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R-15-18VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION NO. R-15-18 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINIG A CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL PARTICPATION WITH THOMAS ENGINEERING GROUP, LLC FOR THE RESURFACTING RESURFACING AND RECONSTRUCTION OF DEERFIELD ROAD (PROJECT NUMBER M-9003 854) WHEREAS, the Village is the lead agency for the resurfacing and reconstruction of Deerfield Road for a length of approximately 2.39 miles from the Metra viaduct in the Village of Deerfield to U.S. Route 41 in the City of Highland Park, Project Number M-9003 (854) (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, outside funding for the Project has been secured from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) in the estimated amount of $19,751,964; WHEREAS, the Village has received approval from IDOT to engage Thomas Engineering Group, LLC to provide professional engineering services in connection with the Project; and WHEREAS, the Village Engineer has recommended to the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that the Village authorize and approve a Construction Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation with Thomas Engineering Group, LLC to provide certain professional engineering services in connection with the Project, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto (the "Local Agency Agreement"), and -1- WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield have reviewed and considered the Local Agency Agreement and hereby determine that is in the best interest of the Village and public to enter into the Local Agency Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation and Thomas Engineering Group, LLC; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: The Local Agency Agreement attached hereto and made a party hereof is hereby approved. SECTION 3: The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to respectively execute and attest the Local Agency Agreement for the Project with Thomas Engineering Group, LLC for and on behalf of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 4: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. PASSED this 8th day of September , 2015. AYES:Farkas, Jester, Nadler, Shapiro, Struthers NAYS: None ABSENT: Seiden ABSTAIN: None APPROVED this 8th day of September , 2015. ATTEST: -2- Village Pre ident � � L (� r 'llage Clerk -3- Illinois Department 2300 South Dirksen Parkway / Springfield, Ni'vk-4- C& of Tranb7portabon Illinois ! 62764 S. I f- 2-3 --1 'S- November 17, 2015 Mr. Kent S. Street Village Clerk 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Subject: Village: Deerfield Section: 11-00092-00-PV Project: CMM-M-9003(854) Job: C-91-019-12 Construction Engineering Agreement Consultant: Thomas Engineering Group, LLC $2,206,885.54 (corrected amount) Dear Mr. Street: The department approved the subject agreement on September 21, 2015. A copy is enclosed. The village may authorize the consultant to proceed with the engineering work. The corrected amount is based on the following: Proposed payroll is reduced by $19,714.53 due to current payroll rates dated September 27, 2015 escalated 4.03% for the duration of the project being lower. As a result of this and to limiting rate to 146.48% for FYE 12/31 /2014, proposed overhead is reduced by $49,884.66. Proposed profit is reduced by $16,227.34 due to above adjustments and to not allowing profit on subconsultant direct labor. Material Solutions Laboratory - Proposed payroll is reduced by $336.79 due to current rates dated October 2015 escalated 1.62% for the duration of the project being lower (raises given on anniversary dates and rates were calculated based on a fixed point in time). Proposed overhead is reduced by $5,422.92 due to rate being limited to 146.62% for FYE 12/31/2014. Profit is increased by $655.72 due to above adjustments and to an incorrect profit calculation. Please contact Debbie Jarvis ( if you have any questions. Sincerely, Salmon O. Danmole, P.E. Acting Engi er of Local ds a d Streets By: Gregory S. Lupton, P.E. Acting Local Project Implementation Engineer Enclosure cc: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor John Fortmann Attn: Christopher Holt - District 1 Roxy Heck (Attn: Project Control) Thomas Engineering Group, LLC Local Agency Consultant Village of Deerfield L 111roS DepwIllnent Thomas Engineering Group, LLC 0 of Trarm portabon C County C 0 Address Lake A Ni 238 South Kenilworth Ave. Suite 100 Section L S City U Oak Park Project No. A Construction Engineering L State IL Job 00No. G Services Agreement T Zip C-91-019-12 For FParticipation Contact Name/Phone/E-mail Address N Federal ParticipN 60 Contact Name/Phone/E-mail Address Robert W. Phillips, P.E. (847) 719-7464 C T Thomas E. Gill, III, P.E. (708) 533-1700 l y THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of _5eT 9#%'3E;R 2015 between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the PROJECT described herein. Federal -aid funds allotted to the LA by the state of Illinois under the general supervision of the Illinois Department of Transportation (STATE) will be used entirely or in part to finance engineering services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. WHEREVER IN THIS AGREEMENT or attached exhibits the following terms are used, they shall be interpreted to mean: Regional Engineer Deputy Director Division of Highways, Regional Engineer, Department of Transportation Resident Construction Supervisor Authorized representative of the LA in immediate charge of the engineering details of the PROJECT In Responsible Charge A full time LA employee authorized to administer inherently governmental PROJECT activities Contractor Company or Companies to which the construction contract was awarded Project Description Name Deerfield Road Route FAU 1257 Length 2.39 Structure No. N/A Termini Metra Viaduct to US 41 Description: Resurfacing of 4,700 ft and reconstruction of 7,919 ft of Deerfield Road, new curb and gutter drained by a new storm sewer system, cured -in -place pipe lining of sanitary sewer, new sidewalks, resurfacing of Deerfield Road bridge over the Middle Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River, bridges at Berkeley, UPRR/Old US-41, US-41 and modernization and interconnection of 9 traffic signals. Agreement Provisions I. THE ENGINEER AGREES, To perform or be responsible for the performance of the engineering services for the LA, in connection with the PROJECT hereinbefore described and checked below: ® a. Proportion concrete according to applicable STATE Bureau of Materials and Physical Research (BMPR) Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) training documents or contract requirements and obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. ® b. Proportion hot mix asphalt according to applicable STATE BMPR QC/QA training documents and obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. ® c. For soils, to obtain samples and perform testing as noted below. ® d. For aggregates, to obtain samples and perform testing as noted below NOTE: For 1a. through 1d. the ENGINEER is to obtain samples for testing according to the STATE BMPR "Project Procedures Guide", or as indicated in the specifications, or as attached herein by the LA; test according to the STATE BMPR "Manual of Test Procedures for Materials", submit STATE BMPR inspection reports; and verify compliance with contract specifications. Page 1 of 8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 01/10/12) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM ® e. Inspection of all materials when inspection is not provided at the sources by the STATE BMPR, and submit inspection reports to the LA and the STATE in accordance with the STATE BMPR "Project Procedures Guide" and the policies of the STATE. ® f. For Quality Assurance services, provide personnel who have completed the appropriate STATE BMPR QC/QA trained technician classes. ® g. Inspect, document and inform the LA employee In Responsible Charge of the adequacy of the establishment and maintenance of the traffic control. ❑ h. Geometric control including all construction staking and construction layouts. ® i. Quality control of the construction work in progress and the enforcement of the contract provisions in accordance with the STATE Construction Manual. ® j. Measurement and computation of pay items. ® k. Maintain a daily record of the contractor's activities throughout construction including sufficient information to permit verification of the nature and cost of changes in plans and authorized extra work. ® I. Preparation and submission to the LA by the required form and number of copies, all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records, documentation and reports required by the LA and the STATE. ® m. Revision of contract drawings to reflect as built conditions. ® n. Act as resident construction supervisor and coordinate with the LA employee In Responsible Charge. 2. Engineering services shall include all equipment, instruments, supplies, transportation and personnel required to perform the duties of the ENGINEER in connection with the AGREEMENT. 3. To furnish the services as required herein within twenty-four hours of notification by the LA employee In Responsible Charge. 4. To attend meetings and visit the site of the work at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or STATE. 5. That none of the services to be furnished by the ENGINEER shall be sublet, assigned or transferred to any other party or parties without the written consent of the LA. The consent to sublet, assign or otherwise transfer any portion of the services to be furnished by the ENGINEER shall not be construed to relieve the ENGINEER of any responsibility for the fulfillment of this AGREEMENT. 6. The ENGINEER shall submit invoices, based on the ENGINEER's progress reports, to the LA employee In Responsible Charge, no more than once a month for partial payment on account for the ENGINEER's work completed to date. Such invoices shall represent the value, to the LA of the partially completed work, based on the sum of the actual costs incurred, plus a percentage (equal to the percentage of the construction engineering completed) of the fixed fee for the fully completed work. 7- That the ENGINEER is qualified technically and is entirely conversant with the design standards and policies applicable to improvement of the SECTION; and that the ENGINEER has sufficient properly trained, organized and experienced personnel to perform the services enumerated herein. 8• That the ENGINEER shall be responsible for the accuracy of the ENGINEER's work and correction of any errors, omissions or ambiguities due to the ENGINEER'S negligence which may occur either during prosecution or after acceptance by the LA. Should any damage to persons or property result from the ENGINEER's error, omission or negligent act, the ENGINEER shall indemnify the LA, the STATE and their employees from all accrued claims or liability and assume all restitution and repair costs arising from such negligence. The ENGINEER shall give immediate attention to any remedial changes so there will be minimal delay to the contractor and prepare such data as necessary to effectuate corrections, in consultation with and without further compensation from the LA. 9. That the ENGINEER will comply with applicable federal statutes, state of Illinois statutes, and local laws or ordinances of the LA. 10. The undersigned certifies neither the ENGINEER nor I have: a) employed or retained for commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee or other considerations, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT. Page 2 of 8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 01/10/12) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM b) agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this AGREEMENT, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the AGREEMENT or c) paid, or agreed to pay any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the AGREEMENT. d) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; e) have not within a three-year period preceding the AGREEMENT been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; f) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (e) of this certification; and g) have not within a three-year period preceding this AGREEMENT had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. 11. To pay its subconsultants for satisfactory performance no later than 30 days from receipt of each payment from the LA. 12. To submit all invoices to the LA within one year of the completion of the work called for in this AGREEMENT or any subsequent Amendment or Supplement. 13. To submit BLR 05613, Engineering Payment Report, to the STATE upon completion of the work called for in the AGREEMENT. 14. To be prequalified with the STATE in Construction Inspection when the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER's assigned staff is named as resident construction supervisor. The onsite resident construction supervisor shall have a valid Documentation of Contract Quantities certification. 15. Will provide, as required, project inspectors that have a valid Documentation of Contract Quantities certification. II. THE LA AGREES, 1. To furnish a full time LA employee to be In Responsible Charge authorized to administer inherently governmental PROJECT activities. 2. To furnish the necessary plans and specifications. 3. To notify the ENGINEER at least 24 hours in advance of the need for personnel or services. 4. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation for all services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT, on the basis of the following compensation formulas: Cost Plus Fixed Fee Formulas ® FF = 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + OH(DL) + IHDC], or ❑ FF = 14.5%[(2.3 + R)DL + IHDC] Where: DL = Direct Labor IHDC = In House Direct Costs OH = Consultant Firm's Actual Overhead Factor R = Complexity Factor FF=Fixed Fee SBO = Services by Others Total Compensation = DL +IHDC+OH+FF+SBO Specific Rate ❑ (Pay per element) Lump Sum ❑ Page 3 of 8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 01/10/12) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM 5. To pay the ENGINEER using one of the following methods as required by 49 CFR part 26 and 605 ILCS 5/5-409: ❑ With Retainage a) For the first 50% of completed work, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 90% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. b) After 50% of the work is completed, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments covering work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 95% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. c) Final Payment — Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and the STATE, a sum of money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. ® Without Retainage a) For progressive payments — Upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. b) Final Payment — Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and STATE, a sum of money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any DOT -assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT - assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.0 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 7. To submit approved form BC 775 (Exhibit C) and BC 776 (Exhibit D) with this AGREEMENT. Ill. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That the ENGINEER and the ENGINEER's subcontractors will maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to cost incurred and to make such materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times during the AGREEMENT period and for three years from the date of final payment under this AGREEMENT, for inspection by the STATE, Federal Highway Administration or any authorized representatives of the federal government and copies thereof shall be furnished if requested. 2. That all services are to be furnished as required by construction progress and as determined by the LA employee In Responsible Charge. The ENGINEER shall complete all services specified herein within a time considered reasonable to the LA, after the CONTRACTOR has completed the construction contract. 3. That all field notes, test records and reports shall be turned over to and become the property of the LA and that during the performance of the engineering services herein provided for, the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein enumerated while they are in the ENGINEER's possession and any such loss or damage shall be restored at the ENGINEER's expense. 4. That this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon written notice to the ENGINEER, at the ENGINEER's last known address, with the understanding that should the AGREEMENT be terminated by the LA, the ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed. The percentage of the total services which have been rendered by the ENGINEER shall be mutually agreed by the parties hereto. The fixed fee stipulated in numbered paragraph 4d of Section II shall be multiplied by this percentage and added to the ENGINEER's actual costs to obtain the earned value of work performed. All field notes, test records and reports completed or partially completed at the time of termination shall become the property of, and be delivered to, the LA. 5. That any differences between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, one member appointed by the LA, and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 6. That in the event the engineering and inspection services to be furnished and performed by the LA (including personnel furnished by the ENGINEER) shall, in the opinion of the STATE be incompetent or inadequate, the STATE shall have the right to supplement the engineering and inspection force or to replace the engineers or inspectors employed on such work at the expense of the LA. Page 4 of 8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 01/10112) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM That the ENGINEER has not been retained or compensated to provide design and construction review services relating to the contractor's safety precautions, except as provided in numbered paragraph 1 f of Section I. 8. This certification is required by the Drug Free Workplace Act (301LCS 580). The Drug Free Workplace Act requires that no grantee or contractor shall receive a grant or be considered for the purpose of being awarded a contract for the procurement of any property or service from the State unless that grantee or contractor will provide a drug free workplace. False certification or violation of the certification may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension of contract or grant payments, termination of a contract or grant and debarment of contracting or grant opportunities with the State for at least one (1) year but no more than five (5) years. For the purpose of this certification, "grantee" or "contractor" means a corporation, partnership or other entity with twenty-five (25) or more employees at the time of issuing the grant, or a department, division or other unit thereof, directly responsible for the specific performance under a contract or grant of $5,000 or more from the State, as defined in the Act. The contractor/grantee certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement: (1) Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis, is prohibited in the grantee's or contractor's workplace. (2) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (3) Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such contract or grant, the employee will: (A) abide by the terms of the statement; and (B) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (b) Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about: (1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) the grantee's or contractor's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace; (3) any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance program; and (4) the penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations. (c) Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee engaged in the performance of the contract or grant and to post the statement in a prominent place in the workplace. (d) Notifying the contracting or granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice under part (B) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) above from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. (e) Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by, any employee who is convicted, as required by section S of the Drug Free Workplace Act. (f) Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling, treatment and rehabilitation is required and indicating that a trained referral team is in place. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act. 9. The ENGINEER or subconsultant shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this AGREEMENT. The ENGINEER shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the administration of DOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the ENGINEER to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT, which may result in the termination this AGREEMENT or such other remedy as the LA deems appropriate. Page 5 of 8 BLR 05611 (Rev. 01110/12) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM Agreement Summary Prime Consultant: TIN Number Agreement Amount Thomas Engineering Group, LLC 26-1722938 $2,088,929.89 Sub -Consultants: TIN Number Agreement Amount Material Solutions Laboratory 20-5755513 $159 385.21 Sam Schwartz Engineering 46-1885050 $ 49,500.95 Sub -Consultant Total: $ 208,886.16 Prime Consultant Total: $2,088,929.89 Total for all Work: $2,297,816.05 Executed by the LA: ATTEST: By: lz4z? Clerk (SEAL) Executed by the ENGINEER: ATTEST: By: _ Gregory A. Benske Title: Principal/Construction Services Head V JrC fit' ve0 rW-0 ( ui��wnship/County) Title: v LQ �,✓ Thomas Engineering Group, LLC By: :�ZLow f Thomas E. Gill. III Title: President Page 6 of 8 Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM BLR 05611 (Rev. 01/10112) � w 0 k c 0 Q « k w / = e ƒ� ®o _ % �cu 'o >0 � 0 �2cn W�� >� M 0 cu 0= [ P a2-IOU ma =c a) E c /I 0L) -1N &- 0 Z 0 0 0 _ 2mI -j k � O I + O- + + k � � + / o aRa E G m 00 \ 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ k d LL \ (D Ems®\ q a) 2 k ELL/q _ = o 02fEk 0EL=-j / � L� LL 7� LL $§^ Q ��2 � U) 4, � \ 0� tS co k: /O © k m U k 0� � 7c k a � 02 >,� a � k �§ k \■2 mma U)o0 kE� �w2 U 0 Q� 00 E 0 LU 0 U)/w / . � / k j � / j r Exhibit B Illinois Department of Transportation Prime Consultant Name Address Telephone TIN Number Project Information Local Agency Section Number Project Number Job Number Thomas Engineering Group, LLC 238 South Kenilworth. Suite 100 (708) 533-1700 26-1722938 Village of Deerfield 11-00092-00-PV M-9003 (854) C-91-019-12 Engineering Payment Report This form is to verify the amount paid to the Sub -consultant on the above captioned contract. Under penalty of law for perjury or falsification, the undersigned certifies that work was executed by the Sub -consultant for the amount listed below. Sub -Consultant Name TIN Number Actual Payment from Prime Material Solutions Laborato 20-5755513 $159,385.21 Sam Schwartz Engineering 46-1885050 $49,500.95 Sub -Consultant Total: $208,886.16 Prime Consultant Total: $2,088,929.89 Total for all Work Com leted: $2,297,816.05 &- - 9 1(3 k Si a and title of Prime Consultant I Date Note: The Department of Transportation is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under state and federal law. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED and shall be deemed as concurring with the payment amount specified above. Page 8 of 8 BLR 05613 (Rev. 01/10112) Printed on 8/11/2015 2:57:30 PM Illinois Department of Transportation John Fortmann, P.E. Deputy Director Division of Highways Regional Engineer Department of Transportation 201 West Center Court Schaumburg, Illinois 60196-1096 Local Public Agency Resident Construction Supervisor/ In Responsible Charge County Lake Municipality Village of Deerfield Section 11-00092-00-PV Route FAU 1257 Contract No. Job No. C-91-019-12 Project M-9003 (854) ❑ I recommend the following individual as a local public agency employee qualified to be resident construction supervisor and to be in responsible charge of this construction project. ® I certify that I am in responsible charge as defined by the department of this construction project. Since the local public agency does not have a local public agency employee qualified to be the resident construction supervisor, I am recommending a consulting engineer to s rve as resident construction supervisor. A,p T g Ae4 2, 2015 Asst. Director of Public Works & En ineerin Date Signature and Title (for the Local Public Agency) _Gregory A. Benske Applicants Name (Type or Print) The following describes my educational background, experience and other qualifications to be resident construction supervisor of this construction project for the Local Public Agency. For Consultants: I certify that my firm is prequalified in Construction Inspection and my Documentation of Contract Quantities certificate number is 14-0027. 1 am a 1989 graduate of Marquette University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. I have over 23 years of experience involving municipal and highway / roadway design and construction; many of the projects I've been involved with were IDOT led. I have extensive knowledge in bituminous and concrete paving, earth excavation, drainage, structural construction, and signalization. I am responsible for review of design and overseeing multiple construction projects as a senior resident engineer/project manager and have been on award winning resident engineering projects. As Thomas Engineering Group's Construction Services Head, I oversee an in-house staff of 15 engineers and technicians and on a recent $20M project with the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority I managed a staff of 16. April 3, 2015 A..:;R. Greg oEy A. Benske _ Principal/Construction Services Head Date Signature of Applicant Job Title of Applicant Based on the above information and my knowledge of the applicant's experience and training, it is my opinion that the applicant is qualified to serve as the resident construction supervisor on this construction project. Approved Date Deputy Director Division of Highways Regional Engineer cc: Engineer of Local Roads and Streets, Central Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Engineer of Construction, Central Bureau of Construction Resident Construction Supervisor Local Public Agency Printed 4/3/2015 Page 1 of 2 BC 775 (Rev. 01/10/12) Illinois Department of Transportation John Fortmann, P.E. Acting Deputy Director Division of Highways Regional Engineer Department of Transportation 201 West Center Court Schaumburg, Illinois 60196-1096 Local Public Agency Construction Inspector County Lake Municipality Village of Deerfield Section _ 11-00092-00-PV Route FAU 1257 Contract No. Job No. C-91-019-12 Project M-9003 (854) I consider the following individual to be qualified as a local public agency construction inspector. In addition, I certify that adequate instruction has been given this individual concerning the requirements of the contract, specifications and construction manual which pertain to the work which he/she will inspect. This individual has been instructed on the proper procedures for any necessary tests. Furthermore, if a consultant, this individual has a valid Documentation of Contract Quantities certification. Approved April 3, 2015 _�' _ .s A._��— Gregory A. Benske - Thomas Engineering Grour., LLC Date ' Signature of Applicant Glen Kirchen, P.E. Applicants Name (Type or Print) The following describes the educational background, experience and other qualifications of the named applicant to serve as an inspector on this project. For Consultants Employees: Documentation of Contract Quantities certificate number is 14-0036. Mr. Kirchen has over 20 years of experience involving municipal and highway/roadway construction. He has extensive knowledge in underground utilities, bituminous and concrete paving, earth excavation, and structural construction. Mr. Kirchen brings a set of skills of being a project manager for a mid -sized contractor for over 8 years that not many Resident Engineers have. With this perspective, Mr. Kirchen understands the correct critical path for making a project successful. During his career, Glen has worked on a number of MOT projects: US-20 RESURFACING RESURFACING— ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION —Field Engineer for the $9M bridge repairs and resurfacing along 5.95 miles of U.S. Route 20 from east of Weld Street Road to west of Shales Parkway In Elgin. BLACKHAWK DRIVE—WESTMONT, ILLINOIS—ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION —Project Manager / Estimator for this $2.7 million residential road reconstruction project on Blackhawk Drive from Ogden Avenue to Chicago Avenue. The project included the construction of approximately 2,700 feet of new water main, 4,400 feet of new storm sewer, 5,600 cubic yards of earth excavation utilizing GPS, 8,000 cubic yards of non -special waste removal and disposal, aggregate base course utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement, full -depth bituminous pavement, PCC curb & gutter, sidewalks and driveways, street lighting and all other appurtenances. MCCORMICK BOULEVARD—EVANSTON, ILLINOIS—ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION —Project Manager / Estimator for this $5.5 million road reconstruction project on McCormick Boulevard from Golf Road to Green Bay Road. The project included the construction of approximately 6,400 feet of new storm sewer, 12,600 cubic yards of earth excavation, 3,800 feet of storm sewer filling with CLSM, 27,800 square yards of aggregate base course utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement and concrete pavement from on -site crushing of existing PCC base course, 24,300 square yards of PCC base course, 5,300 tons of bituminous pavement, 360 feet of augered piles, 880 square feet of permanent steel sheeting, 24", 30" and 36" cast -in -place end sections along the MWRD North Shore sanitary channel, PCC curb & gutter, sidewalks and driveways, street lighting, new traffic signals at two intersections and all other appurtenances. If the Resident from BC-775 is a consultant, the local public agency employee in responsible charge must also approve this individual. S6'7 8 Approved Arrit-3 2015 Date and Title of In Responsible Charge from BC-775 Printed 4/3/2015 Page 1 of 2 BC 776 (Rev. 1/10/12) 0a mo O N N Lu 19 W Q W } � n d N d Z O o 'v N OD Q CD J �O 3 Q m a+ U o N W O a w t� a N o eo o d o o mo N O 4., 2 a N N In N a m c IL PAYROLL RATES FIRM NAME Thomas Engineering Gr DATE PRIME/SUPPLEMENT Prime PSB NO. Deerfield Rd ESCALATION FACTOR 4.03% CLASSIFICATION CURRENT RATE CALCULATED RATE Principal $70.00 $70.00 Proj. Mgr/Senior RE $70.00 $70.00 Project/Resident Eng. V $60.50 $62.94 Technician III $33.20 $34.54 Project/RE II $40.00 $41.61 Senior Technician $44.00 $45.77 Design/Constr. Engr. 1 $25.00 $26.01 Chief Surveyor $44.20 $45.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 08/11/15 DF-824-039 REV 12/04 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNITPrinted 8/11/2015 2:22 PM Subconsultants FIRM NAME Thomas Engineering Group PRIME/SUPPLEMENT Prime PSB NO. Deerfield Rd NAME Direct Labor Total Contribution to Prime Consultant Material Solutions Lab 43,814.29 4,381.43 Sam Schwartz 17,540.16 1,754.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 61,354.45 6,135.45 DATE 08/11/15 W LU LL 0 W U. co J a H N U It IT v N N > r 00 W r 0 � O Of O I- LL } Q X W J =a wE o° c 13� w .a � � d L d E oa C m li d a 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 0 co cou) C)O ao v V• ItN 0)( It u> n o J Cl? n n V' O V O U) N r (p V' O r N O O LL 000 r LoO CMr N 00 CD N C] C) � O (p (o O N N M co O M U) U) U) U7 V' 00 M V' O N N n O M (M N O V• O J V' (V CA 0 n 0o Il- I` M O Ui C7 N w M U)nn0(nM IT co O � r F O m ('M COnn u7 N N V' 0) IT N V: co U) nu)O n U7 Cl) U) U) 00 MV'n Ma DN CA N V' N N O O O W Q m H S r L o (q U)N CD W (� K � O OD W H O 0') U7 0) V co to N 0 0 a i m p a 03 G 0 m Cl) O U7 n n N OD r N 0 U) O U)nN oONn rNO v O p O I-� C7 V' CA CM UJ 0 0 (ti 00 N O W W (p OD OU)M OO MOM O �( LL W ONr OnMON(O OD �M n LL r N N V U7 M U') M O r M V' r () co co CD W O O O V F C) 6 0 0 G N N Vm0 N = z0 o 0 N U) (.0 n N Cl)M 0 U) 0) Cl) N 0 Z O N OD O (O O O 00 CD CD CO U) ED cMI- CV 0o NNn n00 h m OD N n C) O n N O Oo O OD .... x CM 00 C 00 W a0 M U) M U) O LO U) 05 m U V' n O O CO V• n LU It co O CO N I LL O co O N Cl) U7 00 C)CM J O n N U) V' N O O Lq O J O n Co n CO N OD O O0 N 00 (p m M O N N M O OD N O O U) V O Cl) V' 1p O Cl) r V' CO n W Cl) IT a N N (p r vi O cq N O U) M [L r V' co V r co NO It OO V'OOO OOO Co a, 10 NNNOLON t- CN co I- D O M U) o x a z a c 0 c c 0 0 c m io v O .@ 0 is C J W J U)W c 0 L L f9 .0 p E Er. V) O 0 U N C =o N C C 0 7 C C Q 2T o c m o o a .o p 2 0 0 c B 0 0 E C .. 0 0 70 'an y C o U 0 Z U U) 2! ali5 olio o 0 °' d U o°�c3n aUU) U) U) m a LU O 0 p 0 a N N u7 O N W a C Q- M O M O N � r N OP W LL LL o O T co 0 nwmnau� ����III I�llll��ll�ii�!lIII: a- §§ co §j LL /| C,4 Q x w U) W I-- � � U w n O w 0. } � � D O 2 W O � W 2 2 w co � ff cli § \ �ac \ \ K 2 a Cl) § $ t e § o _ 0 co 0 I 2cr. to Cl) k \ �.0 $ m a d ^ kac \/ / \ 0 ? $ k� 2\ k § 2 co $ R CD f k 00 & co $ � � e 0 0 0 y $ @� a \ 8 k 8 $ 0 8 ) (0 2 2 G 0s»-»— mom R2 \ OD § as ƒ vk 4$ cq $a S B 0 §° §\ §§ \�) 33/ // k (A r m cr.�m �n� ® o f2 2§ �/� 3 § c // to Cl) Cl) $ k®a 9� 'ir-% N co CO �0Lo 2\ /k7 k M 2 2 � § 0§ 04 $ �k §2z-Q m _ $ v.&10&/§ 0 �- #®05_—CIO ; a 6\&/ac Ln } ���� CD � 0 ©oo##�w�m o�LUoo§r@io« k§§k 0. CD �$k$ > z — g w cm c k LU E 3 -�§ � § §a. e ƒk)kƒ//§cr �tf£©cm ug.e=ems.% `)2;2Qa- a=Ieam O I It v p `O M � N N OP W LL LL 0 0 rl M O W H H W n 0 a J 2 W W Q o. 3 0 W c d d c IM -0 c � cc w m E`E4' o a' E I-- o a z w w J a IL m LU Li d a IIIIIIIAIIN■I �I a COMPANY NAME: Thomas Engineering Group, LLC PTB NUMBER: Deerfield Road TODAY'S DATE: 4/3/2016 Per Diem (per GOVERNOR'S TRAVEL CONTROL BOARD) Lodging (per GOVERNOR'S TRAVEL CONTROL BOARD) Air Fare Vehicle Mileage (per GOVERNOR'S TRAVEL CONTROLBOARD) Vehicle Owned or Leased Vehicle Rental Tolls Parking Overtime Shift Differential Overnight Delivery/Postage/Courier Service Copies of Deliverables/Mylars (In-house) Copies of Deliverables/Mylars (Outside) Project Specific Insurance Monuments (Permanent) Photo Processing 2-Way Radio (Survey or Phase III Only) rLLOWAS wlTI IINE I QJ.S. ONLY UANTITY Up to state rate maximum Actual cost (Up to state rate maximum) Coach rate, actual cost, requires minimum two weeks' notice, with prior IDOT approval Up to state rate maximum $32.50/halt day (4 hours or less) or $65/full day Actual cost (Up to $55/day) Actual cost Actual cost Premium portion (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Based on firm's policy) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost Telephone Usage (Traffic System Monitoring Only) Actual cost CADD Web Site Advertisements Public Meeting Facility Rental Public Meeting Exhibits/Renderings & Equipment Recording Fees Transcriptions (specific to project) Courthouse Fees Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Traffic Control and Protection Aerial Photography and Mapping Utility Exploratory Trenching Testing of Soil Samples' Lab Services' Equipment and/or Specialized Equipment Rental* TOTAL DIRECT COS Actual cost (Max $15/hour) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost (Submit supporting documentation) Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost Actual cost (Requires 2-3 quotes with IDOT approval) Actual cost (Requires 2-3 quotes with IDOT approval) Actual cost (Requires 2-3 quotes with IDOT approval) Actual cast (Requires 2-3 quotes with IDOT approval) Actual cost Actual cost (Provide breakdown of each cost) Actual cost (Requires 2-3 quotes with IDOT approval) 'If other allowable costs are needed and not listed, please add in the above spaces provided. LEGEND W.O. = Work Order J.S. = Job Specific 1,630 Direct Costs Check Sheet $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00, $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105,950.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PRINTED 4/3/2015 BDE 436(Re, 09/30/13) FIRM NAME PRIME/SUPPLEMENT PSB NO. CLASSIFICATION Liaison Engineer Documentation Engineer Materials QA Technician Pick Up Technician PAYROLL RATES Material Solutions Labo DATE Thomas En��oup Deerfield Road ESCALATION FACTOR CURRENT RATE $61.50 $32.70 $38.19 $23.00 2.08% CALCULATED RA $62.78 $33.38 $38.98 $23.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10/21 /15 DF-824-039 REV 12/04 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT'rinted 10/21/2015 9:24 AM �b L"z m c d Tm c o r- m v N m 7 J II II a j =r _ S d o m = my a+ wo (n o 0 tD cu A 7 a n ° N w 0 O B m C)JD) Q O 0 b b C 0 o u�inn m�� ,2 m N b mm� 0 CD m 0 c C w w a O v rr N Z D� o m 0 D a m cmn O 0 a �> c z o � D 00< -4> m � = Zm Li yx8 mb �a 7 D 1 m Im a; "' b 0 m a V1 W V G co e O b V O N N _O IV 27 1 1 N o o w 1. w w w LL G w x LL J a F- 0 N w _U cc w H Z H J z O U LL w a U) w CO U rn It Cl) O oa r 00 WT LL �O r W Q e id o hffll 11 m O LLI F- Q LL w W =a >o O U oa a J C C ` o v c 72) o V) ¢ W � N R y m lC d 0 � � H 2 fa Cc CL Z W g w J a a n N o 0, -TT LLezz�Z N Cht) N O O M N O p O Cli O N O O? h U O T CO L(i r-� 06 O CY OMI O LO Go ~O In NCOO) T CS H LO r N O 00 O .-rnha uj _ OMD � h M O) Cl) O) LO O O Ui M M ,- OD C? rn N O 0 U >. W � O W O U) �_ o 0 o O C U M Op cq N O CA G W LO M W W W CD m N O N O r (Y) N 0 LU C? o a) 0mo rn v f V CD M O co LL co ao h o O) V M O0 co O X ad W („) h `7 W Cl) W (IN T M *- z to ci LL 00 � CND L M J O O) N OC m ^ QMILO V a ov a° U) 00 o 00 000: N N M N O O C ZS Q 0) N i C U U U L N � w J tu N F. n6i m rn f- H O o ia E N Q o m C70�a 0 m 0 oom wwww mmmm 0000 W m 0 Q N a Z N F- Z w w W C7 w F- m 0 w Q a Mw cc a 0)�r 9a N a0 LOULL � T w a cc cc a cc n O w a m w a Bill 11111 HIM 0 mm mom== i z Z w 2 w w w H m w m Q a w m a Illinois Department of Transportation Direct Costs Check Sheet Firm Name: Material Solutions Laboratory PTB/Item No: Deerfield Road REQUIRED - DIRECT COSTS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FOR INCLUSION IN CONTRACT WHEN DOCUMENTED ON THIS FORM. (Indicate only rate and quantities for this specific project.) Item Allowable J Contract (1) Rate Quantity (n/a for work orders) Total Per Diem Up to State Rate Maximum 30.00 Lodging (Overnight) Up to State Rate Maximum $0.00 Lodging (Extended) Actual Cost (based on IDOT's and firm's policy) $0.00 Air Fare Coach Rate (with two weeks' notice) As Approved 0.00 Vehicles: Mileage Up to State Rate Maximum $0.00 Daily Rate (owned or leased) $45/day $65.00 140.00 $9,100.00 Overtime (Premium Portion) $17.00 50.00 $850.00 Tolls Actual Cost $0.00 Digital Photo Processing Actual Cost $0.00 Photo Processing Actual Cost $0.00 Cell Phones - (traffic systems, survey, phase III only) $70/month/phone (maximum) - Phase III (max. of three without IDOT approvalapprovall $70.00 0.00 $0.00 Telephone Usage (traffic system monitoring) Actual Cost $0.00 2-Way Radio (survey or phase III only) Actual Cost $60.00 0.00 $0.00 Overnight Delivery/Postage/Courier Service Actual Cost $0.00 Copies of Deliverables/Mylars (in-house) Actual Cost $0.00 Copies of Deliverables/Mylars (outside) Actual Cost $0.00 Specific Insurance (required for project) Actual Cost $0.00 CADD Actual Cost (max. $15.00/hour) $0.00 Monuments (permanent) Actual Cost $0.00 Advertisements Actual Cost $0.00 Web Site Actual Cost $0.00 Facility Rental for Public Meetings & Exhibits/Renderings & AV Actual Cost $0.00 Transcriptions (specific to project) Actual Cost $0.00 Recording Fees Actual Cost $0.00 Courthouse Fees Actual Cost $0.00 Testing of Soil Samples Actual Cost $0.00 Lab Services Actual Cost $0.00 Core Density Determination Actual Cost $75.00 40.00 $3.000.00 HMA Air Voids Actual Cost $450.00 0.00 0.00 AC Content (Ignition) Actual Cost $160.00 0.00 0.00 AC Content (Reflux) Actual Cost $260.00 0.00 0.00 Gradations Actual Cost $160.00 25.00 $4,000.00 Standard Proctor (AASHTO T99) Actual Cost $250.00 5.00 1 $1 250.00 Organic Content Actual Cost $160.00 5.00 800.00 Compressive Strength of Test Cyliners Actual Cast $27.00 300.00 $8,100.00 Afferberg Limits Actual Cost $160.00 5.00 $800.00 Flexural Beam Breaks Actual Cost $50.00 5.00 $250.00 Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) $0.00 Traffic Control and Protection Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) $0.00 Aerial Photography and Mapping Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) $0.00 Utility Exploratory Trenching Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) $0.00 Shift Differential Actual Cost (based on firm's policy) $3.40 600.00 $2.040.00 PROJECT Site Travel Actual Cost (based on IDOT's and firm's policy) $0.00 Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) $0.00 Actual Cost (requires 2-3 quotes) 0.00 Include 2-3 vendor quotes and explanation for $0.00 TOTAL $30,190.00 1) Used to determine upper limit of compensation for direct cost. Unless maximum is specified under allowable, bill at actual cost. Printed 3/19/2015 BDE 436 (Rev. 06/16/09) a 0 o a a o co 0 N N O N a F W V N Q U. LLI O n X N LU a o W Z J a LL N fD W 2 O cz J as OUe o m N co O O Z 0 lIJ^l v! 1I LL F N 0 Z Q LLI LLI X Q LlJ J LL J oo m 0 `= LLI O LL N t0 h a N d Q Z 0 0 Q. N N 1L O 3 a r N 'U^ N LLf LU � L Q. F ~ N L 0 CLU L E 2 m O N � _O l6 c U iz m w o N N 4) A �N o cc 3 L O { E E d w CL `� u H i z Z W m W J wa �0. Q M Zy� LLa FIRM NAME PRIME/SUPPLEMENT PSB NO. PAYROLL RATES Sam Schwartz Engineer DATE Prime ESCALATION FACTOR 7.20% CLASSIFICATION CURRENT RATE CALCULATED RAT Principal / Project Manager Senior Engineer Technician Senior Admin / Billing $60.00 $64.32 $35.58 $38.14 $21.55 $23.10 $37.00 $39.66 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 03/24/15 D F-824-039 REV 12/04 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNITPrinted 3/24/2015 1:02 PM Tir Tr To TM Tr To � � � � � � § � � ll § Lu �LL � }LU IL kk � � � CO) m LU LL2� ®a as §1 § § 88 ) row \ $§ 0k � co 7 §\ \q o nr o� F + ¥ Ln S � k�+ $ o 2�/¥ $ ° S ._2 6 220 \ \7 \q Wm » �m Qa LO �2 �L�= R S @ S ()§o\ k 00 a § Q� LL 3 � ® $$ co \ � § * l u § LL 7 77 \ n #� ) / �p 7p � Q Q2 q z ; \ \ � L k � \ ƒ § 0 t/ S } \\ k § k §§ _ w (1) U) � � Q w � « a. w w a. co W H F— V W O Ix a D O w c7 w a Im E q O CL w y E cn cn a z w m w a IL CO a a �NII�11 m�nnm� I I YIIAIYI■I a N N LO O N N co a N C a rn v M O O N N > a0 W U- 0 LU w LL 0 w x LL D J a H N O 0 W H Q ❑ x 0 H H Q LL ❑ W W = J a > O oU z 2 w 2 W J a a y LL d a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (OD (00 O LO C 00 OOR O O LL O Q O V LO co N N O O 0 0 O F N O (O O (O O O J M O It O O m O 0) (7 W ti 00 O m O m LO N L O o M CO � M O O J O m F S O O " 0 w c o o U 0: LLI m K H w O N O O W O LL_ p V O O co N CNO 0M0 O OR p V O (O O O N W LLx W n 00 � N LO Oc0 LL eY O O O O W y p 0 O N NO N S S O "' z o � N M p z N IDDOONo M ai (D Cl) o r� ad W V N N V V (n � Z O S U. J M 00U IDOOO J tY I) O co Cl) 00 m co N W M Lq O a N Cl) Cl) r (M a co 04 CO N K LO tn'0C0 CO N O Q 2 Z.. a C 7 O U J _ O 'O J W O O LL c c co o c UU.�' Qc E mU o p U a O C) (.1 a 00 O w0 a`o ti LU a O 0 N O N _LO O N N M a) c d w co CO m 0 w a a w a rn v M O O N N OD w T LL � U- O V/ Lw Nr Li r U w 1) O w a J O w w Q a a m CD w m E fq N 'C m o a z w 2 w J a IL � m � N LL d a T wi ��Illllu�■� �■namii�� ••°• ill�ll a. w co m W Q a W a � , 14— fit ,h� � "�� rlp.nrr i i.+i1 rG�•f ,-r .�• rr:��f: a1! �yi ., 's '.. W. u • I. '�'...r ,o} +.' :',sr4 �.� ; 4 [f it •^',r + �✓ "'1 it • �' . ...••� � •i�as ir s lu l ' w• �. ter✓ 4 e .''I 120. FAA oaf- - �Trt i\i Y�. r e . � •ra .. •x� 1 r�': � S �K ' i �;r:;�:; : ,=.�.� --- � t� : .J'�� s SKr aR r.- _••r» a �i u� • i. o =� • �' {,� ' r s� ., 4 ei^!V' L :�{ = C nib- yk ED