O-72-50ORDINANCE 0 -72- 50 ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR H AN . R T E CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 19729 AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1973, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, . LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook. Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day. of May, 1972, and ending on the 30th day of April; 1973. TO BE LEVIED 'BUDGETED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT A. VILLAGE BOARD AND CLERK ..01 Salaries 31000 .021 Part Time Help 175. .031 Consultant Services 4,000 .04 Insurance 350 .051 Contractual Work •12, 500 ..052 Special Census 5, 000 .06 Legal Advertising 300 .09 Printing 150 .10 Postage 325 .12 Licenses 15. .121 B ad-ge s 35 ;.16 New Office Equipment .500 .17 Office .Supplies 11000 .24 Dues 11000 .25 Travel Expense" 900 .251 Registration Fees 100 .252 School Expense 49400 .33 Election Board Expense 21000 .34 Legal REtainer 61000 .341 Legal Fees 112.800 .342 :Prosecutor Fees 9;000* .36 Board of Zoning Appeals Ex. 750 .36 Board of Building Appeals Ex. 100 ..40 Youth Council Expense 1,000. .41 Sister City Committee Ex.. ' 50 .42 Human Relations Commission Ex. 200 .43 Environmental Commission Ex. 100 .44 Breitling. Property 5.393 TO BE LEVIED Village Board Ind Clerk continued .35 Plan Comm. Professional . 5, 300 _ .351 Plan Commission Expense 700 .343 Recording Fees 200 Brickyard Expense _ Misc. Exp -Park Ave. Lot. Contract Payments -Park Ave._ _ 76,343.00 . .29 Contingent f 1 - 1, 530 a S.ub -Total I ',7,873.00 .B. GENERAL OFFICES 01 Salaries 762728 .021 Part Time .2,700 .04 Insurance 565 .041 Bonds 10 .042 Hospitalization Insurance ` 'i 1,785 s .051. Contractual Work 165 .09 Printing 725 .091- Periodicals 25 .10 Postage 1,700 .11 'Radio 'Service 50 .12 Licenses ;• 20 .13 New Motor Vehicle 500 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 150 .15 Equipment Maintenance 450 .16 New Office Equipment 635 :17 Office Supplies 31250 .20 - Gasoline _ 150 .24 Dues 250 .25 Travel Expense 12000 .48 College Program Tuition Reimb. 22000 92,858.00 .29 Contingent Sub -Total 1,172.00 94;030.00 0 0 0 0 127,200 C. FINANCE. DEPARTMENT .01 Salaries 24,150 .02 Temporary Help 100 .03 Medical .& Psychological 100 .04 Insurance 25•. .041 Bonds 375" .042 Health and Hospitalization . 300 • :. .06 Legal Advertising 400 .09 Printing 500 .10 Postage 100 .15 _ Equipment Maintenance :; 75' .16 New Office Equipment 400 _,. • 17 .'._-Office Office Supplies 350 .24 Dues 50 . .._ .25 Travel Expense _ ....._- -- .... - i 425, . :251 Registration Fees . 50". .45 Microfilming Records 1' 000 Data Processing Study Professional Audit Services. scavenger Service 400.00 ..29 Contingent 225 SUB TOTAL. . 28,625.00 D.- POLICE DEPARTMENT . 01 Salaries 445,504 .011 Incentive Program - 6,520 .021. )21. Part Time Help 30o764 ,1)2 ?. Overtime _ _.._._. _ .... _..._........__...- __- . 25,000 .U3 P•rofessibnal Services 22400 Insurance 102000 1.2'. Hospitalization Insurance 13, 500 .(61 Contractual Work 15, 500 .()G Advertising 50 0OG1. 11elp.Wanted Advertising 250 .W "Telephone, Telegraph 31000 @()9 P rinting- -750 .).x91. Periodicals 50 .10 Postage 400 .1.1 Radio Service 1,500 0 127,200 Police Department, continued .12 Licenses ..121 Badges 260 .13 New Motor Vehicles 14,500 .1.4 Motor Vehicle Maintenance. 8 000 .1.5 Other Equipment Maintenance ' 400 .1.61 New Equipment _ 81000 ' Rearrangement 'P . D. . .17 Supplies (Office). 7,000 .20 Gasoline 6 050 ' .201 Lubricants I ' 450 ;23 * Uniforms and Apparel f 72835 .24 Dues 150 .22 Building Maintenance 300' .25 Travel Expense 11000: 0251 Registration Fees 3,000' .252 School Expense : + 2,.000- 30 Rental of Equipment 200 38 Safety Council Expense 250 39 Board of Police • Commissioners J 11500 {: 1 6161123.00 ":29 Contingent - -- 71600.00 SUB TOTAL ' 623,723.00 =.O E. VILLAGE HALL AND ANNEX .01 Salaries 81820 .02 Temporary Help 1 1 640 ' .04 Insurance 900 .042 Health ancr Hospitalization 408 .051 •Contractural Work 12900 :07 Electricity 575 008 Telephone, Telegraph 49000 .._ . .15 Equipment Maintenance 200 .161 Other New Equipment 400 .17 Office Supplies 25 .172 Janitorial_ Supplies 1,475 .19 Water Purchases •100 .22 Building Maintenance 1 300 0'221 Grounds Maintenance 600 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 60 Village Hall and Annex,continue'd .211 Heating -Annex _ .21 Heating -- 031 Municipal Bonds 10,000. .311 Interest Payments 900 .312 Bank Fees 25 33,328.00 .29 Contingent ' 820 SUB TOTAL ! 34,148.00 0 F. VILLAGE GARAGE .01 Salaries i. : � .:j 4,200 . .04 Insurance. ..j 800 ;.042 Health & Hospitalization(2) `+ 200 `- '.15 ..Equipment Maintenance 21000 .161 -Other New Equipment 700 :.172 ' Janitorial Supplies 1, 250 .19 Water Purchases C : '• 200 21 Heating �. 11200 .22 Building Maintenance ! 500: .221 Grounds. Maintenance I .1;000 .23 Uniforms and Apparel 1 60 ..28 Small Tools 100 .46 Dog Pound Expense - 2,000 Water Main. Installation -- Portable Library Building Enginering Contracts 14,210.00 .29 Contingent 600 SUB TOTAL 14,810.00 0 G. BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' 01 -_ Salaries 29,077 45 Microfilming Records .021 Part Time Help ! 72377 .031 Consultant Services 500 :. 004 Insurance 1, 000 .042 Health and Hospitalization Insurance 1,000 .09 Printing 300 .11 Radio Service 100 .12. Licenses .10 .13 New Motor Vehicles � 21500 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 200 .15 Equipment Maintenance 100 ,16 New Office Equipment ; . 32750 .17 Office Supplies 200 . .20 Gasoline 125 ,201 Lubricants i 25 .24 Dues ! 50 .25 Travel Expense 300 .252 School Expense 200 29 Contingent ': 510 .47 Plumbing Inspection ;. 2,000 SUB TOTAL 49;324.00 0 K. WATER DEPARTMENT .01 Salaries .02 Temporary Help .56293S .41000 .022 Overtime 72000. ..03 Medical &--Psychological 25 .031 Consultant Services 200 .04 Insurance 11600 :05 Engineering Services 300 .042 Health & Hospitalization 1,580 ` • .051 Contractual Work 72475- .06 Legal Advertising 15. ,061 Help Wanted Advertising 15. .07. Electricity 8'7500 : .08 Telephone and' Telegraph 300 .09 Printing 275 :091 Periodicals 25 .10 Postage 1,000 .11' Radio Service 100 .12 Licenses 15 Water Department, continued .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 19500 .15 •-.161 Equipment Maintenance 2-2500 Other New Equipment 13,150 .17 Office Supplies .171 Construction Materials ; 11, 000_- .173 Aggregates 42000 . ...18 Meters 122000 .181 Meter Repairs 4, 500 .182 Meter Repair Parts f 500 ..19 Water Purchases 27S,000 .20 Gasoline 300 .0201 Lubricants 25 .13 New Motor Vehicle - - - -- -- - - - -.. -- - -• .21 .Heating -- .23 F- - Uniforms and Apparel 300 225 .24 Dues 100 ..25 Travel Expense 100 .251 Registration Fee's. ) 150 .271 Chlorine } : 100 .28 Small Tools 100 .30 Equipment Rentals i 200 .3.1 Bond Payments 20,000 .311 Interest Payments 24t475: ..3'12 Bank Fees 160 .32 .. Building Rentals 20 000 479,745.90 .29 Contingent. 12,775 SUB -TOTAL 492 520.90 0' I. SEWAGE TREtTMENT PLANT - .01 Salaries. 431157 .021 Overtime i 79000,... .03 Medical & Psychological 25 .031 Consultant Services 175" .04 Insurance 12300 .042 Health & Hospitalization 890 .05 Engineering Services 12000 .051 Contractual Work 11,000 .06- Legal Advertising Z0 ..061 Help Wanted Advertising 30, :07 Electricity 12 400 :08 Telephone, Telegraph { 375 .09 Printing l 50 .091 Periodicals .11 Radio Service a 50 0.12: Licenses - { 10 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 200 .15 Equipment Maintenance i 51000 .161 Other New Equipment ' 39700 .171 Construction Materials 2, 500, '0 172 Janitorial Supplies ' 500 ;.172 Aggregates: ) 22000 .19 _ Water Purchases 500 ..20. Gasoline 195 201 Lubricants 5 1 :21' Heating 1 21000 .22 Building Maintenance 500 0 23 Uniforms and Apparel i50 .24 Dues j 50 .182 Meter. Repair Parts __ -- _100 .25 Travel Expense - y I .251 Registration Fees 200 .271 Chlorine i 101000 .28 Small Tools 100 .30 Equipment Rentals 600 105,797.00 .29 Contingent 2;225 SUB TOTAL 108,022.00 0 J. SEWER MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION .01 Salaries 56,9037 .021 Overtime 71000. .031 Consultant Services- 5,000 .04 Insurance 2-500 .042 Health & Hospitalization 19865 05 Engineering Services 400 :051 Contractual Work 'Advertising 5,000 06- Legal 50 .061 Help Wanted Advertising 1.00 .09 Printing i 200 .10... Postage'- 500 .11 Radio Service 50 .12 Licenses 20 14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 12.000 15 Equipment Maintenance 1,500 .161 Other Now Equipment 900 ..171 Construction Materials .173 Aggregates 2, 000 21000: 20 Gasoline 175 201 Lubricants 25 1.23 Uniforms and Apparel 200 25 Travel Expense 25 ..251 Registration Fees 7 75. .272' Sewer Chemicals 700 .28 Small Tools 100 30 Equipment Rentals 300 .31 Bond Payments 109000 .311 Interest Payments 12000� .53 Trans. to'Deprec. Fund 17000 .54 Trans. to Bond .Int. Res. 110 .32 Building Rentals' East Side Interceptor 102,732.00 .29 Contingent 71400 SUB TOTAL 110,132.00 0 K. SCAVENGER SERVICE .01 Salaries ! 39600 .06 Advertising .50 .09 Printing. 150 .10 Postage 250 .15 Equipment Maintenance 300 - .16 New Equipment 150 .17 Supplies 200 0051 Contractual* Work 275,000 Transfer. to General Fund 10, 000 SUB TOTAL 289,700.00 0 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A . STREET AND BRIDGE .01 Salaries _! 80, 977 65,000 .02 Temporary Help ' 6.; 500 .022 Overtime. 10,000 .03 Medical & Psychological - -100 .031' Consultant Services 500 .04 Insurance 5,500 3,500 . .042 Health & Hospitalization 32930 " .05 Engineering Services 500 • ,.051- Contractual Work 47,000 12,500 Curb. Replacement Wilmot Road Storm Sewer Orchard Street Storm Sewer Deerfield &• Waukegan Road .06 Legal Advertising 50 .061 Help Wanted Advertising ..50 .07 Electricity 161-000 12,500 .09 Printing 7�5 .091 Periodicals 25 .10 Postage 450 .11 Radio Service 200 .12 Licenses 75 .14 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 42000 1,500 .15 Equipment Maintenance 41000 2,000 .161 Other New Equipment 252600 .171 Construction Materials 22,100 10,000 .173 Aggregates 20,000 15,000 .183 Street Signs' 3 000 .20 Gasoline 21000 1,500 .201 Lubricants 300 .23 Uniforms. and Apparel- 250 Street and Bridge,continued- .24 Dues 75 .25 Travel Expense 100 .251 Registration Fees 75 .27 Salt 15,000 ..28 Small Tools. 200 . .30 Equipment Rentals 1, 500 .32 Building Rental 12000- 50/50 Sidewalk Repairs Safety.Sidewalk Program. Street Lighting Program 50/50 Tree Planting 271,782.00. 29 Contingent 23,100 SUB TOTAL 294 882.00 B CIVIL DEFENSE .16 New Equipment (Includes: Siren Purchase Siren Installation Attack 'Warning REceiver 87000 .17 Supplies 300 .25 Travel 200 .251 Registration Fees 500 SUB TOTAL .91000.00 3,0.00 0 C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 54,000.00 54f000-00 D. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal and Interest, 1954 4.0, 500.00 40500-00 . ' Principal and Interest, 1960 46, 800.00 46, 800.00 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 'Is sue Principal and Interest 10,4 50.00 .10'450.00 Village Library Bonds, 1969 Issue Principal and Interest 172t250.00 172, 250.00 $270;000.00$270,000.00 E. POLICE PENSION FUND ` Village's Contribution 38,168.00 38,168.00 T. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Payment of Public Benefits 27,000.00 27,000.00 J� INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT Yous Property Costs 39281.00 31281.00 H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND 1. Salaries and Employee Expense Professional 43, 093.00 .43, 093.00 Non Profes -.ional 61,813.00 61,8.13-00 Hospitalization 1,000.00 - 1,OQ0.00 -7- 2. Library Matirials r = :BQo CS.-0 : :. 50, OOO.00 50, 000.00 . . B. 'Periodicals - . 3t806-00- 3v800.00 _ C. Audio- Visual 59000-00 5, 000.00 D. Binding' 1,000.00 11000.00 3. Building and Grounds Maintenance Hall and Annex 34,148.00 F. Repairs, supplies, service 7P400-00 7, 400.00 Custodial Services 71600.00 71600.00 4. Equipment and Supplies Equipment 5V300-00 5000.00 Iviainten.ance and Rental 800.00 800.00 Library Supplies ' 4t500-00 49500.00 Postage and Freight 1.2000.00 11000.00 Audio- Visual 5,100.00 5,100,00 5. Utilities Water Telephone 2,000.00 21000.00 Electrical Power 200.00 .. 200:00 6. Miscellaneous Surety -Bond and Insurance = -- 5t000.00 59000.00 Legal Fees 1, X00.00 1t500.00 Printing 400-00 400.00 Petty Cash Expenditures -- _- Convention, Professional Duey; Travel 1,000.00 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 400.00 z 400.00 7. Completion of Children's Room 11000.00 19000.00 8. Contingency Fund 11000.00 19000.00 9, Completion of, Library Building 359000-00 35,000-00 SUB TOTAL $2414906.00 $244, 906.00 1, MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND A. Village C. P. A. Services ...2. Library. Audit SUB TOTAL SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND .5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $6,000.0.0 $69000.00 127,200.00 A. Village Board and Clerk 77,873.00 B. General Office 34,030.00 C. Finance Department 28,625.0.0 D. Police Department 623,723.00 E. Village Hall and Annex 34,148.00 F. Village Garage 14,810.00 127,200.00 ice• G. Building Department H. Water Department I. Sewage Treatment Plant, J. Sewer Maintenance and Operation K. Scavenger Service Sub -Total SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A: Street and. Bridge Fund B, Civil Defense Fund C. Illinois Municipal REtirement Fund D. Bond and Interest Fund E. Police Pension Fund F. Public Benefit Fund G. Installment Real Estate Purchase H. Village Library 1. Municipal Audit Tax Fund Sub - Total I 49,324.00 492,52'0.00 108,022.00 110,132.00 289,700.00 1,922,907.00 294., 822.00 9,000.00 54,000.00 270,000.00 38,168.00 27,000.00 3,281.00. 244,906.00 6,000.00. 947,177.00 126,500.00 0 54,000.00 270,000.00 38;168.00 27,000.00, 3,281.00 244,906.00 6,000.00 769,855.00• TOTAL $2,870.084.00. $897,055.00 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED --- - - - = -_ - ------------ - - - - -- $897,855.00 Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County. Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second . Tuesday in September, A. D. 1972; a copy of this ordinance duly certified by.said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall -be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 5th AYES: FIVE. (5) ATTEST: Village Clerk day of September , 19720" NAYS: NONE (0) PROVED: Village President STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK,) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached ordinance is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 5th day of September, 1972. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk SEAL A�!,e