O-73-63ORDINANCE NO. 0-73-,63, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE 815 WAUKEGAN ROAD (WILSON BUILDING) (MULTI - BUSINESS AND OFFICE USES) Published in pamphlet form this 15th day of October , 1973, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 =73= 63 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE 815 WAUKEGAN ROAD (WILSON BUILDING) (MULTI- BUS ;INESS ',AND OFFICE USES).: : • WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the 'Village 'of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the .application of SHIRLEY PARSONS and the'DEERFIELD STATE BANK to authorize the use'and occu- pancy of certain real estate commonly known as '815 Waukegan Road (Wilson Building) Deerfield, Illinois, and hereinafter described for two principal uses of a business, commercial and office nature, as a special use under and pursuant to the provisions of Sections XIII,D,3;k; XIII,D,4.; XIII,D,5.; XIII,I and XXIII of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, .the Plan Commission of the Village 'of Deerfield, after considering the edidence adduced, made written findings of fact including express•affirmative findings of compliance with the pro - visions of Sections XXIII,D,5 and XXIII,B,3'of the Village Zoning Ordinance and recommended that said special use of said real estate be approved and authorized subject to certain conditions and restric- tions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION • That the •findings and recommendation of the Plan ONE: Commission are concurred in and adopted as the findings of the President.and Board of Trustees and the special use of the real estate legally described as follows: That part of the South West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 28, Township 43'North, Range 12'East of the Third Principal Meridian,, Village.of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, described as follows: Beginning at the North East Corner of Lot 14 of Block One of the Original Town of Deerfield, being a subdivision in the South West Quarter of the 'South West-;.Quarter of said Section 28. According to the Plat thereof recorded on March 16, 1857; in Book 27 of Deeds on page 167;• thence'East 2.99 chains; thence South to the North line'of Lot 5 of Block One of said Subdivision; thence West -along the North line of Lots 2 ; 3•; 4 and 5 of said Block One 2'..43'Chains to the Southeasterly Corner of Lot 13'of said Block One; thence Northwesterly along the Easterly line 'of Lots- 13 'and 14 of said Block One'to the Corner of Beginning (Excepting therefrom that part thereof that falls within the following description; Beginning at the North East Corner of Lot 14 aforesaid; thence East 71.0 feet; thence South'45.0 feet; thence West.71.0' feet, more or less,- to a point of intersection of said Line with'the Easterly line exterided Southerly of the Westerly 123.0 feet of the Northerly 36'.0 feet of said Lot 14;, thence Northerly along said Easterly line'and said line'exterided Southerly 44.1 feet, more or less, to the North'East Corner of said Westerly 123.'0 feet of said Lot 14 and thence East along the North line'of said Lot 14,_ 9'.0'feet, more'or less, to the corner of Beginning. as and for two principal uses of a business, commercial and office nature,* be and the .same is hereby authorized and approved subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. .SECTION That the approval and authorization of said special TWO:. use hereby given is subject'.to compliance by Applicants with all other applicable provisions of the'Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Village of Deerfield and is subject to the' 'further condition that' ten ;3�ff- street parking spaces shall be� provided adjacent to the subject building which shall be allo- cated and set aside .to serve only the patrons and employees of the busi- ness establishments occupying the subject structure and which parking spaces shall be in addition to all other parking spaces:-required under the terms of the Village Zoning Ordinance to serve any and all other business establishments and structures of the owner on the same'or adjoining premises,- unless Applicant shall apply for and receive a vari- ance'from or otherwise comply with the off- street parking provisions of the Village''Zoning Ordinance applicable to the'use and occupancy of the subject premises. The 'violation of the provisions of.this Ordinance and, particularly, the provisions with respect to off - street parking facilities shall constitute the automatic revocation of the special use hereby granted, and, thereupon, the use and occupancy of the subject building shall cease until such violation is corrected. SECTION. That .the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE:- publish this Ordinance'in pamphlet form. SECTION, That.this Ordinance shall be .in full.force and effect FOUR:• from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this'' '15th day of — - : - ; October � —,A.D. 1973: APPROVED this 15th day Of' October •,A.D. 1973. VILLAGE PRESIDENT' ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK t 3 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73- 63 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE 815 WAUKEGAN ROAD (WILSON BUILDING) (MULTI - BUSINESS AND OFFICE USES) I Published in pamphlet form this 15th day of October , 1973, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. 0 P.M, ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73- 63 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE 815 WA.UKEGAN ROAD (WILSON BUILDING) (MULTI- BUSINESS AND OFFICE USES) ImREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing.on the application of SHIRLEY PARSONS and the DEERFIELD STATE BANK to authorize the use and occu- pancy of certain real estate commonly known as 815 Waukegan Road (Wilson Building) Deerfield, Illinois, and hereinafter described for two principal uses of a business, commercial and office nature, as a special use under and pursuant to the.provisions-of Sections XIII,D,3,k; XIII,D,4; XIII,D,5; XIII,I.and XXIII of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, made written findings of fact including express affirmative findings of compliance with the pro- visions of Sections XXIII,D,5 and XXIII,B,3 of the Village Zoning Crdirr nne e11d recommended that said sea_ ecial ucc of said real estate be approved and authorized subject to certain conditions and restric- tions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, SECTION That the findings and recommendation of the Plan ONE: Commission are concurred in and adopted as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees and. L.I�e si c. =caul use of the real estate legally described as followws: That part of the South West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 28, Township 43 I 4orth, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, described as follows: Beginning at the North East Corner of Lot 14 of Block One of the Original Town of Deerfield, being a subdivision in the South West Quarter of the South WesteQuarter of said Section 28. According to the Plat :hereof recorded on March 16, 1857, in Book 27 of reeds on page 167; thence East 2.99 chains; thence South to the North line of .Lot 5 of Block One of said Simbdivision; thence Wast along the. North line of Lots 2,3,4 and 5 of said Block One 2.43 Chains to the Southeasterly Corner of Lot 13 of said Block One; thence Northwesterly along the Easterly line of Lots 13 and 14 of said Block One to the Corner of Beginning (Excepting therefrom that part thereof that falls within the following description; Beginning at the North East Corner of Lot 14 aforesaid; thence East 71.0 feet; thence South 45.0 feet; thence West 71.0 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection of said Line with tine Eauterly line extended Southerly of the Westerly 123.0 feet of the 1ortherly 36.0 feet of said Lot 14; thence Northerly along said Easterly line and said line extended Southerly 44.1 feet, more or less, to the North East Corner of said Westerly 123.0 feet of said Lot 14 and thence East along the north line of said Lot 14, 9.0 feet, more or less, to the corner of Beginning. as and for two principal users of a business, commercial and office nature, be and the same is hereby authorized and approved subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said special 11190. use hereby given is sulaject to compliance by Applicants with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance ar.d all other applicable ordinances of the V:i.liag'e of Deerfield and is subject to the further condition thatteri:_r )off. street parking spaces shall be provided adjacent to the subject building which shall be allo- cated and set aside to serve only the patrons and employees of the busi- ness establishments occupying the subject Structure and which parking spaces shall be in addition to all other parking spacesrrequired under the terms of the Village Zoning Ordinance to serve any and all other business establishments and structures of the owner on the same or adjoining premises, unless Applicant shall apply for and receive a vari- ance from or otherwise comply with the off - street parking provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance applicable to the use and occupancy of the subject premises. The violation of the previsions of this Ordinance and, particularly, the provisions with respect to ofT- street pack inch facilities shall constitute the automatic revocation of the special use hereby granted, and, thereupon, the use and occupancy of the subject building shall cease until such violation is corrected. SECTTOTI That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FOUR: from and after its passage, approval and publication as provideUby law. AYES: S.IX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 15th day of October A.D. 1973. APPROVED this 15th day of October ,A.D. 1973. IV. LLIGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: yy�� VILLAGE CLERK STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE - 815 WAUKEGAN ROAD (WILSON BUILDING) (MULTI- BUSINESS AND OFFICE USES)" is a true and accurate copy of the Ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 15th day of October, 1973, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 16th day of October, 1973. ti r» �sn Catherine B. Price Village Clerk �Dw 1640401 6106 IM HCORD TRORI'DERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS OCT 2 6 '73 010 19 Ail �NR a NUSTRA RECORDER