RESOLUTION NO. 2022- R-22-25
WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield ("Village') is a home rule municipality in
accordance with Article VII, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970;
WHEREAS, the Village desires to retain a firm to provide contracting services for
Ecological Services ("Services'); and
WHEREAS, the Village received proposals from Foot Stone, Inc. of Glenview,
Illinois ("Consultant's to provide the Services; and
WHEREAS, the Village and Consultant desire to enter into an agreement for the
provision of the Services by Consultant ("Agreement'); and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees have determined that entering into
the Agreement with Consultant will serve and be in the best interest of the Village and its
SECTION 1: RECITALS. The Village Board hereby adopts the foregoing recitals
as its findings, as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to the Village's home
rule authority, the Agreement by and between the Village and Consultant is hereby
approved in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, and in a final
form and substance acceptable to the Village Manager and the Village Attorney.
the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest, on behalf of the
Village, the final Agreement upon receipt by the Village Clerk of at least one original copy
of the final Agreement executed by Consultant; provided, however, that if the executed copy
of the final Agreement is not received by the Village Clerk within 60 days after the effective
date of this Resolution, then this authority to execute and attest will, at the option of the
Mayor and Board of Trustees, be null and void.
SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and approval according to law.
AYES: Benton, Jacoby, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden
NAYS: None
PASSED: April 4, 2022
APPROVED: April 4, 2022
Daniel C. Shapiro, Mayor
KerA S. Street, Village Clerk
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January 4, 2022
Village of Deerfield
Water Reclamation Facility
1045 Hackberry Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
Attn: Justin Keenan, Asst. Public Works & Engineering Director, jkeenan@deerfieid.il.us
Subject: Proposal Proposal for Ecological Restoration and Management 11Ueylamatiors FaiCitlity cirri!<Sriaurtlae`"
Planted Open Spaces during the 2022 growing season.
At a total cost of $5,600.00 during the 2022 growing season, Foot Stone, Inc. will manually, mechanically and chemically
control invasive and non-native weeds within the 9 native planted plots identified in the maps accompanying this
proposal. Weeds include, but are not limited to. Teasel, Canada Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, Reed Canary Grass, cattail,
Phragmites, Burdock, Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Parsnip, White Sweet Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, Docks (Rumex spp.),
buckthorn, Grey Dogwood and Sandbar Willow. Any weeds that were missed or re -sprouted will be deadheaded prior to
seed drop, and all deadheads will be removed from site. Additionally, Foot Stone, Inc. will inter -seed bare areas with
appropriate native grass and forb seed mixes.
Service Conditions
I. Foot Stone agrees to perform the outlined work In a safe, professional manner.
2, All workers w(II be trained in their tasks and will be supervised by a qualified restoration ecologist.
3. Timing of work will be dependent upon vegetation and weather conditions.
4. All herbicides will be applied by Illinois licensed pesticide applicators in accordance with label requirements.
5. All equipment and supplies will be removed from site at the end of each working day.
6. Any work not described herein shall be detailed and presented to the Village as a separate quote.
Billing and Payment
1. Payment for work completed is due within thirty (30) days of the Village's receipt of an Invoice.
2. Accounts not paid within terms are subject to a one and one half percent (1-1/2%) monthly finance charge.
Foot Stone, Inc. Village of Deerfield
obert B. Sulski bite l'sfu� _ Date
Proposal for Ecological Restoration and Management of Water Reclamation Facility, Sunset Court, Woodvale Avenue
and Deerfield Road (Elysian) Native Planted Open Spaces during the 2022 growing season (cont.)
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January 4, 2022
village of Deerfield
Public Works Department
1045 Hackberry Road
Deerfield, IL 50015
Attn: Justin Keenan, Asst. Public Works & Engineering Director, jkeenan@deerfield.lLus
Subject: Proposal to ecologically monitor and maintain a pollinator garden alonglGi tier the 2022
growing season.
At a total cost of $1,055.00 during the 2022 growing season, Foot Stone, Inc. will manually, mechanically and chemically
control invasive and non-native weeds within the recently planted pollinator garden along Deerfield Road at Elysian.
Weeds Include, but are not limited to: Teasel, Canada Thistle, Purple Loosestrlfe, Reed Canary Grass, cattail, Phragmites,
Burdock, Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Parsnip, White Sweet Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, Docks (Rumex spp.), buckthorn,
Honeysuckle shrub, Grey Dogwood, Silver Maple, Cottonwood and other trees. Any weeds that were missed or re -
sprouted will be deadheaded prior to seed drop, and all deadheads will be removed from site. Additionally, Foot Stone,
Inc. will inter -seed, bare areas, should they occur, with a mesic native grass and forb seed mix,
Service Conditions
I. All workers will be trained in their tasks and will be supervised by a qualified ecological restoration professional.
2. Timing of work will be dependent upon vegetation and weather conditions.
3. All chemicals will be applied conservatively by licensed individuals in accordance with product label requirements.
4. Any work not described herein shall be detailed and presented as a separate quote.
Billing and Payment: Payment for work completed is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice, and accounts not
paid within terms are subject to a one and one half percent (1-1/2%) monthly finance charge.
Foot Stone Inc. Deerfield Public Works and Engineering
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Robert B. Sulski, Vice President Da e _ ,� Date
Foot Stone, Inc. proposal to ecologically monitor and maintain a pollinator garden along Deerfield Road at Elysian for
the 2022 growing season (cont.)
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January 44, 2022
Village of Deerfield
Department of Public Works and Engineering
465 Elm Street
Deerfield, IL 60015
Attn. Justin Keenan, Asst. Public Works & Engineering Director, jkeenan@deerfield.il.us
Subject: Proposal for Ecological Maintenance om s �j ue Corridor during the year 2022.
For a total cost of $5,600.00 in 202Z, Foot Stone, Inc: will manually, mechanically and chemically control target invasive
weeds within the Woodvale Avenue corridor identified in the map accompanying this proposal. Weeds include, but are
not limited to: Teasel, thistles, sowthistles, Purple Loosestrife, Reed Canary Grass, cattail, Phragmites, burdock, Queen
Anne's Lace, Wild Parsnip, White Sweet Clover, Yellow Sweet Clover, Docks (Rumex spp.), buckthorn, Grey Dogwood and
others. Any weeds that were missed or re -sprouted will be deadheaded prior to seed drop, and all deadheads will be
removed from site. Additionally, Foot Stone, Inc. will inter -seed bare areas with appropriate native grass and forb seed
The Village will be responsible for maintaining mulched garden areas within the corridor.
1. Foot Stone agrees to perform the outlined work in a safe, professional manner.
2. All workers will be trained in their tasks and will be supervised by a qualified restoration ecologist.
3. Timing of work will be dependent upon vegetation and weather conditions. .
4. All herbicides will be applied by Illinois licensed pesticide applicators in accordance with label requirements.
5. All equipment and supplies will be removed from site at the end of each working day.
6. Any work not described herein shall be detailed and presented to the Village as a separate quote.
Billing and Payment
1. Payment for work completed is due within thirty (30) days of the Village's receipt of an invoice.
2. Accounts not paid within terms are subject to a one and one half percent (1-1J2%) monthly finance charge.
Foot Stone, Inc. Village of Deerfield
t� iG
Robert B. Sulski ate iir Date
Proposal for Ecological Maintenance of Woodvale Avenue Corridor during the year 2022 (cont.)
March 14, 2022
Village of Deerfield
Public Works Department
1045 Hackberry Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
Attn: Justin Keenan, Asst. Public Works & Engineering Director, jkeenan@deerfield.il.us
Subject: Proposal to convert open space at Chestnut Street and North Avenue into a pollinator garden.
For a total cost of $2570.00 in 2022, Foot Stone, Inc. will convert an approximately 1/3-acre parcel along Chestnut Street
into a pollinator garden as follows:
1. Make at least 7 visits to the site in order to manually, mechanically and chemically eradicate invasive weeds.
2. Inter -seed entire site with a native mesic tallgrass seed mix augmented with native pollinator plant species.
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Foot Stone, Inc. proposal to convert open space at Sum- pollinator garden. (cont
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Note that annual ecological maintenance (weed control and some inter -seeding) will be required in the years following
garden planting, and the average annual cost of such maintenance would be approximately $1500.00 per year in the first 3
years following planting.
Service Conditions
1. Ail workers will be trained in their tasks and will be supervised by a qualified ecological restoration professional.
2. Timing of work will be dependent upon vegetation and weather conditions.
3. All chemicals will be applied conservatively by licensed individuals in accordance with product label requirements.
4. Any work not described herein shall be detailed and presented as a separate quote.
Billing and Payment: Payment for work completed is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice, and accounts not
paid within terms are subject to a one and one half percent (1-1/2%) monthly finance charge.
Foot Stone In Deerfield Public Wor and Engineering
Robert B. Sulski, Vice President D tDate
q . Gienuirrv, IL &X32r,,ra .r •�'47- I!cx t. z�
March 14, 2022
Village of Deerfield
Public Works Department
1045 Hackberry Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
Attn: Justin Keenan, Asst. Public Works & Engineering Director, jkeenan@deerfield.il.us
Subject: Proposal to install a bioswale and pollinator garden along Deerfield Road at Tennaqua Lane.
For a total cost of $12,250.00 in 2022, Foot Stone, Inc. will install an approximately %-acre bioswale and pollinator garden
along Deerfield Road at Tennaqua Lane as follows:
1. Perform 4 rounds of eradication of existing vegetation and deadhead seeds of re -sprouted or missed weed plants.
2. Over -seed entire area with upland, mesic and wet-mesic seed mixes augmented with native pollinator plants.
3. Cover seeded area with stapled -down, straw erosion control blankets.
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Foot Stone, Inc. proposal to install a pollinator garden along j woad (cont.)
Nate that annual ecological maintenance (weed control and some inter -seeding) will be required in the years following
garden planting, and the average annual cost of such maintenance would be approximately $2000.00 per year for the first
3 years following planting.
�e_r, lce Conditions
1. All workers will be trained in their tasks and will be supervised by a qualified ecological restoration professional.
2. Timing of work will be dependent upon vegetation and weather conditions.
3. All chemicals will be applied conservatively by licensed individuals in accordance with product label requirements.
4. Any work not described herein shall be detailed and presented as a separate quote.
[hilfing and pgyMent: Payment for work completed is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice, and accounts not
paid within terms are subject to a one and one half percent (1-1/2%) monthly finance charge.
Foot Stone In . Deerfield Public Works and ngineering
rJ y zz_
Robert B. Suisk1, Vice President Date 4gw C.K ow-- Date