN w �O r N l/� 'd N • N \A F OJ V IO V P r '> W a �O V r 0 �••' r '� VI V1 O m W W F O� n !A (p N fA M f0 f0 • N I A r J F V1 v `O V� N W •O aA. N O O� Iw ASSETS Current Assets - Cash and Investments (Page 55) Accounts Receivable Property Taxes Receivable Interest Receivable Other Receivable Due from Other Funds (Page 59) Inventory Restricted Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) Fixed Assets - Net LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to Other Funds Long -Term Debt Bonds Payable Municipal Equity (Page 34) Retained Earnings - Reserved - Unreserved Contributions Reserves 33 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 Commuter Water Parking Totals Funds Sewerage Refuse Lot 1980 1979 $ 92,928 $ 235,542 $ 7,380 S 1,629 $ 337,479 $ 429,396 127,634 120,341 45,177 293,152 267,154 285,493 285,493 259,537 905 905 2,295 2,456 17,257 19,713 22,909 175,000 175,000 10,593 39,158 39,158 32,932 $262,176 $ 531,788 $338,050 $ 18,886 $1,150,900 $1,024,816 $ 88,708 $ 93,778 - - $ 182,486 $ 77,000 $402,989 $5,690,794 - $587,534 $6,681,317 $6,343,083 $753,873 $6,316,360 $338,050 1606,420 $8,014,703 $7,444,899 $ 54,366 $ 72,435 $ 42,657 $ 169,458 $ 95,153 996 1 848 $ 11 344 .�14_' 18888 1 50066 5 628 2 7 ,3 2, 57 1� $ 183,646 5 9b,659 $335,000 $ 335,000 $• 365,000 $ 93,778 S 93,778 $ 133,140 $274,803 547,359 $295,393 $ 19,910 1,137,465 914,816 5,600,940 575,166 6,176,106 5,846,576 88,708 88,708 88,708 363,511 6,242,077 295,393 595,076 $7,496,057 6,9 $753,873 16,316,360 $338,050 $606,420 $8,014,703 $7,444,899 ifr"m R p F ��••• �w �� m m m y m �0M p a H n r• R Y• o R 2 Cb O 0 $ Tm7 C. a H r te1 m IT M. m %4 fn Tl R F•• r* 0 M Htlti A• 00 D OO m r.. '� „ >t r• mH 5 5 ^ m n m 0'D m 0* b' l 5 �p .+ m m � v 10 C: n m M m m 0 H D m C m OD •d O H O a m o Y. m m w 0 7 W -$ n m $ 0- 0, 'y$r•CM '.�M nm•nWmAAro MA W OW. ri m R H R0 m HwOQ r• 00 m H 9 m r• r• D 0"" H n R O R n O m C n m COM m Gas 00 H R m m M H m r• r• m •A m r• 7 O n p YyD' , m 7 w 0 Cc: no 0 00 0 a H( � O R �t fp m m N ID R m m C M ~ 4 v lb Go CD PI CD � A CL a m w m ca oA m 7 v C m W. 1T m d m OO C '% r•OQ ID C m m r• m fT Y• O O y y y y F y J J L• N V 0D O OD �--• �--• 1-+ �G N V F J lA w to w OD OD J .o w v+ •'•1 ^ r v� I w oD o• w w �- to o� 7 m OD N V J W W O• V �+ t r F O m O• 0.H O O� Q• w OD w W 00 r- �G 10 O• •o N F O r La F F 10 V J J O O 10 411 10 N W W F �o N OD to y y :A to y y y !A F 4.lA lA w .r•• r ►+ T W O� O� T In �T•• N N 1n '+1 t J F 10 F W CT W O O O OI F W O w Ol W I V� to 00 O� F W Ol 10 lA W O — m 'T F O CL m v� OTF Y W F J W%A30 V N aDwFVOO O0 m OD 00 S3 OD N F O b•• V O N 00 N O 00 Vf N to y .yr ^ y y y N N N O O O �•• O M O Cco 10 W lA to V �0 4` O W �' r+ O� J V N r �•• m 10 A .o V1 N O N to lA U O O, to W w �o 10 F N aD 041 QD do N Y• O— F OD T r y y y N O F—J m � to lA to lA O V� w DD OD 00 H 4l N y y fA </1 Of o-•• h+ 1i o-+ ^ H 00 C� V T v 0 iF N N o-•• F w 'o �••• W V lA F'oF w W O� WN ODN W �•' JNOtAFFJIA O� lA WODO WFN co OW F W 00 m N N O% O lA V O, •o w F �••• �••' O� O� •D OD O T J O� �-• 00 OD O N O J W to V to ^,> O� W v� .•• �- r OD r m w �v �o r lA V N to OD V V 00 O v v F OH n . m r m y y y y y y F•• y r 9 'O H N N N ^ ^ F N •• F 00 W Y• Y N �... to T W N w r• p Y• F F C^ OD \A �p OD N N ••• w �p �O r• p V TON DD �O �o IAOWOOD V�O V N NOOFN►•• �W LA W O O w N %A 00 •D o O %o r w O F M 0— OD J 10 OD lA N O J 10 T OD •' IJ W La 4.1010 OD v v •D 'o F O IA F w F N W O V rM 9 M O '+7 C M C+1 70 M C+1 r b M r r z O O +1£ F1 35 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) Accounts Receivable Billed Unbilled Due From Other Funds (Page 59) Inventory Other Restricted Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) Property Plant and Equipment (Page 37) Water System Equipment Less Allowance for Depreciation LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to Other Funds (Page 59) Long -Term Debt Bonds Payable Fund Equity Retained Earnings (Page 36) Reserves 1980 1979 $ 92,928 $ 28,106 30,909 31,846 96,725 88,476 811 39,158 32,932 2,456 $ 262,176 $ 182,171 $ 88,708 $ 88,708 $ 711,904 $ 711,904 66,508 42,722 (375,423) (350,113) $ 402,989 $ 404,513 $ 753,873 $ 675,392 $ 54,366 $ 35,720 996 $ 55,362 $ 35,720 $ 335,000 $ 365,000 $ 274,803 $ 185,964 88,708 88,708 363,511 274,672 $ 753,873 $ 675,392 36 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Operating Income Sale of Water Permits and Fees Penalties Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Excluding Depreciation Administration and Supervision Distribution Maintenance - Mains and Fire Hydrants Maintenance - Meters Net Operating Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Net Operating Income Add Non -Operating Income Interest Earned Less Non -Operating Expenses Interest Expense on Revenue Bonds Net Income 1980 Budget $660,000 7,000 5,000 2,000 $674,000 $ 51,436 443,456 93,176 38,132 $626,200 $ 47,800 Actual 1979 $775,618 $663,566 3,802 8,379 9,049 7,863 24 4 $788,493 $679,812 $ 53,463 475,212 110,665 32,454 $671,794 $116,699 $ 49,276 45 0, 850 118,569 $618,695 $ 61,117 25,310 22,310 $ 47,800 $ 91,389 8,000 $ 55,800 $ 18,000 l $ 37,800 13,737 $105,126 $ 16,287 $ 88,839 Retained Earnings May 1, 1979 185,964 April 30, 1980 (Page 35) $274,803 $ 38,807 10,489 $ 49,296 $ 17,713 $ 31,583 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 FIXED ASSETS Balance - May 1, 1979 Additions Balance - April 30, 1980 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Balance - May 1, 1979 Additions Balance - April 30, 1980 Water System Equipment Total $711,904 $42,722. $754,626 - 23,786 23,786 $711,904 $66,508 $778,412 $334,576 $15,537 $350,113 17,274 8,036 25,310 $351,850 $23,573 $375,423 37 38 r VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS , SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 1980 1979 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) $ 235,542 $ 268,252 Accounts Receivable Billed 26,181 25,547 Unbilled 94,160 80,444 Interest Receivable 905 2,295 Due from Other Funds (Page 59) 175,000 $ 531,788 376,538 Restricted Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) $ 93,778 $ 133,140 Property, Plant and Equipment (Page 41) Sewer System $ 61,797 $ 61,797 Equipment 209,692 160,000 Construction in Progress 5,566,940 5,559,631 Less Accumulated Depreciation (147,635) (127,989) $5,690,794 $5,653,439 eg 119 u n cg ir"A ill LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 70,793 $ 20,193 Due to Other Funds 1,848 1,506 Other Liabilities 1,642 $ 74,283 $ 21,699 Fund Equity (Page 40) Retained Earnings $ 547,359 $ 414,647 Reserves 93,778 133,140 Contributed Equity 5,600,940 5,593,631 $6,242,077 $6,141,418 $6,316,360 $6,163,117 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Operating Income Sewer Charges Permits and Fees Penalties Construction Surcharges Other Surcharges Operating Expenses Excluding Depreciation Administration Maintenance Treatment Plant Construction Department Net Operating Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Net Operating Income Add Non -Operating Income Interest Earned Net Income (Page 40) 1980 Budget Actual 1979 $535,000 $554,088 $532,773 - 470 3,293 3,000 6,642 6,560 21,000 20,638 20,962 28,000 28,182 20,094 $587,000 $610,020 $583,682 $ 49,874 $ 53,377 $ 46,428 76,895 60,581 66,679 406,654 364,950 268,299 67,160 64,634 40,379 $600,583 $543,542 $421,785 $0 3,583) $ 66,478 $161,897 - 19,646 13,396 $0 3,583) S 46,832 $148,501 12,000 46,518 21,496 $ (1,583) $ 93,350 $169,997 E461 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CONTRIBUTIONS, RESERVES AND RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Increases Transfer of Construction Surcharge Construction Net Income Transfer from Revenues Decreases Transfer to Reserves Transfer to Retained Earnings Net Increase (Decrease) Account Balance May 1, 1979 April 30, 1980 (Page 38) Retained Reserves Contributions Earnings $ 20,638 $ 7,309 $ 93,350 60,000 $ 20,638 $ 7,309 $153,350 $ 20,638 $ 60,000 - $ 60,000 - $ 20,638 $(39,362) $ 7,309 $132,712 133,140 5,593,631 414,647 $ 93,778 $5,600,940 $547,359 41 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 FIXED ASSETS Balance - May 1, 1979 Additions Balance - April 30, 1980 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Balance - May 1, 1979 Additions Balance - April 30,' 1980 Sewer Construction System Equipment in Progress Tot al $1609000 $ 61,797 $5,559,631 $5,781,428 - 49,692 7,309 57,001 $160,000 $111,489 $5,566,940 $5,838,429 $ 98,000 $ 29,989 - $ 127,989 4,000 15,646 - 19,646 $102,000 $ 45,635 - $ 147,635 42 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) Accounts Receivable Billed Unbilled Property Taxes Receivable LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities Account Payable Fund Equity Retained Earnings (Page 43) 1980 1979 $ 7,380 S 31,932 10,329 9,242 34,848 31,599 285,493 259,537 $338,050 $332,310 $ 42,657 $ 37,711 295,393 $338,050 294,599 $332,310 43 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS REFUSE FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Operating Income Refuse Billing Miscellaneous Operating Expenditures Excluding Contractual Services Intergovernmental Billing Other Net Operating Income Add Non -Operating Income Interest Earned Property Tax Levy Prior Year Tax Collection Net Income Retained Earnings May 1, 1979 April 30, 1980 (Page 42) 1980 Budget Actual 1979 $ 196,000 $ 203,136 $ 194,848 1,500 3,118 2,974 $ 197,500 $ 206,254 $ 197,822 $ 477,000 $ 495,761 $ 443,081 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 2,651 4,518 $ 494,000 $ 508)412 $ 457,599 $(296,500) $(302,158) $(295,777) $ 2,000 $ 2,324 $ 634 298,000 298,000 260,000 2,628 4,064 $ 300,000 $ 302,952 $ 264,698 $ 3,500 $ 794 $ 4,921 294,599 $ 295,393 44 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments (Page 55) Due from Illinois Department of Transportation Due from Other Funds (Page 59) Property, Plant and Equipment (Page 46) Land Parking Lots Construction in Progress Less Allowance for Depreciation LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to Other Funds (Page 59) Fund Equity Retained Earnings (Page 45) Contributed Equity 1980 1979 $ 1,629 $ (43,742) 171257 22,909 9,782 18,886 $ 11,051) $ 77,500 $ 77,500 540,549 175,739 35,407 (30,515) (3,515) $587,534 $ 285,131 $606,420 $ 274,080 $ - $ 1,529 11,344 $ 11,344 1,529 $ 19,910 $ 19,606 575,166 252,945 $595,076 $ 272,551 $606,420 $ 274,080 45 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Operating Income Revenue Operating Expenses Excluding Maintenance Net Operating Income Before Depreciation Depreciation Net Operating Income Retained Earnings May 1, 1979 April 30, 1980 (Page 44) 1980 Budget Actual 1979 $34, 300 $40, 718 $21,188 15,000 13,413 3,432 $19,300 $27,305 $17,756 - 27,000 3,515 $19,300 $ 305 914,241 19,605 $19,910 46 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS, DEPRECIATION AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 FIXED ASSETS Balance - May 1, 1979 Additions Balance - April 30, 1980 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Balance - May 1, 1979 Increases Balance - April 30, 1980 CONTRIBUTIONS Balance - May 1, 1979 Increase Gr ant s Balance - April 30, 1980 Parking Land Lot Total $77,500 $175,739 $253,239 364,810 364,810 $77,500 $540,549 $618,049 - $ 3,515 $ 3,515 27,000 27,000 - $ 30,515 $ 30,515 Contributed Equity $252,945 322,221 $575,166 �I L� 1 1 �J rl 11 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 11 I j 47 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 1980 1979 ASSETS Cash -and Investments (Page 55) $(38,282) $(30,698) Due from Other Funds (Page 59) 6,926 6,813 Inventory 16,732 13,919 $0 4,624) $ (9,966) LIABILITIES, ENCUMBRANCES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 2,286 Accrued Payroll 1,530 Due to Other Funds (Page 59) S 3,816 Encumbrances 1,072 Total Liabilities and Encumbrances $ 4,888 Fund Balance (19,512) $04,624) STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 1980 Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual Incomees Billings to Other Funds $96,500 $100,703 Expenses 92,852 104,732 Net Income $ 3,648 $ (4,029) Retained Earnings May 1, 1979 (15,483) April 30, 1980 $(19,512) $ 4,321 117 $ 4,438 1,079 $ 5,517 (15,483) S (9,966) 1979 Actual $ 94,680 102,945 $ (8,265) 48 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GARAGE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Cash Was Provided By - Cash Was Used To Fund Operating Loss $ 4,029 Increase Current Assets 2,926 Decrease Current Liabilities 629 $ 7,584 Net Increase (Decrease) $ (7,584) Cash Balance May 1, 1979 (30,698) April 30, 1980 $(38,282) 1 1 1 1 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES 1 ri 11 11 d TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 Police Dial -A- Pension Deposit Ride Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Totals 1980 1979 Cash and Investments (Page 55) $1,239,589 $45,141 $ 2,201 $1,286,931 $1,049,704 Accounts Receivable 20,751 20,751 Property Taxes Receivable 118,690 118,690 104,206 Replacement Tax Receivable 1,827 1,827 - Interest Receivable 29,766 29,766 34,768 Other Receivables 1,855 1,855 1,249 $1,391,727 $45,141 $22,952 $1,459,820 $1,189,927 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable $18,744 $ 18,744 Deposits Payable $45,141 45,141 $ 48,126 Due to Other Funds (Page 59) 4,208 4,208 Total Liabilities $ - $45,141 $22,952 $ 68,093 $ 48,126 Fund Balance (Page 50) 1,391,727 - 1,391,727 1,141,801 $1,391,727 $45,141 $22,952 $1,459,820 $1,189,927 49 50 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Police Dial -A- Pension Ride Totals Fund Fund 1980 1979 Revenues Payroll Deduction $ 60,225 $ 60,225 $ 55,345 Property Taxes - 1979 123,890 1233,890 105,000 Prior Year Tax Collections 1,078 1,078 1,082 Replacement Tax 3,195 3,195 - Interest Income 86,824 86,824 73,221 RTA Funding $20,731 20,731 Village Contribution 2,303 2,303 Fares 2,279 2,279 $ 275,212 $25,313 $ 300,525 $234,648 Expenditures Pension Payments $ 25,261 $ 25,261 $ 25,060 Filing Fee 25 25 25 Refunds 20,343 Payments to Nortran Payments to Village $18,744 18,744 Other 6,569 6,569 $ 25,286 $25,313 $ 50,599 $ 45,428 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures $ 249,926 - $ 249,926 $189,220 Fund Balance May 1, 1979 1,141,801 - 1,141,801 April 30, 1980 (Page 49) $1,391,727 - $1,391,727 11 51 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 ASSETS 1980 Cash and Investments (Page 55) $1,239,589 Property Taxes Receivable 118,690 Replacement Tax Receivable 1,827 Other Receivables 1,855 Accrued Interest Receivables 29,766 $1,391,727 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund Balance $1,391,727 STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL, EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues Payroll Deductions Property Taxes - 1979 Prior Year Tax Collections Replacement Tax Interest Income Expenditures Pension Payments Refund of Employee Contributions Filing Fee Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Balance May 1, 1979 April 30, 1980 April 30, 1980 Estimated Revenues or Appropriations Actual 1979 $1,001,578 104,206 1,249 34,768 ei I/.i Qni April 30, 1979 Actual $ 60,225 $ 55,345 $130,000 123,890 105,000 1,078 1,082 3,195 - 90,000 86,824 73,221 220,000 275,212 23 ,648 $ 26,000 $ 25,261 $ 25,060 20,343 250 25 25 $ 26,250 $ 25,286 $ 45,428 $193,750 $ 249,926 S 189,220 1,141,801 $1,391,727 52 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DIAL -A -RIDE FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1980 ASSETS Cash and Investments (Page 55) $ 2,201 Accounts Receivable. 20,751 $22,952 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $18,744 Due to Other Funds (Page 59) 4,208 $22,952 STATEMENT OF REVENUES; EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Revenues RTA Funding $20,731 Village Contribution 2,303 Fares 2,279 $25,313 Expenditures Payments to Nortran $18,744 Payments to Village 6,569 $25,313 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Balance May 1, 1979 - April 30, 1980 - 1 I 1 I L� I 11 I ACCOUFT GROUPS L� 1 1 I I rl I I it F, I I k I GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT I 53 O C c 0 O O coo 0 .o c c to Ln c Ln o u-) 4-1 � C 00 .o It O M C, M M H^ M N M V} N N U •� O O C 44 44 H GJ ^ p O G O p C 41W O O C 0) U •,4 FE w O O G -4 L r- is -4 . r1 r-I JJ In In 1n O 'G co 0 00 co 00 H O O O O •r4 G O O V 41 to O G G r4 ct�o r.7 •.t O O O O :$ as u, Lr, Lr, o' V> V} N G O O O O p to O 41 O o O co N •4 m N Ej-4 •c O o 0 (1) 41 •4 Q Lf) Lr) v1 3 co u o Ln u') cn cn L y q O O O 0 to 0 0 N 9 Q O G O NW Po 00 00 0000 to LL rrr v> tr} H GOl ,a cc 0 >% w cd 07 w P4 a N b w cn a� 0 41u a w cc ° ro >% w ca ow w w a w O 0 o 8 w d D Fs. r4 w u 41 04 ttJ " PO A4-4 w•u 41 o a —4 U p +� v, co • a o 0Fw wa P°a a I I 1 1 Ll I I SUPPLEMENTARY DATA I I 54 I IOF' Certified Public Accountants L� r The Honorable Bernard Forrest, President Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield, Illinois Accompanying additional financial information is presented for supple- mentary analysis purposes and is not considered necessary for a fair presentation of the basic financial statements. Our examination of the basic financial statements for the year ended April 30, 1980, which are presented in the first section of this report, was made for the primary purpose of formulating an opinion on those statements. K4.00OPCOX071, Of `� Karrison & Byrne August 15, 1980 Bank of Wheaton Buildings 211 South Wheaton Avenue • Wheaton, Illinois 60187 • (312) 665 -45 10 Geneva Professional Offices o 2061/, West State Street 9 Geneva, Illinois 60134 9 (312) 232-9404 y O a o v n O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O omcc oo c c N ner o 0 onto% oC o E It In o o O .n ON 0 11c c o m en Go OD �O a en n -� J o o c 1 d en .•� N J .•� V) .••I .••I .. (n J > �W 4 0 LOi Y G e+0) InO d e+f vim') m min OH O n n O C: G n Q F .•-I 4 .•r in eID Z N .r m elo J G N G � T O O O I I 1 I .� Co K: .••� J N m04 N 04 t� oC U N O O .r en v1 M e'1 e•'1 •� 191 O. O I en V1 0 .•a N tti N K 0 Ol n JNO .-e eT V)1n JOJ n n GO+la, 1 00 pp O N eT 10 It00 eD L.'1 O en N N W N O GO m e>< e+) J n J O� N 10 0 O� en v1 0 N PC •.F. ti J n en n en00 ao n .. 0, co '••I N PI N v Y e0 O N (A v C6 N .••I N, M. H Oi Y U y u 0 0 C O O •.1 O a � O O O O O 1+ T u h N N I I a) N V1 u n a w h m yr A O O O ~ .Jy I � � I I I I I I I I • •• I 1 I I 4 a eNn rn yr S I O GJ c X .n rn 0, T en O cn 0% N P) 'n N m Y n neO O'O N 0, 10.1 NON w nJ In .-I e•)N CO N'O f0 m C ••+ J n J O T ItlO O 1O 1D e+1 en IO n It O� a0 .•. 1O 1 e•) .p O� N U m N dnvinO.enN�O�OJ ^+•Dn ^ O ••�O�n.-.O� eo •0 G V e.'1 O� •"'e n N e•l O� .r .+ .••I 00 00coJ� N 00 J O n eD N r. en m Ol m to e+f en N n .••I P1 V1 v F 0 <& H N tT tlY1.4 N N G 0 O Y Y u a u O 0 Y m m •.. O G u OY .0 8 d ►. m ►. a u 0 a 3 4 C � a Y1 7 Z.co V u i m eq en ei� V 55 m ., m 0 In In Ln .+ CO > c N N m W O 1; as allV m u C m J � O� p N W O n Y Go m N m •O N •.I cc Cr C-4 CD w J N O m ]C4' u N N N N m C E co m en n en m J J C cn N to tR •.� W d co I N QI E.' m I1I �II co fU cc t I. I III � C •.e ep J O M eo q en .•I N T N W Y cn .n N J 10 co .n m 41 N N O > .r � .-I yr J ea •.GI O O O m C O Y .Q Q m C etl Y m m u C C Cm0 �m 6 �i 7 uo a °p1paumo >e d m 0> 6 a W Cc W PG .m+ em0 u .r m C N •.Y•I d v .+ M 1. I+ m O «I 00 m u m l mAL. u •.mi w � yM Yyy�'A OCo y 0pp u3 eA0 uC A. O FW G� o q W F T. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 General Fund Savings Certificate Craigin Federal Savings and Loan 13.625% Due 5/2/80 Time Deposit Continental Bank 15% Due 5/22/80 Library Fund Deerfield State Bank 1st National Bank of Deerfield Craigin Federal Savings Motor Fuel Tax Fund U.S. Treasury Bill Northern Trust Co. 7.5% Due 5/29/80 Time Deposit Northern Trust Co. 16.5% Due 5/23/80 14.5% Due 6/23/80 Debt Service Savings Certificate Craigin Federal Savings and Loan 16.25% Due 7/18/80 Building Project Savings Certificate Craigin Federal Savings and Loan 14.25% Due 5/14/80 Time Deposit Northern Trust Co. 14.5% Due 5/23/80 $ 49,719 105,000 130,000 $ 150, 000 200,000 $ 350,000 $ 132,258 1,000 48,000 $ 181,258 $ 284,719 $ 190,000 $ 200,000 150,000 $ 350,000 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 i i f 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 Land Acquisition U.S. Treasury Bill Northern Trust Co. 11.25% Due 11/6/80 Storm Sewer Construction Fund Time Deposit Continental Bank 13.3% Due 5/20/80 Sewerage Treatment Facility Fund Time Deposit Continental Bank 15% Due 5/23/80 Water Fund Savings Certificate Craigin Federal Savings and Loan 16.25% Due 7/18/80 Savings Certificate Craigin Federal Savings and Loan 15.125% Due 6/18/80 16.25% Due 7/18/80 Police Pension Savings Accounts Deerfield Savings and Loan $ 18,107 Deerfield State Bank 4,045 U.S. Treasury Bonds Deerfield State Bank 6.75% Due 2/15/93 S 34,759 7.5% Due 8/15/93-98 81,584 7.5% Due 8/15/93 30,172 8.5% Due 1994/1999 57,758 8.5% Due 1994/1999 66,996 8.5% Due 1994/1999 58,119 8.25% Due 5/15/90 59,698 12.625% Due 5/15/95 142,350 8.125% Due 8/15/82 20,009 $ 75,730 $ 119,000 $ 140,000 $ 100,000 $ 150,000 150,000 $ 300,000 $ 22,152 58 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS APRIL 30, 1980 Police Pension (Cont.) U.S. Treasury Bonds (Cont.) Deerfield Savings and Loan 8.25% Due 5/90 U.S. Treasury Notes Deerfield State Bank 8.125% Due 22/82 7.875% Due 5/15/86 8.0% Due 8/15/86 6.375% Due 8/15/84 8.75% Due 11/15/88 8.25% Due 5/90 9.25% Due 5/88 Certificate of Deposit Great American Savings 7.75% Due 1/28/83 Savings Certificate Crawford Savings and Loan 7.75% Due 1/28/83 FNMA Deerfield State Bank 7.75% Due 3/10/83 $ 76,535 $ 627,980 $ 55,413 50,000 40,000 58,500 99,063 89,866 51,704 444,546 51,635 11,776 59,062 $19217,151 ei qn7 asu NOTE: The approximate rate of interest return on Police Pension Fund investments was 8.5% 59 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF INTERFUND ACCOUNTS APRIL 30, 1980 General Fund Due From Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund $ 22,000 Revenue Sharing Fund 4,000 Sewer Fund 1,150 Water Fund 820 —Pa-r-ki-ng_Lot Fund - T0; 383_ --Spee-ral—Assessment Fund 3,404_ Dial -A -Ride 3,954 Garage Fund $ 45,711 Youthbound Garage Fund Special Assessment Fund General Fund Street Fund Parking Lot Fund Garage Fund Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund General Fund Federal Revenue Sharing General Fund Building Project Fund Debt Service Fund Sewer Treatment Plant Fund Building Project Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Storm Sewer Construction Fund Sewer Treatment Plant Fund Due To $175,000 44,649 2,651 $222,300 $ 320 $ 44,649 $--,404_. $ 961 $ 2,828 $ 961 $ 2,828 $100,000 $ 23,000 $ 22,000 $ 4,000 23,000 $ 27,000 $ 31,642 M. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF INTERFUND ACCOUNTS APRIL 30, 1980 Sewer Treatment Plant Fund —Storm Sewer Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Water Fund General Fund Garage Fund Sewer Fund General Fund Garage Fund Garage Fund General Fund Di a 1-A-Rid e Youthbound Street Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Due Due From To $ 31,642 $100,000 $ 31,642 $100,000 $ 820 176 $ 996 $175,000 $ 1,150 698 $175,000 $ 1,848 $ 2,651 254 320 2,828 698 176 $ 6,927 Parking Lot ^Ge eial Fund•_ __. _- -- --- - - ----�""—'-S 10•,3.8.3_ Street Fund 961 $ 11,344 Di a 1-A-Rid e Garage Fund General Fund $427,890 $ 254 3,954 $ 4,208 $427,890 Pi 11 1 61 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS. SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENT BONDS APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue June 1, 1973 Date of Maturity December 1, 1992 Authorized Issue $1,080,000 Actual Issue $1, 080, 000 Denomination of Bonds $5,000 Interest Rate 4.4%-5.1% Principal Maturity Date December 1 Interest Dates June 1 and December 1 Payable at Belleville National Savings Bank Tax Bond Levy Coupons Due on Numbers Year Principal Interest Total Dec. 1 Amount June 1 Amount $ 21,887 $ 21,887 1980 $ 21,887 32-46 1979 $ 75,000 42,125 117,125 1980 $ 21,887 1981 20,238 47-61 1980 75,000 38,788 113,788 1981 20,238 1982 18,550 62-76 1981 75,000 35,412 110,412 1982 18,550 1983 16,862 77-91 1982 75,000 32,000 107,000 1983 16,862 1984 15,138 92-106 1983 75,000 28,550 103,550 1984 15,138 1985 13,412 107-121 1984 75,000 25,662 100,062 1985 13,412 1986 11,650 122-136 1985 75,000 21,538 96,538 1986 '11,650 1987 9,888 137-151 1986 75,000 17,975 92,975 1987 9,888 1988 8,087 152-166 1987 75,000 14,337 89,337 1988 8,087 1989 6,250 167-181 1988 75,000 10,625 85,625 1989 6,250 1990 4,375 182-196 1989 75,000 6,875 81,875 1990 4,375 1991 2,500 197-206 1990 50,000 3,750 53,750 1991 2,500 1992 1,250 207-216 1991 50,000 1,250 51,250 1992 1,250 $925,000 $300,174 $1,225,174 $150,087 $150,087 $ 75,000 $ 64,012 $ 139,012. Current Portion - Debt Service Fund 850,000 236,162 1,086,162 Long -Term Portion - General Long -Term Debt Account $925,000 $300,174 $1,225,174 Group 62 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS SEWERAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES BONDS APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Authorized Issue Actual Issue Denomination of Bonds Interest Rate Principal Maturity Date Interest Dates Payable at June 1, 1973 December 1, 1992 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000 4.4%-6.0% December 1 June 1 and December 1 Belleville National Savings Bank 1 Tax Bond Levy Coupons Due on Numbers Year Principal Interest Total Dec. 1 Amount June 1 Amount $ 39,812 $ 39,812 1980 $ 39,812 66-90 1979 $ 125,000 76,875 201,875 1980 $ 39,812 1981 37,063 91-115 1980 125,000 71,312 196,312 1981 37,063 1982 34,249 116-140 1981 125,000 65,687 190,687 1982 34,249 1983 31,438 141-165 1982 125,000 60,000 185,000 1983 31,438 1984 28,562 166-190 1983 125,000 54,250 179,250 1984 28,562 1985 25,688 191-215 1984 125,000 48,438 173,438 1985 25,688 1986 22,750 216-240 1985 125,000 42,563 167,563 1986 22,750 1987 19,813 241-265 1986 125,000 36,625 161,625 1987 19,813 1988 163,812 266-296 1987 125,000 30,562 155,562 1988 16,812 1989 13,750 297-315 1988 125,000 24,375 149,375 1989 13,750 1990 101625 316-340 1989 125,000 18,125 143,125 1990 10,625 1991 7,500 341-370 1990 150,000 11,250 161,250 1991 7,500 1992 3,750 371-400 1991 150,000 3,750 153,750 1992 3,750 $1,675,000 $583,624 $2,258,624 $291,812 $291,812 $ 125,000 $116,687 $ 241,687 Current Portion - Debt Service Fund 1,550,000 466,937 2,016,937 $1,675,000 $583,624 $2,258,624 1 63 1 I 1 I VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS LAND ACQUISTION BONDS APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Authorized Issue Actual Issue Denomination of Bonds Interest Rate Principal Payment Date Interest Dates Payable at Tax Bond Levy Numbers Year Principal Interest Total $ 16,612 $ 16,612 81-100 1979 $100,000 30,525 130,525 101-120 1980 1003000 25,125 125,125 121-145 1981 125,000 18,987 143,987 146-170 1982 125,000 12,050 137,050 171-200 1983 150,000 4,275 154,275 $600,000 $107,574 $707,574 December 1, 1974 June 1, 1984 $1,000,000 $1, 000, 000 $5,000 5.4% - 6.0% December 1 June 1 and December 1 First Commercial Bank and Trust Coupons Due on Dec. 1 Amount June 1 Amount 1980 $16,612 1980 $16,612 1981 13,912 1981 13,912 1982 11,212 1982 11,212 1983 7,775 1983 7,775 1984 4,275 1984 4,275 $53,786 $53,786 $100,000 $ 47,137 $147,137 Current Portion - Debt Service Fund 500,000 60,437 560,437 Long -Term Portion - General Long -Term Debt Account $600,000 $107,574 $707,574 64 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS INSTALLMENT NOTE - POLICE ADDITION APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Actual Issue Payable to Tax Levy Year Principal Interest Total 1979 $ 15,000 $ 26,742 $ 41,742 1980 20,000 25,780 45,780 1981 20,000 24,455 44,455 1982 20,000 23,115 43,115 1983 25,000 21,788 46,788 1984 145,000 20,088 165,088 1985 155,000 10,385 165,385 $400,000 $152,353 $552,353 October 16, 1979 October 15, 1986 $400,000 $ 15,000 $ 26,742 $ 41,742 - Current Portion - Debt Service 385,000 125,611 510,611 - Long -Term Portion - General Long -Term Debt Account $400,000 $152,353 $552,353 Group 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Year Bond Ended Numbers 1981 61-65 1982 66-70 1983 71-75 1984 76-80 1985 81-85 1986 86-95 1987 96-105 1988 106-115 1989 116-125 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS WATER REVENUE BOND SERIES OF 1960 APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Actual Issue Denomination of Bonds Interest Rates Interest Dates Principal Maturity Date Payable at Principal Interest $ 5,000 $ 2,635 5,000 2,550 5,000 29338 5,000 2,125 5,000 1,913 10,000 1,700 10,000 1,275 10,000 850 10,000 425 $65,000 $15,811 Total $ 7,635 7,550 7,338 7,125 6,913 11,700 11,275 10,850 10,425 $80,81.1 January 1, 1960 May 1, 1989 $125,000 1-125 @ $1,000 4.75% - 4.25% November 1, May 1 May 1 LaSalle National Bank Chicago Coupons Due on Nov. 1 Amount May 1 Amount 1980 $1,317 1981 $1,318 1981 1,275 1982 1,275 1982 1,169 1983 1,169 1983 1,062 1984 1,063 1984 956 1985 957 1985 850 1986 850 1986 637 1987 638 1987 425 1988 425 1988 212 1989 213 65 66 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS WATER REVENUE BOND SERIES OF 1959 APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Actual Issue Denomination of Bonds Interest Rates Interest Dates Principal Maturity Date Payable at April 1, 1959 May 1, 1989 $545,000 1-545 @ $1,000 5% - 4.25% November 1 - May 1 May 1 LaSalle National Bank Chicago Year Bond Coupons Due on Ended Numbers Principal Interest Total Nov. 1 Amount May 1 Amount 1981 276-300 $25,000 $12,074 $ 37,074 1980 $6,037 1981 $6,037 1982 301-325 25,000 10,886 35,886 1981 5,443 1982 5,443 1983 326-350 25,000 9,700 34,700 1982 4,850 1983 4,850 1984 351-380 301000 8,512 38,512 1983 4,256 1984 4,256 1985 381-410 30,000 7,088 37,088 1984 3,544 1985 3,544 1986 411-440 302000 5,738 35,738 1985 2,869 1986 29869 1987 441-475 35,000 4,462 39,462 1986 2,231 1987 2,231 1988 476-510 35,000 2,976 37,976 1987 1,488 1988 1,488 1989 511-545 35,000 1,488 36,488 1988 744 1989 744 $270,000 $62,924 $332,924 i 67 Bond Numbers 486-525 Tax Levy Year 1978 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS CURRENT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REQUIREMENTS SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS APRIL 30, 1980 Date of Issue Date of Maturity Authorized Issue Actual Issue Denomination of Bonds Interest Rate Principal Maturity Date Interest Dates Payable at Principal Interest Total $45,000 $900 $45,900 Current - Debt Service Fund June 1, 1960 June 1, 1980 $525,000 $525,000 $1,000 4% June 1 June 1 and December 1 Sears Bank & Trust Company Coupons Due on Dec. 1 Amount Jun. 1 Amount 1980 $900 y 1.4 M O z F eb a w °: W M a F cn w W a A F ►+ d W OU3 6 W 6 a a p' CY, — r` CrI %D r` co M ..e v1 en M %O r` J C OO N Ln r, N V1 — %0 n en C J ch y ti N J. IO V1 N O n V1 N V1 OO O� .•. 7 N O c1 V1 m— N .•e 00 O rn rn n J cn p C .-r N N N cn V1 N O Oh C• V1 0 ...r en N rV .rcn J +I cn V1 eT en%nN OoO nf`J .a N V1 V1 rV O O C I ...� .•.� ry I� I ..e .••� 10, r1( O( I N [.�mi a l C 0 • c• OO 0rn0 V1 coo 0 %O cc0co co 000r-0r- 000 0 V, yl O V1N C rr 000.••r0— 000 O ll . ., O ••+ O O O N M O N o� r� .r O L f) r, V1 .•n cn en .r N N 0 ti .••r �p f` en N C••y y OOO N0�OI N1 M CO J(V1I �0I�I O OO .O J O+ a, C, •"iOD O�V1� NOGCN p00 IO O Fa'I INO .-� 00-0.•-i OC OOO OOO coo O O. O O co C Go 000cn0 cn coo C — y OnotC n OO0000 000 O a0 �O 7 O Ol ri Ln r` V1 J OO J rn 10 v1 en OO Ln K 00 O 0% O N J 'O .1 co N O N co c �O 8 e+1 N N r, cn .•.i J r� d .. nl M (& y N N N r �O 0,.,c N en V1 VG1 '••O+N� VN1 0 �O O o c c coal Ci COCOn lON I OO 1-1 C!o O II cn II c CD 0 cn cn V1 V1 O G, cc cc 00 000 00 0 C, m 0 M y C V1 eV 0r` 000.0010 O O O V\ N p Lr C; e4 V1 N O O to e+1 O •c 10 � V1 O O+ O N V1 .O r+ 0 .O OO O1 O+ O e1 n E J .••r .••r m N OD en N1 —cn OO 6 r 0 K tl>4V>to N to f`I N Ja N aO J O�101 ^ r- n K m c c c1V1I JCOCIry/1 coOp O+O r-J •+ m y N COO N 0 C! •"r N N irI C O F cc O C 000 V100N0 r, m m O O 00000 OD NOO Vl O rn N N yr. C V1N OO u'1 NOO•••rOe•1 N N OO O co : V1 0 c7 J rn O 0 rr e0 N J J M1 J N O I N Ln Cl) M �O O% Oh N N en N T en c1 r+ O, d ., V> 4} th y rl Ln N 0 0 0 le'1 0� ^'r O r� Ln O � ^+ m u F I NOOON I c0 00•-+•�— I( N N I� I O O ( I OmG m •v v G 7 u W >+ m y w u aGi ►�+ m U M rl O .+ m 41 a J F a4 u Aj w w 70 W `' G DO y o O d m G ••+ H •.+ w U O C* w 0. ++ m a w 0) .+ m w G PO w m p v u m m •.+ w G> .4 m w�anma'eaGi>'; C w `° °° > .. a .0 .� d Co Ai•v y m C-4 .-+ •.r m m> O a+ u rn 01 v m u w y m m d O u F m w w G m v O a m •.r paU G •.+ •.e w .+ e.r p .0 .••r ay1 Gacn •., m m GU .+ wAAw A d F 69 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Estimated Revenues Property Taxes Property Taxes - 1980 Levy Prior Year Tax Collections Municipal Sales Tax State Income Tax Interest Earned Licenses and Permits Beer/Liquor Licenses Food Licenses Other Business Licenses Building Permits Animal Licenses Non -Business Licenses and Permits Fines Services Special Police Services Transfer Charges Other Charges for Services Engineering Charges Miscellaneous False Alarms Sale of Maps Rental Miscellaneous Vehicle Stickers Grants Other 425,000 $ 920,000 Actual $ 425,000 4,500 429,500 $1,018,734 $ 305,000 $ 320,542 $ 25,000 $ 97,240 $ 25,000 $ 25,487 1,000 884 8,000 7,859 40,000 27,028 6,500 7,071 22,000 18,113 $ 102,500 $ 86,442 $ 110,000 $ 100,663 $ 27,000 $ 23,063 30,000 30,000 2,000 2,136 20,,000 7,189 $ 79,000 $ 62,388 $ 7,125 $ 500 555 1,000 319 10,000 14,296 33,000 33,000 10,000 6,694 2,263, $ 54,500 64,252 $2,021,000 $2,179,761 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Administration Department Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Professional Services Travel, Training and Dues Printing and Advertising Communications Insurance Contractual Services Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Equipment Rental Miscellaneous Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Election Board Advisory Boards Dog Pound Housing Assistance Apparel Equipment Land Acquisition Appropriations $360,000 3,500 59,430 17,900 96,000 14,000 6,000 17,000 16,700 15,500 1,500 2,000 7,000 200 3,000 14,000 1,500 1,000 6,000 5,000 30,000 200 2,500 21,000 $700,930 70 Actual $334,797 2,013 33,892 19,505 80,762 9,120 5,048 12,363 18,796 16,875 1,496 2,487 8,459 75 6,516 7,847 1,750 1,055 4,219 3,125 28,249 125 24,792 30,800 1 1 Ll [l 1 $654,166 i 1 1 71 1 I I 1 fl IJ VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Appropriations Actual Police Department Administrative Service Salaries $ 143,612 $ 137,565 Overtime 5,382 2,774 Part -Time 27,956 31,150 Employee Benefits 7,712 4,790 Professional Services 3,000 558 Travel, Training and Dues 3,745 3,032 Printing and Advertising 6,300 3,360 Communications 14,100 14,363 Insurance 11,645 11,152 Contractual Services 35,869 20,328 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 900 38 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 796 Supplies 6,995 6,259 Motor Vehicle Supplies 863 507 Advisory Boards 1,800 2,865 Apparel 1,500 1,342 Equipment 2,400 6,113 $ 274,779 $ 246,992 Investigations Salaries $ 681528 $ 67,606 Overtime 8,660 7,084 Employee Benefits 2,892 1,992 Travel, Training and Dues 1,150 2,255 Insurance 4,845 4,283 Contractual Services 6,390 7,287 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 900 1,200 Supplies 2,000 2,425 Motor Vehicle Supplies 1,150 942 Apparel 900 948 Equipment 1,620 1,265 $ 99,035 $ 97,287 Patrol Salaries $ 537,490 $ 506,855 Overtime 25,762 21,983 Part -Time 26,120 26,736 Employee Benefits 24,100 18,992 Travel, Training and Dues 12,980 6,298 Insurance 50,150 47,036 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 19,300 12,845 Repairs and Maintenance 800 231 72 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Police Department (Cont.) Patrol (Cont.) Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Apparel Equipment Motor Vehicles Community Services Salaries Overtime Employee Benefits Travel, Training and Dues Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Apparel Special Services Salaries Youth Services Salaries Overtime Employee Benefits Travel, Training and Dues Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Apparel Total Police Department Appropriations Actual $ 2,850 $ 2,037 16,100 22,076 8,550 8,881 9,500 6,108 33,550 30,970 $ 767,252 $ 711,048 $ 49,950 $ 48,824 1,042 859 1,928 1,702 300 365 40250 3, 700 600 - 950 425 690 528 600 688 $ 60,310 $ 57,091 $ 30,054 $ 24,867 $ 30,054 $ 24,867 $ '65,936 $ 66,210 4,930 4,921 2,892 1,993 1,150 216 6,800 6,673 1,500 177 900 73 300 150 1,380 1,326 600 653 $ 86,388 $ 82,392 $1,317,818 $1,219,677 73 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Appropriations Actual Public Works Department - Administration Salaries $ 20,225 $ 24,657 Overtime 500 136 Employee Benefits 687 941 Professional Services 200 50 Travel, Training and Dues 800 698 Printing and Advertising 1,800 3,663 Communications 1,200 1,462 Insurance 4,565 2,866 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 1,407 Miscellaneous 1,000 1,132 Supplies 1,500 1,567 Motor Vehicle Supplies Apparel 300 1$75 718 693 Equipment 325 1,256 Repairs and Maintenance - 16 9 35,677 $ 41,262 Public Works - Cleaning Salaries $ 4$73 $ 4,094 1 Overtime 500 906 Employee Benefits 206 173 Insurance Contractual Services 3,798 500 864 305 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 400 825 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 2,895 Equipment Rental 500 Motor Vehicle Supplies 475 565 Equipment 30,000 33,953 ' $ 41,952 $ 44,580 Public Works - Traffic Marking Salaries $ 9,146 $ 7,363 Overtime 400 171 Part -Time 1,000 878 Employee Benefits 412 324 Insurance 2,965 3,061 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 400 681 Repairs and Maintenance 575 1,136 Motor Vehicle Supplies 375 226 Materials 4,000 7$70 Street Signs 6,000 6,369 Equipment 300 316 $ 25,573 $ 27,895 11' 74 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Pre -Mix Patching Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Aggregates Materials Tarring Cracks Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Aggregates Materials Drainage Structures Salaries Overtime Employee Benefits Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Aggregates Materials Street Lights and Traffic Signals Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Appropriations Actual $ 26,338 $ 34,857 500 910 2,000 1,337 1,237 1,457 7,884 4,866 3,000 2,938 2,500 1,708 500 177 950 1,375 26,500 18,630 2,000 2,479 $ 73,409 $ 70,734 $ 3,705 $ 5,428 100 60 2,500 2,310 206 215 856 922 800 583 500 356 160 80 200 - 1,500 2,656 $ 10,527 $ 12,610 $ 7,409 $ 11,453 1,000 311 412 588 800 564 700 1,294 1,500 600 100 106 1,000 770 2,100 2,569 15,021 18,255 $ 8,070 S 6,853 550 1,096 400 313 412 305 75 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Appropriations Actual Street Lights and Traffic Signals (Cont.) Insurance $ 1,470 $ 1,477 Contractual Services 7,000 21,069 Utility Services 33,000 31,567 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 700 380 Repairs and Maintenance 600 775 Equipment Rental 500 1,112 Motor Vehicle Supplies 300 886 Aggregates 300 - Materials 8,000 $ 61,302 4,968 $ 70,801 Miscellaneous Maintenance Salaries $ 3,705 $ 2,303 Overtime 1,000 232 Part -Time 500 36 Employee Benefits 206 116 Insurance 597 636 Contractual Services 14,850 17,143 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300 23 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 981 Miscellaneous 500 2,100 Motor Vehicle Supplies 300 224 Aggregates 500 530 Materials 8,000 4,052 $ 32,958 $ 28,376 ' Snow and Ice Control Salaries $ 14,771 $ 8,842 Overtime 6,500 7,958 Employee Benefits 618 348 Communications 100 - Insurance 4,405 4,645 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,000 8,693 Repairs and Maintenance 10,550 13,407 Supplies 2,000 908 Motor Vehicle Supplies Salt 3,490 15,000 3,912 18,367 Aggregates 3,000 3,755 Materials 2,000 1,919 i Equipment 369000 27,513 $102,434 $100,267 76 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Appropriations Actual Weed Control Salaries $ 3,705 $ 1,216 Overtime 100 17 Part -Time 300 386 Employee Benefits 206 51 Insurance 418 283 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 241 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 1,576 Motor Vehicle Supplies 200 209 Materials 900 244 Equipment 400 289 $ 8,229 $ 4,512 Leaf Removal Salaries $ 7,409 $ 5,885 Overtime 2,000 1,899 Employee Benefits 412 185 Insurance 1,189 1,058 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 2,200 1,740 Repairs and Maintenance 4,200 8,416 Motor Vehicle Supplies 300 630 $ 17,710 $ 19,813 Tree Removal Salaries $ 3,705 $ 1,006 Overtime 500 150 Part -Time 100 - Employee Benefits 206 31 Insurance 1,083 276 Contractual Services 8,000 8,382 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 500 67 Repairs and Maintenance 400 424 Motor Vehicle Supplies 150 38 Materials 2,700 1,000 $ 17,344 $ 11,374 Tree Planting Salaries $ 4,035 $ 2,338 Overtime 100 - Employee Benefits 206 89 Insurance 506 589 Contractual Services 4,200 1,797 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 400 518 Repairs and Maintenance 175 - 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - APPROPRIATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APR.IL 30, 1980 Tree Planting (Copt.) Motor Vehicle Supplies Materials Railroad Station Maintenance Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Insurance Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Materials Contractual Utility Service Transfer to General Total Street and Bridge Fund Appropriations Actual $ 200 $ 304 450 474 $ 10,272 $ 6,109 $ 4,035 $ 2,287 150 620 100 - 206 70 2,294 2,357 1,500 2,420 500 1,121 250 1,324 - 3,443 - 502 $ 9,035 $ 14,144 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 $494,443 $503,732 77 78 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WATER FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Administration and Supervisory Salaries Employee Benefits Professional Services Travel, Training and Dues Printing and Advertising Communications Insurance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Miscellaneous Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Occupancy Apparel Bond Principal Bond Interest Total Administration and Supervisory Less Debt Service Payments Distribution Salaries Overtime Employee Benefits Professional Services Communications Insurance Contractual Services Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Miscellaneous Purchase of Water Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Chlorine Materials Total Distribution Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Communications Insurance Budget Actual $ 31,300 $ 35,613 1,100 1,405 100 65 200 388 500 691 1,600 806 3,486 2,230 900 979 750 217 300 310 200 161 10,000 10,000 1,000 598 30,000 30,000 18,000 18,000 $ 99,436 $101,463 48,000 48,000 $ 51,436 $ 53,463 $ 3,900 $ 670 400 1,128 206 15 1,500 1,000 600 783 2,300 890 3,800 7,080 27,000 29,919 1,000 582 1,500 3,220 50 748 400,000 427,953 500 713 200 218 400 - 100 293 $443,456 $475,212 $ 37,100 $ 37,441 5,000 11,567 3,000 3,080 1,856 1,572 100 30 3,920 3,807 1 79 I 1 1 n I VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WATER FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance (Cont.) Contractual Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Equipment Rental Miscellaneous Motor Vehicle Supplies Chlorine Aggregates Materials Pumps and Mains Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance Less Amount Capitalized Meter Maintenance Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Travel, Training and Dues Printing and Advertising Communications Insurance Contractual Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Miscellaneous Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Materials Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Meter Maintenance Less Amount Capitalized Total Water Fund Budget Actual $ 6,900 $ 15,583 1,700 3,030 4,000 7,882 1,000 - 100 93 1,300 1,948 200 - 5,000 3,562 10,000 12,412 8,658 2,000 2,966 12,000 - $ 95,176 $113,631 2,000 2,966 $ 93,176 $110,665 $ 22,700 $ 19,673 500 533 600 419 1,237 884 300 - 1,000 471 100 40 29295 2,159 1,500 - 1,500 2,360 1,400 2,455 100 69 300 92 600 575 4,000 2,724 11,000 13,392 8,000 7,428 $ 57,132 $ 53,274 19,000 20,820 38,132 32,454 $626,200 $671,794 1 , 80 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ' FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Budget Actual Administration and Supervisory Salaries $ 31,200 $ 36,176 Employee Benefits 1,100 1,400 , Professional Services 200 100 Travel, Training and Dues Printing and Advertising 100 100 45 257 ' Communications 1,000 861 Insurance 2,440 1,181 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 550 880 , Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 493 Miscellaneous 500 857 Supplies 300 324 Motor Vehicle Supplies 125 16 Occupancy 10,000 10,000 Apparel 1,259 787 $ 49,874 $ 53,377 'Treatment Plant Salaries $149,700 $132,823 Overtime 6,000 4,993 ' Part -Time 1,500 1,173 Employee Benefits 7,000 5,656 Professional Services 2,500 511 Travel, Training and Dues 900 661 ' Printing and Advertising 900 113 Communications 1,800 2,095 Insurance 12,380 9,082 Contractual Services 63,800 83,193 Utility Services 75,000 83,480 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 700 2,785 Repairs and Maintenance 8,000 20,224 Equipment Rental 1,000 71 Supplies 3,000 4,538 Motor Vehicle Supplies 600 1,022 ' Chlorine 5,000 5,107 Aggregates 3,000 1,585 Materials 4,000 4,146 Street Signs 300 - Chemicals 3,000 166 Apparel 1,574 625 Miscellaneous 1,000 900 ' Equipment 3,100 4,294 Depreciation 54,000 Total Treatment Plant $409,754 $369,243 ' Less Equipment Capitalized 3,100 4,293 $406,654 $364,950 ' 1 81 1 1 1 n 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Cleaning and Maintenance Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Insurance Contractual Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Aggregates Materials Street Signs Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Cleaning and Maintenance Less Equipment Capitalized Constuction Salaries Overtime Part -Time Employee Benefits Insurance Contractual Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance Equipment Rental Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Aggregates Materials Equipment Total Construction Less Equipment Capitalized Total Sewerage System Fund Budget Actual $ 45,800 $ 29,393 2,000 3,047 19000 845 2,475 1,361 3,820 2,789 5,000 4,446 2,000 3,005 4,000 5,904 3,500 3,107 1,000 1,098 1,000 522 5,000 5,064 300 - 21,500 24,790 12,000 - $110,395 $ 85,371 33,500 24,790 $ 76,895 $ 60,581 $ 34, 400 $ 24,481 900 391 500 285 1,650 965 4,610 2,921 5,000 11,492 2,500 5,250 2,000 2,742 1,000 - 800 172 800 1,262 3,000 4,482 10,000 10,190 14,100 20,608 $ 819260 $ 85,241 14,100 20,607 $ 67,160 $ 64,634 $600,583 $543,542 82 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Budget Actual Parking Lots - Village and Federal Funds Salaries $ 1,000 $ 1,522 Overtime - 167 Benefits - 20 Insurance 300 20 Utility Services 450 121 Repairs and Maintenance 250 248 Supplies 150 13 Aggregates 75 - Equipment 150 - Property Rentals 7,500 7,440 $ 9,875 $ 9,551 Parking Lot - Village Construction Salaries S 1,500 $ 19336 Benefits - 19 Insurance 200 8 Contractual - 10 Utility Services 2,800 920 Repairs and Maintenance 350 1,104 Supplies 100 258 Aggregates 75 - Materials - 195 Equipment 100 - Overtime - 12 $ 5,125 $ 3,862 $15,000 $13,413 83 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1980 Public Works Department Salaries Overtime Employee Benefits Professional Services Travel, Training and Dues Printing and Advertising Insurance Contractual Services Utility Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Motor Vehicle Supplies Materials Safety Fund Apparel Equipment Total Garage Fund Budget Actual $ 38,551 $ 35,998 30000 2,578 1,650 1,426 50 200 94 50 2,351 2,516 150 1,200 2,217 3,000 5,320 40, 000 55,263 150 344 500 200 107 200 170 1,600 1,512 $ 92,852 $107,545 84 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STATEMENT OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN APRIL 30, 1980 Article VII, Section 6(k) of the 1970 Illinois Constitution governs computation. of the legal debt margin. "The General Assembly may limit by law the amount and require refer- endum approval of debt to be incurred by home rule municipalities, payable from ad valorem property tax receipts, only in excess of the following percentages•of the assessed value of its taxable property... (2) if its populations is more than 25,000 and less than 500,000 an aggregate of one percent:...indebtedness which is outstanding on the effective date (July 1, 1971) of this constitution or which is there- after approved by referendum... shall not be included in the foregoing percentage amounts." To date the General Assembly has set no limits for home rule municipalities. Computation of Debt Margin !Non -Home Rule Village Assessed Valuation $187,904,628 Legal Debt Margin - 8.625 16,206,770 Amount of Debt Applicable to Limit 3,345,000 Balance $ 12,861,770