O-72-37ORDINANCE NO. 0- 72- .:37'.
Published in pamphlet form
this 19th ;day of :June, 1
1972, by the President and
Board of Trustees of Deerfield.
ORDINANCE NO. 0- 72 -;37'
SECTION That Section 20.715 of Chapter 20 of the
ONE: Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as amended,
is hereby further amended by striking said Section in its entirety.
SECTION That Section 21.004 of Chapter 21 of the
TWO: Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as amended,
is hereby further amended by striking said Section in its entirety.
SECTION That the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963,
THREE: as amended, is hereby further amended by adding
a new Chapter 20A as follows:
"20A.001 Definition.) Whenever the term "Bicycle"
is used in this Chapter, it shall be construed to
include every device propelled by human power upon
which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels
either of which is more than 16 inches in diameter.
"20A.002 Registration required.)
"a) It shall be unlawful for any person who resides
within the Village and the operators of any bicycle
rental agency within the Village to own or ride, or
propel a bicycle on any public street, roadway,
alley, sidewalk or other public way within the Village t
unless such bicycle has first been registered, and an
identification tag attached thereto, as hereinafter
provided in this Section.
"b) Application for registration of a bicycle shall
be made to the Chief of Police of the Village on
forms provided by the Village and shall be accompanied
by a registration fee of $1.00. Such application
forms shall state the full name, address and telephone
number of the bicycle'owner; the make and serial
number of the bicycle (if any); the color, wheel
size and type of frame of such bike (whether a
boy's or girl's type); and the approximate date
when the owner obtained title thereto, and if
not new, then the name and address of'the person
from whom the bicycle was purchased or otherwise
obtained in a used condition. The application
shall be signed by the applicant or his parent
or guardian.
"c) Upon receipt of the application and the
required registration fee and upon the acceptance
of the matter set forth in said application, the
Chief of Police or other person authorized by
him shall affix a suitable identification tag
or emblem to the bicycle in a conspicuous place
so the same may be visible at all times. Said
identification tag or emblem shall represent a
permanent registration of the bicycle so regis-
tered so long as such bicycle is owned by the
person registering the same. The registration
tag or emblem shall be non - transferable.
"d) In case of the loss or destruction of any
registration tag or emblem issued hereunder, a
duplicate tag or emblem will be issued to the
applicant by the Chief of Police upon satis-
factory evidence of such loss or destruction
being filed with him and upon payment to the
Village of $.50 for such duplicate registration
"e) Nothing set forth herein shall be held to
prohibit or otherwise restrict the Chief of
Police from stamping an appropriate number or
other identification mark on the frame of a
bicycle upon which no serial number can be found
or upon which the serial number is illegible or
insufficient for identification purposes.
1120A.003 Removal of license tag or emblem or
manufacturer's serial number.) It shall be
unlawful for any person, wilfully or maliciously
to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the
manufacturer's serial number of any bicycle
licensed hereunder; or to remove, destroy, mutilate
or alter any license tag or emblem issued hereunder
during the time in which the license tag or emblem
is in force. The Chief of Police is hereby
authorized to stamp numbers on the frame of the
bicycle, as provided in Section 20A.002e of this
"20A.004 Effect of removal of serial numbers.)
No person shall buy, sell, receive, dispose of
or conceal any bicycle or bicycle equipment
from which the manufacturer's name plate,
serial number or any other distinguishing mark
has been removed, defaced, covered, altered or
"20A.005 Inspection.) Any member of the Police
Department is authorized to inspect any bicycle
at any reasonable time for the purpose of
verifying the presence and validity of the
license plate or emblem, license number, serial
number and for the purpose of determining the
mechanical condition of the bicycle or the
ownership of said bicycle.
"20A.006 Safety equipment of bicycles.) Every
bicycle operated upon any street, sidewalk,
alley or public way or place shall be in such
condition and equipped as follows:
"a) Mechanical condition. No person shall
operate a bicycle which is not in such mechanical
condition so that it can be safely operated.
"b) Brakes. Every bicycle shall be equipped with
a brake adequate to control the movement of and
to stop such bicycle whenever necessary and good
enough to skid the tire on dry pavement.
"c) Lights and reflectors. No bicycle shall be
operated within the period from sunset to sunrise
without having and using a properly lighted head-
light attached to the front of the bicycle, visible
under normal atmospheric conditions from the front
thereof, for a distance of not less than 500 feet,
nor without having a red light or reflector attached
to the rear of the bicycle, which is clearly visible
in the headlight beam of a motor vehicle for a,.
distance of not less than 500 feet to the, rear of
the bicycle.
"d) Audible signal. Each bicycle shall be equipped
with a horn, bell or other signaling device in
good working order and audible at a minimum distance
of 100 feet; except that no bicycle shall be equipped
with nor shall any person use upon a bicycle any
siren, gong or whistle.
"20A.007 Operation of bicycles.) Bicycles are
hereby classed as vehicles and every person
operating a bicycle in any public way in the
Village shall be subject to the provisions of
the State vehicle laws and all traffic
ordinances except such provisions in conflict
with this Chapter or which by their nature
can have no application.
"a) Obedience to traffic directions. It
shall be unlawful for any person operating
a bicycle to fail or refuse to comply with
any order, signal or direction of a police
officer, or to disobey the instructions of
any official traffic sign, signal or other
traffic control device.
"b) Riding on bicycles.
1. A person operating a bicycle shall not
ride other than upon or astride the perma-
nent and regular seat attached thereto,
nor carry any other person upon such
bicycle other than upon a firmly attached
regular seat thereon, nor shall any person
ride upon a bicycle other than as above
2. No bicycle shall be used to carry more
persons at one time than the number for which
it is designed and equipped.
"c) Speed. No bicycle shall be operated at any
time faster than is reasonable, proper and
prudent under the conditions then existing, and
every bicycle shall be operated with reasonable
regard to the safety of the rider and of other y
persons, property and vehicles.
"d) Riding on sidewalks.
by a person under l6,yeaWs or age
1. icy shall be operated/ ng an d` p (;or-
pon D field Ro Way n Road thiib¢Cty Line
t orporat emits o e
Vi , exc
(L ke -Cook) Road
�,)� _ p on the is s' {s ad 0* ng sai
��' ro ay s .
2. Due and proper care shall at all times
be exercised by the bicycle operator for the
pedestrians. Under all circumstances,
bicycle operators, riding or walking their
bicycles, shall yield the right -of -way to
pedestrians using a sidewalk or path. When
approaching a pedestrian(s) on the sidewalk,
an audible signal shall be given at least
25 feet distant from the pedestrian(s), and
the speed of the bicycle.
. memetm whehs ee --gy --
ra ion o e bicycle
t: ti,.,,,� :-h ;_ar,
h. .LTaLTQZ A lIIV 1A11 -A l l y aizu s te a l •1 not
be increased until the pedestrian(s) has been
"c) Riding on right. Every person operating a
bicycle shall keep to the right and shall operate
as nearly as practical at the righthand edge of
the path, sidewalk, street or roadway.
"d) Riding in a group. When more than two persons
in a group are operating bicycles on a street
or roadway, they shall ride single file and it
shall be unlawful for them to ride abreast of
each other.
"e) Stopping or turning. The operator of a-bicycle
on a roadway, when making a right turn, shall
follow the righthand edge of the roadway, and the
operator of a bicycle on a roadway, when making
a left turn, shall proceed to the far side of the
intersection, bring the bicycle to a complete stop
and look in both directions prior to turning. No
operator of a bicycle shall start, slow down, stop
or attempt to turn without first indicating such
movement as provided by State laws for the operation
of motor vehicles.
"f) Coming out of alleys, driveways or buildings.
The operator of a bicycle coming out of an alley,
driveway or building shall stop before riding on
or across a sidewalk or into a street or roadway
if the view is obscured. Such operator shall, in
all cases, yield the right -of -way to all pedestrians
approaching on said sidewalk, and to all vehicles
approaching on said street or roadway.
"g) Clinging to vehicles. It shall be unlawful
for any person operating a bicycle to cling to or
attach himself, or the bicycle, to any other moving
vehicle or object.
"h) Carrying articles. No person operating a
bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article
which prevents the rider from keeping both hands
upon the bicycle handlebars.
"i) Under influence of liquor or drugs. It is
unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle within
the Village while under the influence of liquor or
"j) Trick riding. It shall be unlawful for any
person operating a bicycle on the public streets,
sidewalks, roadways or on any public way to
engage in any kind of trick or unsafe riding,
including, but not limited to, riding without
the use of any hands on the handlebars.
"k) Prohibited areas for bicycles. Bicycles
are prohibited to be operated in any area where
appropriate signs are posted.
"20A.008 Parking bicycles.
"a) It shall be unlawful to park any bicycle
along buildings in such a manner as to inter-
fere with pedestrians, or along roadways where
they may interfere with traffic or with persons
getting into or out of motor vehicles. No
person other than the owner or operator shall
move, or, in any manner, interfere with any
bicycle properly parked, nor shall any person
interfere, or, in any manner, hinder any person
from properly parking a bicycle, except that
members of the Police Department and Fire
Department may move, or, in proper cases, prevent
the parking of the bicycle, when, in the judg-
ment of the policeman or fireman, his action is
necessary in order to properly safeguard persons
or property.
"b) The Chief of Police-will cause bicycle parking
racks to be installed at places.to be determined
by him within the central business district. No
bicycle shall be parked within 100 feet of such
bicycle parking racks except in said racks.
"20A.009 Use of bicycles without consent of owner.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or
operate any bicycle within the Village without the
consent of the owner.
"20A.010 Sale of abandoned bicycles.) All abandoned
bicycles and unidentified bicycles coming into the
possession of the Police Department shall be held
for a reasonable time and then sold at public auction
under the direction of the Chief of Police, in
accordance with State law.
"20A.011- Penalties.) Any and all persons convicted
of a violation of any provision of this Chapter
shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1.00
nor more than $500.00, or by the impounding by the
Village of the bicycle operated by such person for
not to exceed 30 days, or both, for each offense.
"20A.012 Parental responsibility.) The parent
of any child and the guardian of any ward shall
not authorize or knowingly permit any child or
ward to violate any of the provisions of this
Chapter, and any parent or guardian author -.
izing or knowingly permitting such violation
shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be punished by imposition
of the penalties provided for by this Chapter.
1120A.013 Enforcement.) The Chief of Police
shall.enforce the provisions of this Chapter."
SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to
FOUR: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form.
SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in
"FIVE: conflict herewith are, to the extent of such
conflict, hereby repealed.
SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and
"SIX: effect from and after its passage, approval
and publication, as provided by law.
PASSED this' '19th day of June A.D. 1972.
APPROVED this' 19th day of June A.D. 1972.
� r
ORDINANCE NO. 0 -72 -37
SECTION That Section 20.715 of Chapter 20 of the Municipal Code of Deer-
ONE: field of 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking,
said Section in its entirety.
SECTION That Section 21.004 of Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Deer-
TWO: field of 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking
;= said Section in its entirety.
SECTION That the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, is here -
THREE: by further amended by adding a new Chapter 20A as follows:
"20A.001 Definition.) Whenever the term "Bicycle" is used in this Chapter,
it shall be construed to include every device propelled by human power
upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which
is more than 16 inches in diameter.
"20A.002 Registration required.)
"a) It shall be unlawful for any person who resides within the Village and
the operators of any bicycle rental agency within the Village to oian or
ride, or propel a bicycle on any public street, roadway, alley, sidewalk
or other public way within the Village unless such bicycle has first been
registered, and an identification tag attached thereto, as hereinafter
provided in this Section.
"b) Application for registration of a bicycle shall be made to the Chief
of Police of the Village on forms provided by the Village and shall be
accompanied by a registration fee of $1.00. Such application forms shall
state the full name, address and telephone number of the bicycle owner;
the make and serial number of the bicycle (if any); the color, wheel size
and type of frame of such bike (whether a boy's or girl's type); and the
approximate date when the owner obtained title thereto, and if not new,
then the name and address of the person from whom the bicycle was purchased
or otherwise obtained in a used condition. The application shall be signed
by the applicant or his parent or guardian.
"c) Upon receipt of the application and the required registration fee and
upon the acceptance of the matter set forth in said application, the Chief
of Police or other person authorized by him shall affix a suitable identi-
fication tag or emblem to the bicycle in a conspicuous place so the same
may be visible at all times. Said identification tag or emblem shall
be non - transferable.
"d) In case of the loss or destruction of any registration tag or emblem
issued hereunder, a duplicate tag or emblem will be issued to the applicant
by the Chief of Police upon satisfactory evidence of such loss or destruction
being filed with him and upon payment to the Village of $.50 for such dupli-
cate registration tag.
"e) Nothing set forth herein shall be held to prohibit or otherwise restrict
the Chief of Police from stamping an appropriate number or other 'identifica-
tion mark on the frame of a bicycle upon which no serial number can be found
or upon which the serial number is illegible or insufficient for identifica-
tion purposes.
"20A.003 Removal of license tag or emblem or manufacturer's serial number.)
It shall be unlawful for any person, wilfully or maliciously to remove,
destroy, mutilate or alter the manufacturer's serial number of any bicycle
licensed hereunder; or.to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any license tag
or emblem issued hereunder during the time in which the license tag or emblem
is in force. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to stamp numbers on
the frame of the bicycle, as provided in Section 20A.002e of this Chapter.
"20A.004 Effect of removal of serial numbers:) No person shall buy, sell,
receive, dispose of or conceal any bicycle or bicycle equipment from which
the manufacturer's name plate, serial number or any other distinguishing
mark has been removed, defaced, covered, altered or destroyed.
"20A.005 Inspection.) Any member of the Police Department is authorized to
inspect any bicycle at any reasonable time for the purpose of verifying the
presence and validity of the license plate or emblem, license number, serial
number and for the purpose of determining the mechanical condition of the
bicycle or the ownership of said bicycle.
"20A.006 Safety equipment of bicycles.) Every bicycle operated upon any
street, sidewalk, alley or public way or place shall be in such mechanical
condition and equipped as follows:
"a) Mechanical condition. No person shall operate a bicycle which is not in
such mechanical condition so that it can be safely operated.
"b) Brakes. Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake adequate to control
the movement of and to stop such bicycle whenever necessary and good enough
to skid the tire on dry pavement.
"c) Lights and reflectors. No bicycle shall be operated within the period
from sunset to sunrise without having and using a properly lighted headlight
attached to the front of the bicycle, visible under normal atmospheric
conditions from the front thereof, for a distance of not less than 500 feet,
nor without having a red light or reflector attached to the rear of the
bicycle, which is clearly visible in the headlight beam of a motor vehicle
for a distance of not less than 500 feet to the rear of the bicycle.
"d) Audible signal. Each bicycle shall be equipped with a horn, bell or
other signaling device in good working order and audible at a minimum dis-
tance of 100 feet; except that no bicycle shall be equipped with nor shall
any person use upon a bicycle any siren, gong or whistle.
"20A.007 Operation of bicycles.) Bicycles are hereby classed as vehicles
and every person operating a bicycle in any public way in the Village shall
be subject to the provisions of the State vehicle laws and all traffic
ordinances except such provisions in conflict with this Chapter or which
by their nature can have no application.
"a) Obedience to traffic directions. It shall be unlawful for any person
operating, a bicycle to fail or refuse to comply with any order, signal or
direction of a police officer, or to disobey the instructions of any official
traffic sign, signal or other traffic control device.
"b) Riding on bicycles.
1. A person operating a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or
astride the permanent and regular seat attached thereto, nor carry any
other person upon such bicycle other than upon a firmly attached
regular seat thereon, nor shall any person ride upon a bicycle other
than as above authorized.
2. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at bne time than
the number for which it is designed and equipped.
"c) Speed. No bicycle shall be operated at any time faster than is reason-
able, proper and prudent under the conditions then existing, and every
bicycle shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the rider
and of other persons, property and vehicles.
"d) Riding on sidewalks.
1. No bicycle shall be operated by a person under 12 years of age
along and upon Deerfield Road or Waukegan Road or County Line (Lake -
Cook) Road within the corporate limits of the Village, except on the
public sidewalks adjoining said roadways.
2. Due and proper care shall.at all times be exercised by the bicycle
operator for the pedestrians. Under all circumstances, bicycle
operators, riding or walking their bicycles, shall yield the right -of-
way to pedestrians using a sidewalk or path. When approaching a pedes-
trian(s) on the sidewalk, an audible signal shall be given at least
25 feet distant from the pedestrian(s), and the speed of the bicycle
shall not be increased until the pedestrian(s) has been passed.
"c) Riding on right. Every person operating a bicycle shall keep to the
right and shall operate as nearly as practical at the righthand edge of the
path, sidewalk, street or roadway.
"d) Riding -in a Uroup. When more than two persons in a group are operating
bicycles on a street or roadway, they shall ride single file and it shall
be unlawful for them to ride abreast of each other.
"e) Stopping or turning. The operator of a bicycle on a roadway, when making
a right turn, shall follow the righthand edge of the roadway, and the operator
of a bicycle on a roadway, when making a left turn, shall proceed to the
far side of the intersection, bring the bicycle to a complete stop and look
in both directions prior to turning. No operator of a bicycle shall start,
slow down, stop or attempt to turn without first indicating such movement
as provided by State laws for the operation of motor vehicles.
"f) Coming out of alleys, driveways or buildings. The operator of a bicycle
coming out of an alley, driveway or building shall stop before riding on or
across a sidewalk or into a street or roadway if the view is obscured.
Such operator shall, in all cases, yield the right -of -way to all pedestrians
approaching on said sidewalk, and to all vehicles approaching, on said
street or roadway.
"g) Clinging to vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a
bicycle to cling to or attach himself, or the bicycle, to any other moving
vehicle or object.
"h) Carrying articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package,
bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping both hands upon the
bicycle handlebars.
"i) Under influence of liquor or drugs. It is unlawful for any person to
operate a bicycle within the Village while under the influence of liquor or
"j) Trick riding. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a bicycle
on the public streets, sidewalks, roadways or on any public way to engage
in any kind of trick or unsafe riding, including but not limited to, riding
without the use of any hands on the handlebars.
"k) Prohibited areas for bicycles. Bicycles are prohibited to be operated
in any area where appropriate signs are posted.
"20A.008 Parking bicycles.
"a) It shall be unlawful to park any bicycle along buildings in such a manner
as to interfere with pedestrians, or along roadways where they may interfere
with traffic or with persons getting into or out of motor vehicles. No
person other than the owner or operator shall move, or, in any manner, inter-
fere with any bicycle properly parked, nor shall any person interfere, or,
in any manner, hinder any person from properly parking a bicycle, except
that members of the Police Department and Fire Department may move, or, in
proper cases, prevent the parking of the bicycle, when, in the judgment of
the policeman or fireman, his action is necessary in order to properly
safeguard persons or property.
"b) The Chief of Police will cause bicycle parking racks to be installed at
places to be determined by him within the central business district. No
bicycle shall be parked within 100 feet of such bicycle parking racks except
in said racks.
"20A.009 Use of bicycles without consent of owner.) It shall be unlawful
for any person to use or operate any bicycle within the Village without the
consent of the owner.
"20A.010 Sale of abandoned bicycles.) All abandoned bicycles and unidenti-
fied bicycles coming int• the possession of-the Police Department shall be
held for a reasonable time and then sold at public auction under the .
direction of the Chief of Police, in accordance with State law.
"20A.011 Penalties.) Any and all persons convicted of a violation of any
provision of this Chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1.00
nor more than $500.00, or by the impounding by the Village of the bicycle
operated by such person for not to exceed 30 days, or both, for each offense.
"20A.012 Parental responsibility.) The parent of any child and the guardian
of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any child or ward to
violate any of the provisions of this Chapter, and any parent or guardian
authorizing or knowingly permitting such violation shall, upon conviction
thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imposition of
the penalties provided for by this Chapter.
"20A.013 Enforcement.) The Chief of Police shall enforce the provisions of
this Chapter."
SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this
FOUR: Ordinance in pamphlet form.
SECTION That all or�iriances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith;
FIVE: are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.
SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
SIX: after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law.
PASSED this 19th day of June, A.D. 1972.
APPROVED this 19th day of June, A.D. 1972.
Published in pamphlet form this 19th day of June,
1972, by the President and Board of Trustees of