05/02/2016C.O.W – May 2, 2016
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – Minutes of Meeting
May 2, 2016
The Village Board met as a Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall at
7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2016. In attendance were:
Village Board Staff
Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor Kent Street, Village Manager
Robert Benton, Trustee Andrew Lichterman, Asst. Village Manager
Robert Nadler, Trustee Dan Nakahara, Associate Planner
Thomas Jester, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works and Eng.
William Seiden, Trustee Robert Phillips, Deputy Director of PW and Eng.
Barbara Struthers, Trustee David Fitzgerald, Management Analyst
Dan Shapiro Arrived at 7:15 p.m. Clint Case, Building and Code Enforcement Supervisor
Public Comment
None on non-agenda items
De-Annexation of 780 Saunders Road from the Village of Deerfield to the Village of Riverwoods
Manager Street noted the de-annexation results in improved layout and traffic flow by combining the
parcels. This also relieves the Village of zoning and police services. Trustee Nadler inquired if there
was any precedence of the Village doing this in other circumstances. Manager Street noted there is
no comparable precedent for this possible de-annexation, as the Village has long-standing boundary
agreements with neighboring communities.
Trustee Seiden inquired if there was any advantage to the Village in allowing the de-annexation.
Manager Street noted the Village would no longer provide police service, code enforcement and
planning professional services. He noted it would result in more coordinated planning for the corner.
Trustee Struthers asked about the loss of property tax. Manager Street noted that the parcel is
currently undeveloped, but the property tax loss would be based on any future development. Trustee
Jester asked if Riverwoods would accept the reverse deal, and give control of the entire corner over
to Deerfield for ease of planning. Manager Street noted that Riverwoods would like to keep its
current developed properties, but noted the Village could investigate revenue sharing.
Trustee Nadler is in favor of de-annexing with the Village of Deerfield receiving the sales tax and
property tax generations in perpetuity. Trustee Struthers concurred. Mayor Rosenthal did not think
that would be an acceptable to Riverwoods. Trustee Jester suggested having an appraisal completed
to determine fair market value as a basis for compensation. Mr. Street noted the Village does not
own the property but the appraisal could be used as justification for compensation.
Manager Street noted that since there was no consensus, staff would investigate the projected real
estate and sales tax numbers associated with an improved building at this site and bring the
information back to the Board for further consideration at a later date.
C.O.W – May 2, 2016
Discussion of Right-in-Right-out Entrance to the Lindeman Lot from Deerfield Road
Manager Street reported the this curb cut was part of the Northwest Quadrant Plan. He noted that the
working group has endorsed this right-in, right-out curb cut as part of their ongoing meetings.
Trustee Struthers would be in favor of this contingent on closing the alley behind Joy Fiorini’s
building. Mr. Street noted discussions continue with stakeholders of the NWQ plan, but there will
not be an agreement to close the alley before July, which is when the contractor can complete the
work. Trustee Nadler asked staff to obtain an opinion from an independent traffic engineer regarding
the safety of the curb cut. Trustee Jester noted the traffic consultant on the NWQ Task Force
proposed this curb cut.
Mr. Street noted to add this work to the Deerfield Road contract is expected to be $15,000 - $20,000.
He noted there will be a marginal increase if completed at a later date. Mayor Rosenthal noted there
will also be added construction disruption if completed later.
Manager Street summarized that staff will get an opinion from a professional traffic engineer
confirming the safety of the curb cut as well as a letter of concurrence from Joy Fiorini.
Discussion of Possible Reconstruction of Deer Lake Road and Estate Drive
Manager Street noted that three options to complete this work have been presented for Board
consideration. Deputy Director of Public Works Bob Phillips presented the options researched by
staff to complete the work prior to Portillo’s opening. First is to extend the Street Rehab contract to
A-Lamp at anticipated price of $926,196, plus engineering. Second is to accelerate the bidding
process to preferred vendors only at an estimated price of $1.6 million. The third option is a design-
build Contract. Mr. Phillips noted that the price for this is unknown, but expected to be more than
the first two options. Trustee Nadler suggested that any road improvement be contingent on the
closing of the real estate sale for Portillo’s.
Mayor Rosenthal stated that these roads are in the capital improvement plan but are being considered
for reconstruction sooner than previously listed because they will see much higher traffic after
Portillo’s opens.
There was consensus from the Board to extend the street rehab contract to include this work.
Manager Street noted that the street rehab contractor also needs to agree to extending unit prices.
This item will be presented to the Board at the next meeting, subject to concurrence from the
Trustee Nadler made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee Struthers.
The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
David Fitzgerald,
Management Analyst