O-72-56ORDINANCE NO. 0 -72 -56 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS VI -B and XXIII OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Published in pamphlet form this 16th day of October , 1972, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield ORDINANCE NO. 0- 72 -56 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS VI -B,E, XXIII, A, 2, b and 'c and XXIII B, 2, b and c OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to proper notice, as provided by statute and ordinance, has held a public hearing upon the subject matter of certain amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the said Plan Commission has recommended that the Corporate Authorities amend said Zoning Ordinance in the manner hereinafter provided. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of ONE: Deerfield passed May 4, 1953, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking Sections VI -B E, XXIII A,2 b and c and XXIII B, 2,b and c in their entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "VI -B (E) E. Procedure: An application for approval of a planned residential development shall be filed with the Secretary of the Plan Commission. The application shall contain such information and there shall be filed therewith such supporting documents, plats and plans as the Commission may from time to time by rule pro- vide. Within sixty (60) days after the filing of such applica- tion, a hearing shall be held on such application and on any proposed plat of subdivision by the Plan Commission; such hear- ing shall be conducted as nearly as possible in the same manner as a hearing on an application for an amendment to this ordinance. Notice of such hearing shall be published at least once not more than thirty (30) days, nor less than fifteen (15) days before the hearing in one or more newspapers 'published within or having a general circulation within the Village of Deerfield. In addition, applicant shall give written notice by personal service or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to such meeting or hearing date to all persons who are either (iYowners of record as of not more than 10 days prior to the date of serviCe,and as shown on the records keptby the County Recorder of Deeds, or (ii) persons listed on the most recently published tax rolls of the Township or County Assessor as persons who paid the general real estate taxes for the last preceding year on parcels of real estate being within 250 feet of the boundaries of the property for which approval of a planned residential development is requested. At such hearing, Applicant must provide an Affidavit that he has given the notice required as set forth immediately above. Said hearing may be continued from time to time. Following such hearing, the Plan Commission shall transmit to the Board of Trustees a written report giving their findings and recommendations for action to be, taken by the Board of Trustees in regard to such application. After receiving the report of the Plan Commission, the Board of Trustees may approve such application for a planned residential development with or without change or may reject it or may refer it back to the Plan Commission for further consideration. Any ordinance approving a planned residential development shall specify with particularity the special conditions and restrictions imposed by the Board of Trustees on the planned residential development, and shall specify the extent to which the District regulations which would otherwise have been applicable have been varied or modified and shall have attached thereto a true and correct copy of any plat of subdivision approved as part of the planned residential develop- ment." "XXIII A, 2 b and c b. Public Hearing - Applicant must submit a request for a Public Hearing for a date certain'. Such date-must be mutually con - venient to the applicant and the Plan Commission and shall not be more than 30 days nor less than 15 days subsequent to the date of public notice in a paper of general circulation in the Village of Deerfield. In addition, applicant shall give written notice by personal service or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to such meeting or hearing date to all persons who are either (i) owners of record as of not more than 10 days prior to the date of service and as shown on the records kept by the County Recorder of Deeds, or (ii) persons listed on the most recently published tax rolls of the Township or County Assessor as persons who paid the general real estate taxes for the last preceding year, on parcels of real estate being within 250 feet of the boundaries of the property for which rezoning is requested. C. Requirements - At the Public Hearing, the applicant must present four copies of a plat of the area for which rezoning is requested. Specifications for such plats shall be the same as those required for subdivisions (Chapter 9, Village Code). Applicant must also provide an Affidavit that he has given the notice required in (b) above." "XXIIT B, 2 b and c b.. Public Hearing - Applicant must submit a request for a Public Hearing for a date certain. Such date must be mutually convenient to the applicant and the Plan Commission and shall be not more than 30 days nor less than 15 days subsequent to the date of public notice in a paper of general circulation in the Village of Deerfield. In addition, applicant shall give written notice by personal service or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to such meeting or hearing date to all persons who are either (i) owners of record as of not more than 10 days prior to the date of service and as shown on the records kept by the County Recorder of Deeds, or (ii) persons listed on the most recently published tax rolls of the Township or County Assessor as persons who paid the general real estate taxes for the last preceding year, on parcels of real estate being within 250 feet of the boundaries of the property for which special use is requested." C. Requirements - At the Public Hearing, the applicant must present four copies of a plat of the area for which special use is requested. Specifications for such plats shall be the same as those required for subdivisions (Chapter 9, Village Code). Applicant must also provide an Affidavit that he has given the notice required in (b) above." I I SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in TWO: conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: TWO (2 ) PASSED this 16th day of October A.D. 1972 APPROVED this 16th day of October A.D. 1972 'VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK YV 1. :Procedure =:*An application for approval of a planned residential "A "'Olopment shall be filed with the Secretary of the Plan 'Commission. The application shall contain such information and ;;Cherie shall be filed therewith such supporting documents# plate' ptAd,kplans as the Commission may from time to time by rule pro- ♦j,'de's} , In. sixty (60) days after the filing of such applica . ,a hearing shall be held on such application and on any proposed plat of subdivision by the Plan Commission; such hear - Aug..,thall•be conducted as nearly as possible in the same manner ae> ,,,hearing on an application for an amendment to this wt roan 6 Notice of such hearing shall be published at 'leea�t IOnoe. not more than thirty (30) days, nor less than fifteen (15)• '' hearing papers published ,.; 8eyq�;before the h ®ari in one or more news id '"hin or•having a general circulation within the Village of r`DQ:eri'i ®ld. In addition a licant shall give written notice by 'ner0onsl sere oe ar ce a or rem s ere, mail. re= rocs nt �•re ues eat nov less inan iy d s nor more than .lo d s riot Eluo nee Or ear a e To-al- arsons who are a e: ownere_o recur as o no more an ays nr or o__ QaTie.of service ana a$ shown on the records Xe t o es as or i persons s e o recen u s e a$ rolls o tine""`" e;5 - 5 i7F ,JA ssessor as ersons w o a e ever -al tea es e last -precea__ ear on eels o tea es a-fe" ; Ioun ar o ee o e o e or O a res n a avelo men s re uessl w -a ti ear can mus rov a an Af a av, a ec Cc ~rte rder for �. t; e, ofice reguired as set or amore �a eta ove. Said eas a con hue moms o me, Fb �"i'owing such > hearing,, the plan Commission shall transmit to the Board of }.T*'Otees a written report giving their findings and recommendatioaari• r fcr,:,'Action to be taken by the Board of Trustees in regard to such``application. After receiving the report of the Ban Commissiw;v `theBoard of Trustees may approve such application for a planned .:residential development with or without change or may reject t','or may refer it back to the Plan Commission for further, ;. ons deratione Any ordinance approving a planned residential development shall specify with particularity the special dodditions and restrictions imposed by the Board of Trustees ; ..: �; on%the .planned residential development, and shall specify the .,extent to which the District regulations which would otherwisd -',,Jhave''•been applicable have been varied or modified. and shall '.have `attached thereto a true and correct copy of any plat of , ;. suubdivision approved as part of the planned residential develop- �ment t. a.a b & ` XXIII �p2.c r It.. ubllc` Hearing Applicant must submit a request for a Public tiRearing for a date certain. Such date must be mutually con. �.,*enient, ,to ' the applicant and the Plan Commission and shall more'than 30 days nor less than 15 days subsequent to tb,e +date •of public notice in a paper of general 'circulation, = n;; fthe; Village of Deerfield. In additions a licant shall J' five written notice by persona '56r=v c °e or cerZirle• or 're 'fetere mai:�:u n rece"pt requese`�` n ass ' 15 days than 10 days urior _ Go such rne0t z or ear 5 pl OVaio Y�6f �d. ti vy vnavr ps/ v,aav�n+ vY �vvv�a� �e.v v� �.av .. Wv�v �dateo t 0 d or tot service and as shown on e 97TOodrqr o 66�1 3M -ed 64-t e mss r e e e ax , o e o owns sse arsons M o a enera r es a e ayes or a as eoed iax .. ear, on areas rem es a e w a QU reet or e proper y or Mach rezo ng is requee e . 0. V" H quirements - At-the Public Hearing,, the applicant must ,present four copies of a plat of the area for which rezoning "�:ia•requested« Specifications for such plats shall be the Sam iC:ESB 'those required for subdivisions (Chapter 9. Village Code),. oant must also provide an Affidavit that he has 'givein the notic e ree iA n above. ` �XIII B.2.b .& XXIII B.2.c 1��,r� Publio Hearing - Applicant must submit a request for a }- "Public Hearing for a date certain.. Such date must be mutually 'A�� convenient to the applicant and the Plan Commission and shell pbe not ,more than 30 days nor less than 15 days subsequent to ;��the date of public notice in a paper of general circulation "Ain Village of Deerfield. In addition, a licant shall give y;,written notice -lee or tv er be or registered race or re e n ass than all more re urn o su o n ` �peersons IN record tha n, a r or ro theftze or servideand as briown on Me reo e ;s essor as ecun,cr year ov�"� Requirements - At the Public Hearing, the applicant.must present tour.-copies of a plait of the area for which special use is requested. Specifications for such plats shall be the same as those required for subdivisions (Chapter 9, Village Code). Applicant must also ovide an Affidavit that he has given the no ce : reg e a ove. —�- iQ�ig17� ���