O-72-28ORDINANCE NO. 0- 72 -28 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3,05 'DEERFIELD ROAD, DEERFIELD, 'ILLINOIS WHEREAS,'BRIARWOOD COUNTRY CLUB has petitioned for a variation from the strict provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, passed May 4, 1953, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant-to notice duly published, as required by statute, a public hearing on said Petition was held and con- ducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has filed with the President and Board of Trustees its written findings of fact and recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the findings of fact and recommendations ONE: of the Zoning Board of Appeals are hereby con- curred in and adopted as the findings of fact of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION That there are practical difficulties and TWO: particular hardship in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, as applied to Petitioner's property which is legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION That variations from the strict provisions of THREE: Sections VI,C -6, XVI,F -10, V,18 and XVI,14 -c of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield with respect to the property described on Exhibit A hereto are hereby granted so. as to permit the construction of two tennis courts, 15 feet from the front property line in lieu of the required 35 feet; the erection of a fence 12 feet in height in lieu of the permitted 7 foot height, and the construction of off- street parking facilities within 33 feet of the center line of Deerfield Road in lieu of the required 40 feet, all in accordance with plans presented and filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals. SECTION That the variations hereby granted are FOUR: subject'to compliance by Petitioner with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Village and, further, subject to the following conditions: a. That the tennis courts proposed to be constructed not be artificially lighted. b. That the parking of vehicles not be permitted closer to the property line fronting on Deerfield Road than the existing parking facilities allow. c. That the curb and sidewalk located at the existing driveway be removed and reconstructed in accordance with Village standards. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FIVE: effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: TWO (2) PASSED this 1st day of* .... May ...................... A.D. 1972. APPROVED this Ist day of....M .............. ....... A.D. 1972. 'VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: . c VILLAGE CLERK EXHIBIT A ..,: PA2.CEL 1: That pert of Sectioka 33, Tct:i�ship 43 North, Range 12 East of the 3rd P.14. , described as foll.o�,►s: Beginning at a � point on the North line of Section 33, 60 feet West of the North East corner of the North West qut.rter of the North East quarter of aid Section. 33; thence So�!i�.h or a line ; parallel -with the East line of. said North West quarter of said Forth -'&alit •quarter, (which lire is the Vest line of Brierhill Avenue,, in Brierhill, a subdi,Yision of of:xt of the North East .,..,'quarter of-said Section 33g acoordfng ti the plat thereof. recorded in Book"T," of Plats, p, c 65), ,,94.6 feet to a point; -,k'..;° thence East on. a line pexa.l,lel Fie th 1-.he ?north line of said `:Seeti% zn 33 60 feet to the Nor -h ►Jc t (;order of lot 1 in said Brierhill; thence South along the, Eest li;ae of the West i half of the north East quarter of Se ►lion 33 and the Last 'line'of the North Weat quarter of tha South cast quarter of said Section 33, 3364.8 faet,, morci or -Less, to the South East Garner of said North West c ue.rier of the South East quarter of said Section 33; t.zen e V ,:st o.i the Sou-111h ls;ae of the North Vies qu:rtc?^ of said d 5,� ch �.�si; quarter, 125 7.3 t, .. "feet, to the center "Line of Zalegra lioa,3; thence North Uesterly along the center of said T,:lsgra.?h Road to the North f ;�e ra� r 4F£ laer of said of the South ha lf o t t Section 33; the-ace Bast on 4.a id Ntrih l.in(: 1472.9 feet„ more or less, to the North East .-orner c:' the b "outh mast amerter of the North West quarter of said Scotion 33; thence North .on the West line of the North Uast iivarter° of the Nov-th East "quarter of said Section 33, 1322 fey t, soz o or less, to the 'North lure of said Section 33; they t, East: on said North r.: Line 'of sa-ld Sec -ion 33, 1257.2 fee6;, moi -E, oa^ less, to the place of beginning excepting •t herc rr' om a tract of land ;described as foilo:.•s: Cosmcnci,r;; r.t a, po:t.;at on the North and South center line of Section 33, ioAmship 43 North Rarge 12. Bast- of the 3rd P.M. 9 176.78 feel. North of the North West corner of the South West quartea- of th e Scuth East quarter of said Section 33; said point bei:i also can the North Easterly .. Line .of Waukegan Road, as eacupl- had used for a Public Highway; than-rice North 62 degree.;; 37 mi.n*;:tes 35 oe:sonia Eastp • 199.46 fea'� to a avant ; thence iIorth 15 degrees„ 34 minutes, 55 seconds Vlea•t, 162.25 feet, to a po•iin ; t3?anj:oe South 63 '. degrees 08 ni.:1u'tes 45 seconds 'tc -st, 8m.38 feet to a point; thence South 4.0 e.e;: rees -12 mintt-tes 25 seconds Wes -,. 101094 feet to a poi xrt in the center ].ins of said t;Taukegan sioad; thenme sawl;h 25 degrees 48 uinu as 25 secoaae alorZ said center line 86038 feet to a pc�ir�t; thtrce North b2 degrees 3`T minutes 35 secoads Est, a; .3.0 4feet 'to tho point of beginning, .:,and also exce.puind from this Parcel 1 that part thereof #allizle .'in Bri.erga.•te C�omtry �,lul) Subditjir on UAL' e !� ©. O AA ' O'F' Bast- said 1�or�;I2 West quaa'^f.,er n:? the I at'th Le.s s guaxter of S action 339 Tonmship and Ranzve e'o esaid), i.„ Lal,c Couq ty, 'i1'!..nois. ' PARCEL 2: Lots l to 198 'teeth Jiic� . - saver ire r�'�eY'gate Country ...Club Suba?tPisi on Jia? t Pie. 1,�e:';�g a Sul:., of p,: °t of tile. North lies•:; quarter o!: the North EaUc quarter of S t^tion 33e To rnahzp 43f, North, 1� -uigt? 12 E -.!,, of the 3a °d P-11-9 a_,i,-- ording to the plat thereof, recc�-dea September 2, 1.941, tzs Doc=ent >.`?,.500997, in Book 28 of PIstz, paz., 5 , in I.}:'ec Ce,uat��, Illinois. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 1st day of May, 1972 and now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 17th day of May, 1972. � * 1e 1 Catherine B. Price Village Clerk SEAL