O-73-47URDINANCE 0 -73- 47 All ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURREN'I"FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 19732 AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 19749 FOR T1IE VILLAGE OF D> ERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES; ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. A t:ax for the following sums of money,. or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1973,. and ending on the 30th day of April, 1974. BUDGETED 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT A-. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -301 01 Salaries 246 $182t246 04 Part Time 10,525 05 Benefits Health and. Hospitalization 31115 College Tuition Reimbursement 4,538 06 Professional Services Medical Services 480 Consultant Services 7,500 Legal Services 28,000 07 Apparel 100 11 Travel aid. Dues Travel Expense 32300 Dues 2t590 Registration Fees 200 Training Expense 800 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing -11000 Advertising, Legals 1, 500 Periodicals 100 13 Communications Postage 37000 Telephone 29500 Radio Service 50 14 Insurance 49175 15 Contractual Services 6,400 16 Utility Services 1., 300 2.1. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,300 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 870 23 Repairs and Maintenance 2,125 31 Supplies 7v375 51 Motor Vehicles 2 , 400 TO BE LEVIED Administrative Department, Continued ot, 53 71. 72 81 82 83 99 Equipment Four Files Ditto Machine Microfilm Reader Three Desks Three Chairs Two Side Chairs Floor Polisher Typewriter Dictaphone - Transcriber Land Acquisition- Rosemary Lot Right-of-way for relocation of park Avenue and Petersen Lane Bond Principal Bond Interest Election Board ' Advisory Boards, Dog Pound Miscellaneous it 425 395 500 1;000 32A 125 100 550 880 5,393 (56, 376- Revenue Sharing) 10,000 600 1,500 4o400 5;000 4,300. 312,977 98 Contingency (From surplus) (4, 347) B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -351 through 355 01 02 03 04 05 M1. 07 11 12 Salaries Overtime Incentive Part Time Benefits Health and Hospitalization Incentive Plan Professional Medical Apparel Travel and Dues Travel Dues Training Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing Advertising 13 Communications Postage Radio Service Telephone LEADS 454,207 45,000 5,020 .349256 17,844 5,050 700 89349 1,500 10000 9,000 750 350 500 2,000 39620 39000 -OW 236,000 Police Departmet Continued 1 14 Insurance 13,000 15 Contractual Services 59500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 149500 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 81000 23 Repairs and Maintenance -7Q0 31 Supplies 89000 51 Motor Vehicles 119200 52 Equipment 1, 000 07 Five Squad Car Shields 19000 Two Portable Radio Transceivers 2,000 11 One Battery Charger 300 One lspern Moi-dtor 525 One Scanner Receiver 190 One Lobby Intercom 40 12 Two Replacement Shotguns 200 Two Manual Typewriters 300 Lobby Furniture .327 Two Desks 380 Two Chairs 180 Two Legal Size Files 390 One 2 Drawer Locking File 75 One 35 mm Camera 250 One Crime Science Kit 125 One Telerecorder 120 One Moulage Casting Kit 48 Three Sets Coveralls and Boots 50 Miscellaneous - 61 Equipment Rental - 82 Advisory 22,, 250 $661,796 C. WATER DEPARTMENT Account No. 22 -451 through 454 01 Salaries 559641 02 Overtime 7,000 04 Part Time 43,000 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 2t460 06 Professional Services Medical 100 Consultant 1, 000 07 Apparel Uniforms 240 11 Travel and Dues Dues 50 Registration Fees 25 Training Expense 175 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 250 Advertising, legal 50 $236,000 Water Department, Cintinued. 13 Communications 1179464 02 Postage 900 05 Telephone 450 Radio Service 50 14 Insurance 3,000 15 Contractual Services 10,000 16 Utility Services 10t500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,300 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 700 23 Repairs and Maintenance 7,000 31 Supplies 500 33 Chlorine 250 34 Aggregates 49000 35 Materials 10,000 37 Water Purchases 280,000 52 Equipment 13,000 61 Equipment Rental 500 62 Occupancy 5,000 71 Bond Principal 20',000 72 Bond Interest 23,510 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 560 15 Contractual Services $464,211 D. SEWER DEPARTMENT 14o800 21 Account No. 21 -441 through 444 6,100 01 Salaries 1179464 02 Overtime 12,000 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 5,405 06 Professional Services Medical 200 Consultant 1, 000 07 Apparel Uniforms 420 Protective Gear 240 11 Travel and Dues Registration Fees 100 Training Expense 300 12 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing 100 Advertising, legal 150 Periodicals 25 13 Communications Postage 635 Telephone 240 14 Insurance .5,000 15 Contractual Services 15,000 16 Utility Services 14o800 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 6,100 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 700 23 Repairs and Maintenance 7,800 31 Supplies 49500 33 Chlorine 79500 ME Sewer Departmint, Continued 34 Aggregates 4,500 35 Materials 5,000 36 Street Signs 200 61 Equipment Rental 600 71 Bond Principal 10,000 72 Bond Interest 700 73 Bond Reserve 1,000 74 Depreciation 110 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 800 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising $222,589 E. V'TLLAGE GARAGE A. Account No. 23 -471 01 Salaries 20,521 02 Overtime 21000 05 B enefits 10,000 04 Health and Hospitalization 875 06 Professional Services 25 07 Apparel 100 11 Travel and Dues 50 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 125 14 Insurance 1,000 16 Utility Services 900 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance - 23 Repairs and Maintenance - 31 Supplies .26,400 35 Materials 400 52 Equipment 1,154 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 400 653,950 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account No. 20 -411 01 Salaries 70,649 02 Overtime 10,000 04 Part Time 6,500 05 Employee Benefits Health and Hospitalization 3,440 06 Professional Services Medical 200 07 Apparel Uniforms 300 Foul. Weather Gear 50 -0- -0- 60,000 5,000 SPECIAL TAX FUNDS - Street and Bridge - Continued 11 Travel and Dues Travel Expense 80 Dues 120 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising Printing 600 Advertising, legals 200 Periodicals 50 13 Communications Postage 200 Radio Service 200 14 Insurance 51500 3,000 15 Contractual. Services Street Ceaning 500 Drainage Structures 4,000 Curb Replacement 6,000 Safety Walk 51000 50/50 Sidewalk Replacement 5,000 Street Maintenance 7,000 Leaf Removal 2,500 Tree Removal. 12,000 Tree Planting 2,000 Spring Cleanup 3, 000 15, 000 16 Utilities 16,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance Truck Maintenance 9,409 4,500 Street Sweeper Maintenance 400 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 3,100 23 Repairs and Maintenance 12,200 31 Supplies 500 32 Salt 152000 81000 34 Aggregates 20,000 10,000 35 Materials 20,000 15,000 36 Street Signs 5,000 51 Motor Vehicles - Two trucks 20,800 15,000 Equipment One Snow Plow 1,300 Two Mobile Radios 800 One Used Farm Tractor 1,700 61 Equipment Rental (Garbage Packer) 3,000 62 Occupancy 1.1000 99 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 400 $275,698 $135,500 B. CIVIL DEINSE Account No. 13 11 Travel and Dues 31 Supplies 52 Equipment Emergency Warning Sirens Radios 500 1,500 13,500 1,500 $17,000 C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 64,000 D. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation -Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal and Interest, 1954 41,000 Principal and Interest, 1960 50,400 Principal and Interest, 1973 1041620 General Obligation - Sewage Treatment Plant Principal and Interest, 1973 194, 600 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal and Interest 1091.50 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue Principal and Interest 2131250 5614, 020 E. POLICE PENSION FUND Village's Contribution 43,570 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 27,000 G. INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT Yous Property Costs H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account No. 60-601- 01 -1. Salaries, Professional 01 -2 Salaries, Non Professional 05 Benefits 06 Professional Services 11 Travel and Dues 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 3,280 45,194 64,131 1,251 2,000 2,000 700 -0- 64,000 50,400 104,620 194,600 10,150 213,250 $573,020 43,570 3,280 45,194 64,131 1,251 2,000 2,000 700 o . Village Library Jund, Continued. 13 Communications 39300 3,300 14 Insurance 59000 50000 15 Contractual Services 8v400 8 400 16 Utility Services .250 250 23 Repairs and Maintenance 123,800 12,800 31 Supplies 6.,000 6 000 40 Books 839000 83,000 41 Periodicals 4, 805 49805 42 Audio- Visual 39500 3P500 43 Binding 2 000 2 000 98 Contingency Fund 11,000 11000 99 Miscellaneous 10,400 10,400 $2559731 $255,731 ACCOUNT NUMBER 61 -601 61 Completion of Children's Room, etc. 4, 000 4, 000 Completion of C6nstruction 4900 4,900 8,900 82900 Total Library Fund $2649631 $264t631 I. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND 1 Village CPA Services 73,300 7000 2 Library Audit 700 700 $8,000 $8,000 J. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROTECTS Waukegan Road Widening - 32CS Transit District Subsidy Traffic Safety Study - 29CS Waukegan/ Lake -Cook Right Turn Lanes MFT Maintenance, Street and Bridge MFT Street overlayment and repairs Wilmot Road - Deerfield Road lights Kenton- Kipling- Deerfield traffic lights K. GARBAGE (Scavenger Service) Account No. 481 150,000 7,000 1,538 35,000 65,000 44v592 45, 000 20,000 $368,130 -0- 01 Salaries 3v780 12 Advertising, Printing 225 13 Communication, Postage 150 15 Contractual Service 335000 250, 000 23 Equipment Maintenance 300 31 Supplies 250 52 New Equipment 75 62 Occupancy (Billing charge) 10,000 $349,780 $250,000 iSUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES' I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. Administrative Department 312,977 B. Police Department 661,796 236,000 C. Water Department 464,211 D. Sewer Department 222,589 E. Village Garage 53 950 Sub Total $19715-s523 $2369000 II . SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge 2759698 1359500 B. Civil Defense 17,000 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 64, 0OO 649000 D. Bond and Interest Fund 614, 020 573r020 E. Police Pension Fund 439570 43,570 F. Public Benefit Fund 27,9000 G. Installment Purchase Contract 3, 280 39280 H. Village Library Fund 264,631 2649631 1. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 89000 81000 j. Motor Fuel Tax Projects 3680130 K. Garbage (Scavenger Service) , &&284 250,004 Sub Total $ 2, 035,109 $193429001 TOTAL $397509632 $19578,001 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED "----- -- --- rw- w..---- --- "ft-rr $19578,001 Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A`.D'; 1973, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. :section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 4th day of September , 1973. Ayes: SIX (6) ATTEST: c Village Clerk Nays; NONE (0) APPROVED: VILLAGE PRE ENT PRO. TEM Q0 a) Co c::r 00 RECEPT FOR CE63YMED MML --300 Mus pastagQ)_ l. de' POSTMARK �% — & OR DATE �] ! - / STREET AND NO. Pt STATE AND 21P CODE�� OPTIONAL VICr� ADDIT�L FEES RETURN 1. Sh s to whom and date delivered ........... 15¢� RECEIPT With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ 2. Shows to ahem, date and where delivered.. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY .......... ............................... 50d :::::::::::. SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra foe roquirocD .................................... PS Form 3600 00 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (Soo other side) Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL o GPO: 19re 0 - 480 -749 t i G° ECEPY FOR CERTMED MmL -30�- (P ads POSU s SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE �4�� STREET AND NO. P.O., RETURN RECEIPT SERVICES AND ZIP DE ��1/r PS Form 3600 Apr. 1971 dMAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIOPIAL FEES 1. Shows to ahem and date delivered ........... 65 With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ 0 2. Shows to whom, date and whore delivered .. 35¢ i With delivery to addressee only ...........With delivery to addressee only ............ 850 RESSEE ONLY ....................... ............................... 500 r Y (oxtro foo roquirod) ..... ............................... 00 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (Soo other aide) � NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL GAIL o GPO : ]972 O - 480 -749 US POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVAT USE TO AVOID PAYM OF POSTAGE, 00 A DPostmark of Delivering Office 4 SENDER INSTRUCTIONS ,RN _ .. Pr nt in the space below your name, address, including ZIP Code. • If special services are desired, check block(s) on other side. 0,, • • Moisten gummed ends and attach to back of article. i 7-4 Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk s 850 Waukegan Road €� Deerfield, Illinois 60015 ye , a • SENDER: Be sure to follow instructions on other side PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for these services) ❑Show address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below (Must always be filled in) EP _ S 7 (Only if requested, and ineluo KEGAN. ILLINOIS 73 SENDER: Be sure to follow instructions on other side PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for these services) ❑Show to whom, date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below ISTERM NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must akoays be filled in) Pranriva in , OTTVIFM )ATE DEUVERED SHOW WHERE DEUy�RE (Only if requested. � 1°►�3 3 JJ'I U S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS G PENALTY FOR PRN Fj USE TO AVOID PAYM T OF POSTAGE, S A SM L Postmark of Delivering Office o SENDER INSTRUCTIONS a, Print in the space below Your name. address. including ZIP Code. RETURN 0 I • If special services are desired, check block(s) on other side TO z a W • Moisten gummed ends and attach to back of article. ,y N 00 Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk 850 Waukegan Road I Deerfield, Illinois 60015 r � I } 1 September 5, 1973 County Clerk of Cook County County Building Chicago, Illinois 60602 Dear Sir: Enclosed are certified copies of ordinance relating to tax levies for the Village of Deerfield, as follows: •1. Ordinance levying taxes for Corporate Purposes for the year May 1, 1973 - April 30, 1974. 2. Ordinance relating to tax levies for Street and Bridge Purposes. 3. Ordinance abating the levy of $10,150 for Municipal Building Bonds of the Village of Deerfield. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village.:Clerk September 5, 1973 Grace Mary Stern County Clerk of Lake County Waukegan, Illinois 60085 Dear Ars. Stern: Enclosed are certified copies of ordinances relating to tax levies, as follows: 1. Ordinance levying taxes for Corporate Purposes for the year May 1, 1973• -April 30, 1974. 2. Ordinance relative to tax levies for Street and Bridge Purposes. 3. Ordinance abating the levy of'$10,150 for Municipal Building Bonds -of the Village of Deerfield. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk